《新思维职业英语综合教程2》课件unit 7

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此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 7,新思维职业英语综合教程,2,New Thinking Vocational English,Listening and Speaking,能够听懂有关旅游观光的英语表达。,学会与旅游观光相关的英语表达,能够进行相关话题的日常对话。,Reading,Intensive Reading,:本文介绍了美国人饮食习惯以及主要餐馆类型。,Extensive Reading,:本文介绍了全球变暖给蜘蛛带来的变化,分析了这种变化产生的原因。教学过程中,可使学生查找全球变暖的相关资料,了解全球变暖的主要原因及危害。,Practical Writing,了解邀请函及回函的作用、分类,掌握其基本写法和常用的英语表达。,Language Guide,Grammar,Focus:掌握there,be结构的用法,。,Enjoying English,理解幽默故事大意并且能够复述。,Objectives,4,Section A Listenin,g,and,Speaking,1,2,3,5,Section B,Reading,Section C,Practical Writing,Sectio,n D,La,nguage Guide,Section E Enjoying English,Highlights,Section A Listening and Speaking,Sentences,Dialogues,T,opic Introduction,Passage,Stituational Dialogue,假日里,没有什么比去旅行更让人激动的了。想好了要去的景点,(scenic spot),,选择好出行路线,(tour route),,就可以去旅行社,(travel agency),加入旅行团,(tour group),了;如果有车的话你还可以设计一个自驾游,(self-drive tour),。在旅游旺季,(peak season),出行,最好提前订好酒店。准备完,毕,背上行囊,现在就出发!别忘了,带上好心情。哦,,当然还有信用卡,!,Topic Introduction,1. Can you tell me the best way to get to Birds Nest?,C. Take bus No. 32.,2. Will you go in a group?,A. No, I prefer private tour.,3. Any seat preferences?,B. Yes, Id like a window seat, please.,4. Do you have any information about the scenic spots in this city?,C. They are really attractive.,5. When do we board the plane?,C. At 6:50 am.,Sentences,Dialogues,New Words,pack,vt,. & vi.,收拾,(,行李,),luggage,n.,行李,allowance,n.,限额,request,vt,.,请求,suitcase,n.,手提箱,disturb,vt,.,打扰,rucksack,n.,背包,Dialogue 1,W: Ive been looking for you. What have you been doing?,M: Packing. What clothes should I take?,W: Its hot in Beijing now. So you neednt take the heavy clothes.,Those light ones will be OK.,Q : What is the man doing?,Dialogue 2,W: Room service, can I help you?,M: Im going to New York early tomorrow morning. So I would,like to request an early morning call.,W: No problem. At what time would you like us to call you?,M: At 6, please. And by phone, please. I dont want to disturb my,neighbors.,Q : What does the man want for tomorrow morning?,Script,Dialogue 3,W: Its so hard to choose where to go first on todays sightseeing trip!,M: I really wanted to make sure that I got a chance to go to the local,beach.,W: That would be a fun beginning to our day. We could walk around,there.,Q: What do the two speakers plan to do today?,Dialogue 4,M: Hello? Susan?,W: Hel,lo, Adam. I want to discuss some problems that I am having,with this tour.,M: I am sorry you are having a difficult time. What may I help you,with?,W: This tour company doesnt seem to know the town very well. We,are always getting lost!,Q: What has happened to the woman?,Dialogue 5,M: Have you got any luggage to check?,W: I want to check these three pieces, two suitcases and a rucksack.,M: Is that inside the free allowance?,W: Its just below the limit.,Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?,1. B. He is packing.,2. A. A morning call.,3. D. Go sightseeing.,4. D. She had a bad tour.,5. A. At an airport.,Answers,Passage,New Words,outline,vt,.,概述,interest,n.,利益,monitor,vt,.,监视,contract,n.,合同,infringe,vt,. & vi.,侵犯,association,n.,协会,inappropriately,adv.,不适当地,administration,n.,管理部门,evidence,n.,证据,As more people choose to travel, the breaking of legal rights often occurs. Here we outline the situations of complaints to help you when you need help.,Generally speaking, you, as a tourist, can submit a complaint:,if you think your travel agency has