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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 School life,Period Five Grammar,1,Tom has,many,magazines.,John has,more,magazines than Tom.,Jack has,the most,magazines of the three.,Jack has,few,erasers.,John has,fewer,erasers than Tom.,Tom has,the fewest,erasers of all.,Tom,John,Jack,magazine,s,10,20,30,eraser,s,1,2,3,A. Comparing the amount of things,2,Andy (,300),Betty (,100),Daniel (,50),Daniel _,has the most money,has more money than,has much money.,Andy _ of all.,Betty_ Daniel.,3,I have,a little,money.,I (,10),you (,2),You _ money _ me.,she (,1),She _money of all.,have less,than,has the least,4,Comparing the amount of things,many ( +可数名词),much (+不可数名词),more,the most,more than 比多 (两者之间比较),the most 最多 (三者或三者以上),few (+可数名词),fewer,the fewest,little (+不可数名词),less,the least,fewerthan lessthan,(比少),the fewest,the least,(最少),5,SB Page 23 A1. Comparing school lives,1. more fewer most,2. more fewer fewest,3. less more least most,6,我的书比你的多。,我们学校的学生比他们学校的少。(,2,),在我们五个中,,Tom,听课最认真。,你越认真听课,你的英语就会学得更好。,越来越多的学生学习得越来越努力了。,7,Adjectives and adverbs:,Amy speaks _ English (,好,).,Amy speaks English _ (,好,),How are you?,I am very _. (,身体好),2.The eggs smell _ (,坏,).,The singer sang _ (,坏,).,3.Youll find it _ to solve the problem (,容易,).,Youll solve it _ (,容易,).,well,good,badly,bad,easy,easily,well,8,Work out the rule:,1.形容词修饰名词,放在名词前做定语,2.形容词放在连系动词后面做表语,3.形容词做宾语补足语(make sb happy),4.副词修饰动词或形容词或副词,9,bright careful,happ,y,luck,y,hard high,good bad,wid,e,rud,e,terribl,e,possibl,e,特殊:true,bright,ly,-careful,ly,副词的构成:,-happ,i,ly,-luck,i,ly,-hard,-high,-,well,-bad,ly,-wid,e,ly,-rude,ly,-terrib,ly,-possib,ly,-tru,ly,10,Millie,came third,in the race. She ran,fast,.,Sandy,came second,in the race. She ran,faster than,Millie.,Amy,came first,in the race. She ran,the fastest,.,B.comparative and superlative adverbs,11,We can form comparative and superlative adverbs in the same way as we do for comparative and superlative adjectives.,12,comparative and superlative adverbs:,hard,er,the,hard,est,high,er,the,high,est,more,quickly,the most,quickly,more,carefully,the most,carefully,better the best,worse the worst,farther / further,the farthest / the furthest,hard,high,quickly,carefully,well,badly,far,13,SB Page 24: My classmates,1. well better the best,2. high higher the highest,3. fast faster the fastest,4. quickly more quickly the most quickly,14,Comparatives and superlatives of adverbs:,根据句意, 写出括号中所给词的正确形式.,1. She sang even _ (差) than usual.,2. Mother asked her son to walk a bit _ (快).,3. Of all the novels I like this one _ (最).,4. Who can jump _ (高) in your class?,5. He should speak _ (少) and,do,_ (多).,best,worse,faster,(the) highest,less,more,6. The _ (努力) you work, the _ (好) harvest youll have.,harder,better,15,


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