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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,强强联合 国际国内顶尖教育机构深度融合!,群星闪烁 整合业界权威名师、就业专家!,智能互动 创造课程追踪,轻松学习模式!,目标明确 全力提高学生就业力!,时代英杰 中国职前教育专家,1,Career Development,中国国际金融公司人力资源总经理,肖 南,2,Career motivators at different stages,Career analysis,Industry analysis,Hard skills v.s. soft skills,Does experience count,Some tips on career path management,Q&A,Contents,3,Pay,Corporate Image,Know-how,1 Different career stages may have different motivational needs,4,Bureaucratic,Professional,Entrepreneurial,Career Form,Essence,Security,Skill and knowledge,Risk for reward,Examples,Civil servants, managers, office staff,Lawyers, Accountants, Bankers,Company founders,Key value,Obedience to superior authority,Moral agents,Self-interest,Risks/opportunities,Low,Medium,High,Basis for pay,Job/role,Skill and reputation,Margin on value added,Sources: Hewitt Associates,2.1 Career analysis,5,2.2 Balance of career,6,The expert,The portfolio manager,The traditionalist,The planful entrepreneur,The spontaneous entrepreneur,2.3 5 Career Models by Jim Biolos,7,The Expert,Little interest in general management responsibilities,Focused on skills and expertise development,Motivation,: new skills to do things,The Traditionalist,Striving for the executive suite,Political, trying to identify the career steps to the senior management,Loving power and influence to the organization,Motivation,:well-defined roles and responsibilities,The Portfolio Manager,Pursue portfolio careers, including a variety of work experience and skills: in sales, management, marketing, accounting,Motivation: personal growth, creativity and independence,MBA is designed for portfolio career,The Planful Entrepreneur,Working in an organization but always thinking of using the skills learned to start up own business,Have very clear goals in mind to do something on their own,The Spontaneous Entrepreneur,Passionate about an idea,Willing to sacrifice the comforts that other models offer,2.4 Career models for the 21st century - Jim Biolos,8,Consumer goods+5%,Manufacturing+10%,Professional services,Investment banks+25%,Consulting firms+25%,Accounting firms+25%,Law firms+25%,Hospital?,University?,IT/High-Tech+20%,Entrepreneur?,GovernmentN/A,3.1 Profit margin by industry(a gut feeling),9,Cost of sales approach,a percentage of sales is earmarked for pay and benefit expenses,Cost of labour approach,the cost of each job is aggregated to generate the compensation cost in relation to sales,3.2 Industry pay philosophy,10,Hard skills (how tos),Skills acquired in through formal education,E.g. math, foreign language, physics, finance, accounting, etc,The technical knowledge needed to do a job. They are the cumulative product of experience, training, and education.,E.g. operate a computer, know Excel, know Word,2.,Soft skills,Skills acquired in your early childhood and learned by experience,E.g. interpersonal skills, communication skills, creativity, thinking ability, etc.,A combined product of a persons aptitude and values,E.g. being sensitive to the needs of others, being courteous, being honest, being reliable, etc,4 Hard skills v.s. soft skills - which is more important?,11,Experience v.s. Competency,General experience is being replaced by specialized experience,Specialized experience is being replaced by competency,Life span of knowledge is getting shorter and shorter,5 Does experience count?,12,Pay*rate of return,?,=,Pay*rate of return,*,growth,=,?,6 Job v.s. Career,13,Consistent in your career path,Specialized in one area, generalized in one field with the help of the corporation,Advancement,Responsibility lies on you,Know your orientation,Aim to be 100%,Write a in-dated resume,7.1 Some tips on career path management,14,7.2 Some tips on career path management,(,2,),Ask regularly for feedback,What else besides money?,Dont be good at your job (rather, be good at the,skills,required for the job),Find a right boss,If you dont know what you want, copy someone else first (model, coach, mentor),Network to find the Best-in-class,Watch out for cliffs and plateaus,Incorporate YOU, INC.,Sell your next assignment (ie. realistically find an organizational need and service it!),15,Hard Work Expected and Respected,Tough to Break In,Analyst Jobs Are the Best Entry Point,Communication and Completion Abilities Key,Math Skills Can Help,Accounting Skills Valuable,Teamwork Crucial,Scientists and Lawyers Wanted,Contacts are Everything,7.3 Career in investment banks,16,7.4 profile,Education,Background,Passion,Know-how,Traits,Others,17,Graduate is a product,University is a factory,Course structure is mode of production,Faculty members are designers and producers,A product will remain as a product unless it has a price in the market and the price is market-determined,7.5 Always think market,18,Questions and Answers,19,


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