failed to offer you appropriate service;,if you think your travel agency did not carry out the agreed contract;,if you think your travel agency has caused bodily injury or property damage;,if your tour guide or driver inappropriately asks for tips or forces you to give tips;,if you think that your interests have been infringed upon during your travels.,You can complain directly to the National Tourism Administration or to the Quality Monitoring Administration in your location. Certainly, you can also complain to the local Consumers Association.,You must give enough evidence for your complaint. In other words, you should present the travel contracts, the receipts, etc. Thats the key to a successful complaint.,Script,1. When and how to submit complaints during tours.,2. Three.,1. T2. F 3. F,1. legal rights,2. submit a complaint, appropriate service,3. enough evidence,4. travel contracts, the key,Answers,Situational Dialogues,itinerary,n.,行程,open (to,sth,.),未决定的,temperate,adj.,气候温和的,bonus,n.,奖金,make up ones mind,作出决定,destination,n.,目的地,narrow,sth,. down,缩小范围,New Words and Phrases,Notes,1. I am open to suggestions at this point.,在这一点上我愿意接受建议。,2. A nice temperate climate would be best for me.,最好是温和、 宜人的气候。,Activities,(C=clerk, E=Eric),C: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?,E: Afternoon. Id like to create a travel itinerary.,C: Where would you like to go, sir?,E: I have no idea. I am open to suggestions at this point.,C: Do you enjoy warm weather, or are you looking forward to a cooler,vacation?,E: A cooler place would be best for me. I like skiing. Which place do you,recommend?,C: Er, how much money is in your budget for this trip?,E: I have just won first prize in a lottery and plan to spend 20 000 yuan,in,traveling.,C: Then, why dont you take a look at these brochures that might help you,make up your mind? These trips are very popular and the tickets are,almost sold out.,E: These look great!,C: Take your time choosing a destination and, when youve narrowed it,down, Ill be happy to help you make a reservation.,Section B Reading,Intensive Reading,Extensive Reading,Intensive Reading,Exercises,Warm-up Exercises,Text,Vocabulary,Warm-up Exercises,I. hamburger, fried fries, hot dog, sausage, fried chicken, sandwich, steak, salad,Restaurants in America,When Americans go out from their homes to eat, it is usually on the weekend of Friday night, Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.,If they have children, they go to a fast food restaurant where they wait less than 5 minutes. Food is already prepared, so they pay the money and sit down. There is often a play area for children, which is very popular with kids. These restaurants serve hamburgers, French fries (sliced potatoes) and milkshakes (ice cream and milk mixed together). They also serve cheese with their hamburger called a cheeseburger. They have a chicken sandwich and a fish sandwich which includes butter and a green vegetable called lettuce. Drinks are milk, coffee, tea, colas and fruit juice.,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Text,Another popular restaurant serves fried chicken, baked beans, mashed potatoes and a bread roll. The drinks are the same as for the fast food restaurant.,There are three restaurants that serve food in the European style. Italian restaurants serve pizza mostly but some serve Italian noodles called spaghetti or macaroni. French restaurants serve different kinds of pancakes which