宾语从句(object clause)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Object Clause (Part I),宾语从句复习,目标,掌握宾语从句的引导词,掌握宾语从句语序时态,掌握宾语从句的其他要点,I hear,(that),he will be back in an hour.,我听说一小时后他会回来,I want to know,if (whether),he will go to the park with us,我想知道他是否跟我们一起去公园,Ask him,whether (if),he can come,问问他是否能来,I dont know,whether,it is going to rain,or not,我不知道是否要下雨,翻译下列句子,He asked,who,could answer the question.,谁能回答这个问题,Do you know,whom,they are waiting for.,他们在等谁吗,?,He asked,whose,handwriting was the best in class.,谁的书法是班上最好的,Do you know,which,one is smaller , the earth or the moon?,地球和月亮,哪一个比较小,I havent decided,what,I should buy for my Mom.,我还没决定应该给妈妈买什么,Please tell me,when,well have a meeting.,请告诉我我们什么时候开会,Can you tell me,where,he is .,你能告诉我他在哪儿,Could you tell me,how,I can get to the station.,你能告诉我该怎么去车站,Would you tell me,why,the train is late ?,你能告诉我为什么火车迟到了,I can not remember,how much,the coat is.,我不记的他多大了,I hear,(that),he will be back in an hour.,I want to know,if (whether),he will go to the park with us.,Ask him,whether (if),he can come,.,I dont know,whether,it is going to rain,or not.,He asked,who,could answer the question,.,Do you know,whom,they are waiting for,.,He asked,whose,handwriting was the best in class,.,Do you know,which,one is smaller , the earth or the moon?,I havent decided,what,I should buy for my Mom.,Please tell me,when,well have a meeting,.,Can you tell me,where,he is,.,Could you tell me,how,I can get to the station,.,Would you tell me,why,the train is late ?,I can not remember,how much,the coat is.,观察下列句子并总结,小结:宾语从句引导词特征,that,:,if/whether,:,what, whom, whose, which, what when, where, how, why,how+adj,.,how+adv,:,that,在从句中不能充当成分,在句中无实际意义,在句中可以省略,.,在从句中,不充当成分,,但有实际意义,表“是否”,所以不可省,.,if,和,whether,通常可以互换,但当句末为,or not,时,引导词只能用,whether,而不能用,if.,充当成分,有具体意义,不可省,.,翻译下列句子,Do you know if he will come?,你知道他来不来吗,?,He will come if he is free.,如果他有空,他会来的,.,Could you tell me when Tom arrived here,last night?,你能告诉我汤姆昨晚什么时候到这的吗,?,I was studying when you came in.,当你进来的时候我正在学习,Special 1. if & when,if,when,既是,宾语从句,的引导词,表示 “,是否,”;又是,条件状语从句,的引导词,表示 “,如果,”,。,既是,宾语从句,的引导词,表示,“,什么时候,”,,又是,时间状语从句,的引导词,表示,“,当,时候,”,。,找出每组中划线句子的不同,Who is he?,Could you tell me,who he is,?,Where are they going,?,I dont know,when they are going.,What can you do?,I cant remember,what you can do,.,找出每组中划线句子的不同,Who,is he,?,Could you tell me,who,he is,?,Where,are they,going,?,I dont know,when,they are,going.,What,can you,do?,I cant remember,what you,can do,.,小结:宾语从句语序,陈述语序,:,主句,+,连接词,+,主语,+,谓语,+,其它成分,判断下列句子的正误并改正,Do you know what is her name?,He didnt know when they would go to London.,She asked Lin Tao how long had he been here.,T,what,her name is,he had been,Tom would go to,Xian,.,Tom was ill .,Tom liked English,Tom was reading a book .,Tom had had supper already,.,翻译比较,Tom will go to,Xian,.,Tom was,ill.,Tom likes English.,Tom was reading a book .,Tom has had supper already.,He knows,He knew,Tom,would go,to,Xian,.,Tom,was,ill .,Tom,liked,English,Tom,was reading,a book .,Tom,had had,supper already,.,翻译比较,Tom,will go,to,Xian,.,Tom,was,ill.,Tom,likes,English.,Tom,was reading,a book .,Tom,has had,supper already.,He,knows,He,knew,He,knows,that the earth,runs,around the sun.,He,knew,there,is,a will, there,is,a way,.,1),当主句是一般现在时,2),主句是一般过去时,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。,3),宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是,客观存在的真理,从句不用受到主句时态的限制,一律用一般现在时态,小结:宾语从句时态,宾语从句的时态不作限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。