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Similarly,Make sure,So that,Make progress,In fact,Fall asleep,Tell jokes,n.,时间表,n.,假期,vt.,温习(功课),n.,纪律,n.,关系,adj.,正式的,adv.,同样地,类似地,话题,放松的,确信;弄清楚,因此,;,结果,取得进步,事实上,睡着,讲笑话,1patient adj.耐心的,n.病人,be patient with对有耐心的,be patient of 能忍受的,be/get out of patience with 对失去耐心,lose ones patience with 失去的耐心,have no patience with 不能容忍,,对没有耐心,have the patience to do sth.,有耐心做某事,Hes a good teacher,but he doesnt have much patience with the slower pupils.,He is very_ _the students.,他对学生很有耐心。,My mother always gets a bit_if we dont arrive when we say we will.,Aanxious Bashamed,Cweak Dpatient,2avoid v避开;逃避;避免,avoid sth./sb. 避免某事/避开某人,avoid doing sth. 避免做某事,This leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while travelling.,Tom was lucky and avoided,b,eing punished/punishment.,3immediately adv.立即,即刻,conj.一就,Whats your plan for this wintervacation?,Ill take an express train to Dalian for,my holiday_school ends.,Awhile Buntil,Cimmediately Dunless,4appreciate v感激;欣赏,appreciate doing.感激做,I would appreciate it if.假如我将不胜感激,appreciation n. 欣赏;感激,I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down,I would appreciate you_your,umbrella_me.,I would_ _if you,share your umbrella with me.,5admit vt. & vi. 容许;承认;接纳;准许 进入;可容纳,admit (doing) sth.承认(做了)某事,admit sb./sth. to be 承认某人/某事,admit sb. to/into 准许某人进入;,be admitted to/into 被接收(入学等),As far as I know,the newlybuilt cinema can admit 5,000 people.,She admitted having broken the traffic rules.,He was happy to be admitted into Beijing Normal University.,1.The old man opened the door and,_ me_his house.,老人打开门让我进屋里去。,2.Id like to go to the movie with you, Dad.,Sorry, my son, but only the grownups are,_into the cinema.,Arequired Bintended,Cadmitted Dsupposed,6,respect v,& n,尊重,尊敬,respect sb.for sth.因某事尊敬某人respect oneself 自尊自重,show/have respect for sb.尊敬某人with respect 尊敬地,If you dont respect yourself,how can,you except others to respect you?,James Cook was a strict captain,but,all the sailors on the ship showed,respect for James Cook,The plan is fine in every respect.,A用respect的适当形式填空,Our English teacher often_our,o,pinions. Everyone in our class,shows great_for her and,admits she is a_ teacher.,1make sure 弄清楚;查明;确信;,务必(做到),make sure of(doing)sth. 弄清楚(做)某事,确保某事,make sure that. 设法确保,查明,be sure of/about/that 确信. .,be sure to do sth. (主语)一定会做某事,for sure 肯定地,确切地,If I go to Iraq,can you make sure of,my safety?,The company has invested heavily in,information technology to make sure,that information is available instantly,on screen.,Be sure to ring and let us know,youve got back safely.,First you must_the time and place.,首先你必须弄清时间和地点。,Could you tell me the way to the railway,station?,_.,ASure BCertain,CMake sure DNever mind,2as a result 结果;因此,as a result of 作为的结果;由于,without result 没有结果;白费,result from 由于,result in 造成;导致,1).,They departed as a result of the,endless quarrels.,2).,The endless quarrels resulted in their,departure.,3).,Their departure resulted from the,endless quarrels.,1).He had some bad fish. _,he felt ill this,morning.,2).Research shows that people feel unhappy,and worried when they have nothing to,do._,the happiest are those who are,busy.,AIn short BIn fact,CAs a result DFor one thing,3,be true of 符合于;对适用;,对一样,be true to ones word/promise说话算数,,信守诺言,be true to life 栩栩如生,come true (愿望等)实现,成为事实,The food is good and this is true of the,service.,He is a man who is true to his promise.,His dream of taking part in the London,Olympic Games finally came true.,If that is true of writing fiction,you can,be sure it _dealing with people,face to face.,The plot of the new movie is dull.,The same is true_the acting.,Awith Bof,Cto Din,4. so . that .,(1)so,+,adj./adv.,+that.,so+,adj.a,/an+,n,.+that.,so+,many/much/few/little,(,少,),n.,that,(2)such,+,a,/an+,n,.,adj.,n.(,单数,)+that.,such+,adj.,n.(,复数,)/n.(u),thatclause,George had _he had to,get a job.,They are _they cant do,anything.,他们是小孩,什么事情都干不了。,_at the news that her eyes,rained tears.,A,.,So was Kate sadB,.,So sad was Kate,C.So sad Kate wasD,.,Was Kate so sad,1,),.He is so careless a boy that he made so,many mistakes in the exam.,2,),. He lost so much money that he was very,sad.,3,),. They are such clever children that they,overcame all the difficulties.,4,),. He worked so hard that he made so,much progress.,同义句转换,1,),. The box is too heavy for me to carry.,The box is so _ _ _ _ carry it .,2,),. He is so young that he cant go to,school alone,He is_ young _ _ to school.,He is not _ _ _ _ to school.,3,),. My bike needs repairing.,My bike needs _ _ _.,5. with 的复合宾语结构,With many things_ _,I have to stop,listening to the light music.,The weather was even colder with,the wind_.,1. With all the children _ abroad, the old man feels lonely.,A. lived B. live C. to live D. living,2. I was frightened and fell off the bike, with all the books,_ on the ground.,A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lying,3. With a long way _, we didnt stop to have a rest .,A. goes B. going C. gone D. to go,4. With so much _, Ill have to refuse the invitation.,A. doing B. to do C. done