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Original of Industrial Engineering,Engineering,Science,Industry,12,A. Engineering,Engineering is concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of problems and to the quest for a “better life.”,e.g.: the Egypt Pyramids, the Great Wall, the Roman construction,CivilChemical,ElectricalIndustrial,MechanicalMilitary,Manufacturing Nuclear,ElectronicComputer,Aeronautical Astronautical,BioengineeringAgricultural/Ocean,13,B. Science,Science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge.,e.g.:Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry,Biology,Social science (Behavior science, psychology, philosophy, sociology),14,Engineering and Science,Engineering and science have developed in a parallel, complementary fashion, although not always at the same pace. Obviously, knowledge cannot be applied until it is discovered, and once discovered, it will soon be put to use. In its efforts to solve problems, engineering provides feedback to science in areas where new knowledge is needed. Thus, science and engineering work hand in hand.,15,Modern era of engineering,Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century.,The term,civil engineer,was first used in 1750,military engineering,civil engineering,mechanical engineering: steam engine,electrical science:electricity and magnetism,16,4. Definition of Industrial Engineering,Industrial,engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of,integrated systems,of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon,specialized knowledge,and skill in the,mechanical, physical, and social sciences,together with the principles and methods of,engineering analysis,and design to,specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,17,Understanding the definition of IE(1),Industrial: any organization,integrated systems: a factory, a city,specialized knowledge: mechanical, physical, and social sciences, the principles and methods of engineering analysis,Objectives: to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,18,Understanding the definition of IE(2),Discipline character: Engineering tech.,Research object: systems (macro/micro),Theory & methods: mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences,Objectives & tasks: effectiveness & efficiency,19,作业1:,重点语句翻译(把下列语句翻译成中文),Industrial engineering (IE) is emerging as one of the classic and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today.,Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems.,20,作业1:,课外翻译(把下列语句翻译成中文),On the other hand,todays IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined.,If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces,it comes out a little hairy.,Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed.,用英文回答下例问题,What is science? What is engineering? What is industry? What is industrial engineering?,21,Unit 2 History of Industrial Engineering,Charles Babbage (巴贝奇,1792-1871),British mathematician and inventor of an analytical machine based on principles similar to those used in modern digital computers.,Division of labor, labor relations,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,22,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Eli Whitney (1765-1825),American inventor and manufacturer whose invention of the cotton gin (1793) revolutionized the cotton industry. He also established the first factory to assemble muskets with interchangeable parts, marking the advent of modern mass production.,Mass production system, interchangeable manufacture; the design and construction of new machines,23,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Frederick Winslow Taylor (泰勒,1856-1915),American inventor, engineer, and efficiency expert noted for his innovations in industrial engineering and management.,Analyze and improve the,method,of performing work, reduce the times required, and set standards (time study),The Principles of Scientific Management (1911),24,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Frank B. Gilbreth (吉尔布雷斯,1868-1924),the identification, analysis, and measurement of fundamental motions involved in performing work (motion study),This was a fundamental step in the development of industrial engineering as profession based on “science” rather than “art.”,25,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Dr. Lillian Gilbreth (1878-1972) , wife of Frank .She witnessed and contributed to the birth, growth, and maturation of the IE profession.,the first lady of engineering,the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering,26,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Henry Laurence Gantt (1861-1919),American engineer,Gantt chart,The Gantt chart was a significant contribution in that it provided a systematic graphical procedure for preplanning and scheduling work activities, reviewing progress, and updating the schedule. Gantt charts are still in widespread use today.,27,W.A. Shewhart,Developed the fundamental principles of statistical quality control in 1924. This was another important development in providing a scientific base to industrial engineering practice.,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,28,Many other industrial engineering pioneers contributed to the early development of the profession.,During the 1920s and 1930s much fundamental work was done on economic aspects of