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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/9/28 Wednesday,#,The Analysis of Hamlets Inner Conflicts,I . Introduction,Hamlets,Misfortunes,The Analysis of,Hamlets Characters,The Causes for Hamlets,Inner Conflicts,Conclusion,I .,Introduction,Hamlet,is one of Shakespeares remarkable representatives,It,mainly depicts a miserable tragedy about,a princes revenge course for his father,This masterpiece has never lost its artistic significance even with the passage of time for it always possesses,allusions to reality,The hero Hamlet,,,due to his full,blooded image,,,is always,a much,talked literal figure and immortally vivid character,in the endless flow of history,His father,,,the king,,,whom he thought to be a perfect man in the world,,,was secretly murdered by his uncle,His,mother,,,the queen,,,married the new king,,,namely his uncle,,,just after his fathers death,,,which was immoral and shameful in his eyes,His,lover,,,owning to a series of disastrous blows,,,was driven to insanity and drowned,His classmates,became his uncles spies to keep watch on him and were even ready to kill him to fulfill the new kings order,Hamlets Misfortunes,The Analysis of Hamlets Characters,From,very beginning to the end,,,he was a man of contradictory,At first,,,he believed in mans value and the worlds brightness,,,but in front of him was the gloom reality and evil society,,,which he had a strong desire but not enough power to change,When,the ghost of his father appeared and told him what actually had happened,,,he was immersed in the proving his uncles guilt before trying to act,When,he found solid evidence of his uncles evil deeds,,,he hesitated to complete his task to revenge,When,he actually got a chance to stab his uncle in the back while he was repenting,,,he didnt strike because of his religious concern,When,he was plagued with the self,questioning,of,life and death,,,he was dread of the “,undiscovered,country” which “no traveler returns”,The Causes for Hamlets Inner Conflicts,1 .The,powerfulness of the evil,forces,At,first,,,he is full of,rosy ideas,about life; however what,lies,before,his eyes is an evil society replete with,intrigues,and ugliness,,,which,indeed,discourages him,He is eager to wipe out all the evil forces,,,yet he,hesitates in action,,,because he feels powerless,,,compared with the powerful darkness,2,.,The,weakness of Hamlets,nature,He always,hesitates to make a decision and lacks of,courage,to,put it into practice,It really takes him long to revenge for his father,,,even there are several opportunities available,Moreover,,,he,is almost lost in pessimism,In his eyes,,,the society is glutted misery,He sinks into the depth of desperation,In this way,,,he gradually loses fighting will and departs from his original wishes,3,Hamlets deep love for human and,life,In his mind,,,human beings are,equal,and the world is,wonderful,However,,,in reality,,,life is full of,intrigues,,,deception,,,tortures,,,and crimes,Despite his rage and despair,,,he really wants to fight against and wipe out these troubles,Nevertheless,,,the task is,beyond his ability,Whats more,,,in his heart,,,he is unwilling to launch the bloody massacre,Conclusion,Suffering such keen grief,,,Hamlet utters such,desperate,yell,,,which,makes him a timeless mystery in literal enquiry,Furthermore,,,Hamlets inaction not only is owing to the weakness of his nature and the powerfulness of the evil forces but also stems from his rational thinking and his deep love toward every creature,


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