American Civil War 幻灯片

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Lincon thought that the United States must be unified,undoubtedly,TX,MS,LA,AL,GA,SC,FL,AR,TN,NC,VA,dull red,:seceded,from,the Union stades before the war,red,:,seceded from,the Union stades in the war,yellow: allowed slavery in the united,stades,blue:,Prohibition of slavery in,the united,state,s,grey:other territory,The cries in America,Constitutional crisis,Social crisis,Religious,crisis,Moral crisis,Constitutional crisis,(1) The sovereignty question of state versus national power,After the founding and before the civil war about 70 years, federal and state sovereignty theorists have been fierce struggle. Although the federal constitution has in fact established the sovereignty, but states from their own interests, trying to deny federal sovereign.,建国初期州主权和联邦主权之争,1787,年宪法虽然建立了一个全国性的、主权的政府,但是由于没有明确的文字规定,往往给州主权论者以可乘之机,州主权论者的主要理论依据是主权可分论和契约理论,即认为州政府将自己主权的一部分让渡给联邦,自己仍拥有主权;,联邦宪法,是各个州之间的契约,联邦政府的权力来自各州。州主权论者的观点存在这样几个问题:,首先,主权是否可分,是否可以让渡,?,虽然邦联政府时期州是主权的拥有者,但认为主权可分从逻辑上是讲不通的,不管通过什么方式建立一个新的国家,必须推翻原有主权,在一个民族国家中不能同时有两个主权政府。,其次,既然州不能让渡主权,那么州是否可以决定主权归属呢,?,州主权论者错误地解释了启蒙思想家提出的“主权在民”、“社会契约”思想。“社会契约”是人民之间的契约,而不是各个成员单位的契约,通过契约在人民中间成立的政府行使的权力是人民授予的,而不是该国家中各个成员单位授予的。亨利,李坚持这一点,他说,“在权力方面没有州可以从联邦退出,在政策方面也没有州被允许这样做。”他认为宪法“不是由不同州政府建议的,而是由人民仔细考虑并采纳的,宪法的语言不是各个州的语言,它是由人民在不同州的制宪会议上批准的”。李正确诠释了启蒙思想家们的“社会契约论”,动摇了州主权论的根基。,(2)Written commitment to liberty and slavery,They put out all men are created equal in the declaration of independence ,but at the same time, the revolutionary leaders, including Washington and Jefferson, and quite a few part of the settlers were enslaved large numbers of slaves, and formal recognition to slavery in the constitution and protect it.,(3)How to convert territories into states,Social crisis,(1)The population double every 25 years since the 1700s.,(2) The abolitionist movement,From the early 1830 s, the northern of the United States began abolitionist movement, as early as in the colonial era and the revolutionary war, both franklin, and,Jefferson,proposed the abolition of slavery. After the United States independent, the northern states has to abolish the black slavery. But due to the rapid development of cotton planting industry, the southern states expanding plantation slavery, threatening the peoples democratic rights. Before or after the 1820 s, the abolitionist movement organization in the United States began to emerge .,(3)Whether the transcontinental railroad should connect California with a southern or a northern,terminus,.,(4)Whether slaveowners had the right to take slave,property,into,the free states.,Religious,crisis,Whether the countrys manifest destiny was of a slave or a free nature.,Causing a split in Protestant churches,Abolitionists could not tolerate being in the same denomination as slaveholders ,and vice versa.,Moral,crisis,The contradiction in human bondage and the,words of the Declaration,of,independence that “all men are created equal.”,The war came:,During the war:,Lincoln,s speeches:,1),Emancipation Proclamation,biblical language,2),Getty,s,burg,a progression of tenses,:,from past to,pre,sent,Address,birth and rebirth metaphors,if America fails, freedom will fail,These speeches j,oined the Declaration of Independence and memorized expressions of American freedom, equality, and new beginning,:,Took four years,Took 620000 american lives A modern war,:,huge armies,、,rifled weaponry,、,forced enrollments and widespread civilian casualtoes,The greatest American of all time-Lincoln,Lincoln,held,firmly to his conviction that the union could not be dissolved,;,Two of Lincoln s speeches: “Emancipation Proclamation” and “Getty,s,burg Address”,His elegant language and strong leadership,Firstly,Abraham,Lincoln and the,civil war,Secondly,the significance of the civil war in the history of the United States,Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States in 1860,Campaign theme,:,“,联邦必须而且将会得到保留,”,1.,the fuse,:,The union must and shall be preserved,2.,In April 1861, the south declared,independence, civil war broke out,In July 1861, the northern army offensive Richmond, bite the dust.,Lincoln under pressure,3,、,The beginning of the war situation,:,Em,a,ncipation Proclamation,4,、,A,turning,point (1862),the Emancipation Proclamation,Since New Years day 1863, abolition the slavery, and allow the slaves in the northern army as,the black in the northern,army,the battle of,Gettysburg,in 1863,GETTYSBURG,ADDRESS,Lincoln said in the,Gettysburg address:,“,that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.,”,5,、,the end,of,the war,,,the north victory,1865,年,南方投降协议的签署仪式。,Lincolns role in this battle,First Led the American civil war,Second,Freed the black slavery,Third To maintain national unity,The significance of the civil war,First The United States to abolish,the black slavery,Second Maintain the unity of the country,Third After clearing the obstacles of the,development of capitalism for rapid,economic development has created conditions,


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