品牌转换模型(Product Quest)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,ProductQuest,Product Life Cycle,ProductQuest,Feasibility,Evaluation,Tracking,Maturity,2,INFORMATION,Consumerevaluation,HEDONIC,- liking,- purchase intent,Intensity databy trained orconsumer panels,“Just right” databy consumer panels,PERCEPTION,- attribute data,Laboratoryanalysis,ANALYTICAL,- chemicalcontent,3,Feasibility Stage,Product Feasibility,Early evaluation of prototype products,Identify opportunities, understand risks of product weaknesses, provide R&D with improvement direction,Explore categories for opportunities,5,Output - Product Profile,Cocoa aroma,Cocoa flavour,Malt/Cereal aroma,Creamy texture,Bitter aftertaste,Astringent aftertaste,Sweet flavour,Soy aftertaste,Dairy/Milky aroma,Coffee flavour,Roasted aroma,Mouthcoat aftertaste,Overall liking,Weight,0.87,0.77,-0.67,0.62,-0.62,-0.62,0.53,-0.50,0.23,0.12,0.11,0.10,6,Output - Perceptual map,7,Evaluation Stage,Product Evaluation,Test improved products vs. competitors,Fine-tuning product to optimum level prior to launch,Can include other marketing components - concept, pack, price, etc = Fine-tuning marketing mix prior to launch,9,Output - Product Profile,Sweetness,Richness,Colour,Strength of coffee flavour,Roast taste,Creaminess,Consistency,Overall liking,10,Too weak,Too weak,Too light,Too weak,Too weak,Not enough,Not enough,7,18,6,43,23,18,15,Sweetness,Richness,Colour,Strength of coffee flavour,Roast taste,Creaminess,Consistency,% Just Right,26,11,10,3,5,9,6,Too strong,Too strong,Too dark,Too strong,Too strong,Too much,Too smooth,68,72,84,55,72,74,79,Product A,Output - Penalty Analysis,A is too sweet, too weak in coffee flavour and too weak in roast taste,-2.1,-1.9,-1.9,-1.2,-1.0,-1.4,-1.0,-1.1,-1.4,-1.2,-1.5,-1.3,-0.8,-1.7,Penalty,Penalty,%,%,11,Products A and B,have the most potential,Output - Potential Modeling,Influence of,Overall liking,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,12,Output - Attributable Effects,30,(1) Maintenance: Product A must continue to provide current perceptions,of color, consistency, and creaminess to maintain current level of,overall liking.,(2) Potential: Product A must improve perceptions of coffee flavor strength,sweetness, and roast taste to increase the level of overall liking.,* 5-point poor to excellent scales,Maintenance (1),%,Potential (2),%,13,Tracking Stage,Product Tracking,Monitor products - attribute quality, brand preference,Track health and equity of product, assess changes in competitors, measure product variation against internal quality control standards,Is product manufactured at a consistently acceptable standard?,15,Output - Control Chart,16,Output - Perceptual Map,Change over time,17,Maturity Stage,Product Maturity,Assess cost reduction opportunities - increase profit,Measure product preference - sales declining,Ingredient substitution = consumer retention,Gauge how much product change and ingredient change is possible,19,Output Options,There is significant (with 95% confidence) discrimination,TRIANGLE TEST,N=150,PRODUCT A,PRODUCT B,REFERENCE SAMPLE R,B,Significant 95% confidence level,DUO-TRIO TEST,PAIRED COMPARISON,20,Product Life Cycle,ProductQuest,Feasibility,Evaluation,Tracking,Maturity,21,THANK YOU,


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