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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,2D & 3D Information Visualization:The Next Big Revolution,Brad Eden, Ph.D.,Associate University Librarian for Technical Services & Scholarly Communication,University of California, Santa Barbara,1,What is Information Visualization?,“The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition.”,From,Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think,. Edited by S. Card, J. Mackinlay, and B. Shneiderman. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. p. 6,2,Other definitions from the literature,“The process of analyzing and transforming nonspatial data into an effective visual form”,“A highly efficient way for the mind to directly perceive data and discover knowledge and insight from it”,“The visual appearance of data objects and their relationships”,“The transformation of abstract data to a visual representation, which is rapidly understood by the user”,3,Why is it important?,Human beings are tremendously influenced by sensory perceptions,The way that we learn, grow, understand, and adapt is based on our ability to view, perceive, and conceptualize thoughts and ideas,The power to visualize and graphically represent results, ideas, solutions, and problems in multiple dimensions, as well as to manipulate data and virtually collaborate with others, is the next big revolution in technology.,4,“Tell me and Ill forget,Show me and I may remember,Involve me and Ill understand.”,Ancient Chinese proverb,5,Who is doing it right now?,Your users everyday,Students,Virtual collaborative gaming,Collaborative spaces on the Internet,On their Gameboys and home entertainment systems,Faculty,In the sciences (David Rumsey Map Collection at ),In medicine (Visible Human Project at ),In history (),6,Areas of study already established in visualization,Data visualization,Geographic visualization,Scientific visualization,Software visualization,7,Dimensional types of information visualization,Temporal,One-dimensional (1D),Two-dimensional (2D),Three-dimensional (3D),Multi-dimensional (MultiD),Tree,Network,Workspace,See Olive: On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments at,8,3D information visualization presentation techniques,Benediktine space,Cityscapes,Cluster maps,Concept mapping,Fish-eye views,Graphs,Landscapes,Networks,Perspective walls,Rooms,Spheres,Topic maps,Trees,9,Programming languages for 3D,Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)/eXtensible 3D (X3D),Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG),Many other ones, by gamers and techies,10,An Atlas of Cyberspaces,Provides examples of graphic representations of cyberspaces like the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other digital environments. Divided into topics such as historical, geographical, MUDS and virtual worlds, weather maps, conceptual, surfmaps, website maps, artistic, cables and satellites, topology, census, etc.,11,Resources,The Geography of Cyberspaces Directory,Information Visualization website,12,OPACs experimenting with 2D/3D,Lexington Public Library,AquaBrowser,Topic map,Belmont Abbey College Library, North Carolina,Antarctica Systems, Inc. (MapNet and VisualNet softwares),13,Stanford Grokker,Available only to Stanford faculty, students, and staff,14,Interesting websites to explore,LivePlasma,CubicEye,3D Virtual Reality Worlds,15,More interesting websites,3D Insects,Visualization website,For more information, see,3D Information Visualization Techniques: 2D and 3D Information Visualization Resources, Applications, and Future,(,Library Technology Report, Jan./Feb. 2005),16,Innovative Projects in the Humanities,Library Technology Report, July/August 2005,10 x 10: 100 Words and Pictures That Define the Time,Theban Mapping Project,Virtual Vaudeville,The Lost Museum,17,Companies and software,ActiveWorlds ($6.95 per month),Grokker (free 30-day trial),VisualNet,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL),Galaxies, ThemeView, Starlight, OmniViz Pro, and IN-SPIRE,Anacubis (free 10-day trial),Aquabrowser,Inxight,SmartDiscovery, VizServer, Categorizer, LinguistX, Star Tree, Summarizer, Table Lens, and Thing Finder,Vivisimo,Visual Thesaurus and ThinkMap (free 5-click demo),xrefer Research Mapper (free 30-day trial),18,See also Judy Luther and Maureen Kelly, and Donald Beagle. “Visualize This.”,Library Journal,. March 1, 2005, p. 34-37.,Bernard Frischer. “The Ultimate Internet Caf: Reflections of a Practicing Digital Humanist about Designing a Future for the Research Library in the Digital Age.”,Library As Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space,. CLIR, February 2005, p. 41-81.,Bernard Frischer. “From CVR to CVRO: The Past, Present, and Future of Cultural Virtual Reality.”,19,From,CVR to CVRO,:,If the ten-year rule of thumb holds true, personal computer enthusiasts by the millions a decade from now will be interacting directly with virtual worlds through their desktop reality engines.,Howard Rheingold (1991),20,Also from,CVR to CVRO,:,All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer seeing (one might say) to everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.,Aristotle,Metaphysics,980a (ca. 330 B.C.),21,Questions?,22,


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