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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,PPT,学习交流,*,商务合同的汉英翻译,Presented by,1,PPT,学习交流,Course Layout,Hone your translation,Contract translation,Exercises,Discourse structure,& main clauses,Linguistic features,Translation Principle,2,PPT,学习交流,1.,均衡的食物摄入量、食物的多样性和积极的生活方式就是使人不会肥胖的要素。,_are the only things that will prevent people from getting overweight.,2.,只有禁用一次性产品,环境才可能得到改善。,The environment will not be improved until _are banned,3.,那些尖刻的话语仍在耳边回想。,Those harsh words still _.,4.,我一直不停地咳嗽,但他没有领会这种暗示,一直在说话。,I kept coughing, but he _ and kept on talking.,5.,我们应该充分发挥归国留学生的才干。,We shall _ the talents of the returned students.,3,PPT,学习交流,Contract,The head,The body,The tail,Commencement,or premises,Recitals/Preamble,Whereas Clauses,Definition clause,Representation&Warranties,Non-disclosure clause,Force Majeure,attestation,4,PPT,学习交流,“,NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:”,、“,NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties as follows .,”,,,“,WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS,:”,本合同于,20_,年,_,月,_,日在,(签约地点),由按,(国家名称),法律组建成立的、营业地点在,(公司地址),的,_,公司(以下称作甲方)和按,(国家名称),法律注册成立的、营业地点在,(公司地址),的,_,公司共同签订。,THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into in (place of,signature),the (this/on) _th day of (,month),(year,), by and between (,name of one party,), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of (,name of country,) with its domicile at (,address,) (hereinafter referred to as Party A), and,(name of the other party),a company incorporated and existing under the laws of (,name of country,) with its domicile at (,address,) (hereinafter referred to as Party B).,5,PPT,学习交流,Exercises,根据,中华人民共和国外资企业法,及其实施细则(,“外资企业法”,)和中华人民共和国(,“中国”,)其它有关法律法规,,Moveup Limited,(一家根据萨摩亚法律正式成立和有效存续的有限责任公司,简称“,股东,”)于,2007,年,_,签署本章程。,These Articles of Association (these ,Articles,) are made on _, 2007 in accordance with the “Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises” and its Implementing Rules (the “,WFOE Law,”) and other applicable laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China (the ,PRC, or “,China,”) by Moveup Limited (the “,Shareholder,”), a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Samoa.,6,PPT,学习交流,鉴于,,卖方,依法及受益拥有,本协议,附表,1,中详细阐明的,公司,发行在外的所有股本(“,股权,”);,鉴于,,以,本协议,规定的,购买对价,、条款与条件为准,,卖方,希望向,买方,出售而,买方,希望从,卖方,购买,股权,;,为此,,考虑到,本协议,所含前提、相互承诺及约定以及其它有效与有价对价,且其充分性在此得以确认,,本协议各方,达成协议如下:,WHEREAS,the Sellers own legally and beneficially all of the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company as more specifically set forth in Schedule I attached hereto (“,Equity Interests,”); and,WHEREAS, the Sellers desire to sell to Purchaser, and Purchaser desires to purchase from the Sellers, the Equity Interests for the Consideration and upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.,NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:,7,PPT,学习交流,本协议已分别由双方正式授权代表在上文首次提及的日期签字,一式两份,以资证明。,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.,8,PPT,学习交流,Types of Contracts,根据国内外的民法原理,合同可按不同的标准进行划分,:,按照合同的形式,可以将合同分为口头合同与书面合同,(oral contract and written contract),要式合同与不要式合同,(formal contract and informal contract),盖印合同与非盖印合同,(contract under seal and simple contract),。,按照合同双方当事人承担义务的情况,可以将合同划分为单务合同与双务合同,(unilateral contract and bilateral contract);,无偿合同与有偿合同,(gratuitous contract and onerous contract);,按照合同成立的条件,合同又可分为诺成合同与实践合同(,consensual contract and real contract,)等,(consensual:在双方愿意下成立的,;双方达成的,),。