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标题文本,正文级别 1,正文级别 2,正文级别 3,正文级别 4,正文级别 5,U12:Life Is Full of the Unexpected.,跟谁学 中考英语讲师 贾菲菲,词汇,unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的,The,unexpected,news knocked me.,by the time 在以前,Maybe everything will be fine,by the time,we wake up.,backpack n. 背包:旅行包,Whats in your,backpack,?,oversleep v. 睡过头 ; 睡得太久,I meant to go running this morning, but I,overslept,.,ring v.(钟、铃等)鸣;响,I was about to go to bed when the telephone,rang,.,give a lift 捎某人一程,I stopped and,gave,him,a lift.,block n. 街区,We live on the same,block,.,in line with (与)成一排,He stands,in line with,his classmates.,worker n. 工作者;工人,Is she a doctor or a,worker,?,stare v. 盯着看;凝视,Instead of reading, I,stare at,the walls.,above prep. 在上面 adv. 在上面;向上面,He lived in a flat,above,the shop.,disbelief n. 信;怀疑,Audrey looked at me in,disbelief,.,burn v. 着火;燃烧 burning adj. 着火的;燃烧的,He directed us to leave the,burning,building.,alive adj. 活着;有生气的,Poetry, beauty, romance, lovethese are what we stay,alive,for.,airport n. 机场,When should I get to the,airport,?,till prep.&conj. 到;直到,Dont put off todays work,till,tomorrow.,west adv. 向西;朝西 adj. 向西的 n. 西;西方,The window opens to the,west,.,cream n. 奶油;乳脂,She dropped some,cream,into her coffee.,workday n. 工作日,People are busy on,workdays,.,pie n. 果馅饼;果馅派,He ate a big apple,pie,in one minute.,show up 赶到;露面,I dont know whether he will,show up,tonight.,bean n. 豆;豆荚,They certainly looked like magic,beans,to Jack.,market n. 市场; 集市,There were no,markets,in the countryside.,by the end of 在(某时间点)以前 By the end of,2016 we had about 70 users.,fool n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄,You cant,fool,me that easily.,costume n. (特定场合穿的)服装;装束 costume party 化装舞会,He went to the,costume party,yesterday.,embarrassed adj. 窘迫的;害羞的,I was so,embarrassed,that I froze and said nothing.,announce n. 宣布,They are hoping that she will,announce,for governor.,hoax n. 骗局;恶作剧,Its an obvious,hoax,.,sell out 卖光,The shirts,sold out,within days.,discovery n. 发现;发觉,We made an important,discovery,.,lady n. 女士;女子,She is a beautiful,lady,.,cancel v. 取消,He phoned to,cancel,the meeting.,officer n. 军官;官员,The,officer,walked towards his office.,believable adj. 可相信的;可信任的,What he said is,believable,.,embarrassing adj. 使人害羞的(难堪的或惭愧的),He asked the president an,embarrassing,question.,disappear n. 消失;不见,He,disappeared,into the night.,知识点,go off 响铃;离开;(食品)变质,My alarm clock goes off at six every morning.,go by (时间)流逝,As time went by, phones were made smaller.,go over 复习;温习,Youd better go over the test paper before handing it in.,turn into 变成,He turned those sentences into English.,turn on/off 打开/关闭(运行),He turned off the computer.,turn up/down 调大/小,He turned down the radio.,show up 出面;露面,He showed up in the meeting.,show off 炫耀,Dont show off your ring.,show sb. around 带某人参观,He showed these visitors around.,hundreds of 成百上千的,Hundreds of students study in this school.,数词+hundred 几百,I have read five hundred books in the past three years.,语法,过去完成时:即在过去时间之前完成的动作。,形式:had V.-ed,The train had left before I got to the bus station.,I got to the park after he had left.,The man had already died when the doctor came.,


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