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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,BOOK1,Unit1,Learning a Foreign Language,Reading and Writing,Lead-in,Listening for Details,Structure Analysis,1,2,3,Language Points,4,5,Assignment,Your Experiences of Learning English,Lead-in,1 Do you enjoy learning English? Why?,2 Do you have any trouble learning English?,If any, what is it?,Reference:,-No, I dont enjoy it,because it is useless/too,difficult.,-Yes, I enjoy it very much.,It can help me,find a good job after graduation.,learn the culture of other countries.,make some foreign friends.,learn the value of hard work.,-I always feel it difficult to,-Its not easy for me to,understand what others say.,remember so many words.,understand the grammar.,read quickly.,speak in public.,Feelings of Learning English,Anxious,Confused,Depressed,Delighted,Listen to the foreign students talking about their strategies for learning English.,Listening for Details,margin :,页面边缘,column and chart:,柱形图;图表,snail:,蜗牛,pull your finger out:,开始努力做某事,Words and Expressions:,1. The three speakers are all learning English.,2. Josef uses pictures to help him learn English.,3. Ana finds learning English vocabulary too difficult.,4. Josef invents games to remember grammar rules.,5. Paula thinks that they all learn English the same way.,True or False,Part,The Whole Text,Introduction,Para.,Learning experiences,Para.,Conclusion,Para.,1,2-7,8,Part ,Part ,Structure Analysis,Main Idea of Part,【,Para. 1,】,Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.,Main Idea of Part,【,Para. 2-7,】,The authors 4 stages of language learning,experiences:,Junior middle school,Senior middle school,College,Online learning,Main Idea of Part,【,Para. 8,】,Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I couldnt trade for anything.,WHAT?,What does the author want to tell us?,How does he make clear his story?,By,cause and effect,writing,The author presents readers with his own language learning experiences at different stages.,HOW?,General idea of the text,Part I (Para. 1),General experience of learning a foreign language.,Task,Listen to,this part,and find out expressions to describe the experiences of learning a foreign language.,difficult,Experiences of learning a foreign language,rewarding,frustrating,well worth the effort,reward,单词,用法,意义,reward,不接双宾语:,reward sb. with,sth,.,reward sb. for,sth,用,奖赏某人,因,奖赏某人,award,接双宾语:,award sb.,sth,.,授予某人某物,reward / award,Practice,1 Anyone providing information,which leads to the recovery of the painting,will be_ .,2 She was _ the Nobel Prize in that year.,rewarded,awarded,reward,vt,.,give,sth,. in return for good and valuable,doings (,奖赏,回报,),e.g.,The father,rewarded,the little boy for,cleaning this room.,reward sb. for,sth,. / for doing,sth,.,因为某事奖赏某人,reward n.,C,奖赏,报偿,a financial,reward,经济奖励,a,reward,for good,behavior,优秀行为奖,U,赏金,酬金,I hear there is a big,reward,for the seizing,of the thief.,我听说为捉拿那小偷设,立了重奖。,a. satisfying and worthwhile,rewarding,Teaching is a,rewarding,career.,教学是一项很有意义的职业。,frustrate,He was,frustrated,by his failure in the college,entrance exam.,她因高考失利而灰心丧气。,vt,.,cause someone to have feelings of disappointment,近义、同义词,discourage disappoint upset annoy,Compare,frustrated a.,frustrating a.,They,felt,frustrated,at the lack of progress.,没有进展,他们感到懊丧。,It,is,frustrating,when you are in a hurry and the traffic isnt moving.,当你赶时间而交通拥堵、寸步难行时,你会感到沮丧。,frustration,n. the feeling of being disappointed, annoyed, or upset,He,sighed,in,frustration,when he found he wasnt,enrolled,in the university of his choice.,当他发现没有被自己喜欢的大学录取时,失望地叹了口气。