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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Travel and Tourism,Unit 6,NEW HORIZON ENGLISH COURSES,Book One,Unit 6,Travel and Tourism,1,Around the,Topic,2,Section A,A,3,Section,B,4,Section,C,Leading in,Exploring the Topic,Plus Activities,Warming-up,Text A,Exercises,Background Information,Reading Through,Exercises,Related Knowledge,Sample Reading,Exercises,The Chinese old saying “Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand,li,.” drives home the importance of travel to human life. Travel gives one a rewarding and life-changing experience. While traveling with friends or organized groups is fairly common, many people travel solo by choice or by necessity. When traveling alone, they have control over their time and budget. Besides, there are many great opportunities to interact with the locals on a personal level.,Travel broadens the mind not only individually, but also on a national level. With the rapid technological developments in transport, the world today has turned into a world of travelers. Tourism has become one of the biggest industries, making the world seem smaller but more fascinating.,Directions: In this section, youll listen to a short passage which discusses travel and tourism. While listening, try to complete the following chart with the information you hear.,Why do we say computer revolution causes social isolation?,Because it makes direct human contact,1) _.,How can travel prevent social isolation?,Travel enables us 2) _,_.,less and less in our social life,to interact with people and society,face to face,What will happen to a solo traveler?,He/She will meet a great many 3) _ during his/her long journey and feel the ever-beating pulse of 4) _.,How do people view the Americans in terms of travel?,They have been viewed as 5) _,throughout their history.,same-minded people,social life,a nation on the move,Well I was doubling over the _ on my shoulders Was a weight I carried with me everyday,Crossing miles of _ and rivers a raging,Picking up stones I found along the way,I staggered and I stumbled down,Pathways of trouble,I was hauling those souvenirs of _,And with each step taken my back was breaking,Til I found the one who took it all from me,Down by the riverside,(Down by the riverside),Traveling Light,I laid my _ down,Now Im traveling light,My spirit lifted high,(I found my freedom now),I found my freedom now,And Im traveling light,Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys,I was _ those heavy chains of doubt and fear,Then with the one word spoken the locks were _,Now Hes leading me to places,Where there are no tears,Down by the riverside,(Down by the riverside),I laid my burdens down,Now Im traveling light,My spirit lifted high,(I found my freedom now),I found my freedom now,And Im traveling light,Down by the riverside,I laid my burdens down,Now Im traveling light,My spirit lifted high,I found my freedom now,And Im traveling light,Down by the riverside,(Down by the riverside),I laid my burdens down,Now Im traveling light,My spirit lifted high,(I found my freedom now),I found my freedom now,And Im traveling light,load frustrations misery burdens dragging broken,Keys,Three Tips on Going Traveling Solo,Section A:,Spot Dictation,Directions:,The following paragraph is taken from Text A. listen carefully and fill in the blanks without referring to the original text.,Want to go traveling on a long-term _ trip but cant find a friend at home wholl come with you? Worried about the idea of going traveling _ but really want to see some places? Here are three tips to make you feel _and to urge you to _ the moment and do it.,backpacking,on your own,more confident,seize,Want to go traveling on a long-term backpacking trip but cant find a friend at home wholl come with you? Worried about the idea of