沪教版英语课本八年级上册U1语法点Language pointsof unit1

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沪教版英语课本八年级上册U1语法点Language pointsof unit1_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单元知识点,1.包含,包括,v. _,包含,包括,prep. _,Her hobbies _ swimming and gardening.,She has many hobbies, _ swimming and gardening.,include,including,include,including,2.人,人类,c n. _,人,人们,pl. n.,; 民族,c.n _,Each _ has to die.,Millions of _ have lost their lives.,There are 56 different _ in China.,3.但是,然而:,_ _,Its raining hard, _, we have to go outside.,Its raining hard, _ we have to go outside.,human being /human,people,human being / human,people,peoples,however , but,however,but,4.过去常常做,_,被用来做,_,习惯于做,_,竹子可以用来做家具。,_.,Tina,在半年后适应了广州的生活。,_.,我爸爸以前抽烟抽得很凶。在得病之后,他戒烟了。,_.,used to do,be used to do,get/,be used to doing,Bamboo can be used to make furniture.,Tina,was used to living,in Guangzhou after half a year.,My dad,used to smoke,a lot. After he got,sick, he gave up smoking.,5.赢,获胜,赢得,_ + game, war, prize, fame,打败,胜过,赢,_/ _ + sb.,The athlete _,his competitors and _ the gold medal.,Our school _,the other school in the football match last week.,Our army _ the enemy in the end.,win,defeat /beat,won,defeated /beat,defeated /beat,defeated /beat,6.,两百,_ 5,千,_,成千上万的,_,7.灭绝,_,死于,_+ disease / cancer heart attack,8.一个,另一个,_,一些,另一些,_,泛指另一个,_,I have two sisters. _ is a doctor.,_ is a teacher.,_ boys like playing football while _ like playing tennis.,There are 50 students in our class. 20 are,talking,. _ are,laughing.,Lei Feng is always ready to help _ people.,two hundred,five thousand,thousands of,oneanother,someothers,another,die out,die of,One,The other,Some,others,The others,other,9.,寻找(过程),_,找到,(,丢失的人或物,) _,查明,发现,_,They were _ the teacher everywhere. At last they _ him in the library.,Please go to the station and _ when the plane leaves.,10.(在字典等)查阅,_,了解,_,从很小的时候开始,_,found,find,look for,find out,looking for,found out,look up,learn about,from an early age,11.,有些恐龙和鸡蛋一样小,而有些有,10,头大象那么大。,_,12.喜欢,v. _,像,prep. _,看起来像,_,I _ music.,The story _ a dream.,He is so thin that he _ a monkey.,13.花费,_ _ _ _,Sb. _ some time/ money on sth.,Sb. _ some time / money (in) doing sth.,Sb. _ some money for sth.,It _ sb. some time to do sth.,Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were ,look like,like,spend,spend,pay,takes,spend take pay take,like,like,looks like,looks like,14. 肯定句,否定句,疑问句和条件状语从句。,You can take anyone home .,May I ask you some questions ?,She got drunk and remembered nothing .,some,something,everyone,is a strange man,There is nothing interesting in this class,15. it is + adj. for sb to do sth.,it is + adj. of sb to do sth.,It is very kind of you to help me .,It is good for your health to exercise every day .,1. Dont give up .Try to get experience from your mistakes and one day you will be successful .,2.We climbed up to the top of the Eiffel Tower.,3. The naughty boy made her elder sister cry again .,4. Electricity is important to human beings /humans .,5. This book is of great help to me .,This book is very helpful to me .,


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