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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一般现在时,教学目标,让学生学会正确的使用一般现在时,掌握当主语是单三时实义动词在一般现在时中的变化规则,能综合运用一般现在时完成任务,通过课堂互动与合作学习,增强学习兴趣,培养语言知识交际能力,自学指导,:,一般现在时的定义和具体应用?,一般现在时的表达方式是什么?,一、系动词,be,的一般现在时,二、情态动词的一般现在时,三、实义(行为)动词的一,般现在时,研一研,分小组讨论总结出一般现在时表示什么意义?,具体用法是什么?,定义及具体运用,1.,表示现在的状态,:,e.g.,Hes twelve.,Shes at work.,2.,表示经常或习惯性的动作,,,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。,【,talk,】,1.,频度副词,:,sometimes,(,有时,),often,always,(,总是,),usually,(,通常,),seldom,never,(,决不,),twice a,week,seldom,once,a month, on Sundays,2.,in the morning/afternoon/evening,3.,every morning/night/evening/day/week/year,e.g.,I leave home for school at 7:00,everymorning,.,I get up at 6:30 every day.,He reads English every morning.,学一学,3.,表示主语具备的性格和能力等:,e.g.,She likes noodles.,They speak Japanese.,4.,普遍真理和自然规律:,e.g.,Two plus four is six.,The moon goes around the earth.,The earth moves around the sun.,Shanghai lies in the east of China.,注意:此用法如果出现在,宾语从句,中,即使主句是过去时,从句,谓语,也要用一般现在时。,e.g.,Columbus proved that the earth is round.,5.,表示格言或警句中。,e.g.,Pride goes before a fall.,骄者必败。,研一研,一般现在时通过哪几项动词的变化来表示?,它们的否定、疑问、特殊疑问又该如何表示?,分别如何作答?,表达方法,主要通过 和 的变化来表示,常常句中加上表示时间的词语。其中,最主要的是谓语动词,的变化。一般现在时动词变化的规则是:,情态动词、,be,动词、,实义(行为)动词,助动词、,Start to learn,be,动词的一般现在时,肯定句:,主语,+be+,表语,(n., adj.,数词,介词短语等,),表状态,I,am,a student.,He,is,twelve.,They,are,in the classroom.,否定句:,be +not,I,am,not,a student.,He,is,not,a thirteen.,They,are not,in the classroom.,一般疑问句:,be,提前,Are,you a student?,Is,he twelve?,Are,they in the classroom?,特殊疑问句:,疑问词,+,一般疑问句,Who,are,you?,How old,is,he?,Where,are,they?,肯定回答:,Yes,,主语,+be,否定回答:,No,,主语,+,be+not,注意:在作疑问句的回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替,I,用,am,;,you,we,,,they,都,用,are,is,连着,he,,,she,,,it,;,单数名词用,is,复数名词全用,are,。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,,be,后,not,莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑,总结一下:,Be,的用法口诀(,talk bout it),一、用,be,动词的适当形式填空,Amy _ her sister.,2. His name _ Kate.,3. -What _ your phone number?,-It _284-2942.,4.,-,_ you Cara?,-,No, I _ Gina.,5. Her brothers name _ John.,6. His family name _ Li.,is,is,is,Are,am,is,is,is,Practice and Test,四、用,be,动词的正确形式,(is, am, are),填空,,完成句子,18. _ they from Japan?, Yes, they _.,19. You _ a teacher and I,_ a doctor.,20. _,Ronaldo,from Brazil?, Yes, he _.,21. Who _ that?, This _,Kangkang,.,22. _ you a student?, Yes, I _.,23. Where _ Beijing?, It_ in China.,Are,are,are,am,Is,is,is,is,Are,am,is,is,( )1. What color _ her shoes?,Black.,amB. isC. are D. be,( )2. These are my pants. His _ yellow.,A. isB. am C. are D. /,( )3. My family _ very big.,A. amB. is C. areD. does,( ),4. This pair of shoes _ mine.,His,are,over there.,A. will be B. is C. are D. be,( )5. My name _ Jack. Liu Ying and,Sun Mei _ my friends.,A. is; are B. is; is C. are; isD. is; am,( )6. What class _ your brother in?,He _ in Class Two.,A. does; is B. is; is C. are; /D. are; is,Bob is not on the football team.,Is Bob on the football team?,No, he isnt. (Yes, he is.),They are not in the teachers office.,Are they in the teachers office?,Yes, they are. (No, they arent.),What is Bob?,Who are in the teachers office?,二,.,改写下列句子。