going traveling,on your own,but really want to see some places? Here are three tips to make you feel more confident and to urge you to,seize,the moment and do it.,Para 1,Three Tips on Going Traveling,Solo,You wont be alone for long.,Dont think by leaving home on your own you are somehow going to,condemn,yourself to a one-month trip of,loneliness,and,isolation,. If you go backpacking anywhere in the world, you are going to meet,like-minded,people who are interested in traveling as much as you and who have gone traveling on their own too. You get to meet people who actively want to do the things you do,rather than,having to persuade friends at home into an experience they might not enjoy or be,ready for.,Para 2-3,You need to be with people who,are into,it, not who need to be forced into it. And remember: The easiest way to meet people when traveling is to,get involved in,activitiesdo some diving somewhere for a few days, or do a cooking coursewhatever interests you. In this way you will meet new people and be in a,shared situation where conversation comes easily.,Para 3,Do whatever you want (,as long as,its,legal,).,While its true that you are on holiday when traveling, its worth avoiding your brain,atrophying,. Travel gives you the,freedom,not only to think about what you want to do with your life but also to go and do it right away. Give yourself,permission,to investigate the,stuff,youre interested in. Whatever interests you, be it clothes, fashion, language, culture, religion, animals, oranges, flowers, video games, or ancient buildings, just allow yourself to spend some time,looking into,it.,Para 4-5,If you,see your surroundings as,more than,just the,backdrop,to your holiday, as the stuff of real life and how other people live, youll get a lot more out of them. In a similar,vein, give yourself permission to be creative toomany people like keeping a,journal,while theyre traveling, or,sketching,what they see. Reading a lot can be fun too, especially about the country around you. Most people go,snap,-happy and get really good-taking pictures with their cameras. I wrote half a novel while I was travelingIll never do anything with it, but it was fun all the same.,Para 5,Bring a new,perspective,with you when you get home.,The old,clich,is that travel,broadens,the mind, but travel can also change your mind too, about your job, your,circumstances,and your general situation back home. That might sound frightening, but its a good thingyou re-,evaluate,your life and feel ready to make some changes,for the better,. Similarly, things can change at home too.,Para 6-7,Usually they dontwhile you have been living in hyperspeed,intense,travel,mode, life back home continues,as normal, which is what makes it so,comforting,to return to. But be,sensitive,around your friends when you get back dont,talk big,endlessly,about your travel stories. Pay attention to whats been going on with them and your friendships will,pick up,where they,left off,.,Para 7,你是否想来个长期背包旅行,可在家却找不到朋友与你同行?你是否为独自出游担心,可心里却又想着去一些地方看看?以下三点建议能使你信心十足,抓住机遇,说走就走。,你不会孤单太久。,只身离家时,不要认为自己将在一个月的旅游中形单影只、孤寂难耐。无论你背包环游世界任何一个地方,你都会遇上与你志趣相投的人,他们喜欢旅游的程度绝不亚于你,而且他们也有过独自旅行的经历。你会有机会碰上一些人,他们乐意主动做你所做的事情,因而你不必勉强家乡的朋友去体验一种他们不喜欢或没有做思想准备的经历。,你需要与那些志同道合的人在一起,而不必与那些被,强求的人在一块。切记:旅行中结识人的最简单的办法就是参与各种活动,如在某处潜泳几天,或者上门烹饪课,只要你觉得有趣就行。你将以这种方式结,识新朋友,在这种情况下,打开话匣子也容易得多。,做自己想做的事(只要不违法)。,旅游就是休闲度假固然不错,但大脑萎缩还是值得提防。旅行给你自由,你不仅可以思考生活中想做的事情,而且还可以马上付诸行动。允许自己去探索一下自己感兴趣的事物吧。凡是自己感兴趣的,无论是服装、时尚、语言、文化、宗教、动物、甜橙、鲜花、电子游戏还是古代建筑,尽情花些时间去好好研究一番吧。,假如你把周围环境不只视为假日的陪衬,而是真实生活之物和他人的生活方式,你就能从中收获更多的东西。同样,让自己富有创造力吧:很多人在旅程中喜欢写日志,或简单描绘自己的见闻。多读书也是件乐事,尤其是读点关于自己身边国家的书。大多数人喜欢玩拍照,用自己的相机兴高采烈地“咔嚓咔嚓”拍个不停。我自己在旅行途中写了半部小说,我以后不会再碰它,只是觉得有趣罢了。,带着新观点回家。,常言道,旅游能拓宽人的思想,但旅游也能改变人的思想,改变对自己的工作、自己的环境,以及自己回家后的总体状况的看法。这听起来有点吓人,但的确是件好事,你重新审视自己,并随时准备朝好的方向改变。同样,家乡的事物也在变化。,通常来说,它们变化不大:当你在外处于高度紧张旅行时,家乡的生活依然如故,这使得回归成了一种安慰。