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Encyclopedia,ERP,CMS,SCM,EIP,eStrategy,Solution & Service,-,SI Development & Solutions,Marketing,Sales,Services,One-Stop,Service,10%,10%,5%,5%,BSP,IT consulting,IT development,IT management,N/W management,New technology,Wireless Internet,Web Contents,Web Mailing,Web SI,eBiz,Solutions & Service,BSP A,rea,Internet Area,SI Area,NI Area,Consulting Area,BSP MU :,(Business Service Provider Management Unit),Internet Area,BSP A,rea,SI Area,NI Area,55%,15%,20%,10%,eBiz,Solutions & Service,Consulting for,eBiz,eStrategy,Consulting.,eManagement,Consulting,eBusiness,Restructure Consulting,e-CRM,e-Marketing Consulting,e-Solution/ e-Infra/ e-Infra,SI consulting &,management,Network Integration /,Automation System,IT development &,management,SCM,CRM,e-Supply chain Management,e-Customer Relationship Management,E-biz transformation,System,-, , ,-, ,-, ,- Supply Chain, ,ERP/EIP,e-Business Perspective,eBiz,Consulting,e-Marketing & Promotion,eCreative,& Contents,eBiz,SI & Solutions,eBiz,Service Domain,eBiz,Total,Service,e-CRM function,e-Customer Relationship Management,e-CRM,e-CRM,Adaptation,Analysis,Data Gathering,eBiz,Solution,analysis,_,e-CRM, , ,/, , , , , , , ,46%,22%,19%,Source:Executive Issues Survey CEO Global Business Study,The Alexander Group, Incorporated, , , , ,7%,6%,Summary, ,?,CEO, , ,1, ,2,3, ,4,/, ,5,Restructuring,6, ,7,(Globalization),8, ,9,(Geopolitical), ,1, ,2, ,3, ,4, ,5, ,6, ,7,Restructuring,8,(Globalization),9, ,(Value-Added Supplier Relationships), ,1., ,5., , ,4.,3.,2.,1., ,(, ,), ,?, ,?, ,Site, ,?, ,Site, ,Site, ,(, , ,), ,?, ,/, ,?, ,?, ,?, ,?, , , , , , , , , ,eCRM,e-CRM, ,1,2,3,2, ,90, , , ,:,60%,(,80 90%,), , ,:,40%,2,3.,2.,4.,5.,6.,1.,2, , ,(,),/,: 100,/,: 10,/,(,), , , ,-, , , ,:, ,5 ,Strategy,Contents,Solution,B,rand,A,B,rand,B,(,),Ebiz, , , ,B,rand,C,Summary,-,Integration Branding & Identity,Off-line,On-line Business, , ,WCMS,e-CRM, ,1. 7, ,(,),2. Web Solution, ,Off line Business,On line Business, ,Vision,Mission,Planning,1.,Summary,-, ,Supplier,Customer,eCompany,e-Business Sector & Solutions,Partner,Stockholder,Employee,IPS,SCM,IRM,PRM,e-Marketing,GW+KMS,EDMS,Buy Side,Sell Side,ERP,EIP,Customer,Partner,Shareholder,Employee,service,sell,production,supply,Material,e-Business Solutions,SCM,e-PMS,KMS/GW,EDMS,CRM/e-CRM,e-Marketplace,CMS,ERP,EIP,e-marketing,Sales,Team,System,Team,Consulting,Team,SI MU,Network,Team,Automation,System,Team,Enterprise,Network,Team,NI MU,eBiz,CRM,EIP,R&D,eBiz,Collaboration Network,Web Agency Service Domain,Web Building,Web Solution,Web Consulting,Web CI,Web Design,Web application,e-Business Consulting,Market Analysis,e-Business,Value Chain,e-Marketing,E-CRM,e-Marketplace,SCM,Supplier,Customer,Supplier,Customer, , ,Order Fulfillment, , ,Consulting,Marketing,Contents,Flash,Design,Coding,CTI,UMS,Mailing,Server,D/B,Creative,Interaction,System,ebiz,Integration,Strategy,Sopping,eCRM,IRM,VOC/,RMS,e-,Learning,Interactive Full Service, ,ebiz, ,eSolution,eBiz,Sector & Solution, , ,eSolution, ,LIFE,System,INFORMATION,COMMUNICATION,Techno,Village,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,Mail+SMS+Fax,+, ,DB, ,/,eBiz,Total