,1. Bob is (,on the football team.),否定句:,一般疑问句:,回答:,对括号部分提问:,2.( They are) in the teachers office.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,回答:,对括号部分提问:,3. There is (a piano )in the room.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,回答:,对括号内容提问:,There is not a piano in the room.,Is there a piano in the room?,Yes, there is. (No, there isnt. ),What is in the room?,3. It is (sunny) today.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,回答:,对括号内容提问:,4. There is (some water) in the bottle.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,回答:,对括号内容提问:,It is not sunny today.,Is it sunny today?,Yes, it is .(No, it isnt.),There is not any water in the bottle.,Is there any water in the bottle?,Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.),How is the weather today?,Whats the weather like today?,What is in the bottle?, 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用 “,Whos +,介词短语,?”,;当主语是物时,用 “,Whats +,介词短语,?”,。其中,there,在口语中常常省略。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对其提问时一般都用,be,的单数形式,(,回答时却要根据实际情况来决定,),。如:,There is a bird in the tree.,Whats in the tree?,There are some bikes over there. Whats over there?,There is a little girl in the room.,Who is in the room?, 对地点状语提问:用 “,Where is are +,主语,?”,表示(注意其答语变化):,There is a computer in my office., Where is the computer?,-Its in my office.,There are four children in the classroom.,Where are the four children?,They re in the classroom.,情态动词的一般现在时,构成,主语,+,情态动词,+,动词原形,+,其他,She can speak English.,注意:情态动词后的动词一定要用,原形,试比较:,They,are,right.,She speak,s,English.,学一学,They can sing English songs,情态动词否定句的构成,主语,+,情态动词,+ not +,动词原形,+,其他,I can drive the car but she cant,I cant speak English,She cant drive a car.,can can not,may may not,must,must,not,Can,you,speak,English,?,Yes,,,I can.,No,,,I cant.,肯定回答:,Yes,,主语,+,情态动词,否定回答:,No,,主语,+,情态动词,+not,情态动词,+,主语,+,动词,原形,+,其它部分?,注意:在回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替,情态动词疑问句的构成,She can speak,English,.,He may be,in Beijing.,Where,may he is?,They must find,it,.,What,must they find?,情态动词的特殊疑问句的构成,特殊疑问词,+,情态动词,+,主语,+,动词,原形,+,其它部分?,What,can she speak,?,情态动词后接动词原形,;,没有人称和数的变化,;,不能单独作谓语,与后面的动词共同作谓语,;,其否定形式在后面直接加,not,。,Modal verbs,情态动词,总结,.,用适当的情态动词填空:。,1.I can play football. _you swim?,2.Dont worry. You _ return me this book tomorrow.,3.My grandma is ill. You _ talk so loudly here .,4.I cant play with you. I _finish my homework first.,5.I_ get up early tomorrow. because I have a meeting.,6._you please open the window?,Can,may,cant,must,must,Can,9. Nobody _live without air.,10._he speak Chinese ?Yes ,a little.,11. The book _ be returned before Saturday.,12._I come in ?Yes ,please.,13. You _give up smoking at once. Its bad,for your health.,14. Excuse me ._I ask you a question?,15. _you tell me where the station is ?,16. _ I finish the work now ?No, you _.,You _ do it this evening.,17. May I use your dictionary ? Sorry , you _.,I am using it now .,can,Can,must,May,must,May,Can,Must,neednt,can,cant,实义动词的一般现在时,什么时候用动词的原型?,什么时候用动词的单三形式?,观察下列图片,并得出结论。