不过,旅行归来要多理解朋友:不要对自己的旅游故事夸夸其谈,要关心朋友身上的变化,这样,你们的友谊在何处中断才能在何处继续。,Meaning of the,Sentences,1,Meaning:,There are three pieces of advice on traveling alone.,Three Tips on Going Traveling Solo (Title),Meaning of the,Sentences,2,Worried about the idea of going traveling on your own but really want to see some places? (Para. 1),Meaning:,Are you worried about going traveling alone by yourself but at the same time you wont give up the idea of travel to see some places which attract you?,Meaning of the,Sentences,3,Dont think by leaving home on your own you are somehow going to condemn yourself to a one-month trip of loneliness and isolation. (Para. 3),Meaning:,When youre taking a trip by yourself, you shouldnt think you are forcing yourself to endure a month of being alone and separated from others.,Meaning of the,Sentences,4,You need to be with people who are into it, not who need to be forced into it. (Para. 3),Meaning:,You should spend time with people who also enjoy backpacking, not people who do so against their wills.,Meaning of the,Sentences,5,While its true that you are on holiday when traveling, its worth avoiding your brain atrophying. (Para. 5),Meaning:,Although it is true that you are taking time off from work when traveling, it is necessary to keep your brain working so that it will not lose its ability to function properly.,Meaning of the,Sentences,6,If you see your surroundings as more than just the backdrop to your holiday, as the stuff of real life and how other people live, youll get a lot more out of them. (Para. 5),Meaning:,You will gain much more from the things around you during your travel if you dont view them just as the background to your holiday, but as things that are,part of other peoples lives.,Meaning of the,Sentences,7,In a similar vein, give yourself permission to be creative toomany people like keeping a journal while theyre traveling, or sketching what they see. (Para. 5),Meaning:,In a similar way, you should also have the ability to invent and develop your original ideasmany people like keeping diaries on their trip, or writing down,briefly what they see.,Meaning of the,Sentences,8,Most people go snap-happy and get really good-taking pictures with their cameras. (Para. 5),Meaning:,In the beginning most people are just happy with taking pictures quickly, but as they travel, their photography skills are improved.,Meaning of the,Sentences,9, but travel can also change your mind too, about your job, your circumstances and your general situation back home. (Para. 7),Meaning:, but thanks to your traveling experience, you will think differently about everything, your job, your life conditions and the way things are going at home.,Meaning of the,Sentences,10,But be sensitive around your friends when you get backdont talk big endlessly about your travel stories. (Para. 7),Meaning:,But when youre with your friends after your return from your journey, you should be readily aware of their feelingsdont talk boastfully about your,traveling experience.,adv. alone; by oneself,单独地;独自地,Although his landing was awkward, it was only the first time hed flown,solo,.,尽管他的着陆技术很不熟练,但这只是他第一次单飞。,It is known that Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly,solo,across the Atlantic.,众所周知,查尔斯,林德伯格成为独自飞越大西洋的第一人。,adj. alone, by oneself,单独的,solo,travel,独行,He is used to traveling on his own. In fact, he is a,solo,traveler.,他习惯独自旅行了。事实上,他是个独行侠。,solo,Words,v,. 1) take advantage of an opportunity and do something that you want to do,把握(机会),It was reported that during the riots hundreds of people,seized,the opportunity to steal property.,据报道,在暴乱中成百上千的人趁机偷窃财物。,2) take hold of eagerly and forcefully,抓住,Before he could run away, she,seized,him by the sleeve.,他还没来得及逃跑就被她抓住了衣袖。,seize,Words,v,. 1) force into an unhappy state or situation,迫使,陷于不幸的境遇,Her shyness,condemned,her to a life of loneliness.,她生性腼腆,这使得她的生活很孤独。