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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,kind,的短语,this/that/the kind of _,this/that/the kind of _,_,of this kind,these/all/differcent/various kinds of _,these kind of _,种类,sort,type,单数可数名词或不可数名词,复数名词,(,不常用,),复数名词,复数名词,(,口语,),复数名词,kind,的短语,a kind of,单,数名词,/,不可数名词, Modesty is a kind of virtue., He gave a kind of smile and left the room.,他像是笑了笑,然后走出了房间。,.of a kind,You are making progress of a kind.,The two are of a kind-both liars,kind of,形容词,/,动词,I kind of like him.,I kind of,tired after a long walk,., Is she interested?, Well, kind of.,一种,好像是微笑,可以说是,同类人,(我有点喜欢他,),(我有点累了,),(有点,),巧记kind句型的的主谓一致,以of为分界线,谓语随of前的单词的单、复数变化,1,.,this kind of book a book of this kind,(,这种书,),其谓语动词用单数,;,2,.,this kind of books,谓语动词用单数;,books of this kind,其谓语动词用复数,these,kind of books,(,口语,.,这类书),其谓语动词用复数,3,.,all/these kinds of books 各种各样的书,其谓语动词用单数,4,.,this kind of men谓语动词与kind一致,用单数形式;,5,.,men of this kind谓语动词与men一致,用复数形式;,6,.,these kind of men的谓语动词用复数,7.,all kinds of后跟复数名词,谓语动词用复数形式,Men of this kind are dangerous.,巧记kind句型的谓语,以of为分界线,谓语随of前的单词的单、复数变化,如:,This kind of books,_(is/are),very popular with,young people.,这类书很受年轻人欢迎。,Books of this kind,_(is/are),very popular with young,people.,这类书很受年轻人欢迎。,These kind of parties,_(is/are),dangerous.,这类政党很危险。,All kinds of flowers,_ (have/has),have come out,in the valley.,山谷里各种各样的花已竞相开放。,is,are,are,have,用kind , kind of , a kind of , kinds of 填空,1. Mrs Read is a,_,woman.,2. Koalas are,_,cute.,3. There are all,_,school things in the shop.,4.,A cat is _ animal.,5.,Im _ tired.,6.,Mr Wang is a _ teacher.,7.,We all like our class teacher. She is _ and,_humorous.,8,. There are all _ book,s,in our school library.,kind,kind,of,kind,s of,a,kind,of,kind,of,kind,kind,kind,of,kind,s of,rather than +,?,1.,基本用法,2. than,后的动词形式,1. rather than,与,would,连用时,构成,“,would rather.than.”,句式,,意思是“宁愿,而不愿,”,表示主观愿望,,即在两者之中选择其一。例如:,Shed rather die than _ the children.,她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。,I would rather stick to my belief than _ in to your power.,我坚持我的信仰,绝不向权力低头,.,lose,give,2. rather than,不与,would,连用时,表示,客观事实,意“是,而不是,;,与其,不如,”,。它连接的并列成分可以是名词,代词,形容词,介词,(,短语,),动名词,分句,不定式,动词等:,(1),连接两个名词或代词,He is an explorer rather than _.,与其说他是个海员,不如说他是个探险者。,You rather than _ (I, me) _ (are, am) to be punished.,是你而不是我要受到惩罚。,注意:,rather than,连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应,与,rather than,前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。,a sailor,I,are,(2),连接两个形容词,The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than _.,与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。,(3),连接两个介词,(,短语,),或动名词,We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than _.,我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。,She enjoys singing rather than _.,她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。,cheap,in the great hall,dancing,(4),连接两个不定式,I decided to write rather than_ .,我决定写信而不打电话。,注意:,rather than,后接不定式时,不定式可以带,to,也可以不带,to,如上句,但,rather than,位于句首时,则只能接不带,to,的不定式,如:,Rather than _(allow) the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.,他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。,(to) telephone,to allow,(5),连接两个谓语动词动词,He ran rather than _.,他是跑来的,而不是走来的。,He would rather run home than _ home.,他宁愿跑回家也不走着回家。,walk,ed,walk,客观事实,主观愿望,(6),连接两个分句,We should help him rather than _,.,是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。,he should help us,than,的短语和例句,1.,more than,超出需要;超乎寻常,The USA,produces more than enough food to feed itself,.,立陶宛的粮食生产供大于求。,2.,no more than,不超过;不到;至多,Each box requires no more than hours of labor to build.,做成一个盒子不超过几个小时。,He was a kid really, no more than eighteen or nineteen.,他实际上还是个孩子,最多不过十八九岁。