they call crepes and many types of fi ne wines. German restaurants are known for special meats, cheese sauce, and beer. Of course all three restaurants have many other dishes and these are just examples.,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Of all the foreign restaurants in America, the favorite is Chinese. Many people from south China own restaurants in America so they serve Cantonese style. However, a few Chinese restaurants are known for the Sichuan style, which has more pepper. So it is hot to the taste.,American restaurants sometimes serve buffet style, a French word that means you choose your own food from many choices. One part of the restaurant will serve salads with many cold vegetables and fruits. Another part will serve cook vegetables, breads, and meats. The meats include different cooked fish, pork, beef, and chicken. Finally, there is a dessert table with ice cream and different cakes.,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Part,Paragraph,Main Idea,1,Para. 1,The time that Americans go out to eat.,2,Para. 2Para.,6,It introduces the eating habbits and the speciaties of different kinds of restaurants in America.,Structure,Text,Vocabulary,Notes,prepared,adj.,准备好,的,slice,n.,薄片,片段,vt. & vi.,切(片),milkshake,n. 奶昔(即泡沫牛奶,将牛奶和冰激凌等混合后搅打至起泡的饮料),lettuce,n.,莴苣,生菜,bake,vt,.,& vi,烘焙,烤爱,mash,vt.,捣碎,pizza,n.,比萨饼,(,一种涂有乳酪和番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼,),spaghetti,n.,(,意大利式,),细面条,macaroni,n.,通心面,Text,Structure,Notes,Vocabulary,New Words,Text,Structure,Notes,pancake,n.,薄烤饼,crepe,n.,(,包馅吃的,),薄烤饼,sauce,n.,沙司,调味料,vt.,调味,增加趣味,favorite,n.,特别喜欢的人、事或物,adj.,特别受喜爱的,中意的,Cantonese,n.,广东人,广东话,adj.,广东的,pepper,n.,胡椒粉,辣椒,buffet,n.,自助餐,便餐馆,dessert,n.,餐后甜点,many types of,很多类型的,of all the,在所有的当中,Text,Structure,Notes,Phrases and Expressions,Notes,1. Food is already prepared,so they pay the money and sit down.,prepared 在这里用作形容词,表状态而不是动作。类似的表达法如:,She was dressed in white.They became excited by the news of victory.,2. There is often a play area for childrenwhich is very popular with kids.这种餐馆常有孩子的玩耍区域,很受孩子们的欢迎。,在这里which指代的是play area。,3. They have a chicken sandwich and a fish sandwich which includes butter and a green vegetable called lettuce. 这里出售鸡肉和鱼肉三明治,里面夹着牛油和一种叫生菜的绿色蔬菜。,butter黄油,牛油(一种油脂、水、空气,有时还加盐的软的浅黄或白色的乳化物,通过搅拌牛奶或乳脂而得,有时用色拉油),Text,Structure,Vocabulary,Notes,4. Italian restaurants serve pizza mostly but some serve Italian noodles called spaghetti or macaroni. 大多数意大利餐馆都卖比萨,但也有些餐馆卖意大利式细面条或是通心,粉。,spaghetti(意大利式)实心面条macaroni通心粉(面粉糊压成空心管形或其他形状,如蝴蝶面,晾干,以备煮食),5. Many people from south China own restaurants in America so they serve Cantonese style. 很多中国南方人在美国开餐馆,经营广式菜肴。,Cantonese (广州以前被称为 Canton),广州(广东)的,广州人的,广州话的,6. dessert table甜点table可以代指饭菜。,e.g. Keep an excellent table. 总是吃得非常好。,还可以代指同席用餐或做其他事的人。,e.g. a table of card players 一桌玩纸牌的人,Text,Structure,Vocabulary,Reading Comprehension,prepared,popular,serve,mixed,called,includes,II.,F,、,F,、,F,、,T,、,T,、,T,III.,1. Italian restaurants, French restaurants and German restaurants.,2. Italian restaurants serve pizza mostly but some serve Italian noodles called spaghetti or macaroni. French restaurants serve different kinds of pancakes which they call crepes and many types of fine wines. German restaurants are known for special meats, cheese sauce, and beer. Chinese restaurants serve Cantonese style and Sichuan style which has more pepper.,Exercises,favorite,喜欢的事物:名词,指特别喜欢的人或物;喜爱的:形容词,指宠爱的(人),中意的(物)。