,He was,condemned,to do most of the work.,他被迫承担大部分工作。,2) express strong disapproval of (someone or something),谴责;强烈指责,Most people in this city are willing to,condemn,violence.,这个城市中大部分人愿意谴责暴力。,condemn,Words,n,. U being unhappy because of being alone or without friends,孤独;寂寞,We were told that,loneliness,almost drove her mad.,我们得知孤独几乎把她逼疯了。,Love brings ecstasy and relieves,loneliness,.,爱带来狂喜,减轻孤独。,loneliness,Words,n,. U state of feeling alone and without friends or help,孤独;孤立无援,He said the,isolation,affected his mood and work.,他说孤独影响了他的心情和工作。,He also talked briefly about the,isolation,he endured while in captivity.,他还简略谈及了他被俘期间忍受的孤独。,isolation,Words,adj,. of the same turn of mind,趣味相投的;想法一致的,They also wanted to attach themselves to communities of people with,like-minded,interests and beliefs.,他们还想依附到和他们志同道合的团体。,like-minded,Words,adj,. 1) allowed or required by law,合法的,The court took him as the,legal,guardian of the child.,法庭把他作为这个孩子的合法监护人。,What I did was perfectly,legal,.,我所做的绝对合法。,2) relating to the law,法律(上)的;与法律有关的,We engage you as a,legal,adviser.,我们聘请你当法律顾问。,He vowed to take,legal,action.,他誓言要采取法律行动。,legal,Words,v,. decrease in size or strength, often as a result of an illness,萎缩;衰退(通常由疾病引起),Patients are advised to exercise their,atrophied,limbs in the swimming pool.,病人们被建议在泳池里锻炼萎缩的四肢。,My dad was,atrophying, physically and mentally before my eyes.,在我眼前,我父亲无论在身体方面还是在智力方面都在逐渐衰退。,atrophy,Words,n,. C; U state of being allowed to do what you want to do,自由,freedom,of speech,言论自由,Today we have the,freedom,to decide our own futures.,如今我们可以自由决定自己的未来。,freedom,Words,n,. U approval to do something,允许;批准,He asked,permission,to leave the office but he was refused.,他请求准许离开办公室,但是遭到了拒绝。,Finally the mother yielded and gave,permission,for her youngest son to marry.,最后母亲让步了,准许她的小儿子结婚。,permission,Words,n,. U used when you are talking about things such as substances, materials or groups of objects when you dont know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are,(泛指)东西;物品,And you can leave your,stuff,in my office.,你也可以把东西留在我办公室。,Dont blame hotel staff for stealing your,stuff,.,不要指责宾馆工作人员偷你的物品。,stuff,Words,n,. 1) C the conditions in which something happens; background,背景,The election will take place against a,backdrop,of increasing instability.,选举的背景是局势变得越发不稳。,What have banks done against this,backdrop,?,各银行在这种背景下做了什么?,2) C scenery hung at back of stage,背景幕,A moonlit sky was painted on the,backdrop,for the second act of the ballet.,月亮映照的天空被用作芭蕾舞第二幕的背景。,The mountains form a dramatic,backdrop,to the little village.,层叠山峦为这座小村庄构建了一个秀美的屏风。,backdrop,Words,n,. 1) C a style or a mood,风格;情调,It is one of his finest works in a lighter,vein,.,这是他使用了较为轻盈的风格的最佳作品之一。,He told us a number of jokes all in the same,vein,.,他给我们讲了几个同一种格调的笑话。,2) C a tube carrying blood to the heart from the other parts of the body,静脉;血管,The old lady said blue blood flowed in her,vein,.,这个老太太说她的血管里流着贵族的血。,The doctor injects glucose into the patients,vein,.,医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。,vein,Words,n,. C 1) a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations,日记;日志,Sara would like to confide to her,journal,.,萨拉喜欢在日记中倾吐心事。,Whenever he has an inspiration, he will write it down in his,journal,.,每当他有所领悟时,就会把它们记在日记里。,2,) a serious magazine produced for professional people or those with a particular interest,期刊;杂志,the British Medical,Journal,英国医学杂志,Both studies are appearing Friday in the,journal,Science.,两项研究周五在,科学,杂志上发表了。,journal,Words,v,. 1) describe roughly with few details,简述;草拟,First, let me,sketch,the other basic view.,首先让我把另一个基本观点简述一下。,Jason,sketched,the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.,杰森简要概述了这个事件,如实地讲述了所发生的事情。,2,) make a quick, rough drawing of it,素描;速写,Celebrities are among the hardest to,sketch,because their faces are widely familiar.,名人最难画,因为他们的脸大家普遍都熟悉。