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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Review,Translate the phrases into English.,1. 收拾干净;打扫,2.使,高兴起来,3. 分发,4. 自愿做某事,5. 提出,;,想出,6. 过去常常,7. 习惯于做某事,1.,clean up,2.,cheer up,3.,give out,/ hand out,4.,volunteer to do sth.,5.,come up with,6.,used to,7.,be used to,doing,sth.,8.,张贴,_,9.,打电话给;征召,_,10.制定计划,_,11.敬老院,_,12.帮忙解决sth,_,13. 照顾;,_,14. 推迟,_,Review,make plans,call up,put up,help out with,sth.,old people,s,home,put off,care for,15. 单独、独立,by oneself,16. 在.年纪时,at the age of,17. 参加.选拔,try out for,18. 实现,come true,19. 忙于sth,be busy with sth,20. 忙于做某事,be busy doing sth,21. 与.像,take after,22. 修理;维修,fix up,23. 捐赠,give away,24. 建立;设立,set up,25. 残疾人,disabled people,26. 有影响;起作用,make a difference,27. 对.感到兴奋,be excited about,28. 立刻;马上,right away/ at once,Grammar,1.,做动词宾语,。常见动词有,would,like, want,help, learn,hope,decide,volunteer,.,动词不定式用法小结,e.g. We dont,want to,spent too much,money.,我们不想花费太多钱。,2.,作,宾语补足语,。常见动词有,ask,want, tell, invite, like, hate.,V+sb+to do,e.g. Mr. Li,asked,the students,to,copy,the text.,李老师让学生们抄写课文。,3.,作,目的状语,。,e.g.,Our school make these rules,to help students,.,我们学校制定这些规矩,是为了帮助学生。,e.g. Claire missed a great chance,to,make,a lot of money.,克莱尔错过了一个赚大钱的机会。,4.,作,后置定语,。,5.,动词,help,及一些,使役动词后面常省,略,to,。如:,help; let; make; see,e.g. My mother wouldnt,let,me,go,to,the movie.,妈妈不会让我去看电影的。,e.g. They dont know,where to build,the new house.,6. 特殊疑问词,+ to,不定式,,构成复合不定式结构。,他们不知道在哪里可以建新房。,=They dont know,where they can build,the new house.,思考:做什么 什么时候上课,怎样去学校,what to do,how to go to school,when to have a class,7.,形式主语句型中的不定式,1. 形式主语句型:,It is + 形容词+ (for sb)+,to do sth,不定式to do sth 做真正的主语,如: 对我们来说,学英语是容易的。,It is easy for us,to study,English.,对她来说,踢足球没有趣。,It is not interesting for her,to play soccer,.,不定式的否定形式:,not,to do,e.g. 不想做某事:,want,not to,do,sth,告诉某人不要做某事:,tell sb,not to,do,让某人不要做某事,make/let,sb,not do,sth,1. He,made,me _ (tell) him all the things.,2. Please,remember,_ (water) the plants while Im away.,3.,Let,s _,(,not,watch) a talk show.,Exercises,. Fill in the blanks.,to water,tell,not,watch,4. What can you,expect,_ (learn) from the news?,5. My parents,want,me _,(,not,be) a doctor.,6. I,d like,_ (watch) cartoons at home.,not,to be,to watch,to learn,1. Who will _ (,自愿读,) these words for us?,2. The girl often _ her mother _ the dishes (,帮妈妈洗餐具,) on weekends.,. Complete the sentences.,helps do,volunteer to read,3. We _ her _ (,邀请,来,) to our party.,asked to come,辨析:,lonely,与,alone,lonely,情感上的孤独,寂寞,。,alone,独自一人(但不一定感觉寂寞),。,e.g. Linda was,alone,in the house.,琳达独自一人待在房子里。,e.g. She lives,alone,and often feels,lonely,.,她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。,By the way, do you feel _when you are _?,alone, lonely B. lonely, alone,C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely,解析:,alone,是形容词也可作副词,,指一个,人处境孤独但并不寂寞、悲伤的意思。,lonely,是形容词,,强调内心孤独,有寂寞、悲伤的情感。,如:,He is alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.,B,The old man lives _ in a _ house, but he never feels _.,A. alone, lonely, lonely,B. alone, alone, lonely,C. lonely, lonely, alone,D. alone, alone, alone,A,名词或代词与副词短语的位置,如:,让我妈妈高兴,让我高兴,捐赠自行车,捐赠他们,修理公交车,修理它,cheer,my mother,up,/,cheer up,my mother,cheer,me,up,give away,bikes,/ give,bikes,away,give,them,away,fix up,the bus,/ fix,the bus,up,fix,it,up,


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