六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Cartoon time)译林版(三起) (共18张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Cartoon time)译林版(三起) (共18张PPT)_第1页
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六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Cartoon time)译林版(三起) (共18张PPT)_第2页
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六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Cartoon time)译林版(三起) (共18张PPT)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.,能听懂 会说 会读 会写以下单词:,tell each say sentence,quick next little turn,think hard,2.,能听懂 会说 会读 会写以下短语:,play a game tell a story,each student say one (a) sentence think hard,3.,会读 能理解故事大意。,学习目标:,自学提示一:,Read and circle,(,5,分钟),先自读对话,划出不会读 不理解的单词或短语,然后组内讨论,或向老师请教。,Note:,1.,fox,狐狸,Miss fox,狐狸老师,2.,each,每个,each student,每个学生,3.,tell,告诉,tell a story,讲故事,4.,say,说,5.,sentence,句子,6.,mountain,大山,hill,小山,7.,quick,快的;迅速的,Be quick!,快点!,8.,Wonderful !,好极了!,9.,turn,机会,Its your turn.,轮到你了,。,Its o nes,turn.,轮到某人了。,10.,hard,努力地,费劲地,think hard,努力地想,work hard,努力工作,自学提示二:,Watch and answer,(,5,分钟),Q: How many people,tell,the story?,tell,讲,叙述,tell the story,讲故事,tell,a story,tell,stories,讲故事,Miss Fox,Sam,Willy,Bobby,Billy,自学提示三:,Know the characters,(,5,分钟),自学提示四:,Read and answer,(,10,分钟),1. What are they doing?,They are playing a game.,They are telling a story.,2. What does,each,student do?,Each student say,s,a sentence.,p,each,b,each,t,each,each,每个,each other,相互,each student,每个学生,say,说,sentence,句子,say a sentencemake a sentence,Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. They are telling a story. Each student says one sentence. Miss Fox starts.,Read and answer,3. What does each student say?,Long long,ago, there,was,a mountain.,There,was,a house,on the mountain.,mountain,山,An old man and a little,boy,lived,in the house.,The old man,told,the boy a story.,tell,过去式,t,old,Long long,ago, there,was,a mountain.,Q,:,Why do they start the story again?,自学提示五:,How to praise?,(,5,分钟),How does Miss fox praise,(表扬),her student?,Great, Sam!,Wonderful, Willy!,Good!,太棒了!太精彩了!,Lets read,Long long,ago, there,was a mountain.,Sam is quick.,quickly,快地,quick,快的,There was a house,on the mountain.,Great, Sam!,Lets read,Lets read,Willy says the,next,sentence.,next,下一个,An old man and a little,boy lived in the house.,Wonderful, Willy!,Lets read,Billy says a sentence too.,The old man told,the boy a story.,Good!,tell,过去式,t,old,Lets read,It is Bobby,s,turn,. He is,think,ing,hard,.,Bobby, what,s next?,Long long,ago, there,was,a mountain.,Ha! Ha! We have to,start the story again.,turn,机会,该轮到波比了。,think h,ar,d,努力想,study h,ar,d,认真学习,have to,必须;不得不,达标测评:,一,.,根据中文提示完成对话。, Whats the _ (,下一个)?, Helen is.,2. Can you use these words to make _ (,句子)?,3. Now,,,its your _ (,机会),.,4. Be _,(快点),.,5. You must work _ (,努力的),.,_,二,.,英汉互译。,1.,讲故事,_,2.on the mountain _,3.,每个学生,_,4.say a sentence _,5.,努力工作,_,6.Its your turn. _,7.,必须;不得不,_,三,.,连词成句。,and , student , are , Miss Fox , her , a , playing , game,(,.,),_,2. a , many , mountain , ago , there ,years , was ( . ),_,3. It , Bobbys , turn , is ( . ),_,


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