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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,UNIT-5,大学体验英语视听说教程,第四册,高等教育出版社,华中科技大学,UNIT 5,Facing Business Crisis,In the business world,the rearview mirror is,always clearer than the,windshield.,Warren Buffet,Background Information,Unit Overview,Lesson,1,Lesson 2,Supplementary Reading,Agenda,Home listening,Business in post-modern era has found its way into all walks of life, affecting individuals lives, social economy and politics as a whole. Globalization facilitates business expansion on one hand and speeds up the economic integration and interdependence on the other. In this unit, students will get to know the global business and economic crises through real-life cases and see how these crises can be dealt with. Listening and speaking activities in this unit will inspire students to learn to face difficulties and handle their study careers to their best advantages.,Unit Overview,Background,Information,20092010 Toyota vehicle recalls,Three separate but related recalls of automobiles by Toyota Motor Corporation occurred at the end of 2009 and start of 2010. Toyota initiated the recalls, the first two with the assistance of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), after several vehicles experienced unintended acceleration. The first recall, on November 2, 2009, was to correct a possible incursion of an incorrect or out-of-place front drivers side floor mat into the foot pedal well, which can cause pedal entrapment. The second recall, on January 21, 2010, was begun after some crashes were shown not to have been caused by floor mat incursion. This latter defect was identified as a possible mechanical sticking of the accelerator pedal causing unintended acceleration, referred to as Sticking Accelerator Pedal by Toyota. The original action was initiated by Toyota in their Defect Information Report, dated October 5, 2009, amended January 27, 2010. Following the floor mat and accelerator pedal recalls, Toyota also issued a separate recall for hybrid anti-lock brake software in February 2010.,As of January 28, 2010, Toyota had announced recalls of approximately 5.2 million vehicles for the pedal entrapment/floor mat problem, and an additional 2.3 million vehicles for the accelerator pedal problem. Approximately 1.7 million vehicles are subject to both. The next day, Toyota widened the recall to include 1.8 million vehicles in Europe and 75,000 in China. By then, the worldwide total number of cars recalled by Toyota stood at 9 million. The number of alleged victims and reported problems sharply increased following the recall announcements, which were heavily covered by U.S. media, although the causes of individual reports were difficult to verify. Government officials, automotive experts, Toyota, and members of the general public contested the scope of the sudden acceleration issue and the veracity of victim and problem reports. The recalls further led to NHTSA and Toyota investigations, along with multiple lawsuits.,Lesson One,Lead-in,Audio studio,Video studio,Speaking workshop,Project bulletin,Lead-in,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 1,Describing the Picture,Describe the picture first and then discuss how people cope with money shortage.,What does the picture imply?,What do you think might be the reasons for people or businesses feeling a shortage of money?,How do they usually cope with it?,Task 2 Reflecting,on the Reading,1.,According to the passage, what did Toyota fail to notice as it grew to become the worlds largest automaker?,Read through the,Supplementary Reading,passage on page 137, and answer the following questions.,Answer:,Toyota accelerator pedals are produced both by Denso of Japan and CTS of Elkhart, Indiana, US.,Answer: Toyota failed to adjust its corporate structure to accommodate its altered scale and have overlooked fundamental principles that used to underpin its business.,2.,Where does Toyota manufacture its accelerator pedals?,3.,What are the reasons that the two Toyota accelerator suppliers produced accelerator pedals of different quality?,Answer: The Denso and CTS mechanisms use different wiring harnesses. In other words, Toyota, the master of communization, neglected to ensure that identical parts from two suppliers were, in fact, identical.,4.,Why do problems in Toyota get lost and solutions get delayed when Toyota is managed in the present way?,Answer: Toyota employs a chimney managerial approach in which complaints from customers in U.S. would travel first to sales headquarters in Japan, and then to manufacturing for implementation. Only after that would it find its way back to the U.S.,5. According to the passage, what should Toyota do in order to deal with this business crisis?,Answer: It needs to modernize its corporate