,3.,nothing more than,只不过;仅仅,The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang,s,personal journal.,新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。,4.,no/nothing/little more than,仅仅;只不过是,The ancient canal is no little more than a muddy ditch.,这条运河现在仅仅是一套烂泥沟。,Poor Clarissa wanted nothing more than to have,someone to talk to.,可怜的克拉丽莎只不过想有个人同她谈谈话。,5,. mor often than not,常常,多半,More often than not the train is late.,这趟火车常常晚点。,More often than not the patient recovers.,病人多半能恢复健康。,6.,more than a little,: fairly(正式)相当,The lectures were more than a little disappointing.,讲座相当令人失望。,She was more than a little embarrassed by her friends,remarks.,朋友的话使她非常难堪。,7.,more than happy/welcome/likely,etc,非常乐意/欢迎/可能等(用于强调所说的话),The store is more than happy to deliver goods to your home.,Its more than likely that they will change the rules,again next year.,他们很可能在明年再次更改规则。,8.,less than,(置于形容词或副词前以表示否定)不,It would have been less than fair.,那会是很不公平的。,a good deal less than perfect,很不完善,Will you please come with me?,It was less a request than a command.,“你和我一起去吧。”这话不像请求,而更像是命令。,9.,no less than,(对某一数目之大表示惊奇)多达,No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the,form of parks and nature sanctuaries.,该国多达35%的地区以公园和自然保护区的形式受到保护。,He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.,多达4家美国电视媒体排期邀请他上节目接受采访。,10.,nothing less than,(用以加强后面的词语,常表示某事物,显得惊人或重要),简直;全然,What was needed was nothing less than a new industrial,revolution.,人们需要的无异是一次新的工业各命。,This was nothing less than tragic.,这完全是场悲剧。,11.,other than,:,different from or except 不同于;除了,The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself.,除了你本人,谁也不能在这张表格上签字。,Theres nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish.,今晚的电视除了垃圾,再没别的了。,He called together all his employees and announced that,the manager was none other than his son.,他把所有的员工召集到一起,宣布经理不是别人,正是他,的儿子。,12.,rather than,The problem was psychological rather than physiological.,问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。,When Im going out in the evening I use the bike if I can,rather than the car.,我晚上要外出的时候,我宁愿骑自行车而不是开车。,I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk.,我说啊,这是训斥,不是谈话。,Rather than go straight to university why not get some,work experience first?,与其直接上大学,为什么不先取得一点工作经验呢?,13.,would sooner do sth,(than sth else)宁愿做某事(,而不愿做另一件事),Shed sooner share a house with other students,than live at home with her parents.,Im going rock climbing this weekend.,Rather you than me!,“这个周末我想去攀岩。”“你去吧,我才不去呢!”,14.,than,ever,用于比较结构中,以强调,”(,比,),以往任何时候”,She looked weaker than ever.,她比以往任何时候都虚弱。,hotter/colder/better etc than ever,比以前任何时候都热/冷/好等,Last nights show was better than ever.,昨晚的演出比以前任何一场都好看。,than ever,/,before,/,usual,比,He came later than usual.,他比平常晚来。,The river has become cleaner than before.,那条河变得比以前干净了。,15.,no sooner,had +S + done.,than,.did,No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.,他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。,No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep.,他刚合上眼就睡着了。,No sooner had I got into the house than the phone rang.,我刚进屋,电话铃就响了。,16.,nothing more.than,.,没什么比更好/糟糕/令人激动的,(用于强调某事物非常好/糟糕/令人激动等),Theres nothing more exciting than seeing your name,in print.,没什么比看到你的名字刊印在出版物上更令人激动的了。,Theres nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night.,没什么事比晚上不能入睡更糟糕的。,17.,know better,(than) 晓得不该做,(.),不至于笨到,(,),I know better than to quarrel with my boss.,我不至于笨到去跟老板吵架。,You should (ought to) know better.,你应该知道那是不对的(你真白活了那么大的岁数)。,I should have known better than to trust him.,我本来应当知道不该信任他。,I suppose you think you know better than your parents!,我想你一定以为比你父母高明一些!,


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