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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Index,Warm-up,1,A:,Excuse me, but could you give me some change?,B:,Let me see. Are dimes and quarters OK?,A:,I want to make a long distance phone call.,B:,Then youll need small change.,A:,Hello. Can I speak to Yolanda, please?,B:,Hold on, please.,A:,Thank you.,B:,Sorry, but shes out.,A:,Would you tell her Tom Gray called?,B:,Id be glad to.,1,2,A:Hello!,B:Hello!,A:Good morning!,B:Good morning!,A:Good afternoon!,B:Good afternoon!,There is a will, there is a way!,2,A:,how are you?,B:,Im fine.Thank you, and you?,A:,fine, thank you.,A:,how are you this morning?,B:,fine. Thanks.How about you?,A:,Im fine, too.Thank you.,3,4,Practice makes perfect !,3,What can I do for you?,Welcome to China.,Would you like a cup of tea?,That suit looks very good on you.,What would you like to eat?,Would you like to leave a message?,My pleasure.,Simple but elegant!,4,Pronunciation,c,a,e,Hot a hot day I feel hot,Bus take a bus love,you did it!,5,Ant,Bat,Canary,Duck,Elephant,Frog,Gorilla,6,Hippo,Iguana,Jaguar,Kangaroo,Lion,Monkey,narwhal,7,Owl,Penguin,Quail,raccoon,Squirrel,Tiger,Umbrella bird,Vulture,Whale,Fox,Yak,Zebra,8,Lie to me,I request my client remain salient,I do not have much faith in words myself,Statistics speak that every people tell 3 lies for a 10-minutes conversation,9,mass-destruction weapons,Response,Church,Eyebrow,Micro-expression,Target,Scorn,Come into an end,Shame,Contempt,Universal,Suicide-bomber,10,商务英语若干场景,问候与介绍 Greetings and Introduction,机场迎接 At the airport,入住酒店 At the hotel,请客送礼 At a restaurant & gifts giving,电话预约 making an appointment,购物 shopping,会议桌 Discussions in the meeting,观光送别 sight-seeing & departure,11,Tips1 商务见面礼仪,介绍:同一性别:Junior to Senior;职位低 to 职位高;本国人 to 外国人,身体语言:握手、拥抱、点头、招手,原则上女士、长者、大人物应先伸出手表示友善,另一方面此时才可以伸手互握,时间以一秒钟左右为原则。,递上名片:递接名片时最好用双手,名片的正面应朝着对方;接过对方的名片后应致谢。,12,Tips2 商务礼仪,闲聊small talk,安全的话题:天气,工作经验,旅游,对城市的印象,共同的熟人,避免涉及隐私的话题:收入、婚姻状态、年龄,避免宗教和政治方面有争议的话题,13,Tips3 接机礼仪 时间很重要,备有贵宾的照片,掌握前往机场的时间,务必要在飞机抵达前先到达机场,The first impression is foremost,表示欢迎:you are warmly welcome to our city,问候:how was your trip?,西方人在初次见面时的礼节习惯是拥抱吻颊,应坦然接受,大方应对,14,1. 机位预约、确认篇,依据贵宾搭乘的飞机班次,预先电询航空公司该班飞机是否准时或延迟,乘客名单中是否包括该位贵宾,他是否已坐上此班飞机等事项。,接待人员应先行以海报纸明显写出贵宾姓名,粘好双面胶,在确定该班飞机已抵达,便可由接待人员拿着,以提醒贵宾的注意。,2.入境英语,入境他国检验护照时,移民官的询问,3.行李遗失,旅客用简单而清楚的英语,向工作人员描述本身行李特色,15,Tip4 餐桌礼仪,吃西餐最讲究 3M:menu,mood,manner,邀请人要讲清就餐的目的,委婉回绝:I love to. But I have another appointment. May I take a rain check?,欣然接受:That sounds great.,应准时赴约,吃饭时谈论与生意无关的话题。当餐具撤走,甜点上桌,可提议:Can we talk a little bit about the project?,16,点菜就餐的次序:,找桌子- 看菜单- 点菜- 付钱 -离开,Western food西餐三道菜:,开胃小菜appetizer:an avocado油梨 or small sea food,Main course/entre: soup, a meat and two types of vegetables,甜点dessert: cake, jelly, ice cream,pudding; coffee or black tea,英美人常欢聚一堂,频频举杯,开怀畅饮,“干杯!”、“为干杯!”之声不绝于耳。那么英美人是如何表示的呢?,Excuse me , could you pass the salt?,17,Chinese food 中餐:中国“八大菜系”,鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽,餐后,邀请方付帐:well take care of the bill. We are glad you joined us. 谢谢您的赏光,被邀请方:thank you for your wonderful dinner!,18,西红柿炒蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Tomato,西芹百合 :Sauted Lily Bulbs and Celery,乡村大丰收 :Raw Vegetables Combination,19,夫妻肺片 :Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce,木须肉 :Sauted Sliced Pork, Eggs and Black Fungus,糖醋排骨 :Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs,杭椒牛柳 :Sauted Beef Filet with Hot Green Pepper,水煮牛肉 :Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil,20,四川辣子鸡 :Sauted Diced Chicken with Chili and Pepper, Sichuan Style,孜然羊肉 :Fried Lamb with Cumin,松鼠桂鱼 :Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish,罗宋汤/苏伯汤 :Russian Soup,北京炸酱面 :Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style,21,Tips5 电话礼仪,打电话的基本公式:你的名字和单位你找的人来电理由,接听:左手拿听筒,右手备忘录,依照3w原则记录 when、who、what,接通:,打错电话 I am sorry ,you dialed the wrong number,本人不在 he is not in. may I take a message,本人在,他人接 hold on, please,本人接 speaking,结束通话:,Thank you for calling. Sorry I have to excuse myself.,Nice talking to you.,22,Tips6 会议礼仪,会议前,在会议前的准备工作中,我们需要注意以下这几方面:,会议开始时间、持续时间,会议地点确认,会议出席人,会议议题,接送服务、会议设备及资料、公司纪念品等。