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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Epilepsy For the Non-Neurologist 2008,S. Andrew Josephson, MD,Department of Neurology, Neurovascular Division,University of California San Francisco,1,Talk Like a Neurologist:Seizure Types,1. Partial Seizures,-Simple Partial,-Complex Partial,2. Generalized Seizures,-Clonic,-Tonic,-Tonic-Clonic,-Absence,-Myoclonic,-Atonic,2,Which of the following medications treats primary generalized seizures?,A. Phenytoin,B. Valproic Acid,C. Carbamazepine,D. Oxcarbazepine,E. Gabapentin,3,Focal vs. Generalized Onset-The Key Distinction,Make the Distinction,History, physical exam, EEG and Video EEG Tele,Distinct Etiologies,Focal lesion in brain vs. usually none,Distinct Work-up,Extensive search for underlying lesion vs. none,Distinct Treatments,Different drugs,Different surgical options,4,Non-Epileptic Spells,Diagnosis of Exclusion,Comprise 20% of epilepsy clinic new patients,Only established via Video EEG Telemetry,Complex partial seizure similar by history,More common in those with true epilepsy,Comprehensive approach with neuropsychology is a must for treatment,5,Non-Epileptic Spells,Long term outcome: 164 patients with diagnosed non-epileptic spells followed for 1-10 years,71.2% still had spells and 56.4% on disability,2,1. Neurology Sept 2003;61: 714-5, 2. Ann Neurol 2003;53:305-11,6,Seizure Management in the ED,ABCs,O,2, position on side, suction,Prevent patient from injuring self,Ativan, thiamine, D50,Determine: Was this event a seizure?,Consider: syncope, migraine, TIA, movement disorders, etc (many more in kids),1,st,seizure or known epilepsy?,7,Seizure Management in the ED:Single First Seizure,Careful history of the spell: before (including recent events), during, after,Determine,all,meds patient is on,Family History,Pregnancy, Birth, and Development history especially in young,Careful neuro exam looking for focal signs,8,Seizure Management in the ED:Single First Seizure,Work-up for provokers,Head trauma?,Utox, EtOH history and possible level,CBC, Lytes, Ca/Mg/Phos, BUN/Cr, LFTs, +/- ABG,CT (usually with contrast),Low threshold to LP,Needs outpatient work up including: EEG, MRI,9,Seizure Management in the ED:Should We Treat a First Seizure?,“Provoked”: Do not treat,Data for recurrence if 1,st,seizure not provoked,26-71% 2 year recurrence,Many models: Non-evidenced based rule of thumb involving neuro exam, EEG and MRI,Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) (1.21/1000 patient years),10,Seizure Management in the ED:Known Epilepsy,Determine AEDs including doses,Send levels of AEDs,Valproate, Phenytoin, Phenobarb, Carbamaz.,Lack of compliance is common trigger,Work-up for provokers,Infection (CXR, urine, ?LP, ?blood cx), Utox,CBC, Lytes, BUN/Cr, Ca/Mg/Phos, LFTs, +/- ABG,Best to curbside neuro regarding any medication changes to current regimen,11,Quick Cases: Seizures in ED,45 yo male with recent +PPD wont stop seizing,55 yo female on bone marrow transplant service given amphotericin,Most new seizures over 40 in urban areas,12,Case #1,A 67F is hospitalized with a community-acquired pneumonia. On Day#3 she is feeling much better awaiting discharge when her nurse finds her unresponsive with rhythmic shaking of all limbs.,PMHx: COPD,Meds: Ceftriaxone, NKDA,SH: 100pk yr hx tobacco, no hx EtOH,FH: No neurologic disease,13,Case #1,You are called to the bedside and after 3 minutes, these movements have not stopped. Options for your next course of action are.,A. Continue to wait for the spell to subside,B. Administer IV Diazepam,C. Administer IV Lorazepam,D. Administer IV Fosphenytoin,14,Status Epilepticus,Incidence: 100,000 to 150,000 per year nationally,Causes 55,000 deaths per year nationally,12 to 30 percent of epilepsy first presents as status epilepticus,Generalized convulsive status most dangerous,N Engl J Med 1998; 338:970-976, Apr 2, 