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*,*,How to teach English phoneticsin junior secondary,schools?,Questions for discussion,Why teach phonetics,?,What kind of accent to teach,?,What to teach,?,When to teach phonetics,?,How to teach phonetics,?,Why teach phonetics,?,To help lay a good foundation for learning English,vocabulary,To help with listening and speaking,To affect reading and writing,Why teach phonetics,?,To build up,students,confidence,in learning English,To improve intelligibility,表意,To create a favorable impression,Why is teaching phonetics,important,?,What,problems,do students have with English pronunciation?,Using the wrong sound,Making long vowels short,Leaving sounds out,Why is teaching phonetics,important,?,Adding sounds,Putting stress on the wrong syllable in a word,Putting stress on the wrong word in a sentence,Using the wrong intonation pattern,What,kind of accent to teach,?,What are the main varieties of English accent?,SSB,(Standard Southern British) rather than,RP,(Received Pronunciation),GA,(General American),What kind of accent to teach,?,Which accent should we teach,?,Either SSB or GA as a basis,Better to,expose students to a variety of accents, so that they will be able to understand most people they meet.,What to teach,?,What is required in the Curriculum Standards?,1. Pronunciation of,26 letters,a, e, i (y), o, u in stressed/unstressed syllables,Vowel combinations in stressed syllables,Common vowel combinations in stressed syllables,What to teach,语音教学包含哪些内容?,Consonant combinations (,ch, dg,th,tch, ph,ng,nk,),Consonant clusters (,bl,-,cl,-, fl-,gl,-,br,-,cr,-,sm,-, sp-, pr-,qu,-),Syllabic sounds,(,ble, -,ple, -,cle, -,gle, -,dle, -sin, -ten, -,ven,),2. Word stress and sentence stress,3. Sound variation,liaison,(连读),incomplete explosive,weak form,assimilation,(同化),What to teach,?,4. Intonation and rhythm,sense group and pausing,rising and falling tones,rhythm,What to teach,?,Use of pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm in oral communication,6. Pronunciation and enunciation skills in reading aloud and speeches,7. English pronunciation differences in major English speaking countries (mainly taught in senior high school),What to teach,?,Letters have sounds,A a,H h J j K k,E e,B b C c D d G g P p T t V v,I i,Y y,O o,U u,Q q W w,F f L l M m N n S s X x Z z,R r,方法一:掐头法学读音,读下列辅音字母名称音,将其第一个音去掉,余下的音 即为该字母在单词中的读音。,Ff /,ef,/,Ll,/e,l,/,Mm /,e,m,/,Nn,/e,n,/,Ss /,e,s,/,Xx /,e,ks,/,/f/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/s/,/,ks,/,Example 1,案例一,读下列辅音字母名称音,将其后面的音去掉,余下的音 即为该字母在单词中的读音。,Zz,/,z,i,:/,Vv /,v,i:/,Bb /,b,i:/,Dd,/,d,i,:/,Cc /,s,i,:/,Jj,/,d3,e,I/,Pp /,p,i:/,Kk,/,k,e,I,/,Tt,/,t,i,:/,/b/,/s/ /k/,/d/,/d3/,/k/,/p/,/t/,/v/,/z/,方法二:去尾法学音素,Gg,Hh,Yy,Ww,Rr,读下列辅音字母在单词中的读音与汉语拼音,g,,,h,,,y,,,w,,,r,有相似之处,注意不要混淆。