,研一研,重点,The girl apples.,These two boys apples.,eats,eat,说说看看,Mike basketball,.,The boys,basketball.,plays,play,Xiao,mei,to school.,We twins,are,goes,That boy,TV.,Tim and his mother TV.,watches,watch,She going shopping.,I going shopping.,like,likes,1.,如果主语是 和,I,、,we,谓语动词不用做任何变化,即仍然用动词原形表示:,名词复数,第一人称,肯定句,:,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他,否定句,:,主语,+dont+,动词原形,+,其他,一般疑问句,: Do+,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他,例,1) We usually go to school at 7:30.,我们通常,7:30,上学去。,go,2) My parents give ten,yuan,to my sister every week.,我父母每星期给我妹妹十元钱。,2.,主语是 时,谓语动词要进行必要的变化。,肯定句,:,主语,+,动词的第三人称单数,+,其他,否定句,:,主语,+doesnt+,动词原形,+,其他,一般疑问句,:,Does+,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他,肯定回答,:,Yes,,主语,+does,否定回答,:,No,,主语,+doesnt,特殊疑问句,:,特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句,必要的,什么是第三人称单数呢?,第三人称单数,1.人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数.,1).He,likes,watching TV.,他喜欢看电视.,2).She,has,lunch at twelve.,他十二点吃午餐.,3). It,looks,like a cat.,它看起来象只猫.,2. 单个人名.地名或称呼作主语时,是第三人称单数形式.如:,1).Han Mei,watches,TV with,her mother.韩梅,和,她的母亲,看电视,.,2).Beijing,is,the capital of,China.,北京,是,中国,的首都,.,3).,Teacher Wu,often,makes,cakes,at her home,.,王,老师经常在家,做蛋糕,.,3.this/that/the,/a/an+,单数可数名词”作主语时,是第三人称单数.,如:,1).,A girl play,s,the piano at school.,2).This book,is,yours.,3).That car,is,red.,4).The cat,is,Lucys.,4.,不可数名,词或抽象名词作,主语时,为第三人称单数,.,如,:,1).The milk,is,in the glass.,牛奶在玻璃杯里,.,2).The bread,is,very small.,那块面包很小,.,5. 当数字或字母做主语时,看做第三人称单数.,如:,1).“6”,is,a lucky number.,“6”是个吉利数字.,2).“I”,is,a letter. “ I”是个字母.,6.,在某些特殊疑问句中,特殊疑问词做主语表单数含义,How old,is,she?,When,is,her,birther,?,Who,is,your math teacher?,How much,is,the pen?,Where,does,he want to go?,Why,is,she?,What subject,does,she like best?,在一般现在时中, 当,主语,是第三人称单数形式时,行为动词,用第三人称单数形式,即加,-s,或,es,. 具体方法如下:,一般情况下,直接加,-s.,如:,work-work,s,play-play,s,rain-rain,s,see-see,s,2.,以 sh,ch,s,x或o结尾的词后加-es,.如:,wash-wash,es,teach-teach,es,fix-fix,es,do-do,es,go-go,es,3.以辅音字母加,-y,结尾的, 先把,y,变成,i,再加,-es,.如:,study-stud,ies,fly-fl,ies,carry-carr,ies,4.,元音字母,+y,结尾直接加,s.,如:,play,s, say,s, buy,s,5.,以,o,结尾加,-,es,.,如:,do-do,es, gogo,es,6.,以不发音的子母,-e,结尾的直接加,-s.,如:,likelike,s, drive-drive,s,7.,特殊:,are-is, have-has,注意:不要和,名词的单复数,混淆,那么相应的问题赶紧讨论一下啦,!,单数,复数,可数名词,如,何,变,化?,规则变化,不规则变化,规则变化,1.,一般情况下,直接在名词词尾加,-s,.,2,.,以,s,x,sh,ch,结尾的名词,在词尾加,-,es,.,3.,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的名词,要变,y,为,i,再加,-,es,.,5.,以,f,或,fe,结尾的名词,先将,f,或,fe,变为,v,再加,-,es,.,6.,以,o,结尾的名词,表示无生命事物的名词加,-s,表示有生命事物的名词加,-,es,。,4.,以“元音字母,+y”,结尾的名词,直接在词尾加,-s .,Sum up,写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式,work,study,drive,wash,watch,fly,spell,speak,say,like,do,have,work,s,stud,ies,drive,s,wash,es,watch,es,fl,ies,spell,s,speak,s,say,s,like,s,do,es,has,练一练,给下列可数名词加复数,bird- card- lady-,orange- ruler- photo-,friend- boy- watch-,girl- case- cat-,wife- tree- key-,bed- hero- family-,dictionary- question-,leaf- party- cup-,birds,ladies,oranges,rulers,cats,boys,girls,cases,wives,watches,trees,keys,questions,beds,heroes,friends,families,dictionaries,photos,cards,leaves,parties,cups,行为动词的一般现在时,肯定句:,I/We/You/They,I,stay,at home on Saturdays.,They,like,playing basketball.,He/She/It,He stay,s,at home on Saturdays.,Lucy,like,s,playing basketball.,否定句:,I/We/You/They,I,dont,stay,at home on Saturdays.,They,dont,like,playing basketball.,He/She/It,He,doesnt stay,at home on Saturdays.,Lucy,doesnt,like,playing