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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,If 条件句的用法,the us,age,of conditional,条件句,条件句(,conditional,)是由 条件状语分句(if 分句) + 主句 构成的复杂句,(complex sentence),。,一共分为三种,(3 types),1 if whenever,(the meaning is close to),2 主将状从现,3虚拟,真实条件句,非真实条件句,The type 1 :,ifwhenever,Type 1,是真实条件句(,Real Conditional,)的一种。在这种条件句中,,if,的意义接近于,whenever,,所以这种句型又被称为“,whenever-,型”,可用于,3,种 场合:,1,、表示普遍真理和客观事实 (,tell the truth),For example:, If you,pour,oil on water, it,floats,., If the temperature,drops,to 0 degrees Centigrade, water,freezes,.,总结:由上两例可看出,凡表示不受时间限制的自然法则的条件句,其,if-,分句和主句的谓语动词都用,一般现在时,:,Pattern,:(,if) simple present +(Main) simple present,2,、表示现在习惯动作,For example:, If it,rains, I,go,to work by bus.,If I,make,a promise, I,keep,it .,总结:在上述表示现在习惯动作的条件句中,,if-,分句和主句的谓语动词也都是用,一般现在时,:,Pattern,:,(,if) simple present +(Main) simple present,3,、表示过去的习惯动作,For example:,If I,was,hungry, I usually,had,a full meal.,总结:表示过去习惯动作的条件句中,,If-,分句和主句的谓语动词都用,一般过去时,。,Pattern,:(,if,),simple past +,(,Main ) simple past.,The type 2 :,主将状从现,Type 2,是真实条件句的主体,最普遍最常用。(是重点),一、基本形式:,(2,种),1,、,if-,分句用一般现在时表示将来时间,主句用,shall / will / can / may,(现在时),Pattern :,(,if,),simple present +,(,Main,),shall / will,,,etc,例句:, If I,see,him again, I,will tell,him what you said., What,will happen,if they,cant reach,an agreement?, If you set your alarm clock , you wont be late tomorrow.,2,、,if ,分句 用一般现在时表示将来时间,主句用动词祈使式:,Pattern :,(,If,),simple present +,(,Main,),imperative,例句:, If you,wake up,before me,give,me a call ., If you,go out,this room,turn off,the lights.,二、变体形式(,3,种),1,、,if-,分句动词不管主语的人称和数如何,一律用,should+,不定式,主句动词可根据语义意图采用不同形式。,Example,:, If it,should rain,again, the flowers will bloom., If you should come tomorrow, I would tell you the truth.,说明:在这里,,should,仅表示一种不太肯定的婉转口气,并不影响条件的真实性。,2,、在,if-,分句中用“,will+,不定式”并不单纯表示将来意义,这里的,will,是个表示“意愿”的情态助动词,= be willing to,example :, If you,will reserve,seats , we shall be sure of a comfortable journey.,3,、用,would,还是表示“意愿”,常用于 客气的请求,这时,主语动词既可用,will/shall +inf.,也可用,would /should / could/ might +inf.,Example :, If you,would try,Italian food , you,would like,it.,注意: 省略了,to,willing to reserve,虚拟(第三条件句第四条件句),这种是非真实条件句(unreal conditional) 的一种。所谓“非真实条件”,在语义上包含着不同程度的“非真实性”。这种类型的条件句也可分为基本形式和变体形式。,虚拟,基本类型,(if)simple past /,were,+ (main) would (could ,might,etc) +inf,例如,If we caught the 10 oclock train, we,would,(could,might,ect),get,there by lunch-time.,主句动词都用would could might ,etc 不定式。但可能性的程度不一样,If I,knew,how it worked, I,could tell,you what to do .,(,条件与现实相反,根本不可能告诉对方做什么),虚拟,这种句型的动词形式还可根据语义意图采用进行体形式。,If we were on holiday now , we,d be having,a wonderful time,虚拟,变体形式,(If) were to +inf+(main)would,etc+inf,例:,If our train,were to arrive,punctually, we,should have,time to visit your sister.,要注意表示非真实条件的were to 与表示“义务”(obligation) 的am / is / are to 和was/ were to 的区别,虚拟,If he were to get in touch with me , I could explain.,= Supposing he got in touch with me.(非真实条件),If he was to get in touch with me , why hasnt he done so ?,= If the arrangement was that he should get in touch with me , why.? (表示“义务”),里一个变体是在if-分句中用would + 不定式 表示不大可能实现的意愿,If you,d cook,the dinner , i,d do,the washingup afterwards.(省略 to),虚拟,(If) had + -ed 分词 +Main would (could might,ect) have-ed分词,例如,If we,had caought,the 10 oclock train ,we,would have got,there by lunch-time.,We,would /could /might have called,you if we,had known,your telephone number,虚拟,如果句子的前半段 (if -分句) 是表现现在不大可能实现的条件,而后半段(主句)却表示与过去事实相反的情况,前后在逻辑意义上不相协调。但在保证句子合乎逻辑的前提下,也可根据语义意图混合实用俩种句型的动词形式,If he,had wanted,to dance ,I,d have taken,him to discotheque(迪斯科舞厅),虚拟,第四条件句的变体形式,(If)were to have + -ed 分词 +Main would (could, might, ect)have -ed 分词,例如,If you,were to have asked,me , I,would have been,only too willing to help.,虚拟,30分,20分,40 分,10 分,1,0分题,I used to walk to work.But if it _(rain), I went by bus.,rained,2,0分题,If you move to your left, you _(be)able to see the church,will be,30分题,He could repair the roof himself if he _(have) a long ladder.,had,40,分题,If the story hadnt been ture, the newspaper _(not print) it .,wouldnt have printed,congratulations !,if i were a boy beyonce,If I,were,a boy,Even just for a day,I,d roll outta bed,in the morning,And throw on what I wanted then go,Drink beer with the guys,And chase after girls,Id kick it with who I wated,And Id never get confronted for it.,Cause theyd stick up for me.,If I were a boy,I think I could understand,How it feels to love a girl,I swear Id be a better man.,Id listen to her,Cause I know how it hurts,When you lose the one you wanted,Cause hes taken you for granted,And everything you had got destroyed,If I were a boy,I would turn off my phone,Tell evveryone its broken,So theyd think that I was sleepin alone,Id put myself first,And make the rules as I go,Cause I know that shed be faithful,Waitin for me to come home (to come home),Its a little too late for you to come back,Say its just a mistake,Think Id forgive you like that,If you thought I would wait for you,You thought wrong,But youre just a boy,You dont understand,Yeah you dont understand,How it feels to love a girl someday,You wish you were a better man,You dont listen to her,You dont care how it hurts,Until you lose the one you wanted,Cause youve taken her for granted,And everything you have got destroyed,But youre just a boy,thanks,


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