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Im more interested in sports.,be interest,ed,in,对,感兴趣,interest,ed,主语是人,interest,ing,主语是物,.,TargetLanguage:,1.IusedtobeshortwhenIwasyoung.我年轻时个子很矮。,2.Didyouusetohavestraighthair?你过去是直发吗?Yes,Idid.是的。,3.Didyouusetoplaythepiano?你过去弹钢琴吗?No,Ididnt.不,我不弹。,Homework,简要介绍你自己的成长变化,词数60 80。,从爱好、外貌、性格等方面去描写。,I am now different from what I used to be like . I used to like to , but now I enjoy doing sth. ,4.Iusedtobeafraidofdark.我过去害怕黑暗。,5.Imterrifiedofthesnakes.我害怕蛇。,6.Didyouusetobeafraidof being alone?,你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗?Yes,Idid.是的,我怕。,7.Iusedtowalktoschool.我过去走着上学。,be afraid of 害怕, 后面可接名词、代词和动词ing 形式。,例:Are you afraid of snakes?你害怕蛇吗?,He is afraid of going out alone at night.他害怕在夜里独自外出。,be afraid 后面还可接动词不定式,和宾语从句。,例:Dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it. 如果你需要,不要害怕向别人求助,注意区分alone和lonely,alone的意义是“单独、独自的”,而lonely则指“孤独的、寂寞的”。试看下面这个句子: The old mans wife died a year ago. He lives alone now, but he never feels lonely. 这位老人的妻子一年前去世了,他独自生活,但从不感到孤独。,still,我们用still来说明某人或某物没有变化。,ShestilllivesinMexico.,still应放在主要动词前面,HestilllivesinNewZealand.,still应放在be动词后面。,Heisstillcrazyafteralltheseyears.,still应放在像can,may,should这样的助动词之后,Shecanstillplaythepiano.,3.Areyoustillafraidofthedark?Imterrifiedofthedark.(SectionA3b),afraid的词组有beafraidofsth害怕某物,如:Shesafraidofdogs.Hesafraidofseeingstrangers.在口语中也说 Imafraidhesoutatthemoment.我想他现在出去了。,beterrifiedofdoingsth是个同义词组。,如:Imterrifiedofbeingalone.我害怕独自一人呆着。,4.Igotosleepwithmybedroomlight,on.,(SectionA3b)我把卧室的灯开着睡觉。on是形容词,“开着的 , 接通的 ” The lights in the classroom were,on,. Who was,on,duty yesterday ?,Section B,Period 5,Expressions,Section B,1a:,1.exercising in gym class,在体育课上运动,2.painting pictures,画画,I used to like playing games with friends.,I used to like listening to the music .,I used to like painting pictures .,I used to enjoy swimming .,I used to enjoy eating candy .,play,study,walk,take the bus,gym,love,go to school by bus,= take the bus to school,walk to a place,= go to a place on foot,ride to a place,= go to a place by bike,drive to the shop,= go to the shop by car,fly to Beijing,= go to Beijing by air / plane,UNIT 2 I,used to,be afraid of the dark.,Section B 3a,Period 6,本课教学目标:,会用,used to do,句型描述自己或他人在学习、生活方式上的变化。,本课重点句型,:,Did she use to ?,She used to ,My biggest problem,1.Where dose Rose Tang study ?,She studies in a high school.,2.Who is Rose Tang?,She is a high school student.,3.What is Rose Tangs biggest problem?,Her biggest problem,is that she is,too,busy.,4.What,did she use to,do before she started high school?,She,used,to,spend,a lot of time,play,ing,games with friends.,5.What,did she use to,do,in the evening?,She,used to,watch TV,or chat with her grandmother.,6.,Did she use to,go to,concerts with her father?,Yes, she did.,7.Dose she still have time for concerts? What does she usually do now?,She,hardly ever,has time for concerts now. She usually stud,ies,and do,es,her homework.,had so much time,gets up early,stays in school all day,spent a lot of time playing with friends,no time for playing games,watched TV or chatted with her grandmother ,has to study ,went to concerts with her father,Hardly ever have time for concerts, does homework and goes to bed,My,big,gest,problem,Text,My biggest problem is that Im too _.,busy,When I was young, I,used to,have _ _ time, but these days I get up _ and stay in school all day. Then I go,right,home,and eat dinner.,so much,early,right,ThenIgorighthomeandeatdinner.,right在这里是副词,意为“直接地”。,如:Thewindblewrightinourfaces.风迎面吹来。,Text,Before I _ high school, I used to _ a lot of time _ with my friends, but I just dont have the time _.,started,spend,playing,anymore,not anymore,SheusedtoliveinNewYork,butshe doesntlivethereany more.如果动词(或动词短语)相同,则第二个动词 可省略。 