,e.g.1) Ice-cream is my favorite.,2) It is not Americas favorite department.,beloved,亲爱的:形容词,指被热爱的,为所爱的。心爱的人:名词。指可爱的人,情人,亲爱的教友。,e.g. 1) He lost his beloved wife last year.,2) He takes his beloved into his arms.health.,prefer,更喜欢,宁愿:动词,指相对于另外的参照物,优先选择。,e.g. 1) Some mothers prefer to nourish their babies with milk.,2) I would prefer him to be with us next season.,Vocabulary Practice,1.,beloved,2.,prefer,3.,beloved,4.,favorite,5.,prefer,6.,favorite,II. 1. mashed 2. includes 3.serves,4. hot 5. style,III. 1.,prepares,2.,special,3. choose,4.,favorite,5. popular,Exercises,I. 1. During Thanksgiving, turkeys are usually served with pumpkin pie and corn.,2. The town is known for its electronics industry.,3. Mashed Potato is often treated as a garnish with the main course on the table.,4. Of all the girls in the hall, she was the most conspicuous.,5. There is a variety of MP4 chose from this electronic store.,II. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A,Translation Training,Part,Paragraph,Main Idea,1,Para. 1Para. 3,Scientists found that global warming could,lead to bigger and possibly more spiders,through research.,2,Para. 4,It seems that warmer temperatures make,females of Pardosa glacialis,become much,bigger than males.,3,Para. 5Para. 6,It introduces the possible reasons why,warming seems to be making spiders bigger,and the effects that these larger spiders will,bring.,Extensive Reading,Structure,Spiders Getting Bigger:,Global Warming to Blame?,Exercises,1.,D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D,Section C Practical Writing,Letters of,Invitation,& Reply,Letters of Invitation & Reply,邀请函和回函是社会交往中常见的通信形式,主要用于日常交往、商务活动和外事活动中,可分为正式和非正式两种。正式邀请函一般用于正式的、大型的社交活动中,如重要会议、正式晚宴等。非正式的邀请函主要用于非正式的社交场合,如请朋友吃饭、看电影等。,一、邀请函及回函的基本内容,邀请函和回函与其他信函一样,通常由信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾礼词和签名等几部分组成。其中,在非正式的邀请函和回函中,信内地址经常省略。,邀请函,邀请函需说明邀请的原因和活动的时间、地点及安排等;邀请函的语言要简短而热情。,(1),活动时间必须全面准确,包括具体日期,(,年份可不写,),、星期和时间。,(2),活动地点通常只需写明具体场所而无需写具体地址。,(3),邀请函可根据具体情况做附带说明,如活动目的、服装要求等。,回函,回函分为接受邀请的回函和谢绝邀请的回函。回函中应明确表明接受邀请还是不接受邀请,不能含糊其辞,语言要简短而诚恳。,二、邀请函及回函的基本格式,邀请函的格式与其他信函一致。回函的格式一般要与收到的邀请函的格式一致,即正式的邀请函要采用正式的回函,非正式的邀请函则采用非正式的回函。此外,部分正式邀请函还可采用请柬的形式,如邀请参加宴会、招待会、活动的开幕式和闭幕式等。,请柬式回函范例,:,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson,accept with pleasure,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smiths,kind invitation for dinner,at 6:00 pm on Saturday, July the twentieth,at Heavenly Pond Hotel,三、邀请函及回函中的常用表达,发出邀请 接受邀请 拒绝邀请,I.,June 23, 2010,Dear Mr. Lee,We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new mobile phone. The presentation will start at,Mingzhu,Hotel, at 8:08 am on August 8. We are planning a champagne breakfast. Dress will be informal business wear.,Will you please notify us before August 6 whether we can expect you?,Yours truly,Helen Carter,Marketing Manager,Exercises,II.,1.,Accept the invitation:,December 21, 2010,Dear Emma,It is very kind of you to invite me to the Christmas party. I am delighted to,accept the invitation and I will be there on December 24 at 7 pm.,Its delightful to see our university classmates again. I will expect that day,from now on.,Yours,Jessica,2.,Decline the invitation:,December 21, 2010,Dear Emma,Many thanks for your kind invitation to me to the Christmas party on,December 24 at 7:30 pm. However, unfortunately, I will have a journey to,Beijing on December 22 and will be there for about one week. Therefore, I am,unable to attend the party, much as I would have liked to do