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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012/3/12,#,shocked look on the face,to sit next to sb.,sense of humor,to cut 1-1/2 minutes off,consistent good humor,to reach for,to feel quite fatigued,to stride into the cold breeze,to be rebellious on the matter,on one occasion,1,to make quick work,to swear at sb.,not to take much notice of,to be thankful for sth.,to have the courage to persist,after each pass,to work without rest,in a tone,a fourth-place national ranking,to miss the cut for the Olympics,2,confront the weaknesses and strengths of sb.,enhance our relationship,subtle forms of hatred,the continual source of strength,take the time to do sth.,go through a painful divorce,for a time,have a negative effect on,a budding relationship,spread the news to ones family,3,counsel sb. to do sth.,have nothing to do with sth.,on the surface,approach sth. with an honest attitude,learn of ,have problems with,take care of ,make it very clear that ,proceed to do sth.,resolve all doubt,4,to have (no) illusions about ,to be involved with sth.,to work out,to be supportive of,to harbor reservations about,5,to volunteer for military service,to wish sb. safety,on the day of departure,to appreciate sbs support,to read sbs letter again and again,to receive sbs reply,during the difficult days of war,without decrease,to decline ones request,to explain ones objection,6,to be free to do sth.,to feel a connection with sb.,right away,like springtime comes alive,smile forms on ones lips,to go sbs way,to make one step closer to sb.,a woman well past forty,to identify him to others,to be thankful to sb. for sth.,7,to focus ones eyesight on,to forbid from ,to compress into,to long for ,to resist the urge to ,8,to weep for,a package of (cigarettes),with a cigarette in ones mouth,glowing eyes,dressed in a black dress coat,embarrassing to hear,unnoticeable at first,drag away / smoke like chimneys,as in American inner cities,at a family reunion,9,near the very end of his life,to quit / stop smoking,advertisement signs,a form of self-battering,over time,be likely to,a bunch of (flowers),no-smoking zone,to sit by,through the years,10,close at hand,to,be grateful for,to,be stuck in,to leave sb. low,to,starve of ,11,


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