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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Anemia,1,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,2,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,incorporate,合并,混合,hemosiderin,含铁血黄素,ferritin,铁蛋白,myoglobin,肌红蛋白,mitochondrion,线粒体,transferrin,转铁蛋白,trypanosomiasis,锥虫病,kala-azar,黑热病,malabsorption,吸收障碍,3,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,sprue,口炎性腹泻,celiac,腹腔的,hypochromic,低色素的,血红蛋白过少的,histamine,组胺,rheumatoid,类风湿,arthritis,关节炎,hemorrhoid,痔,occult,(,使,),隐藏,axiom,规律;原理,4,hemosiderinuria,含铁血黄素尿症,interpartum,经期;期间,necessitate,成为必要,assessment,估计;估量,synthesis,综合;合成,bizarre,奇怪;古怪,poikilocytosis,异形红细胞症,erythropoiesis,红细胞生成,polychromatic,多色的,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,5,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,TIBC= total iron binding capacity,总铁结合力,protoporphyrin,原卟啉,reticulocytosis,网织红细胞增多症,severity,严重,严肃,deplete,耗尽;使衰竭,parenteral,肠胃外的;不经肠的,intravascular,血管内的,saturation,饱和(度);浸润,thrombocytosis,血小板增多症,6,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,In order to understand the mechanisms responsible for the production of this important anemia, it is necessary to discuss some aspects of iron metabolism, particularly iron balance, which have not already been described.,7,Total iron content in an adult ranges between 3 to 5 grams, and it is either stored or utilized in.,The erythrocytes account for approximately 70% of total body iron by incorporating it into the hemoglobin molecul,e. Iron in the tissues is available in two forms, namely storage and active portions. The storage forms are known as hemosiderin and ferritin.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,8,Active iron is present in myoglobin (muscle), mitochondria, and other cellular constituents. A variable amount is bound to transferrin, which is the iron-binding protein of the blood and the principal transport protein. As a result of normal renewal of intestinal mucosal cells and minute hemorrhages, approximately 1 mg of iron is lost per day.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,9,If the individual ingests a minimum of 15 mg of elemental iron daily, 1 mg of iron will be absorbed to replace this loss.,Females in the reproductive age,have a greater average daily loss owing to menstruation (approximately 2 to 3 mg) .,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,10,It is therefore can be easily appreciated that,major defects in iron metabolism can occur if there is,: (a) inappropriate oral intake; (b) insufficient or defective absorption from the intestine; (c) inefficient transport, storage , or utilization of iron; (d) abnormal loss of iron by the body.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,11,Deficient Iron Content of the Food.,This is seen especially in infants who are kept too long on a milk diet. It is also common in native populations existing on marginal and poor diets, though in these cases there frequently are other complicating factors, e. g., malaria, trypanosomiasis, kala-azar, and intestinal parasites. Older people are particularly prone owing to their limited food intake (“tes and toast” meals).,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,12,Deficient Absorption of Iron.,This may follow operations on the gastrointestinal tract, e. g. , gastrectomy, especially those operations that leave a “blind loop” of bowel. Defective absorption of iron may also occur in chronic malabsorption states, e. g. , gastrocolic fistual, sprue, and celiac disease. Rarely, a form of,hypochromic microcytic anemia,is found in people who have a histamine-fast achlorhydria .,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,13,Deficient Transport.,Decrease in transferrin is associated with a number of inflammatory conditions, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. There is considerable argument as to whether this is hypochromic or normochromic anemia. However, owing to the serum protein disturbances transferrin is decreased, producing the characteristic decreased serum iron but normal or increased iron binding capacity.