,Clare and David Astor are,sketching,a view of far Spanish hills.,克莱尔和大卫,阿斯特正在素描远处西班牙山峦景色。,sketch,Words,n,. C 1) preliminary drawing for later elaboration,素描,They have also released a black-and-white,sketch,of the suspect in the kidnapping.,他们还公布了这次绑架案中嫌疑犯的黑白画像。,He drew a rough sketch of his apartment on a napkin.,他在餐巾上草草画了他的公寓房。,2) a brief literary description; a short descriptive summary (of events),简介;概略,On the back of the book there is a brief biographic,sketch,of the author.,在书的背面有作者的生平简介。,The paper presents a brief,sketch,of the main weaknesses of the British economy.,这篇论文对英国经济的主要弱点作了大致描述。,sketch,Words,n,. C an informal photograph,快照,My wife took this,snap,of me in the downtown yesterday with her mobile phone.,我妻子昨天在市区用手机为我拍了张快照。,She said that she would like to see my holiday,snaps,.,她说想看看我在假期拍的照片。,v,. photograph; take a picture of,(给,)拍快照;拍摄,What moves him to,snap,a sunset on the horizon, a flowing river and a blossom in spring?,是什么促使他抓拍地平线上的日落、流动的河流和春天的花朵?,I had enough time to,snap,a few pictures before the film star began her speech.,在这位影星讲话之前,我有足够的时间抓拍了一些照片。,snap,Words,n,. C a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences,观点;角度,He says the death of his father three years ago has given him a new,perspective,on life.,他说三年前父亲的去世让他对人生有了新的认识。,There are two different,perspectives,on the nature of adolescent development.,对青少年成长发育特点有两种不同观点。,perspective,Words,n,. C a form of expression that has been so often used that its original effectiveness has been lost,陈词滥调,Do you think its a,clich,?,你觉得这是套话?,What he says may sound like an empty,clich,but it surely works.,他说的听上去有点像是陈词滥调,但确实有用。,clich,Words,v,. extend in scope or range or area,扩大;变宽,We need to,broaden,our horizons.,我们需要开阔视野。,Thats why Ive made it a priority to,broaden,the cooperation between our nations.,这就是为什么我把扩大我们两国之间的合作放在首位的原因。,broaden,Words,n,. (,plural,) a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity,环境;情形,External,circumstances,may change but they are not important any more.,外在的环境可能会改变,但是它们不再重要了。,In the,circumstances, our plan looked highly appropriate.,在那种情况下,我们的计划看起来非常合适。,circumstance,Words,vt,. form a critical opinion of,评价;估价,Dont,evaluate,people by their clothes and appearances.,不要根据衣着和外表来评价人。,Can you tell us how your colleagues,evaluate,you?,你能否告诉我们你的同事如何评价你?,evaluate,Words,adj,. very great or severe; extreme,紧张的;强烈的,His work is so,intense,that he even has no time to take a rest.,他的工作是如此紧张以至于他没有时间休息。,Her feelings are so,intense,as to move all the people into tears.,她的感情如此之切,所有人都感动得流下了眼泪。,intense,Words,n,. C a way of behaving, living, operating, etc.,状态;方式,He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole,mode,of life.,他突然有钱了,财富改变了他的整个生活方式。,It is a bad,mode,of holding a pen.,那是一种不好的握笔方法。,mode,Words,adj,. making somebody feel less worried, unhappy, or upset,令人宽慰的;解忧的,Its,comforting,to know I can call my parents any time.,当知道可以随时与父母通话时,我感到很宽慰。,His voice was strangely,comforting,.,他的嗓音出奇地让人感到安慰。,comforting,Words,adj,. affected greatly or easily by something; easily hurt or damaged,敏感的;易受影响的,Dont be so,sensitive,as he was not criticizing you.,别那么敏感,他不是在批评你。,What could such a,sensitive,force-detector be used for?,如此灵敏的力量检测器能用来干什么呢?,sensitive,Words,adv,. without stop,没完没了地;无止境地,It has rained,endlessly,for two days, which led to a severe flood in the city.,接连两天不断地下雨导致这个城市发生洪灾。,He complained about his misfortune,endlessly,to other people.,他不停地向别人述说自己的不幸。,endlessly,Words,alone by oneself; independently,单独地;独立地,Is it better to listen to others advice than to make decision,on ones own,?,是听别人的意见好还是自己做决定好?,Some problems cannot be tackled solely,on ones own,.,有些问题靠一个人是解决不了的。,on ones own,Expressions,more exactly, more truly; to a greater degree or with better reasons,不是,而是;与其,不如,The job will take months,rather than,weeks.,这项工作需要干几个月,而不是几个星期。,It w


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