,egg,鸡蛋,hen,母鸡,yes,是的,well,好的,red,红色的,/,g,/,/h/,/j/,/w/,/r/,/,e,g,/,/,h,en/,/,j,es,/,/,w,el,/,/,r,ed/,方法三:对比法学读音,Teach phonetic symbols,(,IPA,)教音标,Vowels and,consonants,元音和辅音的读音示范,有声版国际音标表,a, e, i (y), o, u in stressed syllables,Open Close,a,n,a,me /,e,/ m,a,p /,/,e,w,e,/i:/ w,e,t /e/,i,h,i,/,a,/ h,i,t /,(,y,) wh,y,/,a,/ ph,y,sics /,o,n,o,te /,/ n,o,t /,u,fl,u,te /u:/ fl,u,sh /,a, e, i, o, u, y in unstressed syllables,/ /,a,bout,b,a,nan,a,hundr,e,d,par,e,nt,Apr,i,l,penc,i,l,sec,o,nd,t,o,day,Aug,u,st,s,u,ccess,/ /,or,a,nge,vill,a,ge,secr,e,t,e,leven,tour,i,st,Engl,i,sh,Lil,y,fort,y,Vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,R-syllables,ar,/:/,ar,t c,ar,f,ar,h,ar,d g,ar,den,er,/:/ h,er,h,er,s t,er,m n,er,ve s,er,vice,ir,/:/ s,ir,b,ir,d g,ir,l f,ir,m th,ir,ty,or,/:/,or,f,or,t,or,n m,or,n f,or,ty,ur,/:/,ur,ge f,ur,h,ur,t n,ur,se t,ur,ning,Vowel letter & vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,元音字母及其字母组合在重读音节中的读音,/,i:,/,e ea,ee,i,ie,b,e,ea,ch f,ee,l pol,i,ce f,ie,ld,/,/,i e,b,i,t,E,ngland,/,e,/,e,ea,a,b,e,st h,ea,d m,a,ny,/,/,a,b,a,nk,/,/,u,o,b,u,t c,o,me,love,fr,o,nt m,o,ther,Vowel letter & vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/,:,/,or ore,oor,our al,ar,b,or,n m,ore,d,oor,f,our,c,al,l w,ar,au aw,ou(gh,),c,au,se dr,aw,br,ough,t,/,:,/,a(n,),a(s,),a(th,) al,ar,au,d,a,nce cl,a,ss f,a,ther h,al,f f,ar,m,au,nt,/,e,/,a,ai,ay,eigh,c,a,ge r,ai,n M,ay,eigh,t,/,a,/,i,ie,igh,y,h,i,ke d,ie,l,igh,t fl,y,/,/,o,o(ld,),o(st,),oa,ow,h,o,pe h,o,ld m,o,st r,oa,d gr,ow,Vowel letter & vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/,:,/,er,ir,ur,or ear,c,er,tain f,irs,t t,ur,n w,or,d,ear,ly,/,/,u,oo,ou,full foot could,/,u:,/,u o,oo,ew,bl,u,e m,o,ve c,oo,l fl,ew,/,ju,:,/,u,ew,u,se n,ew,/,/,o a,cr,o,p w,a,nt,Vowel letter & vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/,a,/,ou,ow,c,ou,nt br,ow,n,/,/,oi,oy,c,oi,n t,oy,/,/,ea ear,eer,ere,id,ea,d,ear,d,eer,h,ere,/,e,/,air are ear,eir,ere,ch,air,c,are,b,ear,th,eir,wh,ere,/,/,our,ure,oor,t,our,s,ure,p,oor,Sounds make up words,Letters combine in syllables to make words.,C,V,(,V,),he she no by hi tea die day,V,C(C) at is us on off ebb add ant,C,V,C hat hen did top cut get fan van,C,V,C,E,hate Pete home cute kite fame,CC,V,C thin ship than chat shot knot,pl,ug,C,VV,C lead coat loud food foot dial,C,V,CC fish cash neck bank cent want,Many words follow a regular pattern, but many don,t.,giv,e,hav,e,t,w,o on,e,clim,b,of,t,en We,d,n,e,sday,Can you read these words?,dab den cod cluck braid dado,轻拍 巢穴 鳕 咯咯叫 辫子 墙裙,duck chuck chuckle,抛,扔 暗自笑,lot log loggerhead,原木 笨蛋,fun fund fundamental,基金 基本的,Word syllables,cot,cot,tage,cot,tager,幼儿床 村舍 村民,pan,pan,el,pan,elist,专门小组 小组成员,myth,myth,ical,myth,o,logy,神话的 神话,Assignment 1,作业(,1,),请对您正在使用的一册初中课本中的词汇做一调查,把符合拼读规则的单词挑出来,按照元音字母或元音字母组合在重读音节中的拼读规则归类。,Consonants & common consonant combinations,b /b/,c /k/, /s/,d /d/,f /f/,g /, /,d,/,h /h/,j /,d,/,k /k/,l /l/,,,/,/,m /m/,n /n/,p /p/,q /k/,r /r/,s /s/, /z/,t /t/,v /v/,w /w/,x /,ks,/,y /j/,z /z/,ch,/,t,/, /k/,ck /k/,dr,/,dr,/,ds,/,ds,/,gh,/-/ /f/,kn,/n/,ng,/,ph /f/,sh,/,th,/, /,tr,/,tr,/,ts,/,ts,/,wh,/w/, /h/,wr,/r/,Consonant clusters,/pl-/ please /pr-/ pride /,sl,-/ slow,/,bl,-/ bleed /,fr,-/ fry /,sm,-/ smoke,/fl-/ fleet /,kr,-/ cry /,sn,-/ snow,/,kl,-/ clean /,r,-/,gride,/,sw,-/ swan,/,l,-/ gleam /,br,-/ bright,/sp-/,speak,/,r,-/ through,/,sk,-/,skate,/,st,-/,star,Syllabic sounds,/b/, /p/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /, /f/, /v/,/,s/,/z/,/,/,+ /m/, /n/, /l/,Examples:,able apple little middle uncle,single of,ten,novel per,son,rea,son,bot,tom,se,ven,pencil puzzle les,son,fa,shion,ver,sion,Assignment 2,作业(,2,),请根据前面列举的辅音字母和辅音字母组合的拼读规则,从现行初中课本中找出合适的例词来,完成以下表格。