structure, revisit the basic elements of its product development system, and reconsider the impact of its aggressive cost-cutting.,Task 3 Expanding Your Vocabulary,A. to make something such as a business, organization etc. work more simply and effectively,B. to describe a rate of increase which becomes quicker and quicker as the thing that increases becomes larger,C. to be pushed into or through and stay there,D. an official meeting that is held to collect the facts about an event or a problem,E. speed up,F.,a large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a single organization,G. great problems or troubles,H. car manufacturer,Read through the words in the left-hand column, and match each of them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.,1. get stuck,2. hearing,3. accelerate,4. corporation,5. automaker,6.,woe,7.,streamline,8.,exponentially,Audio Studio,Word Bank,1.,recall,召回,2. circuit,电路,3. pedal,踏板,4.,electrical,电的,有关电的,5.,claim,声明,主张,6. handle,处理,操作,7. approach,方法,途径,8. complaint,诉苦,抱怨,牢骚,Task 1,Task 2,9. have an impact on,影响到,10.,Congress,美国国会,11. Akio Toyoda,人名,丰田汽车集团现任总裁,12. Jim Lentz,人名,Audio Task 1 Identifying the Gist,What is the audio clip mainly about?,A) Toyota recalls around the world,B) Toyota recall hearings in US congress,C) The development of Toyota Corporation,2.,What might be the cause for the car to accelerate suddenly?,A) A short circuit.,B) Floor Mats,C) Stuck gas pedal,Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions.,Audio Task 2 Checking the Facts,1. US Congress _ that Toyotas been having with vehicle recalls and examining how the carmaker has _ the situation.,2. An engineering firm _ Toyota to check out the claim found the _.,3. Akio Toyoda, the president of the entire Toyota corporation, has announced new _ that the company plans to take,_.,Listen to the audio clip again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Repeat the sentences after you have completed them.,Script,is looking at some of the problems,responded to,that was hired by,same thing,safety measures,from here on out,US Congress is looking at some of the problems that Toyotas been having with vehicle recalls and examining how the carmaker has responded to the situation. Youve heard all about this: millions of vehicles affected by issues with floor mats and gas pedals that might get stuck. US Congress is holding a few days of hearings to get some information about it. Yesterday, they heard from one expert who said it could be an electrical issue. He says theres a possibility that a short circuit might cause a car to suddenly accelerate. An engineering firm that was hired by Toyota to check out the claim found the same thing. But Toyotas U.S. sales chief, Jim Lentz, says the electrical system isnt the problem. When asked about how the company handled customer complaints, Lentz said that Toyota focused more on technical issues rather than looking at the possibility of accelerator pedals that get stuck. He called that approach a mistake and apologized for it. In fact, Toyota has repeatedly apologized for the safety issues, and its working to repair the recalled vehicles. Akio Toyoda, the president of the entire Toyota corporation, has announced new safety measures that the company plans to take from here on out. Hes scheduled to appear before Congress today. All of this, as you might imagine, is having an impact on the companys reputation.,Script,Video Studio,Word Bank,plunge,跳进,陷入,Congressional,大会的,国会的,accelerator,加速器,sticking,粘的,multiple,多样的,多重的,analyst,分析家,分析者,reassure,使,安心,打消,的疑虑,boardroom,(董事会)会议室,remarkably,显著地,third-quarter,第三季度,out of sight,视线看不见的地方,press conference,记者招待会,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Video Task 1 Matching &Predicting,1.,The automakers worldwide woes are _ from Japans Economy, Trade and Industry ministry.,2. In the US, law makers on Capitol Hill called for congressional hearings to investigate what _ the auto giants accelerator pedals.,3. But if there is _ one part, he says, it will spread to many models and _ vehicles, and in this case millions of Toyota cars from Europe, the US and China, exponentially damaging the brand.,4. Toyotas president Akio Toyoda has not _ to protect his companys reputation.,5. Toyotas boardroom has been remarkably silent _ industry watchers.,Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.,a problem with,went wrong with,drawing alarm,an enormous number of,made any public appearance,to the surprise of,drawing alarm,went wrong with,a problem with,an enormous number of,made any public appearance,to the surprise of,Video Task 2 Checking Your Comprehension,Watch the video clip again, and answer the following questions.,1. How much did Toyota stocks plunge down ending the week?,Answer:,Toyota stocks plunged ending the week down 12 