比如纸、笔、笔记本、投影仪等等,是不是需要用咖啡、小点心等。,23,会议中,在会议进行当中,我们需要注意,会议主持人,主持会议要注意介绍参会人员控制会议进程避免跑题或议而不决控制会议时间,会议座次的安排,会议议程:定价包装运输,24,会议后,在会议完毕之后,我们应该注意以下细节,才能够体现出良好的商务礼仪。主要包括:,会谈要形成文字结果,哪怕没有文字结果,也要形成阶段性的决议,落实到纸面上,还应该有专人负责相关事物的跟进;,赠送公司的纪念品;,参观,如参观公司,或厂房等。,如果必要,合影留念。,25,Rome wasnt built in a day.,Keep on!,26,接受别人的礼物或招待后,应道谢,1. Thank you for the present. Its just what I wanted.,2. Thank you so much for the homemade cake.,3. I dont know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower.,4. I received your gift. Thank you for the lovely bracelet.,1. 谢谢你的礼物,这正是我想要的。,2. 非常谢谢你作的蛋糕。,3. 真不知道要如何谢谢你, 这么漂亮的花。,4. 我收到你的礼物了。谢谢你可爱的手镯。,27,商务交谈中如何礼貌地打断别人的话,1. Sorry to interrupt you, but will you first let us know your idea of annual sales?,2. May I interrupt you a moment?,3. Excuse me for interrupting you. I hope you will explain yourself in more detail.,4. If you dont mind, may I say one word here?,5. Just a moment, please. Allow me to say something here.,28,商务交流中如何表示不同意对方意见,Im sorry, I disagree with you there. Id dont think thats the way with it.,对不起,我不同意你的看法。我认为那不是办法。,This works against common sense. I dont go along with it for one minute.这有悖常理,我一点也不同意。,Im totally against the proposal of making transshipment at Hong Kong.我完全反对在香港转船的建议。,I would not say that. I think its only a matter of time.,我不认为如此,我认为这只是个时间问题。,I dont like the idea of substituting Type No. 15 for the portion undelivered.我不同意未交货部分改用15型代替。,Its absolutely impossible. I really cant accept the idea.,这完全不可能。我实在不能接受这个主意。,29,Making introductions 给人作介绍,1. Jane, Tom. Tom, Jane.,2. Jane, this is Tom, Tom, this is Jane.,3. Jane, Id like you to meet my friend Tom.,4. Jane, have you met Tom?,5. Jane, do you know Tom?,6. Look, Toms here. Tom, come and meet Jane.,7. Jane, this is Tom. Hes a friend from college.,8. Jane, Tom is the guy I was telling you about.,30,(cont.),9. Do you know each other?,10. Have you two met ?,11. Have you two been introduced?,12. Allow me to introduce Professor Linda Ferguson of Harvard University.,13. Let me introduce our guest of honor, Mr.David Morris.,14. If you want to be introduced to the author, I think I can arrange it.,31,Making a self-introduction 作自我介绍,1. May I introduce myself,2. Hello, Im Hanson Smith.,3. Excuse me, I dont think weve met. My names Hanson Smith.,4. How do you do? Im Hanson Smith.,5. Im David Anderson. I dont believe Ive had the pleasure.,6. First let me introduce myself. Im Peter White, production manager.,7. My name is David. I work in the marketing department.,32,After being introduced. 被介绍与对方认识后.,1. Im glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你.,2. Nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你. (平时用得最多的是Nice to meet you ),3. How nice to meet you. 认识你真高兴.,4. Ive heard so much about you. 我知道很多关于你的事儿.,5. Helen has told me all about you. 海伦对我将了好多你的事儿.,6. Its a privilege to know you. 认识您是我的荣幸.,7. Im delighted to make your acquaintance. 认识你我觉得非常高兴.,33,Checking in at a Hotel住旅馆,Mr. Woods : Id like a double room for tonight.,Clerk : Do you have a reservation?,Mr. Woods : Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods.,Clerk : Wait a second , please. (She checks the computer.) Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?,Mr. Woods : Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then well decide when to leave for Seattle.,Clerk : Would you sign the register, please?,Mr. Woods : By the way, does my room have a private bath?,Clerk : Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.,34,Cont.,Mr. Woods : Does my room have twin beds or a double ? I prefer a room with twin beds.,Clerk : Your room has twin beds, Mr. Woods. It also has a view. Im sure youll like it.This is your key. Its on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.,Mr. Woods : Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?,Clerk : The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.,Mr. Woods : Thank you. Youre very kind.,Clerk : Youre welcome.,35,Vocabulary,注释,1. reservation n预约,动词为 reserve 。,2. to leave for 前往某地,3. room service 旅馆里的房间服务,36,建立贸易关系,Dialogue 1,Tom: I have a feeling that there are bright prospects for us to cooperate with in this field. I wish to do business with you.,Lin: It appears we want the same things.,Tom: Regarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputations, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce.,Lin: Thank you for the information.,37,Dialogue 2,Liu: I understand this is your first visit to our company.,Bob: Yes, and my first visit to your country. Ive wanted to visit China for a long time and now Im lucky to have the chance to do so.,Liu: Im glad to hear that.,Bob: I think you must have some idea of our company. Weve been importing arts and crafts for many years. The purpose of my coming here is to do business with you.,Liu: I can assure you of our best intentions and closest cooperation. Were always willing to develop trade with friends from all over the world.,38,Pricing定价,A: Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.,B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high.,A: Lets meet each other half way.,39,A: Im sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years.,B: Thats because the price of raw materials has gone up.,A: I see. Thank you.,40,A: How many do you intend to order?,B: I want to order 900 dozen.,A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.,41,A: We have inspected the rice, and were surprised to know that the weight is short.,B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.,A: I see.,42,Packing包装,A: The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing.,B: Please state your opinions about packing.,A: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.,43,A: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales.,B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.,A: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction.,A: How are the shirts packed?,B: Theyre packed in cardboard boxes.,A: Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.,44,Shipment运输,A: From what Ive heard, youre already well up in shipping work.,B: Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.,A: Do you do any chartering?,A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea?,B: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.,A: Thats what we think.,45,A: When can you effect shipment? Im terribly worried about late shipment.,B: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.,A: Thats fine.,46,商务流程,Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations, Unit 2 Inquiry, Unit 3 Telephone Calls, Unit 4 Visiting A Factory, Unit 5 About Products, Unit 6 Price, Unit 7 Counteroffer, Unit 8 Discount and Commission,47, Unit 9 Business Representation, Unit 10 Insurance, Unit 11 Acceptance, Unit 13 Packing, Unit 14 Shipment, Unit 15 Claim, Unit 12 Terms of Payment,48,


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