SheusedtoliveinLondon,butshedoesnt anymore.,notanymore可不与usedto连用,ShedoesntliveinNewYorkanymore.,anymore,只能和否定词连用,相当于no more,Wedontgothereanymore.,=we go there no more .,Theynevertalktomeanymore.,Noonelikeshimanymore.,In the evening, I,used to,_ or _ with my grandmother, but now I,have to,_.,watch TV,chat,study,haveto,butnowIhavetostudy.,haveto意为“必须”侧重于客观上的必要。,其句型为have(has)to+动词原形,如:Wehavetoleavenow.HehastoworkonSunday.Ihadtodomyhomeworklast Sunday.,text,I love _, and my father,used to,_ me to _. These _, I _ ever have time for _.,music,take,concerts,days,hardly,concerts,hardlyever,Thesedays,Ihardlyeverhavetime for concerts.,hardlyever=veryseldom.很少,Hehardlyevergoestobedbefore midnight.他很少在午夜以前就寝。,thesedays,“butthesedaysIgetupearlyandstayinschoolallday.”,thesedays是个词组,意思是“现在,这几天”,Yoursonstroubleisverycommonthesedays.你儿子的毛病现在是极常见的。,I do my _ and go to bed.,I really _ the old days.,homework,miss,miss,Ireallymisstheolddays.,miss在这里为“怀念”的意思。,Howhemisseshismotherwhilesheisawayin London!他妈妈在伦敦期间,他多么想念她啊!,此外miss还有“缺”的意思。,ImafraidthatJimwillmissalotofhislessons.恐怕Jim会缺很多课。,错过,Imissedcatchingthe2:15train.我未赶上2点15分的火车。,missing失去的,缺少的,不在的,失踪的。,Theyarelookingforthemissingchild.他们在寻找失踪的孩子。,My biggest problem :too busy,How Ive changed !,My life has changed a lot For example, I _ like tests. Now I dont mind them. I _. Now its my favorite class. I used to play _ . Now, _ . I _to school. Now , I _.,didnt use to,used to hate them,every day after class,I study all the time,used to walk,I have to take the bus to school.,3a:,1. these days 目前,如今 2. get up 起床 3. go right home 马上回家4.,Sb,.,spend (,in),do,ing,sth.做某事花费(时间/金钱),on,sth. 在某方面花( 时间/金钱),It,take,sb,. ,to,do sth. 花费某人(多长时间)去 做某事,5. notany more =no more 不再,notany longer = no longer 6. chat,with,sb. 和某人聊天,7.take sb. to sw. 带某人去某地8. hardly ever 几乎没有9. have time =be free 有空/时间10.do ones homework 做作业 11. go to bed 去睡觉 怀念,想念,惦念12. miss 错过,M,iss 小姐 13. in the last few years 在过去的几年里(用于现 在完成时)14. daily life 日常生活15. favorite subject,at,school 在学校最喜欢的科目,Difficult sentences,:,1.My big problem,is,that Im too busy.,最大的问题是我太忙,.,2.I used to,spend,a lot of time play,ing,games with my friends .,我过去花太多时间和朋友一起玩游戏,.,3. My life,has,chang,ed,a lot,in the last few years,.,在过去的几年里我的生活改变了很多,.,在句型变化中不用另找助动词,即,My life,has,not,chang,ed,a lot,in the last few years.,Has,my life,chang,ed,a lot,in the last few years?,Yes ,it,has,./No, it,has,nt.,Pairwork,Ask your group members question and fill in the chart, then do a report.,Report:,XX used to like,. He/She used to hate,.,6.I,m,terrified of,the dark.,我怕黑,.,“be terrified of”,的害怕程度比 “,be afraid of”,大些,.,7.I go to sleep,with,my bedroom light on .,我开灯睡觉,.,(,表伴随,),例如,:,The teacher came into the classroom,with,a big smile.,Expressions for 3b :,1. used to,过去常常/经常,2. be afraid of,害怕,3. go to sleep,去睡觉,4. be interested in,对感兴趣,5. be terrified of,害怕/恐惧.,6. worry about (=be worried about ),担心.,7. all the time,一直/总是,8. after school,放学后,9. walk to ,走路/步行去.,10. take a bus to,乘公交车去.,am afraid of,worry about,have to,miss,used to,Self check :,!: 1)am afraid of (,因为,be,包括,is/ am / are),of +,名词,/,动名词,be afraid to+,动词原形,that +,句子,(,主语,+,谓语,+),2) worry about,have to,4) miss,5) used to,It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot . She used to be short when she was younger , but now she is tall . Yu Mei used to have long hair , but now she has short hair . She used to play soccer , but now she plays tennis . She used to be quiet , but now she is very outgoing .,usedtodo和beusedtodoing.,beusedto是“习惯于”某一客观事实和状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词,,如:Iamusedtotheweatherhere.,我已经习惯于这里的天气了。Heisusedtohardwork.他习惯于艰苦的工作。,get(或become)usedto,指的是从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变,另外,它往往包含着克服困难去适应的意思。如:Youwillsoongetusedtotheweatherhere.你会习惯于这里的天气的。Intheend,Igotusedtodoingthehardwork.最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。,写作:请从外貌、性格、爱好、理想和为什么想要成为这样的人五个方面介绍自己的变化和理想。