Service,eBiz,Strategy,eBiz,Operation,eBiz,Consulting,Planning,Contents,Solution,eBusiness Integrator,eBiz,Building,Marketing,eBiz,total service,eBusiness,Transformation,Supplier,Supplier,Supplier,stockholder,Employees,On-line,Off-line,SCM,ERP,IPS,eCompany,EIP/KMS/GW,IRM/RMS/PRM,WebSite,CRM/CP,Partners,PACS,ERP,CRM,EIP,Mailing,B2Emall,Integration,Developers,Web Service,Enterprise,Solution,Business Fields :,SI Development & Solutions,eCompany,SCM/IPS,DW/CRM,Customer,Stockholder,Supplier,eCompany,IRM/RIS,GW/KMS,ERP/EIP,Data,Integration,Enterprise CRM,eCRM,Data Warehousing/Integration,Web LogData,Data Base,TransactionData,Customer,Profile,SM MU,SI MU,NI MU,R&D MU,eBiz,Total Service,eBiz,Total Service, ,Service,Sales,CRM,Data Warehousing/Integration,SMS,Channel,Web FAX,Channel,eMail,Channel,Web Site,Channel,Post,channel,Consumer,Investor,Purchaser,Analyst,The press,Club,Marketing,Customer Interaction Platforms,Interaction Management Infrastructure,Customer Communications,e,-CRM, ,e,-CRM,Service,Sales,CRM,Data Warehousing/Integration,SMS,Channel,Web FAX,Channel,eMail,Channel,Web Site,Channel,Post,channel,Consumer,Investor,Purchaser,Analyst,The press,Club,Marketing,Customer Interaction Platforms,Interaction Management Infrastructure,Customer Communications,E-Mail,EDMS,GW,KMS,2,(, ,),ERP,1,(, ,),CRM,SCM,E-Planning,Office Management System,Customer A,Customer B,Customer C,Supplier A,Supplier B,Supplier C,55%,15%,20%,10%,eBiz Consulting,eBiz Solutions,eBiz Integration,eBiz,Solutions & Service,Internet Area,BSP A,rea,SI Area,NI Area,55%,15%,20%,10%,eCRM,WCMS,IRM/PRM,Mailing,MES,CTI,PABX,IBS,Network Integration,Automation System,Enterprise Network,CRM/DW,EIP/EKP,ERP/SCM,GW/KMS,SI consulting,SI development,SI management,Web consulting,Web development,Web management,NI Area,SI Area,Web SI Area,eBiz,Solutions & Service,Web SI Area,SI A,rea,NI Area,System Area,DW/E-CRM / CRM,E-Marketplace,SCM,ElS,GW/KMS,ERP,CMS,Management,& Business,B2B,Marketplace,IPS,EIP/EKP,PMS,Partner,& Supplier,Customer,B2E,B2C,B2M,eBiz,Sector & Solutions,2004, , , ,Consulting,eSolution,2004,Web Building,Web integration,Publishing,DB generation,Web Design,Company Organization,Company,Organization,eBiz,Solution,Consulting,Internet,Biz,System,Solution Mu,R&D MU,Planning MU,INFRA MU,Organization,Planning & Public,Supporting Team,President & CEO,CS team,Biz 1 team,Biz 2 team,Biz 3 team,Sales 1 team,Sales 2 team,SI System team,SI Develop team,Sales 1 team,Sales 2 team,Automation team,Network team,Consulting 1 team,Consulting 2 team,Consulting 3 team,eBiz,team,Solution team,SI MU,INFRA MU,Consulting MU,R&D MU,BSP MU,INFRA MU,sales 1 team,Sales 2 team,Automation team,Network team,Consulting MU,Consulting 1 team,Consulting 2 team,Consulting 3 team,R&D,eBiz,team,Mbiz,team,SI MU,Sales 1 team,Sales 2 team,SI System team,SI Develop team,BSP MU,CS team,Biz 1 team,Biz 2 team,Biz 3 team,Organization,How to reach online user and provide,Customised,In-depth product information?,How to sell products and process orders,Over the Web?,What are new offerings, unique to the Web?,How to,revolutionise,business models and,shift value creation?,Product/Service,Innovation,Business,Model,Innovation,Marketing