,in frustration,处于沮丧,灰心的状态中,He felt _ when he found he had difficulty,with most of the math problem.,A frightened,B terrified,C encourage,D frustrated,Practice,be well worth,sth,./ doing,sth,.,Most students consider cheating on an exam something not,worth their risk.,+ n.,大多数学生认为考试作弊是不值得冒险的事。,Translation,这份有关超级女生的报告很值得一读。,This report on “Super Girl” is,well worth reading.,+doing,时用主动语态表示被动含义,What a lovely party! Its worth _,all my life. (,CET4-02-6-54,),remembering,to remember,C) to be remembered,D) being remembered,Choose the best answer,A) remembering,Task:,Listen to,this part,and find out the causes and effect in learning English in junior middle school.,Experience in junior middle school.,Para. 2,eagerly answered all the questions,at the top of my class,(the teacher),kind and patient,praise,positive method,causes,effect,Text Study,junior,adj.,1. junior middle school,2. be younger than be lower than,=,be junior,to,n.,sb. who is younger,or having lower,position,晚辈,;,(,地位或等级,),较低者,to,表示比较,:,junior/senior,e.g. She is junior/senior,to,me.,她比我年幼,/,长(年级低,/,高),inferior/superior,e.g. Dont feel inferior/superior,to,anyone.,we are all equal,。,不要觉得自己不如,/,强于,任何人。我们都是平等的。,prior,e.g. I must finish my assignment prior,to,Emmas class.,Year of study,American Expression,First year,Second year,Third year,Fourth year,freshman,sophomore,junior,senior,Because of,Compare:,because of +,sth,./doing,sth,.,because + a sentence,Practice,1 _ he is ill, he is absent today.,2 He is not at school _ his illness.,Because,because of,positive,Collocation,positive:,answers,orders,method,evidence,attitude,肯定的,回答,明确的,要求,积极的,方法,确实的,证据,积极的,态度,反义词,negative(,消极的,负面的,否定的,),The most disabled person in the world is a negative thinker.,Practice,You can learn anything with a _ attitude.,A positive,B construction,C negative,D sensitive,worrying much about .,现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随,语法分析,Whenever we answered incorrectly,she,pointed a long stick at us and,shaking it up and down, shouted,(Line.11,伴随状语,).,每当有谁回答错了问题,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞着大喊,.,由于他的自私,他总是以自我为中心,从不关心别人的感受。,Because of selfness,he,is always self-centered, never,caring about others feelings,.,Choose the best answer,His remarks left me _ about his real,purpose.,A. wondered B. wondering,When I caught him _, I stopped buying,things there and started dealing with another,shop. (1997,,,1,44),cheating B. cheat,C. to cheat D. to be cheating,Task,Listen to this part,and find out expressions to show that learning English is,difficult,.,Experience in senior middle school,Para. 3,Lose my eagerness,to answer questions,Lose my joy,in answering questions,Lose my desire,to say anything in English,(the teacher),Punish,Point at,Shake up and down,shout,cause,effect,Text Study,former,a. of an earlier period,e.g.,Emma always,receives messages from,her,former,students.,n. the first of the two just mentioned,e.g.,Survival depends on,a constant supply of food,and oxygen.,The former,enters the body through,the,digestive,system,while the latter,through,the,respiratory,system.,原句:,While,my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (,L.11-13,),Difficult Sentences,While ,而,然而,表示转折,“While” is used to show,contrast,.,Practice,Ana, keep talking the price up,Paula, keep knocking the price down,Ana keep talking the price up,while,Paula keep knocking it down.,Sentence Pattern:,Not only,did I lose,my joy in answering questions,but,I,also,lost my desire to say anything at all in English.,句 型,Not (only)but (also ),Not only,did he finish,his homework,but,he,also,cleaned the room.,他不仅做了作业,而且还打扫了房间。,Sentence Pattern:,Practice,为了强调,将,not only,放在句首的时候,句子应该,部分倒装,,即助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。