managerial decisions, inventory problems, incentive plans, factory layout problems, material handling problems, and principles of organization.,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,29,Scientific management,Peter Drucker,systematic work study,30,Chronology of IE,31,Characteristics and Functions of Industrial Engineering,Features of academic discipline,Industrial engineering as a profession,Professional ethics,IE functions,32,Features of academic discipline,(1)Engineering,(2) Cross-disciplines,(3)Manufacturing and services oriented,33,Industrial engineering as a profession,(1)Associated with a profession is a significant body of special knowledge.,(2) Preparation for a profession includes an internship-like training period following the formal education.,(3) The standards of a profession, including a code of ethics, are maintained at a high level through a self-policing system of controls over those practicing the profession.,(4) Each member of a profession recognizes his responsibilities to society over and above responsibilities to his client or to other members of the profession.,34,Engineers Task,Engineers are frequently involved in decisions that have a profound effect on society.,The design of particular devices almost always involves the safety of the user.,The design of the processes frequently affects the environment.,The design and location of a factory affect the community and its citizens.,The design of a management system greatly affects the individuals working for the organization their comfort, their sense of worth, their financial status, and so on.,35,IE functions,Production operations,Management systems,Corporate Services,36,Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering,Big five disciplines,Management,Operations Research,Systems Engineering,Statistics,Ergonomics,Manufacturing Engineering,37,Big five disciplines,Big five:civil, chemical, electrical, industrial, and mechanical engineering,Others: nuclear engineering, electronic engineering, aeronautical engineering, computer engineering, astronautical engineering, environmental engineering, bioengineering, agricultural engineering and ocean engineering,38,Management,Production management-concepts and techniques specific to the analysis and management of production activity; how to analyze and design productive systems and the control procedures for efficiently operating such systems,The training of a race car driver is analogous to management education: the design of the car is analogous to industrial engineering education.,39,Management,Planning,Organizing,Coordinating,Controlling,encouraging,Communicating,40,Operations research,Definition of O.R.,Similarity to IE,Nature of O.R.,Categorization of O.R.,41,Operations research,Definition of O.R.,The attack of modern science on complex problems arising in the direction and management of large,systems,of men, machines, materials, and money in industry, business, government, and defense. The distinctive approach is to develop a,scientific model,of the system, incorporating measurement of factors such as chance and risk, with which to,predict and compare,the outcomes of alterative decisions, strategies, or controls. The purpose is to,help management,determine its policies and actions scientifically.,42,Operations research,Similarity to IE,IE and O.R. have commonalities. O.R. and IE indeed do have many of the same objectives and work on many of the same problems. The primary difference is that O.R. has a higher level of theoretical and mathematical orientation, providing a major portion of the science base of IE.,43,Operations research,44,Operations research,Nature of O.R.,Mathematical involvement,e.g.: economic order quantity (经济订货量),Plant location (工厂选址),Job evaluation,Quality control,Transportation programming problems,45,Operations research,Categorization of O.R.,Deterministic ApproachAny time random variation is not allowed,Probabilistic ApproachAny time random variation is allowed,46,Systems Engineering,Definition of a system,Classifications of systems,Systems of IE,47,Systems Engineering,Definition of a system,A system may be defined as a set of components which are related by some form of interaction, and which act together to achieve some objective or purpose.,48,Systems Engineering,Classifications of systems,Natural vs. Man-Made Systems,Static vs. Dynamic Systems,Physical vs. Abstract Systems,Open vs. Closed Systems,49,Systems Engineering,Systems of IE,Industrial engineers design systems at two levels. The first level is called human activity systems and is concerned with the physical workplace at which human activity occurs. The second level is called management control systems and is concerned with procedures for planning, measuring, and controlling all activities within the organization.,50,Systems Engineering,Systems of IE,cybernetics,Norbert Wiener (1894-1964), American mathematician who founded the field of cybernetics.,control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine,Claude,Shannon,(香农), Information theory,The Mathematical Theory of Communication,51,Systems Engineering,Systems of IE,Negative feedback,e.g.:The most commonly used example of negative feedback is the,thermostat,. When the temperature drops sufficiently below some desired value, the thermostat initiates the heating portion of the cycle, and the heat is added