unit2 family and friends

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit,2,Family and Friends,Friendship Advice:,Ask,Dr.Green,Reading,Before we learn the text, lets review some words,.,1.,Linda is too,to go to a party to meet new friends.,2.,The singer,the song with a high note.,3. You can always judge a person by the,of friends he/she has.,4. He often goes shopping in a/an,supermarket.,5. Will you give us your,on the latest event?,6. The two buildings are eight,metres,.,7.,he will come;,he wont.,8. The old man,against the disease and lived a long life.,comment shy nearby maybe apart end fight circle,shy,ended,circle,nearby,comment,apart,maybe,Maybe,fought,Warm-up,1. Is friendship very important? Why?,2.Do you have friends?,What kind of friends do you like?,( ),What does,Dr.Green,do?,A. She is a doctor of modern sciences.,B. She is a doctor of animals.,C. She is an expert in relationships.,Listen to the passage and choose your answer.,C,Read the passage and complete the questions and advice.,Bad Haircuts problem:,Dr.Greens,advice:,Should I give up on this friendship?,1,Tell her that these comments hurt your feelings.,Its time to find a new friend.,Read the passage and complete the questions and advice.,Not with the Bands problem:,Dr.Greens,advice:,Can I save this friendship?,1,Talk to Jack to see whether you can give him any help. But dont get involved in his unhealthy interests.,Read the passage again and circle the best answer.,Bad Haircut likes Susan because Susan is,.,a. shy b. outgoing c. jealous,After Not with the Band and John finished high school, John,.,a. had his hair cut,b. went to college,c. joined a band,b,c,Read the passage again and circle the best answer.,According to,Dr.Green,s,advice, when your friend,s new interests aren,t healthy, you should,.,a. get involved in them,b. not get involved in them,c. save your friendship,b,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难见真情。,A friend is a second self.,朋友乃第二个自我。,Between friends all is common.,朋友间不分彼此。,A friend to all is a friend to none.,滥交者没有朋友。,Both together do best of all.,二人同心,无往不胜。,Friendship is a love without wings.,友谊是一种无形的爱。,Proverbs,How to keep friendship for a long time?,Discussion,The tips of maintaining friendship,1. Treat your friends like yourself want to be treated.,2. Keep your promise with your friends.,3. Share your true feelings with your friends.,As an old saying goes, “Friendship cannot stand always on one side.” True friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests.,Is there any problem between you and your best friend?If yes, what is it?,Please write a letter to your best friend about the problem,.,Summary,I believe all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives.,True friend would like to share your happiness of success. They congratulate you and they are proud of you.,友谊如微风,特里,范宁,友谊如和煦的微风,,你握不住它,,闻不到它,,尝不到它,,无法知道它何时光临,,不过你总能感觉到它,,而且总能意识到它的存在,,它可能会来了而又走开,,但你知道它总会回来。,Friendship Is Like the Breeze,Terri Fanning,Friendship is like the breeze,You cant hold it,Smell it,Taste it,Or know when its coming,But you can always feel it,And youll always know its there,It may come and then go,But you can know itll always be back.,Assignment,1.Read the text fluently.,2.People have different opinions on making friends online. Please write a short passage about it and express your attitude.,Thank you!,


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