,Any other expressions like,not only,?,nor,neither,never,表示,否定意义,的副词放在句首作状语时,句子用部分倒装。,little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,rarely,Task,Listen to,this part,and find out expressions to show that learning English is,Difficult.,Experience at college,Para. 4,only able to answer,a couple of,questions,,,feeling intimidated,,,afraid to speak,,,staying at the same level,(the classes),very large,many students spoke much better than I did,cause,effect,Text Study,unlike,like,v.,喜欢,dislike,v.,不喜欢,like,prep.,像,unlike,prep.,不像,Everyone here seems to _ him.,_my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks!,Unlike,dislike,far from,Far from,helping the situation, youve just made it worse.,你非但对形势没什么帮助,反而使形势更糟。,notat all,Translation,这家商店的商品一点都不便宜,而是很贵。,Far from cheap, everything is expensive in this shop.,be far from perfect/satisfactory/enough,远不尽人意,/,远远不够,Translate,Knowing something,as a whole,is,far from,knowing all its details.(,CET4-93-1-60,),总体上了解某件事情,远远不,等于了解了所有的细节。,e.g.,他说,他绝不会被对手的权势吓倒。,he said he would never be,intimidated,by his opponents power,intimidated,adj.,害怕的,intimidate,vt,.,create a feeling of fear,Practice,当我听到这个新闻的时候,我感到非常害怕,I feel,intimidated,when I heard the news.,frightened,intimidate: v.,恐吓,威胁,intimate,:,adj.,亲密的,timid,:,adj.,胆小的,羞怯的,词语辨析,亲密的朋友,/,关系,intimate friends / intimate relationship,她一直是一个胆小的女孩,She is a timid girl.,Task,Listen to,para.5,and answer the following question,.,Experience online,Para. 5,Question,:What,equipment is necessary for studying English online?,A computer,A phone line,A modem,Text Study,e.g.,交流是语言的一项重要功能,Communication is an important,function of language.,communication,Collocation,establish,communication with,与,建立联系,cut off,communication with,与,切断联系,mass communication,大众传媒,communicate,警察们通过无线电相互联络,。,The police,communicate,with,each other,by,radio.,communicate with sb.,与,交往,/,交流,与,联系,Language can be defined as a tool by which human,beings _ with one another. (,CET4-93-1-60,),associate B) connect,C) communicate D) correspond,Choose,the,best,word,A associate,使发生联系,联合,B connect,连接 把,.,看做有关联,C communicate,交流 沟通,D correspond,相符合,相当,通信,C) communicate,access,n. right of using / reaching,The people in the school have,access,to that computer lab for free.,在这个学校里的人可以免费使用那间电脑室。,That is the only means of,access,to the building,n. means of entering,or a way in,这是通向大楼的惟一通道。,adj.,accessible,可接近的,常用搭配,gain / get / have / keep access to,有权力使用进入,Practice,有了宽带网技术,网民能更快地连上互联网。,With broad-band technology, netizens may,get a quicker access,to the Internet.,Over a third of the population was,estimated,to have,no _ to the health service. (,CET4-93-1-60,),assessment B) assignment,C) exception D) access,Choose,the,best,word,assessment,评价;,assignment,分配,任务,exception,例外;,D) access,participate (in),参加,参与,In high school she participated in several sports.,Practice,在高中时,她参加过好几项运动项目,.,虽然有课堂讨论,但是有些学生从不参加,There are class discussions, but some of the students never participate,take part in,参加,参与,join in,加入,engage in,从事,参加,be involved in,卷入,participate in,Task,:,Listen to,para.6,and answer the following question,.,Experience online,Para. 6,Question,:,time,commitment,discipline,Text Study,What does online learning require?,commitment,It is a part-time program, but total,commitment,is still necessary for completing it.,虽然这是一个业余项目,但要完成仍需要全身心的投入。,make a commitment,许诺,e.g.,他承诺要帮助孩子们学习英语,He made a commitment to help the children learn English.,n. the state of being,devoted,keep up with,I am having trouble,keeping up with,the rest of the class.,要跟上全班同学的学习我有点困难。,keep the same speed,跟上时代的变化十分重要。