1998,15,Status Epilepticus Algorithm,16,Status Epilepticus Algorithm: Real World,Lorazepam,2mg IV q2 minutes up to 6mg,Fosphenytoin,18-20mg/kg (,Dilantin,Equivalents) IV,2a.,Fosphenytoin,additional 10mg/kg or Phenobarbital,3. General Anesthesia,a. IV,Midazolam,gtt,b. IV,Propofol,gtt,17,Status Epilepticus: New Advances,Change in definition and time window,IV Depakote (Depacon): 15mg/kg as bridge to Depakote therapy, alternative to IV DPH,Out of hospital benzos in field effective,Tailored Therapy?,Decrease incidence in epileptics with prescribed “Status Rescue Meds”,18,A healthy 36M with a hx of seizures on Dilantin 300mg/d comes to your office for routine care. He has had no seizures and has a normal exam. A phenyotin level is 36 (10-20). Your next course of action is,A. Check an albumin level and renal function,B. Reduce the Dilantin dose,C. Make no changes to the Dilantin dose,D. Switch to carbamazepine,E. Admit to the hospital for dialysis,19,Monotherapy for Seizures,70 percent of epilepsy can be managed with monotherapy, most on first drug tried,1,Concept of Maximal Tolerated Dose (MTD),Rarely check levels,Assess compliance,Steady state level,Not practically available with newer AEDs,N Engl J Med. 2000 Feb 3;342(5):314-9,20,New Drugs: Clinical Pearls,IV formulations: VPA, DPH, PHB, LVT,Levels to Monitor: VPA, DPH, CBZ, PHB,Lamotrigine (Lamictal),Rash (1/1000) progressing to Stevens-Johnson,Levetiracetam (Keppra),No drug interactions (useful on HAART), but NOT a first line agent,Topiramate (Topamax),Well tolerated: weight loss and cognitive side effects,21,New Drugs: Clinical Pearls,Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal),Tegretol pro-drug, hyponatremia,Felbamate (Felbatol),Aplastic Anemia with required registry,Pregabalin (Lyrica),Useful for neuropathic pain,Gabapentin (Neurontin),Not a great AED,22,Women and Epilepsy,Some medications less tolerated by women,Example: Depakote causes hirsutism, weight gain and often coarsening of facial features so relatively contraindicated in growing young women and girls,Catamenial epilepsy,Brief AED pulses,Other agents: Diamox,Menstruation control,23,Women and Epilepsy:OCPs,Pregnancy must be planned due to neural tube defect risk on AEDs,Many AEDs decrease levels of OCPs and therefore higher OCP dosing (40mcg estrogen) recommended for efficacy,Always recommend double contraception,AEDs can lead to reproductive dysfunction and PCOS, especially with VPA and CBZ,24,Which of the following drugs is not associated with teratogenic effects?,A. Valproic Acid,B. Phenytoin,C. Lamotrigine,D. Carbamazepine,E. Phenobarbital,25,Women and Epilepsy:Pregnancy,Once pregnancy achieved: balance risk of AED exposure with risk of in utero seizures,Most AEDs have increased clearance in pregnancy and women should be followed closely by neuro/high risk OB,Vitamin K supplementation in last 4 weeks,26,Women and Epilepsy:Pregnancy,Folic acid to decrease neural tube defects (NTDs) in women on AEDs,NTD risk doubles from 2-3% to 4-6%,Folate deficiency implicated in NTDs,4mg/day regardless of AED PRIOR to conception,Prenatal diagnostic ultrasound,“AED syndrome”,Microcephaly, low set ears, short neck, transverse palmar crease, skeletal abnormalities,Neurology 2003 61S2:S23-7,27,Women and Epilepsy:Osteoporosis,Increased risk of fracture due to trauma from seizures and increased falls,Independent decrease in bone density in patients on many AEDs,Decreased serum Vitamin D levels,Supplementation with Vitamin D, consider earlier and more frequent evaluation of bone mineral density (DEXA, etc),Neurology 2003 61S2:S16-7,28,Other Epilepsy Treatments,Vagal Nerve Stimulator (VNS),Diet,29,Other Epilepsy Treatments,Epilepsy Surgery,Temporal lobectomy, focal resections, callosotomy, functional hemispherectomy,Randomized trial to finish in next 2-3 years for early intervention,30,


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