percent.,2. Why did law makers on Capitol Hill call for congressional hearings?,Answer: They want to investigate what went wrong with the auto giants accelerator pedals.,3. By which supplier was the accelerator of problems made according to Toyota?,Answer: It was made by supplier CTS in Indiana.,4,. What is expected from Toyota CEO at press conferences?,Answer: In Japan, CEO apologies at press conferences are expected,5. What report is Toyota said to reveal next week?,Answer: Toyota is said to report third-quarter earnings next week.,Video Task 3 Bridging the Gap,Watch the video clip once again and complete the table.,Script,Toyota Recall,Scale:,The recall spread _.,Recall Areas:,U.S., _.,Impact:,For the Japanese _, it could be,_.,Toyotas Reaction Towards the Recall,Executives:,_.,President:,He made _ to _.,Boardroom:,made _ and has been _.,around the globe,Europe, China,economy,serious problem,remained out of sight,no public appearance,protect the companys reputation,no public appearance,remarkably silent,Script,Toyotas Impact on Japan,Toyotas executives remained out of sight, as a recall of millions of the companys cars continued to spread around the globe. Toyota stocks plunged ending the week down 12 percent. The automakers worldwide woes are drawing alarm from Japans Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry.,The scale of this recall is large, says Masayuki,Naoshima, Toyota must deal with this issue properly and act to maintain consumer trust. In the US, lawmakers on Capitol Hill called for congressional hearings to investigate what went wrong with the auto giants accelerator pedals. And reports to US investigators: cars sped out of control. The drivers reporting the gas pedals sticking.,Toyota says the problem is with this part of the accelerator made by supplier CTS in Indiana, though CTS says the accelerators were built to Toyotas specifications. As part of Toyotas global expansion plan, the automaker streamlined production, so one part will fit multiple car models around the world.,Script,That cuts costs, says industry analyst Tatsuya Mizuno. But if there is a problem with one part, he says, it will spread to many models and an enormous number of vehicles, and in this case millions of Toyota cars from Europe, the US and China, exponentially damaging the brand. While Toyota has made a number of statements to reassure consumers and indicate its working on the problem, Toyotas president Akio Toyoda has not made any public appearance to protect his companys reputation. In Japan, where CEO apologies at press conferences are expected, Toyotas boardroom has been remarkably silent to the surprise of industry watchers.,-Yes.,-Do you think that they need to deliver a strong message?,-I think so, I think so, immediately.,Not just overseas consumers, say many on the streets of Tokyo, but for Japans economy so deeply tied with the high quality of its automobiles.,For the Japanese economy, it could be a serious problem, says Yuichi Kida, China and Korea are right behind us.,Toyota is said to report third-quarter earnings next week. While analysts will be watching for the numbers, consumers will be looking for something else-an explanation.,Kyung,Lah, CNN, Tokyo.,Speaking Workshop,Expressions & Structures to Use,be affected by,hear from,a possibility that,check out,deal with,out of control,to the surprise of,watch for,Task 1,Task 2,Speaking Task 1 Summarizing,Discuss with your peers and complete the following tips with the information you have learned in the audio and video clips. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.,Tips:, continued to spread around the globe, the problem is with , damage the brand , stocks plunged , have great impact on, statements to reassure,boardroom has been silent ,made no response,Speaking Task 1 Summarizing,Summary:,A recall of millions of Toyota cars continued to spread around the globe, including Europe, US and China. Toyota says the problem is with the part of the accelerator made by supplier CTS in Indiana, though CTS says the accelerators were built to Toyotas specifications. The global recall damaged the brand exponentially and Toyotas stocks plunged down drastically. It might have great impact to Japans economy which is deeply tied with the high quality of its automobiles.,Although there were statements to reassure consumers and indicate Toyota is working on the problem, the boardroom has been remarkably silent without any apology to the public and made no response to protect the companys reputation.,Situation,1. Work in groups of four. One student should act as a sales manager of Toyota, and the others should act as Toyota customers. One customer has encountered the problem of a sticking gas pedal in his Toyota car and comes to the dealer seeking for help. Another customer finds