basketball.,动词原形,单三,dont +,动原,doesnt +,动原,总结,一般疑问句:,I/We/You/They,Do,you,stay,at home on Saturdays?,Do,they,like,playing basketball?,He/She/It,Does,he,stay,at home on Saturdays?,Does,Lucy,like,playing basketball?,特殊疑问句:,I/We/You/They,What does,she,do,at home on Saturdays?,What do,they,like,doing,?,He/She/It,Where,does,he,go,on Saturdays?,Why does,Lucy,like,Playing basketball?,一般现在时综合练习,Practice makes perfect!,孰能生巧,用动词的适当形式填空,1.,We often _ (play) on the playground.,2.,He _ (get) up at six o,clock.,3.,_ you _ (brush) your teeth every morning?,play,get,s,Do,brush,5.Danny_ (study) English, Chinese,Maths, Science and Art at school.,6.Mike,sometimes,_(go) to the park with his sister.,7.At eight at night, she _ (watch) TV with his parents.,8._ Mike _(read) English every day?,studies,goes,watches,Does,read,9. How many lessons _ your classmate _(have) on Monday?,10. What time _ his mother _(do) the housework?,does,have,does,do,4. She lives in a small town near New York.,(改为一般疑问句),5. I watch TV every day.,(改为一般疑问句),Does,she,live,in a small town Near New York,?,Do,you watch TV every day?,7. We have four lessons.,(,改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答),8. My dog runs fast. (,一般疑问句并否定回答,),:,Do,you,have four lessons?,Yes,we,do.,Does,your dog,run,fast?,No,it,doesnt.,10. Mike has two letters for him.,一般疑问句:,11. I usually,play football,on Friday afternoon.,一般疑问句,:,划线提问,Does,Mike,have,two letters for him?,Do,you usually play football on .?,What,do,you usually,do,on Friday afternoon,.,12. Su Yang usually,wash,es,some,clothes,on Saturday.,一般疑问句,:,划线提问,:13.,Mingming,usually,water,s,the flowers,every day,一般疑问句,:,划线提问:,Does,Su Yang usually,wash,any,clothes on Saturday?,What does Su Yang,ususlly,do,on Saturday?,14. Tom,do,es,his homework,at home.,一般疑问句,:,划线提问:,What does Tom,do,at home?,Does,Tom,do,his homework at home?,15.We,do our homework,every day.,划线提问,:,What do you,do,every day?,对划线部分提问,3.Its,Wednesday,today.,4.His,favourite,sport is,basketball.,5.My brother works in,Shenzhen.,6.One of my classmates comes from,Australia.,7.Lucy usually gets up at,6:30,in the morning.,What day is it today?,Whats his,favourite,sport?,Where does your brother work?,Where does one of your classmates come from?,When does Lucy get up in the morning?,I do my homework.(,用,He,改写,),He does his homework,.,She does her homework.(,用,we,改写,),We do our homework.,Tom does his homework.(,用,they,改写,),They do their,homewrk,.,EX2,1.Tom often_( get ) up at six in the morning,2. The earth _( go) around the sun .,3.Marys parent _(live ) in Beijing .,4. She _ (draw) very well.,gets,goes,lives,draws,继续加油,Come on!,Tom goes to school every day by bike.,1.,就,Tom,提问,2.,就,goes to school,提问,3.,就,by bike,提问,1.Who goes to school every day by bike?,2.What does Tom do every day by bike ?,3.How does Tom go to school every day?,Ex2.,将下列句子变成其否定和一般疑问句并就斜体部分提问。