,I have changed a lot in the last few years.I,used to be very thin and shy before, but now I have a medium build and I become outgoing and friendly. And I used to like playing computer games very much, but now Im interested in computer science but not only computer games. Because I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up, which can make me earn lots of money.,Reading,He used to cause a lot of trouble.,Section 1 Before You Read,PAIRWORK Tell your partner about a time your parents helped you with a problem. Make notes.,1.,Liu Qing, didnt use to study hard at school got bad grades father helped him to understand that it was important to do well at school,2.,.,Learning Strategy:,USING CONTEXT,Always use the information around the word or phrase you dont understand. You can learn new language in this way, or understand what is necessary to complete a task.,Section 2 While You Read,He used to cause a lot of trouble,Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a,“problem child”, (1),.,He didnt use to give his mother many problems.,However, after his fathers,death,a few years ago,Martins life became much more difficult. His mother,couldnt,afford,to pay for her childs education. To do,this, she had to work, and so was not often at home.,death,n.,死,;,死亡,afford,v.,买得起,;,负担得起,(,常与,can,或,be able to,连用,),but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life,His mother looked after him,as well as,she could. Unfortunately, Martin still,cause,d problems for,himself,and his family. He was not interested in studying, and he often,got into trouble with,the police. Luckily, his mother was very,patient,(2),.,In,the end, she,made a,difficult,decision,: to send him to a boys boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wanted to,leave the school.,(3),.,cause,v.,造成;使发生,himself,pron.,(,反身代词)他自己;他本身,patient,adj.,有耐性的;忍耐的,and didnt give up trying to help him,in the end,最后;终于,decision,n.,决定;决心,make a,decision,下决定;下决心,Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time,1.His mother looked after him,as well as,she could.,as well as,是并列连词,意为”又;和.一样,连接两个相等的句子,但强调前面的部分.,The girl is as well as beautiful.,那个女孩长得漂亮而且个子也高,Your grandmother as well as your parents is going to take you to the park.,你的奶奶和你的父母准备带你去公园,注意:aswellas连接并列成分作主语时,谓语动应与其前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一一致,He was not interested in studying ,and he often got into trouble,with,the police.,get into,陷入 ,后面接表示困难的词,They got us into trouble.,他们使我们陷入了困境.,and didnt give up trying to help him.,give up,放弃,认输,投降,The little girl gave up her seat to an old man.,那个小女孩将座位让给了一位老人.,try to do sth,努力做某事,He tried to climb up the tree,buthe could not.,他试图爬上那棵树,但没有成功.,The,head teacher,said it was,necessary,to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother, but,to,his surprise, this phone call,changed his life,. “It was,exactly,what I needed,” he said. “My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that,even though,my father was,no longer,with us, he was watching me, and would always,take pride in,everything good I do.,(4),. I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother,pay,more,attention to,me.”,head,teacher,班主任,necessary,adj.,必须的;必需的,to ones surprise,令某人惊奇的,(,是,),exactly,adv.,正;恰恰,even though,即使;纵然;尽管,no longer,不再;已不,take pride in,对,感到自豪,Thats when I decided to change,attention,n.,注意;专心;留心,pay attention to,对,注意,;,留心,3.Martin called his mother, but to his surprise , this phone call changed his life.,to ones surprise,使某人感到吃惊的是,To their surprise , the poor boy didnt die.,使他们感到吃惊的是那个可怜的小男孩没有死,),change ones life,改变某人的生活,The exam changed his life.,这次考试改变了他的命运,She also told me that,even though,my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do.,even though=even if,即使,尽管,Even though /if you have passed the exam , you shouldnt be conceited.,即使你通过了这次考试,你也不能骄傲自满,Even though