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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revise,comparison of adjectives and adverbs,Li Leis box is,heavy,.,Han,Meimeis,box is,heavier than,Li Leis.,Jims box is,the heaviest,of all,.,The bee is flying,fast,.,The bird is flying,faster,.,The plane is flying,the fastest,.,Winter is,the coldest,season of a year.,Liu Xiang ran,(the) fastest,in the Olympic Games.,词 尾 变 化,正常型:,单音节词在词尾加,-er,(比较级)或,-est,(最高级),green,er, green,est,简约型:,以字母,e,结尾的词加,-r,或,-st,late,r, late,st,重叠型:,以重读闭音节结尾的词,末尾只有一个辅音,字母应双写辅音字母再加,er,或,est,red,der, red,dest,善变型:,以辅音字母,+y,结尾的词,y,变为,i,再加,-er,或,-est,heav,ier, heav,iest,麻烦型:,“,adj.,+,ly,”,构成的副词或多音节词在其前面,加,more,和,most .,more,slowly, most,slowly,more,beautiful,most,beautiful,(一形容词和副词的规则变化),Can you remember?,写出下列单词的比较级和最高级,clever,safe,heavy,difficult,early,new,t,hin,Can you say?,clever,er,clever,est,safersafest,heavierheaviest,more,difficult,most,difficult,earlierearliest,newernewest,thinner,thinnest,不规则形容词和副词,good / well,many/much,little,bad,(ly),/ ill,old,far,原级 比较级 最高级,年龄,辈份,距离,程度,better,best,more,most,worse,worst,older,oldest,elder,eldest,farther,farthest,further,furthest,less,least,原级的常用句型,1.,as+,adj./adv.,(原级),+,as,(,和,一样,),2.否定,not so/as+,形容词原形,+,as,(,和,不一样,;,不如,),3.,倍数,+,as,+,adj.,(原级),+,as,(,是,的几倍,),1. 比较级,+,than,(,“,比,更”,),比较级的常用句型,2.,“,The+,比较级,,,the+,比较级,”,(,“,越,就越,”,),3.,“,比较级,+,and+,比较级,”,或“,more and more ,原级,”,(,“,越来越,”),4.,表示不及另一方时,使用,“,less+,原级,+,than,(“,不如,”),5.Who/Which,谓语,比较级,A or B?,(A/B,谁,/,哪个更,?),6.,倍数,+,比较级,+than,(,比,多几倍),4.,足球越来越受欢迎了.,Football is_ _ _ _.,2.,这个房间不如那个房间漂亮。,This room is_ _ than that one.,less beautiful,3.,你的房间比我的大三倍.,Your room is,_,_,_,than mine.,more and more popular,Lets try.,1.,你工作越努力,你的成绩就会越好.,_ _,you work, _ _,result,youll get,.,The,harder,the,better,three times bigger,最高级的常用句型,4.表示三者之间的选择可使用,“,Which,/Who,+,谓语,+,the,+,最高级, ,or?”,1.,the+,最高级,+,of (in),2.,one of the+,最高级+名词复数,3.the,+,序数词+最高级,1.,Hainan Island is the second,_,(,large,),island,in China.,2.,Zhao Lei is one of _,_,_ (,young,),boys in his school.,3.,Which,do you like,_ (,well,),Chinese, English or,math,?,largest,t,he,youngest,best,Can you do it?,4.,Jim jumped,_,(,high,) of all,.,(,the,) highest,5.He,is,_,_,_,_,(,popular,),student,in,our,class,.,the,most popular,Attentions,1.,修饰形容词,和副词原级的,词、短语有:,3. This one is the better of the two.,4. China is larger than any other country in Asia.,5. Sh,anghai is larger than any city in Shandong.,much, far, a lot, a little, rather, even, any,句中有,of the two,短语时,,,比较级前,the,“比较级,than,any other n.,(single)“,(,比较对象属同一范围),“比较级,than,any,n.,(single),(,比较对象不属于同一范围),2.修饰形容词和副词比较级的词、短语有:,really, very, so, too, quite, a little, rather, pretty,.,选择填空:,1.-Mr.,Zhou, of all the students in our group, who lives _?,-I think Li Lei does.,A. f,ar,B.,fa,r,ther,C. farthest D.,farest,2.The Chang Jiang River is _ than any other _ in China.,A. shorter; rivers B. longer; river C. shortest; rivers D. longest; river,3.Bob never does his homework _ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.,A. so careful B. as carefully as,C. carefully as D. as careful as,4._ she is, _ she feels.,A. The more busy, the more happy B. The busy, the happy,C. Busier, happier D. The busier, the happier,5.The car is running _. It seems to be flying.,A. more and faster B. more and fast,C. fast and fast D. faster and faster,6.I feel even_ now.,A. bad B. well C. worse D. worst,7.Tom is _ of the two brothers.,A. fatter B. fattest C. the fatter D. the fattest,8.English is as _as Chinese. You should learn it well.,A. important B. more important,C. the most important D. much more important,C,B,B,D,D,C,C,A,按要求完成下列任务:,1.,根据文中信息填词(仅填一词)。,Our world is becoming much smaller because of _ development.,2.,根据短文内容回答问题:,Why is air pollution the most serious kind of pollution?,_.,3.,从文中找出与下面句意接近的句子,并写在横线上:,In the city, people are not allowed to burn coal in houses and,factories.,_.,4.,将文中划线句子译成汉语:,_.,5.,从文中找出三个不规则变化的形容词比较级,并写在横线上,:,_.,science,Because it,s bad to all living things in the world,They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city,所以污染越少人们的生活将会过得越好。,more, less, better,Homework,Writing,:,Topic: The change of my hometown,Key words: clean, beautiful, more, happy, active, popular,


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