,1.,She,comes,from,America.,2.,I usually go to school,by bike,.,Does she come from America?,She doesnt come from,Ameica,.,Where does she come from?,I dont usually go to school by bike.,Do you usually go to school by bike?,How do you usually go to school ?,1._ you have a book ?,A DoB. AreC. IsD. Have2.Does Li Lei like to watch TV? _.A. Yes, he like. B. No, he doesnt.,C. Yes, hed like.D. No, he likes.3.She doesnt _ her homework in the afternoon.,A. doingB. to doC. doesD. do4.How _ Mr. Smith _ to England?,A. do, go B. is , go,C. does, go D. does , goes,5. _ she _ home at six every day?,A. Is , leave B. Does , leave,C. Is , leaves D. Does , left6.I,want_homework,now.,A .doingB. to do,C.to,do my,D.do,my7.Its time_.,A.go,to school,B.play,games,C.to,go home,D.to,do my,homeworks,8,_you _the blackboard?,Yes,I,can.,A.Can, clean,B.Am, cleaning,C.Are, cleaning,D.Do, clean9,_go and help her.,A.Lets,me,B.Lets,us,C.Lets,D.Lets,to,10.Do they have a new car? Yes,_.,A.they,are,B.they,have,C.they,dont,D.they,do11.He often _ supper at 6:00 in the,evening.,A. have B. has,C. is having D. is eating12. Its 6 oclock in the morning. Its,time _.,A. get up B. gets up,C. to get up D. gets up,13.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _ tomorrow.,A. dont rain B. doesnt rain,C. wont rain D. isnt rain,14. The picture _ nice.,A. looks B. is looked,C. look D. is looking,同学们在具体做题中我们也遇到了,Some,和,any,And,、,or,和,but,Too,和,either,相互变换的形式呢?那么再次讨论一下,让我们强化强化它们吧!,研一研,some,、,any,一般说来,,some,用于肯定句中,,any,用于否定句和疑问句中 。,改疑问句或否定句时,原句里的,some,要改成,any,There are some books on the desk. (,改为否定句,),There arent any books on the desk.,Are there any books on the desk?,Why not buy some apples?,为什么不买些苹果呢,?,Would you like some more apples?,你要不要再吃点苹果,?,注意:在表示建议或希望得到肯定回答时,,some,可用于疑问句,不用变成,any.,and or,变否定句时,,and,要变成,or,There is some air and water on the moon,.,There isnt,any,air,or,water on the moon.,He has some brothers and sisters.,He doesnt have,any,brothers,or,sisters.,在否定句当中,,too,要改为,either,I like eating apples, too.,I dont like eating apples, either.,1 .He is very old,_ he works very hard.,A. but B. and C. when D. as,五、选择,2. She likes ice cream _ hamburgers, _ they,are not healthy.,A. /, and B. but, / C. but, and D. and, but,3. They dont often play football _basketball.,A. Or B. / C. and D. as,4. Would you like to eat _ meat _ fruit?,A. some, and B. some, or C. any, or D. any, and,5. She is beautiful _ clever.,A. Or B. / C. and D. as,三、仿造示例完成句子,用上,but,和,and,。,Module:,Jack, ride a bike, ride a horse.,Jack can ride a bike,but,he cant ride a horse.,Jack can ride a bike,and,horse.,Betty, ride a bike, swim,_,_,Betty can ride a bike, but he cant swim.,Betty can ride a bike and swim.,2. Tony, play football, play tennis.,_,_,Tony can play football, but he cant play tennis.,Tony can play football and tennis.,3.,Tom and Sam, speak Chinese, speak English,_,_,Tom and Sam can speak Chinese, but they cant speak English.,Tom and Sam can speak Chinese and English.,四、合并下列句子,用上,but,或者,and.,Oranges and apples are healthy. They are my,favourite,food.,_,_,Oranges and apples are healthy, and they,are my,favourite,food.,3. Betty has got some hamburgers and Coke.,They are not healthy food.,_ _,Betty has got some hamburgers and Coke, but,they are not healthy food.,4. Lily has got some beef. Lucy hasnt got any beef.,_,Lily has got some beef, but Lucy hasnt got any beef.,5. Ice cream isnt healthy. Its not my,favourite,.,_,Ice cream isnt healthy, and its not my,favourite,.,Thank you!,


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