,9,PPT,学习交流,按照合同的内容来划分则有商品买卖合同,(sales contract ),、雇佣合同,(employment contract),、租赁合同,(leasing contract),、抵押合同,(mortgage contract),、物业管理合同,(property management contract),建设工程合同,(contract for construction project),、技术合同,(technology contract),、保险合同,(insurance contract),、合资企业合同,(joint venture contract),、股权转让合同,(contract on assignment of equity interests),、承揽合同,(work-for-hire contract),、保管合同,(safe-keeping contract),、仓储合同,(ware-housing contract),等等。,10,PPT,学习交流,用语正式(,formal terms,),合同英语属正式英语,用词庄严、正式。,E.g.,“因为”用,by virtue of, due to, attributable to,或,on the account of ,一般不用,because;,“,在,之前”一般用,prior to,而不用,before ;,“,开始”用,commence,,而不用,start or begin;,“,关于”用,as regards, pertaining to, relating to, (as) concerning, with regard to,或,in respect of,而不会用,about;,“,其它事项” 用,miscellaneous,而不用,other matters/events,“,代替”用,in lieu of,;,等等,11,PPT,学习交流,用词专业性强,(professional terms),商务经济类术语:,equity joint venture(,合资经营企业,), articles of association(,公司章程,), letter of intent(,意向书,), licensee(,被许可人,),,,sublicense(,分许可证,), exclusive (,独占性的,), royalty (,提成费,), letter of credit(,信用证,),等等;,法律术语:,arbitration award(,仲裁裁决,), substantive law (,实体法,), termination(,终止,), infringement (,侵权,), liquidated damages(,违约金,),;,IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF (,作为协议事项的证据,),、,IN CONSIDERATION OF(,考虑到,/,以,为约因,),、,WHEREAS,(鉴于)、,IN THE PRESENCE OF(,见证人,),、,NOW THEREFORE(,特此、兹特,),、,NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS(,兹特立约为据,),12,PPT,学习交流,同义词、近义词、相关词的并列,“,FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned does hereby sell, transfer, assign, and set over to _all his right, title and interest in and to a certain contract dated _, 19_by and between the undersigned and _, a copy of which is annexed hereto.”,这一部分摘自美国的一份产权转让合同,在行文中同义词、近义词、相关词的并列特点突出。其中,sell, transfer, assign and set over,和,right, title and interest,两组为同义词和近义词的并列,,in and to a certain contract,和,by and between,两组为相关词的并列。这种并列现象在英文合同、协议中比比皆是。,13,PPT,学习交流,合同英语中的同义词、相关词、近义词的并列有的是出于合同严谨的考虑,有的属于合同用语的固定模式。,如“,This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B”,中的“,made and entered”,属于同义词的并列;“,The agreement shall be and remain in full force and effect in all respects.”,该句中的“,in full force and effect”,属于合同用语的固定模式;“,The finding of the arbitrator as to the value of the partnership shall be final and binding upon the partners, their heirs, successors, and assigns”,一句中的“,final and binding”,属于合同用语的固定模式,“,the partners, their heirs, successors, and assigns”,属于相关词并列。另外再如“,ships and vessels”,,“,support and maintenance”,,“,license and permits”,,“,terms and conditions”,,“,represent and warrant”,等等。,14,PPT,学习交流,Syntax of contracts,“有权做”:,shall/will have the right to do, be entitled to do, may do, reserve the right to do, be authorized to do, have the authority to do, do sth at ones option, shall be at the liberty to do,“有责任,/,有义务做”:,have the legal obligation to do, be obliged to, shall do, be under the obligation to do, shall be liable to do,“假如”、“如果”:,if and whenever, in the event that, where, should, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on the condition that, in so far as,15,PPT,学习交流,其中,should,的用法比较特别,只有假设的是违背当事人意志的不利情况时才使用,而且一般将,should,从句置于句首。,“除非另有规定”:,Unless otherwise stipulated/provided/required/stated, except as otherwise provided,Save as otherwise stipulated / provided,16,PPT,学习交流,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!,感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,17,PPT,学习交流,


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