Innovation,Channel Innovation,Source : Arthur,D.Little,eBusiness,Perspective,( e-Business, ,),Channel Enhancement,Value Chain Integration,Convergence,Industry,Transformation, , , , ,Win-Win, , (: ,), , , ,:,PwC,eBusiness, ,Web SI,-,Web SI Consulting,-,Web Applications,- Web Solutions,e-Biz / M-biz,- e-Biz Consulting,- e- Biz Integration,-,e-Biz Solutions,e-Biz Total,- e-Total Consulting,-,e- Biz Total Integration,- e- Biz Total Solution,Business Value,100,250,300, , ,120,400,700,Degree of Innovation, , ,Web build,-,Web Planning,-,Design/Component,50%,15%,10%,10%,15%,30%,20%,30%,7%,10%,5%,SCM,CMS,ERM,ERP,KMS,HRM,SCM,(,Supply Chain Management),2004,2003,ERM,(,Enterprise Resource Management),SI Development & Solutions,eBiz,Service & Solutions,10%,15%,20%,55%,200,8,Web Service & Solution,eBiz,Consulting,SI Service & Solution,Network Integration, ,IT,., ,:,IT, , ,IT, ,10, ,20, ,50, ,100, ,100, ,43%,24%,22%,6%,4%,100, ,(845, ,),20%,34%,40%,10, ,(4,159, ,),5, ,10, ,100, ,200, ,200, , ,Internet,Internet,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,.,.,.,1,2,3,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Factor,组装,运输,分销,/,配送,零售商,供应商,A,B,C,2,3,4,5,6,1,3.,2.,4.,1.,1,2,5,3,4,D,A,B,C,B,E,I,F,G,H,I,B,G,H,The Supply Chain Process Model,Plan,Source,Make,Deliver,Supply Chain Mission & Strategy,Brand Development,Brand Development,Customer,Development,Customer,Development,Suppliers,Suppliers,Consumers,&,Customers,Consumers,&,Customers,Information Management,Human Resource Management,Quality & Business Excellence,Finance Management,Safety, Health & Environment,Technology Management,Product,Description of the companys products,1,000,000,Product,Description of the companys products,900,000,Product,Description of the companys products,1,100,000,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Contents text,Contents text,1. Describe contents for a Chart,Description of the companys sub contents,Description of the companys sub contents,2. Describe contents for a Chart,Description of the companys sub contents,Description of the companys sub contents,Chart Title in here,Products,Description of the companys products,Service,Description of the companys service,Technology,Description of the companys technology,Market,Description of the companys market,Text,Text,Text,Text,Title,Add your text,Add your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Add your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Description of the products,Description of the business,Description of the business,Description of the products,Description of the business,Description of the products,Description of the products,Description of the business,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Title,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,Your,Slogan,here,10%,5%,60%,25%,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Click to add Text,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Add your text in here,Subtitle,Subtitle,Subtitle,Subtitle,A title about content,Subtitle01,Subtitle02,Subtitle03,Subtitle04,2005,Company Content,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,


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