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,14,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,Deficient Transport.,A serum ferritin level is the better test to perform under such circumstances and more accurately reflects body iron stores.,15,Abnormal Loss of Iron.,This is most commonly caused by loss of circulating red cells through hemorrhage or menstruation. Pathologic blood loss is a prime suspect in the male, and this can vary from simple hemorrhoids to occult carcinomas of the bowel. It is,a clinical axiom,that if a middle-aged male or,postmenopausal female,is examined and found to have an iron deficiency anemia,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,16,Abnormal Loss of Iron.,gastrointestinal neoplasm is a prime suspect until thoroughly excluded from the differential diagnosis. Women may lose large amounts of iron through abnormal menstrual patterns, and this is a very common cause of anemia. Hemosiderinuria is an uncommon cause and is associated with intravascular hemolysis.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,17,Increase Physiologic Requirements.,This occurs primarily in children during active growth and in pregnant women. Often, when the need for iron in the infant is greatest, the child is fed on,an iron-deficient milk diet;,therefore, the anemia is common in children up to two years of age.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,18,Increase Physiologic Requirements.,Pregnancy places heavy demands on the iron stores of the mother, each fetus requiring approximately 500 mg of iron for full development. This requirement, associated with blood loss and interpartum menstruation, necessitates careful assessment of the female iron stores during the reproductive years.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,19,Laboratory Findings,Laboratory diagnosis is made with the peripheral blood value, bone marrow, and biochemical findings.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,20,Peripheral Blood.,The degree of anemia varies, with the MCHC and MCH being reduced.,The decreased MCHC reflects the decreased saturation of hemoglobin in the cell as a result of the lack of iron. The decreased MCH reflects not only reduced hemoglobin synthesis but also the size of the cell, which is characteristically microcytic. In severe anemia, bizarre-shaped erythrocytes will be seen with the occurrence of long elliptical or “cigar” cells.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,21,Peripheral Blood.,The degree of poikilocytosis may be very marked. Because the hypochromic iron deficient cells are often thinner than normal, target forms will be seen and,the osmotic fragility,will be decreased correspondingly. Leukocytes are not altered but a thrombocytosis is often noted, although it is not an invariable feature.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,22,Bone Marrow.,The predominant finding is an erythroid hyperplasia with a decrease,M:E ratio,. Erythropoiesis is abnormal in that the rate of hemoglobinization is retarded, producing an abnormal number of polychromatic normoblasts. Nuclear development is unimpeded so that a mature pyknotic nucleus is often seen, accompanied by basophilic or polychromatic cytoplasm.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,23,Bone Marrow.,The margins of the cytoplasm are often irregular. The crucial observation is to demonstrate the absence of iron in marrow fragments stained with perls reagent. In subclinical anemia minute amounts of iron may still be present .,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,24,Biochemical.,Owing to the lack of circulating iron, the amounts of transferrin available to bind any iron which may enter the circulation is increased. Therefore the serum iron is decreased (below 60,g per dL, or 6,mol/L) and the iron binding capacity (TIBC) is increased (up to 500,g per dL, or 50,mol/L). Saturation of transferrin is normally between 25 and 50%, but in this condition it is below 20%.,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,25,Biochemical.,The transferrin index or saturation is calculated by dividing the serum iron by the TIBC and expressing it as a percentage. Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin is increased to values over 60,g per dL, or 0.60,mol/L, red cells. Serum ferritin levels can be misleading , but a level of less than 10,g/ L, or 0.10,mol/L, is diagnostic .,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,26,The degree of change in the biochemical, blood, and bone marrow values will depend upon the severity of the anemia.,The iron stores are depleted (bone marrow), followed by changes in the serum iron and TIBC, and only when all available iron is exhausted will changes in the erythrocytes become evident. Treatment is concerned with the replacement of iron using either oral or parenteral routes. A reticulocytosis is evident after approximately one week of therapy .,Lesson Nine,Iron Deficiency Anemia,27,与血细胞有关的词汇,白细胞,leukocyte; white blood cell (WBC)*,粒细胞,granulocyte*,淋巴细胞,lymphocyte (L)*,单核细胞,monocyte (M)*,嗜酸性粒细胞,eosinophil (E)*,嗜碱性粒细胞,basophil (B)*,中性杆状核粒细胞,neutrophilic stab,granulocyte,中性分叶核粒细胞,neutrophilic segmented,granulocyte,红细胞,erythrocyte; red blood cell (RBC)*,血小板,platelet*,28,血细胞分析仪,hematology analyzer,MCH=mean corpuscular hemoglobin*,红细胞平均血红蛋白量,MCHC= mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration*,红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度,MCV= mean corpuscular volume*,红细胞平均容积,血,blood hemo- hematology/hemoglobin,/hemato- /hematoma,血清,serum sero- serotonin/seroconvert,与血细胞检验有关的词汇,29,ESR= erythrocyte sedimentation rate*,血沉,Hct , HCT=hematocrit,红细胞比容,DC=differential count*,白细胞分类计数,reticulocyte*,网织红细胞,bone marrow*,骨髓,anemia*,贫血,与血细胞检验有关的词汇,30,计算机辅助精子分析,computer aided semen analysis,手指采血,finger puncture*,静脉采血,venipuncture*,理学检验,gross examination*,化学检验,chemical examination*,显微镜检查,microscopic examination*,检验医学专用术语,尿沉渣分析仪,urine sediment analyzer*,尿液分析仪,urine analyzer*,31,bacteria*,microorganism*,exotoxin -endotoxin,culture medium,antibacterial susceptibility tests, AST*,virus*,fungus,spirochete,mycoplasma,chlamydia,rickettsia,About bacteria,human immunodeficiency virus , HIV,32,粪,soil , dejection;,sterco-*,粪,feces, dejecta ; fec-*,痢疾,dysentery*,杀,-cide/-cidal insecticide,抗,anti-,antibody,回,/,再,/,复,re-,recombinant,溶解,-lysis hemolysis,About feces,33,About immunology,immune response,antigen-antibody*,monoclonal antibody (McAb),polyclonal antibody,recombinant antigen,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA ),precipitation,agglutination,polymerase chain reaction (PCR),pregnancy*,(,immunogold),34,parasite - host*,Parasitology,ectoparasite,endoparasite,protozoa,helminth,arthropod,malaria*,definitive host,intermediate host,35,护理系,The Faculty of Nursing Science,卫生勤务系,The Faculty of Health Services,卫生管理系,The Faculty of Health Management,检验系,The Faculty of Laboratory Medicine*,医学学士,Bachelors Degree of Medicine (M.B.)*,医学硕士,Masters Degree of Medicine (M.M.),医学博士,Doctoral Degree of Medicine (M.D.),Names of the Departments, hospitals and,Institutions, and Faculties in a School of Medicine,医学院中各部、院、系名称,36,护工,orderly,护士,nurse; nurse aide,护师,nurse practitioner,技士,technician*,技师,technologist*,主管技师,technologist-in-charge*,副主任技师,associate senior technologist,主任技师,full senior technologist,Professional Title in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy,Research , Technology and Experiment Series,医、护、药、研究、技术、实验系列专业名称,37,中医,Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)*,中西结合,integration of western medicine and TCM,临床医学检验,clinical medical laboratory*,临床检验医学,clinical laboratory medicine*,血液学,hematology*,寄生虫学,parasitology*,微生物学,microbiology*,免疫学,immunology*,生物化学,biochemistry*,分子生物学,molecular biology,医学主要分支,(Main branches of medical science),38,含义 前(后)缀 示例,炎症,-itis appendicitis,瘤,/,块,-oma lymphoma,血小板,/,血栓,thrombo- thrombocyte,复合,/,多,poly- polyuria,病,patho- pathology,-pathy neuropathy,小,/,微,-let,platelet,micro- microscopy,大,/,巨,macro- macrophage,-megaly splenomegaly,与疾病和疾患有关的前(后)缀,P46,39,名称 通用名 前(后)缀 示例,尿,urine uro-/ur-* urosurgery,肾,kidney nephro-,nephritis,心,heart cardio-* carditis,脑,brain encepholo- encephalitis,肺,lung pulmo- pulmonitis,肝,liver hepato-*,hepatitis,胃,stomach gastro-* gastrointestinal,与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀,40,


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