,It is important to,keep up with,the changes of the time.,Practice,Task,Listen to,Para. 7,and find out expressions to show that learning English is,Difficult yet Rewarding.,understand about everything I,came across,Could say anything I wanted to in English,Reaped the benefits of,my hard work,Make many mistakes,Cried,out of frustration,Felt like,giving up,Difficult,Rewarding,Experience online,Para. 7,Text Study,e.g. The laughing embarrassed her very much.,嘲笑声使他非常尴尬,embarrass,vt,. make sb. feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable,Use it,What, in your life, has made you feel most,embarrassed,? Share your story with your partner,.,embarrassed,感到尴尬,难堪的,形容人的感受,embarrassing,令人尴尬,难堪的,形容某件事情,adj.,feel like,sth,./ doing,sth,.,After lying in bed for a whole day, I,feel like,a walk.,+ n.,在床上趟了一天,我想散散步。,Practice,顺其自然吧。他不想争辩。,Let it go. He didnt,feel like,arguing.,+ doing,think out,He chewed at the end of his pencil,thinking out,the next problem.,consider all the details of,sth,. before doing it,他咬着铅笔末端,思考着下一个问题。,这本书构思周密。,The book,is,well,thought out.,Practice,Useful Expressions,Whatever,difficulties we may,come across, well help one another to,overcome,them.,e.g.,无论我们会遇到什么困难,我们都会互相帮助克服它,(,CET4-01-1-57,),If you happen to _ my lost papers while youre looking for your book, please let me know at once by telephone. (,CET4-93-1-46,),A) come across B) come up C) come to D) properly,Choose,the,best,word,come across,不期而遇,come up,走上前来;发生,出现,come to,苏醒;涉及;总数为,properly,适当地,相当地,当然地,A) come across,come across,reap the benefit,Dont let others,reap the benefits of,your,research,.,不要让别人收获你的研究成果。,Collocation,常用搭配,reap the benefit / reward / profit / fruit of,Not only the,professionals,but also the,amateurs,will _ from the new training,facilities,. (,CET4-03-6-56,),A) derive B) acquire C) benefit D) reward,Choose,the,best,word,derive from,起源,得到,(,获得,),acquire (,获得,取得,),和,D) reward (,奖赏,酬谢,),都是及物动词,不能后接,from,,,benefit from,受益于,C) benefit,Practice,Effect,Benefits,Task,Listen to,Para. 8,and find out expressions to show the benefits of learning a foreign language,Wouldnt,trade for,anything.,_,_,_,_,_,Benefits of learning a foreign language,Part V (Para. 8),Teach me the value of hard work,Give me,insights into,another culture,Enable me to,communicate with,more people,Help me to,reach out to,others and,bridge the gap,between my languages and culture and theirs.,Text Study,trying,Those are indeed,trying,days,.,那些日子确实很困难。,a. boring and difficult,对我们所有人来说,这是最难熬的时期。,These are,trying,times for all of us.,Translation,trade for,In order to pay off debts, he had to,trade,his piano,for,money.,为了还债,他只好把钢琴拿去换钱。,exchangefor,Translation,他决定用他的小汽车换一辆卡车。,He decided to,trade,his car,for,a truck.,insight into,Visiting the city gave me,insight into,the lives of the people who live there.,参观这座城市使我了解了那里居民的生活情况。,常用搭配,give sb. insight into,让某人深刻理解,give/gain an insight into,了解,/,看透,/,熟悉,句型,The film provides a deep _ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings. (,CET4-03-1-57,),A) insight B) imagination C) fancy D) outlook,Choose,the,best,word,insight into,对,深刻的了解,imagination,想像力;,fancy,想像,(,力,),,幻想,(,力,),outlook,观点,见解,reach out to,Being homesick, I often,reach out to,my parents by telephone.,communicate with,因为想家,我常常通过电话与父母亲联系。,Compare,You must,reach out for,any opportunity that comes your way.,try to get,你必须抓住所遇到的任何机会。,Now that,I speak a foreign language,instead of,staring into space when English is being spoken, I,can participate and make friends.,Now that,Tom has arrived, we can begin our class.,既然汤姆来了,我们可以开始上课了。,Practice,gap,generation gap,代沟,bridge the gap,缩小差距,Practice,缩小贫富差距,(CET4-2005-06),bridge the gap between the poor and the rich.,


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