until a temperature is reached that is greater than the desired temperature. Heating is then stopped to permit cooling to negate the overheating. Negative feedback means that some action is taken to oppose or negate an unacceptable difference.,52,Systems Engineering,Systems of IE,Negative feedback,e.g.:a conceptual model of negative feedback in management systems,53,Statistics,Statistics has been and will continue to be distinct from industrial engineering. However, the approach of industrial engineering has changed significantly; the world around us is viewed as probabilistic in nature rather than deterministic.,By deterministic it is meant that all actions under consideration in a particular study situation are assumed to be certain. Probabilistic implies that at least one aspect of the study situation has a probability of occurrence associated with it that must be considered.,54,Ergonomics,Ergonomics previously called,human factors, is A subdiscipline of industrial engineering, closely associated with both industrial and experiment psychology.,Human-machine system design:,Physiological aspects of human performance,Psychological aspects of human activities,Human interface with the world of work,55,Manufacturing Engineering,Manufacturing Engineering may be defined as designing the production process for a product.,Industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering are distinct and typical complementary functions in a manufacturing organization. Most firms need both functions represented in their organizations to be truly effective. If one tries to substitute one function for the other, the function omitted typically represents a weakness in that manufacturing organization that will likely limit the overall capacity of the technical effort in that organization.,56,Manufacturing Engineering,A typical manufacturing engineering department is composed of numerous technical professionals (mechanical engineers,thermodynamicists, material engineers, computer scientists, etc.). Each professional represents some part of the technical processes in use at that manufacturing plant.,57,Manufacturing Engineering,The machine to an industrial engineer is a black box that has a production rate, yield rate, required operator skills, process capabilities, and other production system attributes. The industrial engineer is concerned with developing a production system that produces the required quantity of products at an appropriate cost and quality.,58,Manufacturing Engineering,The industrial engineering responsibility involves the,integration,of workers, machines, materials, information, capital, and managerial know-how into a producing system that will produce the right product, at the right cost, at the right time. Manufacturing engineering technical talent is one of the underlying,technical plant-supporting,resources that guarantee success of that production system.,59,Manufacturing Engineering,In summary, it is necessary to know the technical details of each of the processes (i.e., manufacturing engineering) and then integrate all the elements of a producing system (workers, materials, equipment, information, etc.) so that a quality product is made at the right time and cost (i.e., industrial engineering).,-Industrial Engineering Tasks,60,Unit 4 Development of Industrial Engineering,Challenges of the future,Development of industrial engineering,Education of industrial engineering,61,Challenges of the future,learn to accomplish the engineers mission in recognition of these constraints (e.g. resources limited),design systems and processes that are compatible with our natural environment,designing products that are safe and reliable,Increase productivity,Improve product quality,62,Development of industrial engineering,Foundation of industrial engineering,Work study (time/motion study),Ergonomics,Production management and material-flow,Engineering,Modern industrial engineering,Modern manufacturing engineering,Computer and communication technologies,Systems engineering,63,Enrollment in The U.S. Universities,Source: Science & Engineering Indicators, 2002,64,Summary,Basic concepts: engineering, science, industrial engineering, manufacturing,manufacturing engineering, O.R., system engineering,Original and Formulation of IE,Characteristics of IE,Functions of IE,Sub-disciplines of IE,Development of IE,Education of IE,Professional ethics,65,作业2:,重点语句翻译(把下列语句翻译成中文),Associated with a profession is a significant body of special knowledge.,Preparation for a profession includes an internship-like training period following the formal education.,Each member of a profession recognizes his client or to other members of the profession.,It is different with the situations of United States that industrial engineering belongs to the secondary level of subjects under the first disciplines of management science and engineering in China.,The industrial engineer designs the car with a diver in mind but with no intention of getting behind the wheel on the day of the race.,66,The attack of modern science on complex problems arising in the direction and management of large systems of men, machines, materials, and money in industry, business, government, and defense. The distinctive approach is to develop a scientific model of the system, incorporating measurement o


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