so.,I hope there will be another opportunity in the near future to meet you and,the other classmates. Hope youll have a good time at the party!,Yours,Jessica,Section D Language Guide,Grammar Focus,The following are sentences with “there be” structure. Compare the forms of the verb “be” and fnd,out their differences.,There were three students in the classroom then.,There has never been anybody like you.,There being no more food and water, the three tourists were in danger.,I dont want there to be any misunderstanding between us.,Finding Features,Grammar Focus,“,There be” Structure,Knowing the Grammar,there,be结构是表示存在的基本句型,基本结构为“there,be+名词+其他,” 。,该结构是倒装句的一种,be是谓语动词,主语是be动词后面的名词,there是引导词,无实际含义,。,一、,there be,句型的时态,there,be句型没有语态变化,但有时态的变化,常用的时态形式有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时和过去完成时等,。,二、,there be,句型的用法,(1) there,be结构的基本用法表示“在某地或某时存在某人、某物或某事,”,。,(2),动词,be,应与后面的名词主语保持数的一致,如果几个并列名词做主语时,动词,be,应与最近的名词保持数的一致。,(3),动词,be,前可用半助动词,如,be about to, be certain to, be going to, be likely to, had better, have to, used to, appear/seem/happen to,等,或与各种情态动词连用,(,表示推测,),。,(4),除,be,之外,某些表示存在概念的不及物动词也可以用于这种句型,如,come, develop, exist, fall, follow, flash, happen, lie, live, occur, remain, rise, stand,等。这些动词可以有时态变化,及物动词还可以有语态变化。,(5) there be,结构的非谓语动词形式有,there to be,和,there being,两种形式,在句中可做主语、宾语和状语。,1. there,be句型中主语的修饰词,在there,be句型中,做主语的名词常是非确定特指,故一般不用this, that, these,those等指示限定词修饰,而用不定冠词、基数词、量词、不定限定词等表示非确定意义的限定词修饰,。,2. there,be句型与含有have的句子的对比,不同点:there,be句型表示“存在”;而have则表示“拥有”,表示所属关系,。,相同点:在表示结构上的“含有”时,既可用there,be句型,也可用含有have的句子来表示。例如,:,There are many long rivers in China./China has many long rivers.,3. there be,结构的常用句型,(1) there is,no+名词+in,doing,sth.,该句型中的名词一般为表示价值、用途、意义、利弊等含义的抽象名词,如use, good, harm, sense,point等,。,(2) there is nothing/not anything like.,,表示“没有什么比,更好/更合适/更有效了,。”,(3) there is nothing for it but to do,sth.,相当于there,is no choice but to do,sth.,表示“别无他法,只能做某事,。 ”,(4) there is nothing worse than.,,表示,“,没有比,更糟的了,。”,1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B,II. 1. are 2. be 3. have been 4. is 5. are 6. being,7. is 8. being,III.,1. There,have,many peach trees in the garden behind our house.,are,2. There,are,a table-knife and several forks in the cupboard.,is,3. It was too late for there,being,any open shops.,to be,4. There is a girl,stands,at the door.,standing,5. There,is,no extra money, we cant afford a trip to the seaside.,being,Having a Test,Activities,I.,1. What bothers Swiss mountain guides who always do the same tour routes?,Answering the same questions over and over.,2. Did the guide give right answers to the English tourists questions?,No, he didnt.,Tour near Glaciers,Section E Humorous Story,Activities,II.,Key words:,mountain guide, same trail, get tired of, same question, English tourist, silly question, valley, rocks, bring down, a glacier, peer up the mountain, go back, more rocks,Suggested answer:,Some Swiss mountain guides always do the same trails and they hate answering the same questions again and again. One time an English tourist was annoying his guide with really silly questions. They were walking through a mountain valley and the tourist asked how the rocks had got to the mountain valley. The guide told him that they had been brought down by a glacier. But the tourist questioned why he couldnt see any glacier. Then, the guide replied, “ Oh, really? I think it has gone back for more rocks.”,Thank You,!,


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