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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Types of Writing Narration,I. What is Narration?,A narrative is to,give,an account of an event or a series of events.,Such as :,1. A real story2. Imaginary story3. Biographies4. News item,5. Histories6. Narrative poem,Narration, according to its different uses, is divided into two types:,expository and literary,.,Expository narrative,is the factual account of events, including history, biography, travels, news reports and journals, with informative or illustrative purpose.,3,II.Two,Types of Narration,Literary narrative,is usually fictitious, found abundantly in literary creations such as anecdotes, tales and fables, romances, short stories, novels, and stories in verse. (used chiefly for experiential or aesthetic purpose ),Two Types of Narration,Note,These two types of narrative have much in common. And sometimes it is difficult to tell one from the other, for,a piece of good expository narrative can also be experiential and aesthetic with its lively and vivid tale.,Narration often goes hand in hand with description.,Characteristics,A narration will,1. tell a story,2. have a theme rather than a topic sentence,3.be written in the first person,4.tend to be factual,5. include description,6. include dialogue,7. rely on sensory details for impact,8. follow a chronological organization.,III. Concept,Ways of narration,记叙文,主要的叙事方式有顺叙、倒叙、插叙和夹叙夹议。,2.,顺叙(,in sequence of time,)通常是按事情发生的先后顺序进行叙述;倒叙,(flashback),把结局提到前面叙述,然后再按时间的顺序进行叙述;插叙,(narration interspersed with flashbacks),是在叙述过程中,由于某种需要,暂时把叙述的线索中断,插入与之相关的另外一件事;夹叙夹议,(narration interspersed with comments),是一面叙述事情,一面对这种事情加以分析或评论。,a.,Six elemnts,:人物、时间、地点和事情的起因、经过、结尾(,who/when/where/why/what/how,),b.,Choose proper point of view (1,st,or 3,rd,person),。,第一人称可以使记叙显得逼真,让读者有一种身临其境的感觉,也便于表达作者的思想感情,这种形式常用在写自传、本人经历或记叙耳闻目睹的事件;第三人称可不受时间、空间的限制,可以更加客观地反映内容,常用在对重大事件的客观报导以及记叙他人的经历或事迹。,c.,Logical development,一般来说按开端、发展、高潮、结尾的顺序进行的。常用的表达时间顺序的词和短语有:,first, second, third, after that, next, meanwhile, while, afterward, later, whenever, finally, from then on, soon after, during,等。,3.,一篇好的记叙文必须具备以下几点要求:,d.,The use of verbs,simple past tense,the variety of tense,动词出现率最高,且富于变化。,这是英语记叙文区别于汉语记叙文的关键之处。英语写作的优美之处就在于这些动词时态的变化,正是这一点才使得所记、所叙有鲜活的动态感、鲜明的层次感和立体感。这一点在准备记叙文的写作中值得注意。,e.,Clear topic,。,中心思想是文章的灵魂。我们记叙任何事件都必须有一个明确的主题,要围绕主题思想精心设计情节,而不是罗列琐碎的小事。这个中心思想就是指对所记叙的人、事、物究竟是持什么态度,是赞成还是反对;是歌颂还是批评都必须明确,并且保持主题始终如一。,There are five aspects which should be considered by the writer.,1. Purpose 2. Selection of details3. Context4. Organization 5. Point of view,III. Five Aspects in a Narrative,Purpose (,目的,),记叙文不是单纯地流水账式的记叙,必须有一定的写作目的。可以是证明某种理论,例举某种概念,赞扬某种美德或是批评某种恶行。所以,在细节的选取和情节的设计上都必须紧紧围绕这一写作目的。,III. Five Aspects of Narration,NOTE,The purpose of your narration may be to entertain, teach a lesson, or create an impression.,YOU CAN write a sentence summarizing the point of the narration,you plan to write.,Selection of Details (,细节的选取,),一个事件总是由大大小小的细节构成的。细节的选取要适量,如果太少无法使读者了解整个事件的发生及过程,如果太多又会使情节显得杂乱从而使读者失去兴趣。细节的选取应遵循一个原则:即仅选取那些与主题相关,能够带出中心思想的细节。,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Sequence or order,Use the,conventions,found in any story:,a plot,the characters,a climax,an ending,10-4,Be sure to include the following information:,why,(the plot is important),who,(the characters are),where,(it happened, is happening, will happen),when,(it happened, is happening, will happen),Use,flashback,to make a narrative interesting.,I jumped off the bus before it stopped and began walking down the street. As I had arrived early, I decided to look at the shop windows before going home. The idea makes me quite happy, but at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling that I had forgotten something. I stopped in the middle of the pavement and began searching my pockets. All of a sudden I remembered that I was without my briefcase! I had left it on the bus and it was full of important papers. The thought was enough to make me start running down the street, though by now, the bus was out of sight.,Sample,Follow That Bus !,The first person;,Sequence,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Context (,背景,),记叙文的背景包括事件发生的时间、地点、人物等要素,这些需要在文章的开头交代清楚,从而为事件的发展提供一个背景环境,帮助读者更好地理解事件的进程。,Elements of the Context,Plot,the arrangement/flow of incidents or events in a story,Character,maybe a person, a group or even animal (,who act or think like people,) who is/are placed in a situation which contains a problem he/she must solve.,Conflict,the problem in the story which the protagonist should resolve,.,Setting,the physical background of the story. This includes where and when the story takes place.,Style,the ways the author expresses him/herself and conveys his/her ideas and central purpose,Organization (,情节的组织,),Time order/Chronological order,一般的记叙文可以按照时间的顺序展开,即开端、发展、结局依次将情节展开。如果整个故事情节已经清楚地交代完毕,则无需另外添加结尾。但有的情况下有必要在叙述完整个事件的经过后,对事件的意义或后续进展做简单论述。,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Point of View (,观点,),即可选用第一人称或第三人称的写法。第三人称的选择可以比较客观地表达作者的观点,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Principles FOR writing a narrative essay,Point of view,If its your story, use “I”;,If its a story about what happened to a friend or group of friends including yourself, use “we”.,If it is about someone else or about something, use “he”, “she” or “it”.,Be consistent,(一致的),. Retain the perspective throughout.,Samples,The other day,I,was driving along the street. Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards,me,fast.,I,was so frightened that,I,quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car hit,my,bike and,I,fell off it.,Little Tom,was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard. On the way,he,saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover.,Tom,went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but,he,was too short. What could,he,do? Then,he,had a good idea.,Two extremes to be avoided,Telling the story event by event, without descriptive details, explanation and dialogue.,Telling the story with complex description but no plot.,IV. How to Write a Narration,Process,The process for developing narration is much like that of writing a description. The following steps should help you develop a successful narration.,Step 1: Prewriting,Planning the Narration,Topics for narrations are usually personal experiences that relate an event of interest to the reader; but in the course of telling about the event, the writer makes a point.,Think about the interesting situations or events in which you have been involved,. Maybe you,witnessed an automobile accident,found stray puppy,bought a new car, were interviewed for a job, met an unusual salesperson, or experienced a frightening carnival ride.,NOTE,Any of these,situations or events,can result in a narration. The purpose of your narration may be to entertain, teach a lesson, or create an impression.,YOU CAN write a sentence summarizing the point of the narration,you plan to write.,Step 2: Prewriting,Planning the Details,When you have selected a topic, plan the details. List the events you want to include. Remember that,narration is usually developed in chronological order, so as you develop your list, arrange it in the order of occurrence.,NOTE,Writing a narration can employ,some of the characteristics,of storytelling, such as,flashbacks,foreshadowing,(,预示,), or other variations of chronological order to enhance the storytelling qualities.,Step 3: Writing,Following the Plan,Writing the narration is a matter of telling the story from beginning to end. As you write, include,certain techniques,to generate interest for the reader.,2011-10-4,YANG YANAN, GUET,Consider the following:,Write good description.,Show the reader what happened, dont tell.,Dialogue,helps the reader see the characters in lifelike situations.,Use the,specific details, especially those that provide sensory images.,Because a narration is not a short story, aim toward brevity(,简短,) and maintain a first-person point of view.,Step,4: Revising,Polishing the Content,Have I told a story from a consistent, probably first-person point of view?,Does my story follow chronological order?,Have I used the techniques of story-telling: sensory images, specific details, dialogue, and elements of characterization, setting, and plot?,Have I divided paragraphs appropriately according to change in speaker or topic?,ASK YOUSELF,Have I put main ideas in main clauses?,Does my sentence structure emphasize ideas?,Are my sentences varied in length and structure?,Have I maintained the readers interest?,Does my narration reach a satisfactory conclusion?,Is my message clear?,2011-10-4,33,YANG YANAN, GUET,Step 5: Proofreading,Checking the Mechanical Details,Proofreading should involve two steps.,First,check for grammar, usage, and mechanics,(,技巧、结构,),problems. Check punctuation in dialogue.,Second,check for accurate spelling and word choice.,Remember,that strong nouns and verbs are superior to weak, wordy adjectives and adverbs.,2011-10-4,YANG YANAN, GUET,. Narration in CET6,记叙文在历年大学英语四、六级的作文考试中极少出现,只在,2003,年,6,月、,9,月的四级作文。,2004,年,6,月的六级作文中出现过。值得注意的是这三篇文章并不是单纯的记叙文,其中都掺杂着说明或是议论的部分,并与日常生活相结合。众所周知,记叙文是所有文体写作的基础,所以考生还是应该好好掌握记叙文的特点和写作要领。,实战演练,Directions,:,For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic,The Day My Classmate Fell Ill,.,1,、简单描述一下这位同学生病的情况;,2,、同学、老师和我是如何帮助他的;,3,、人和人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是,.,第一段:,开篇句:,About _ oclock one evening in _, _.,扩展句:,_. (,展开描述一下事件,),第二段,:,主题句:,Without hesitation, _. It wasnt long before _.,扩展句:,1,、,one _.,2,、,another _.,3,、,our teacher _.,第三段:,结尾句:,Is _? Who can tell ? But _.,扩展句:,1,、,When _ , people showed _ spirit regardless of _.,2,、,This kind of care between people is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice.,3,、,And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.,范文欣赏,About nine oclock one evening in May, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. His forehead felt very hot. We took his temperature. It was 38.5.,Without hesitation, I dialed 120. It wasnt long before an ambulance arrived. One roommate brought a blanket for him. Another supported him in the ambulance. Our teacher insisted on giving him some money.,Is he a suspected SARS patient? Who can tell ?But we did not retreat. When the savage SARS was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regardless of dangers to their own health. This kind of care between people is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.,Sample reading,Page 139-145,Thanks for your attendence,see you,!,


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