表格的开头示例如下:,辅音字母和辅音字母组合的读音,b /b/ back bag buy table bring bright,c /k/ car cat card catch close clean,/s/ face city pencil,Word stress,A word with two or more than two syllables has word stress.,Two syllables,doctor teacher worker .,again repeat excuse .,Word stress,Three syllables or more,elephant Saturday exercise visitor .,tomato expensive suggestion . .,a,bility,al,ternative,Sentence stress,a,book,a,Chi,nese book,ink,and,pa,per,Liaison,a,n,E,nglish class brea,d,a,nd milk,i,t,i,s the,r,e,i,s goo,d,i,dea,thin,k a,bou,t,i,t a,s,a,matte,r,o,f fact,Incomplete explosion,righ,t,now aroun,d,the corner,don,t,know eg,g,plant,eigh,t,pi,c,tures as,k,the do,c,tor,Sound change,Woul,d,you.? Nice to mee,t,you.,Di,d,you.?,Intonation,the falling and rising tones,I,m an English teacher.,Sit down, please.,. .,.,.,.,Intonation,the falling and rising tones,Whose eraser is this?,Is the book on the shelf yours?,Are the boxes yours or theirs?, ,.,.,.,. _,.,. _,.,. _,.,You don,t have any brother or sister, do you?,What a beautiful day, isn,t it,?, .,.,.,. .,.,., .,. .,., . ,., .,., .,., .,.,., ,Sense group,pausing and rhythm,Twin,kle,twin,kle,lit,tle,star,How,I,won,der ,what,you,are,.,Up,a,bov,e the,world,so,high,Like,a,di,amond,in,the,sky,.,Twin,kle,twin,kle,lit,tle,star,How,I,won,der ,what,you,are,.,He,said,that,he,wou,ldn,t be,a,ble to,com,e,to,mo,rrow,.,Assignment 3,作业(,3,),请朗读下面一首小诗,并标出重读音节和语调:,Who has seen the wind?,Neither I nor you.,But when the leaves hang trembling,The wind is passing thro.,Assignment 3,作业(,3,),请朗读下面一首小诗,并标出重读音节和语调:,Who has seen the wind?,Neither you nor I.,But when the trees bow down their heads,The wind is passing by., Cristina Rossetti,When to teach phonetics,?,Pronunciation practice should come more often at the beginning stage.,Correcting a pronunciation error on the spot,语音教学贯穿英语教学的全过程,When to teach phonetics,?,A planned activity which is in conjunction with focus on words and structure.,结合词汇与句型教学,Phonetics should be taught in connection with meaningful language practice (e.g. with listening, speaking, reading and writing practice).,结合四项技能训练进行,Three stages of phonetic teaching in junior high school,Stage 1 From letters to sounds:,a,n,a,me,e,h,e,i,k,i,te,o,n,o,u,bl,u,e,Stage 2 From sounds to letters or letter combinations:,/,i:,/,e,ea,ee,i,ie,b,e,ea,ch f,ee,l pol,i,ce f,ie,ld,Three stages of phonetic teaching in junior high school,Stage 3,Suprasegmental,features (,超切分音位特征,即朗读技巧),word stress, sentence stress, liaison, explosive, assimilation, intonation, pause, rhythm, etc,How to teach phonetics,怎样教语音?,Contrast English features with Chinese features (language transfer and interference),Phonic work without learning IPA (,国际音标),Teach phonetic symbols,(,IPA,),How to teach phonetics,?,Connect phonetic teaching with practice of words, phrases,,,sentences, texts, etc,Train the ears and tongue through listening and speaking,Use computers