you had wings, you cant be there on time .,即使你长了翅膀,你也不能及时到那儿,take pride in,引以为自豪;对感到满意,The young man took pride in his work.,这个年轻人以他的工作为荣,They are taking pride in singing.,他们以唱歌为荣,. what his mother said didnt change Martins mind.,change ones mind,改变某人的主意,You havent changed your mind, have you?,你还没有改变你的主意,对吗?,You must try to change your idea.,你必须要改变你的主意,Now Martin has really changed. He has been working hard, and he is now a top student in his class.,(5),. His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself, and as Martin himself says, “Its very important for parents to be there for their children.”,How was he able to change?,Section 3 After you Read,3a Put these sentences into the correct place in the reading.,1,2,3,4,5,3b Read the statements below. Circle “TRUE”, “FALSE”, or “DONT KNOW” according to the reading.,1. Martin is still a bad boy.,2. There wasnt enough money for the family.,3. Martin finally understand what his problem was.,4. Martins father didnt use to help him.,5. What his mother said didnt change Martins mind.,TRUE FALSE DONT KNOW,TRUE FALSE DONT KNOW,TRUE FALSE DONT KNOW,TRUE FALSE DONT KNOW,TRUE FALSE DONT KNOW,Step 1情景导入,(Show some pictures to the students.The pictures are about the lives and activities in the school.),Teacher:Your junior high school days are over.Do you have any special memories?,Students 1:Yes,I remember winning a prize,taking part in the school trip,getting into a fight with my friends.,环节说明:出示图片,师生问答互动,引起学生学习兴趣,导入新课的话题,过渡自然。,Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务,1组长领读1a中的短语,学生跟读,然后两人一组互相提问。(3分钟),2迅速阅读1a部分的内容,将你记忆中在中学做过的事勾选出来,并添加更多的活动,完成后小组内交流所写内容。(2分钟),3听第一遍录音,并根据听到的内容把1b中的人物与记忆中的事情联系起来。(2分钟),4学生听第二遍录音,并逐句跟读。(2分钟),5完成教材1c的任务,要求学生继续补充并列出更多的在中学的记忆和经历,并与同学交流分享。(3分钟),6小结训练。(3分钟),(C)1.Remember _the book to the library when you finish reading it.,AreturnBreturning,Cto return Dreturned,(D)2.Jim and Tim _ for nearly ten years.,Amake friends Bhave been friend,Care friend Dhave been friends,(A)3.He got two goals _ during the football match.,Ain a row Bin row,Cin a number Din a line,环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达了语言目标;通过结对对话练习和小结训练,使语言目标得以强化。,Step 3完成教材2a2c的任务,1朗读2a和2b句子,为听力做好准备。(3分钟),2听第一遍录音,在2a中勾选出对话提到的事实,集体核对答案。(2分钟),3再认真听一遍录音,把2b表格中的问题与人连接起来。(2分钟),4听第三遍录音,学生跟读。(3分钟),4仿照2c的形式,利用2a和2b中的信息,两人一组编练新的对话,完成后邀请几组学生在班上表演对话。(5分钟),参考案例,A:Do you remember Mr.Hunt?,B:Of course!Hes a great teacher.He gave really clear instructions during PE. class.,C:Yeah,he.,5小结训练。(3分钟),(D)1.Since 2000,Jingmen has become a new city.Everything_.,Ais changedBwas changed,Chad changed Dhas changed,(D)2.There _ a magic show last night and we all had great fun.,Ahad Bwas going to be,Cwill be Dwas,(B)3.Where is Jane?,She _ to help out the sick children.,Acalled Bwas asked,Ctold Dwas said,环节说明:通过听、说、读、写训练让学生复习巩固了一般过去时态的用法;并且使学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。,Step 4完成教材2d的任务,1学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。(5分钟),1)Which subject does Ms.Lee teach?,2)How does Mr.Brown help Clara with science?,3)What will they do to thank their teachers?,2大声朗读2d 对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3分钟),3邀请三组来表演对话。(5分钟),4小结训练。(3分钟),(B)1.We took two hours _ the exciting movie yesterday.,AwatchBto watch,Cwatching Dwatched,(B)2.Mr.Wang guided me _ much better in math.,Ado Bto do,Cdid Ddoing,(A)3.He often explain things _ me clearly.,AtoBforCatDin,(C)4.Mr.Green is a very kind teacher and he is patient _ everyone.,Ato Bfor Cwith Din,环节说明:将对话问题化,既能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解。小结训练又对对话中的重要句型和词组进行了巩固加深。,Step 5问题探究,()1.Kates dad is getting old.She will go back home to see him_ it is convenient.,Abecause Bwhenever,Calthough Dunless,答案选择B,根据句意“Kate的父亲上年纪了,每当她方便的时候,她都会回家看望他”。因此whenever符合题意。whenever引导时间状语从句。,谢谢阅读!感谢下载!,祝生活愉快,


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