D. to do with,5. The little girl looks more mature with a pair of glasses _.,A. wearing B. to wear C. on D. put on,6. With a lot of things _, he went to the supermarket.,He went home, with all the things _.,A. to buy B. bought C. buying D. buy,7. He entered the classroom, with all the students _ at him.,He entered the classroom, with all the students _on him.,A. looking B. looked C.fixing D. fixed,would rather do A. than do B.,would do A. rather than do B.,prefer to do A.rather than do B.,prefer doing A. to doing B.,prefer A to B.,6Id rather do translation than revision,would rather that sb. did/were. .,would rather that sb. had done . .,I would rather I were you.,I would rather he came here tomorrow,I would rather I had passed last exam.,Rather than_at home,she preferred,_with us.,A,.,stay;to goB,.,staying;going,C,.,stay;go D,.,stay;to go,选用prefer或would rather来完成句子。,1. Most Grade 7 students_skating to bowling.,2. Students_go bowling than skate.,3. Around 80% of the girls_go to the cinema,than watch TV.,4. Lucy_ red to blue when she was a little girl.,5. On rainy days,Alice_to do some reading at,home rather than go out.,6. Mary would rather_TV at home than_ out.,A. to watch ;go B. watch ; to go,C. watch ; go D. watching; going,7. Lily prefers _a low score rather than _ in,the exam.,A. to get;cheat B. get;to cheat,C. getting;cheating D. get; cheat,1. Its not true at all. He is c_ wrong.,2. It doesnt matter if a teacher is not o_.,3. The group produces a monthly s_ of,their research.,4. They made the discovery by doing lots of,s_ experiments.,5. He is a good student. But s_, he didnt,pass the exam.,6. You cant appreciate foreign _(文学),in translation.,7. He was such a selfless man that everyone,_(尊敬)him.,8.The teacher has a very good _(关系) with,her students.,9. He _(承认) all his mistakes.,10. Shes very _(耐心的) with young children.,My first _1_ (印象)of Mrs Li was that she was,_2_ (紧张的)and shy. She always _3_ (避免),making us feel embarrassed.If I make a mistake,or pronounce a word _4_(不正确地),she just,smiles so that I dont feel _5_(十分地) stupid.,Mrs Chen is a_6_(严格的)teacher. We dont dare,to a say word unless she asks us to. She is serious,and doesnt smile much but we _7_(欣赏)because,her teaching is well _8_ (有组织的)and clear. Mr,Wu is a young teacher with much _9_(精力). He,talks loudly and fast. He is _10_ (有趣的) and often,tells jokes,so his class is the one you do not fall,asleep in.,be serious about . .,He is serious about his work.,-He will leave for Paris.,-Are you serious?,be strict with.,be strict in .,He is strict with us in study.,1.He dares not go out alone at night.,2. He doesnt dare tell his mother the truth.,3. He dare not to speak to a stranger.,4. He doesnt need attend the meeting.,5. He neednt to do the work from now on.,It is _1_ to look at differences between schools in,different countries.First, the _2_ between teachers,and students is quite different. In manyEuropean,countries, the relationship is quite _3_. Discipline,and _4_ for teachers is considerded very important.,the same is _5_ of Russia. However, in some,northern European countries, American and Britain,the relationship is _6_ and friendlier, but sometimes,teachers in Britain can have big problems _7_,discipline. Another difference is _8_ schools,are state schools or private schools. The _9_ pays,for the state schools,but the parents _10_ the,education of their children in private schools.,have a/an .relationship with.,the relationship between . and.,The teacher has a good relationship with,his students.,There is a relationship between the moon,and the earth.,-What is your relationship with that girl?,-She is my cousin.,Whats the problem with your teeth?,Whats the trouble with your teeth?,Whats wrong with your teeth?,语法练习:,单句改错:,1. They would rather you do that.,2. She dares not go out alone at night.,3. She is used to sleeping with the light is on.,4. With so many problems settle, he,gets upset.,5. I would rather dont qurrel with you.,did,/,/,/,to,/,not,/,1.John is a very i_ man. He knows the,solution to the problems.,2. Our maths teacher is very s_. He never smiles.,3. She had no p_ with her noisy neighbours.,4. He felt r_ lying in the sun.,5. His first _(印象) of the West Lake was,unforgettable.,6. Have you got the English _(翻译) of the text.,7. The pop star _(挥手) warmly to the fans.,8. Wed better _(避免) arguing with others.,9. Children should show _(尊重) for their parents.,10. The two beautiful girls dress _(相似),1.She cant help _(cry) at a sad movie.,2. He avoids _(give) us a definite answer.,3. its no use _(argue) with him any longer.,4. Lets consider _(change) our house.,5. I remember _(see) her once somewhere.,6. I regret _(say) youre dismissed.,7. Ill try _(help) you.,8. You must remeber _(call) me as soon,as possible,9. Wasting time means _(shorten) your life.,10. What about _(do) the work in another way?,11.I regret _(not accept) your advice.,12. No one can stand _(laugh),13. Ive been looking forward to _(visit) the place,14. The lucky bird missed _(catch),


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