to teach,pronunciation and intonation,Contrast English features with Chinese features,Similar but not exactly the same,A a ,爱,E e ,衣,I i ,哀,O o ,欧,U u ,幼,English voiced consonants are much stronger than the Chinese ones,Contrast English features with Chinese features,Some consonants are almost the same,f l,English unvoiced consonants are much weaker than the Chinese ones,Some consonants are not available in,Chinese,v,Some consonant combinations are very close,c(/ts,/),z(/dz,/),ch,ng,sh,j m n w,Analyze students common problems,What are some of your students,problems in pronunciation in your area? Can they tell the difference between the following pairs of sounds?,/l, n/,/n,/,/t,/,/l, r/,/,d/,/,s, /,/v,w,/,/e, a/,/s,/,/z,/,/i:,/,/,e,/,/,e,/,/e, e/,/,/,北京,湖南,四川,湖北,东北,江苏,上海,How to help correct students,errors in pronouncing sounds,Playing with the tongue,Use graphs, fingers, mimics, etc.,How to help correct students,errors in pronouncing sounds,Accustoming the ear,Use minimal pairs,(最小对立体),A sheep,A ship,/ i:/,sh,ee,p,/ i /,sh,i,p,Whats this?,Oh! Its a sh,ee,p!,Whats that?,Oh! Its a sh,i,p!,A sh,ee,p is not a sh,i,p!,A sh,i,p is not a sh,ee,p!,/ e /,b,e,d,/,/,c,a,t,Example 3,案例三 :广东韶关陈文英、邓彩芬老师提供,Whats this?,Its a b,e,d.,Whats on the bed?,Oh! My god! Its a c,a,t!,A c,a,t is on the b,e,d!,/ 3: /,/,/,a b,ir,d,th,e,work,er,Th,e,w,or,k,er,has,a,b,ir,d.,the w,or,ker,/,a,:/,f,a,ther,F,a,ther is not,fa,de,(,拼音,);,爸爸,is not,/,ba,:,ba,:/,/,/,m,o,ther,F,a,ther and m,o,ther, m,o,ther and f,a,ther, they give me a h,u,g(,拥抱,)!,/ : /,d,oo,r,/,D,/,d,o,g,Look! Its a d,oo,r.,Whats behind the d,oo,r,?,Oh, its a d,o,g.,A d,o,g is behind the d,oo,r.,c,oo,l,l,oo,k,Oh, you l,oo,k so c,oo,l,!,/ /,/u:/,/ I/,n,a,me,I,m,y,e,/ I/,a,Whats your n,a,me?,My n,a,me is M,i,ke.,Whats your n,a,me?,I,am K,a,te.,b,oy,g,oa,l (,得分,进球,射门,),/,i/,/3:/,g,ir,l,A g,oa,l and a g,ir,l,.,/,/,The g,ir,l is kicking a g,oal,.,The b,oy,is looking at the g,ir,l.,We kick a g,oa,l but cant kick a g,ir,l,.,/,a,/,ou,t,h,ere,th,ere,s,ure,Lets say it,ou,t: H,ere,and th,ere, we are the best!,Are you s,ure,?,Yes! H,ere,and th,ere, we are the best!,/i /,/,e,/,/,/,Connect phonetic teaching with practice of words, phrases,,,sentences, texts, etc,English alphabet,英语字母,Sounds,音素,Words,词,Phrases,短语,Sentences,句子,Texts,话语、篇章、课文,Practical Writing,应用文,Stories/ Novels,故事、小说,Reports,报道文,Poems,诗歌,Letters,Diaries,Messages,Computer-aided teaching of pronunciation,Pronunciation power,by English Computerized Learning Inc., Blackstone Multimedia Corporation (animations showing how sounds are produced; sound discrimination),Compare the user,s waveform with the sample,Example 4,Ar,makes / sound.,Er,ir, or,ur,make / or / sound.,Today is T,ur,tles b,ir,thday.,She is wearing a sk,ir,t.,Here comes her friend b,ir,d.,Happy b,ir,thday to you, T,ur,tle!,Reference,课程教材研究所:新中国中小学教材建设史,1949-2000,研究丛书英语卷,人教社,,2010,年,10,月,G.,Poedjosoedarmo,中小学英语教师发展丛书,语音教学入门,人民教育出版社,,2007,年,10,月,教语音,教外国学生说英语的参考书,中国人民大学出版社,,2002,年,6,月,曲明文主编:英语语音进阶,上海交通大学出版社,,1999,年,9,月,葆青, 实用英语语音, 高等教育出版社,,1988,唐锡玲、黄秀萍,英语语音基础,东北师大出版社,,2001,Thanks,!,


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