his Toyota car in good condition but comes over to ask something about the recall. The third customer is a potential car buyer. They come to the dealer at the same time and the sales manager needs to deal with their questions and inquiries.,Speaking Task 2 Solving the Problem,Work with your peerson the situation below and try to come up with a solution to the problem described. You are expected to share your ideas and justify yourself in this process. Use as many phrases from the “Expressions & Structures to Use” box as possible.,Situation,2. You have 15 minutes to discuss within your own group.,3. Several groups will be selected to present their role plays. The rest of the class will vote for the one they feel happiest support in each groups performance.,Speaking Task 2 Solving the Problem,Work with your peerson the situation below and try to come up with a solution to the problem described. You are expected to share your ideas and justify yourself in this process. Use as many phrases from the “Expressions & Structures to Use” box as possible.,Speaking Task 2 Solving the Problem,Alternative Situation,1.,Work in groups of four. Suppose the four students were the board members of Toyota Corporation. Youre discussing how to protect Toyota reputation in this global recall event.,2. You have 15 minutes to discuss within your group and determine the measures you should take in protecting Toyota reputation, like issuing a public apology, how to tackle technological problems, how to face the dropping market, etc.,3. Select two groups to report their decisions. The rest of the class will vote for the one they feel happiest to support.,Work on the following real-life project with your group members and present your report in the next class.,Real-Life Project,Work in a group of six to eight. As a workgroup from the campus TV channel, you want to make a program entitled “Obstacles University Students Face and Various Ways They Take to Overcome Them”. Design a questionnaire to gather information about what obstacles college students are faced with and how they cope with those difficulties. Ask students in your university to fill in the questionnaire. Summarize and analyze the answers. Then present a report in the next class on the poll which includes the conclusion on the obstacles university students face and the ways they use to overcome those difficulties.,Project Bulletin,Alternative Project,Make a drama about “door-to door sales on campus”. A student salesman comes to your dormitory, selling product X. All the group members should act one role in the drama. You are required to act out how the student salesman sells his goods and how the customers react. Your drama should show whether the sale is a success or a failure and what are the reasons leading to different results.,Project Bulletin,Lesson Two,Lead-in,Audio Studio,Video Studio,Speaking Workshop,Teamwork,Show,Lead-in,Task 1,Task 2,Task 1 Brainstorming,Work in pairs and discuss the following questions. Share your opinions with your peers.,1.,Do you always bargain when shopping? Why?,Answers:,shortage of money; mistrust of businessmen; enjoy bargaining; habit.,2. What would you do if you were a billionaire?,Answers:,buying houses, cars, etc.; investment; traveling; education abroad; charity; doing your own business; sharing with family members.,Task 2 Expanding Your Vocabulary,Read through the words in the left-hand column, and match each of them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.,1.,literally,A.,a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering,2.,stance,B.,feeling a dislike of something which you find unpleasant or unacceptable,3.,recession,C.,simply or just,4.,soaring,D.,a particular way of standing,5.,reckless,E.,a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad,6.,dime,F.,rising very quickly,7.,calamity,G.,an American or Canadian coin which has the value of ten cents,8.,distasteful,H.,doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results,Audio Studio,Word Bank,1. justify,证明,是正当的,2. sanctify,神圣化,3. realm,领域,4. extravagant,过分的,放纵的,5. conscience,良心,6. accountable,应负责任的,Task 1,Task 2,Audio Task 1 Identifying the Gist,1. What is the audio clip mainly about?,A) Business should be moral.,B) Business is just business.,C) Business has to follow the rule of making profits.,2. Why is the morality of business important?,A) Morality in the business field is deteriorating day by day.,B) Morality in business can help people making more money.,C) Business has great power over the well-being of the world.,Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions.,Audio Task 2 Checking the Facts,Listen to the audio clip again and answer the following questions.,1. Who should hold the responsibility for


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