,-Do you know_?,-Next year.,when will he come,when he comes,when he will come,when he would come,The teacher asked us_ ?,When will we finish the homework,When we will finish the homework,When we would finished the homework,when we had finished the,hoework,C,C,Could,you tell me what you like,?,Could you tell me when you came back yesterday?,Could you tell me when you will come back?,Could you tell me if you have finished the homework?,Could you tell me what you are doing?,Could you tell me what you were doing at 8 yesterday?,翻译下列句子,Could,you tell me what you,like,?,Could,you tell me when you,came,back yesterday?,Could,you tell me when you,will come,back?,Could,you tell me if you,have finished,the homework?,Could,you tell me what you,are doing,?,Could,you tell me what you,were doing,at 8 yesterday?,翻译下列句子,Special 2 could,could,既是,can,的过去式,用于一般过去时,又可以表委婉,此时,could,引导主句为一般现在时,从句时态自主。,请动词适当形式填空,Could you find out,who_my,book yesterday( take?),Could you tell me what you_?( want),took,want,判断正误,我认为明天不会下雨,I think it will not rain tomorrow.,I dont think it will rain tomorrow.,我认为小明不是个好孩子,I dont think Xiao Ming is a good,boy.,I think Xiao Ming isnt a good boy.,(F),(T),(T),(F),如,think,后的宾语从句要表达否定意义,那么需要把在,think,上否定,宾语从句为肯定形式,.,Special 3,think,否定转移,翻译下列句子,我认为小明不会来,.,I dont think,xiao,ming,will come,.,我认为我们不应该帮他,.,I dont think we should help him,.,我认为他们还没有完成作业,.,I dont think they have finished,homework.,宾语从句学习要点,1.,引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择,:,that; if, whether; who, whom, whose, what,which,when,where, why, how,2.,宾语从句的语序:,3.,宾语从句的时态:,主句,从句,4.,从句是客观事实,真理等,:,一般现在时,一般现在时 一般过去时,按实际情况 过去的相应时态,陈述语序,巩固训练,I dont know _tomorrow. Can you tell me?,A. when we started B. when did we start,C. when we will start D. when will we start,. Could you tell me,_?,A. where is the nearest hospital,B. where was the nearest hospital,C. where the nearest hospital is,D. where the nearest hospital was,.,The teacher said _? A. there were 24 hours in a day and night B. there is 24 hours in a day and night C. there was24 hours in a day and night D. there are 24 hours in a day and night,C,C,D,.,Do you,know_I,could pass the exam or not?,A. if B whether C that D when,. I dont know_soccer is popular in your country.,A. what B. if C. whom D. who,.,Do you know _the MP3 player last week?,Sorry, I have no idea.,A how much did she pay B. how much will she pay for,C. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for,B,B,C,. I dont know if it_ tomorrow. If it,_,_,well go to the park.,A. rains, rains B. rains, will rain,C. will rain, rains D. will rain, doesnt rain,What did Mr. Black say just now?,He asked us _tomorrow.,A. what would the weather be like,B. what will the weather be like,C. what the weather will be like,D. what the weather would be like,9 . Can you tell me_ last year?,A. where does he live,B where did he live,C where he lived,D where he lives,C,D,C,1. Im afraid that you will miss the early bus.,2. I want to know if there is a Post Office here.,3. Do you know what is her name?,4. He didnt know when they will go to London.,5. She asked Lin Tao how long had he been here.,6. The teacher told us the earth goes round the sun.,7. Did she tell you where the train will leave?,8. I dont know whether Tom went shopping or not yesterday.,9. He said that there were 24 hours in a day and night.,判断下列句子正误并改正,(pair work),T,T,T,T,F,F,F,F,F,1.He said_.,(,他说他爸爸三天后回来,),2.Our teacher asks,XiaoMing,_.,(,昨天他去哪了,),3.Could you tell me_?,(,他们正在谈论什么,),4.,He _yesterday,(,他认为小明昨天没看电视),翻译句子,his father would be back in 3 days,where he went yesterday,what they are talking about,doesnt think,XiaoMing,watched TV,用动词正确形式填空,(Group work),The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be),The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go),Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.,I heard they _ (return) it already.,He said that they _members of the Party,in 2009(be),The teacher told his class that light _ faster than sound. (travel),I think you _ about the relay race now. (talk),I didnt know whom the letters _ from. (be),will be,goes,were playing,had returned,would be,travels,are talking,are from,Test,Homework:,请根据北京市近年中考对宾语从句的考查方式,每人设计,4,道关于宾语从句的考题,要求,:,提供答案,及试题解析,.,Thank you!,


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