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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,汉字基本笔画名称及写法,Character Strokes,1.,常用笔画,1. Most Commonly Used Strokes,din,点,dot,li,六,six,horizontal stroke,gng,工,work,一,hng,横,vertical stroke,sh,十,ten,sh,竖,left-falling stroke,b,八,eight,pi,撇,right-falling stroke,rn,人,person,n,捺,rising stroke,d,打,hit,t,提,horizontal turning,ku,口,mouth,hng zh,横 折,vertical turning,mng,忙,busy,sh zh,竖 折,Left-falling stroke and turning,yn,云,cloud,pi zh,撇 折,xi,写,write,horizontal hook,hng gu,横 钩,xio,小,small,vertical hook,sh gu,竖 钩,ji,家,family,curved hook,wn gu,弯 钩,r,儿,Kid, son,vertical curved hook,sh wn gu,竖 弯 钩,qin,钱,money,Oblique hook,xi gu,斜钩,yu,月,moon,horizontal turning & hook,hng zh gu,横 折 钩,shu,水,water,horizontal & left-falling stroke,hng pi,横 撇,n,女,woman,left-falling stroke & dot,pi din,撇 点,ji,九,nine,horizontal turning & curved hook,hng zh wan gu,横 折 弯 钩,jin,建,construct,horizontal turning & turning left-falling stroke,hng zh zh pi,横 折 折 撇,shu,说,speak,horizontal turning & rising stroke,hng zh t,横 折,提,Now, break the following character into strokes,tin,田,field,Now, break the following character into strokes,z,子,son, kid,Now, break the following character into strokes,j,几,a few,Now, break the following character into strokes,x,习,learn,Now, break the following character into strokes,yo,又,again,Now, break the following character into strokes,do,刀,knife,Now, break the following character into strokes,n,你,you,Now, break the following character into strokes,ho,好,good,Now, break the following character into strokes,jio,叫,call, name,Now, break the following characters into strokes,shn me,什 么,what,Now, break the following characters into strokes,mng zi,名 字,name,Now, break the following characters into strokes,lo sh,老 师,teacher,Now, break the following characters into strokes,xu shng,学 生,student,2.,汉字笔顺,2. Order of Strokes in Characters,sh,ten,horizontal first, then vertical,xin hng ho sh,先 横 后,竖,一,丨,rn,person, people,the left-falling stroke first, then the right falling stroke,xin pie ho na,先 撇 后,捺,丿,sn,three,From top to bottom,cng shng do xi,从 上 到 下,一,一,一,r,Kid, son,From left to right,cng zuo do you,从 左 到 右,丿,yu,moon,From outside to inside,chng wi do ni,从 外 到 内,丿,一,一,r,sun,Inside part first, then close the square,xian li tou hou feng kou,先里头 后 封 口,一,一,丨,xio,small,Middle part first, then two sides,xian zhong jian hou liang bian,先 中 间 后 两 边,亅,丷,丶,What do you think the correct stroke order of following character is?,n,你,you,ho,好,good,What do you think the correct stroke order of following character is?,jio,叫,call, name,What do you think the correct stroke order of following character is?,shn me,什 么,what,What do you think the correct stroke orders of following characters are?,mng zi,名 字,name,What do you think the correct stroke orders of following characters are?,lo sh,老 师,teacher,What do you think the correct stroke orders of following characters are?,xu shng,学 生,student,What do you think the correct stroke orders of following characters are?,3.,汉字结构,3. Character Structures,d t ji go,独 体 结 构,single structure,z,子,son, kid,shang xia ji go,上 下 结 构,Upper-lower structure,xu,学,study,shang zhong xia ji go,上 中 下 结 构,Upper, middle and lower structure,y,鱼,fish,y,意,meaning,zu yo ji go,左 右 结 构,Left-right structure,n,你,you,zu zhng yo ji go,左 中 右 结 构,Left, middle and right structure,xi,谢,thanks,bn bo wi ji go,半 包 围 结 构,Half-covered structure,yu,月,moon,jin,建,construct,hn,函,letter,q,区,district,j,句,sentence,tng,厅,hall,qun bo wi ji go,全 包 围 结 构,Completely covered structure,hu,回,return,The End,


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