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書式設定, 書式設定,第 2 ,第 3 ,第 4 ,第 5 ,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,WAR &,PEACE,1,Unit 7,Reflecting on History,2,Cost of World War II,World War II was,the most devastating,war in human history in terms of human and material resources expended. In all, 61 countries with 1.7 billion people,three-fourth of the worlds population, took part. A total of,110 million,persons were mobilized,for military service,.,A rough consensus has been reached on the total cost of the war. In terms of money spent, it has been put at more than,$1 trillion, which makes it more expensive than all other wars combined. The human cost, not including more than,5 million Jews killed,who were the indirect victims of the war, is estimated to have been,55 million dead,.,3,Text,A Young Girls Impossible Idealism,An adaptation of an excerpt from,Anne Franks Diary, published on June 15, 1952,4,Relevant background about,Anne Franks Diary,二次大战留下来的文献里,影响最大,流传最广的,可能不是邱吉尔首相的六大册,二次大战史,(,The Second World War, 6 Vols.,),而是一个,15,岁时死于纳粹集中营的小女孩,安妮,法兰克(,Anne Frank,1929-1945),的日记。,在某一个意义上,,安妮日记,见证的是两个父权人物的一场惨烈的人道角力,希特勒用最酷虐的方式,残杀了,500,万犹太人,其最终目的是灭绝所有犹太子裔,当中,也包括了死于纳粹集中营的安妮、安妮的母亲和姐姐玛歌;但安妮的父亲奥图,法兰克(,Otto Frank,)却意外地,藉由一个犹太父亲的身分,促成他稚龄聪慧的女儿留下对希特勒的第一手控诉,而且奇迹似地在战后使之公诸于世,成为永恒的感动世人的战争文献。,5,安妮在日记中填满了她,13,到,15,岁这段青春却被囚闭的岁月,她的,成长、思考,,她对周围的人尤其是父亲温柔的爱,还有她对犹太人命运的愤怒不平和,对战争的控诉,。节编本的,安妮日记,(,Anne Frank Diary Of A Young Girl,)在,1947,年出了荷文版。迄今已有约,60,种不同语言版本,,发行超过,3,千万册;,百老汇舞台剧,、,电影版本,也竞相推出,当年的密室则在,1960,年改成,安妮法兰克纪念馆,,一年的参观人口将近百万。,安妮没有熬过集中营的苦难,但她在日记中会祈望:“,我希望死后依然活着,”,经由父亲的爱,这个祈祷竟然成了真。我们必须说,犹太民族的坚忍、虔诚的信仰和对知识的敬重,是使他们历经苦难依然出类拔萃的原因。小小的安妮只是残酷荒谬年代的一个小切片,却巨大地对衬了希特勒的疯狂残虐。谁是最终的胜利者?是安妮,也是文字面对暴政的永恒的胜利。,6,In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.,-Anne Frank,无论如何,我依然相信人们的心地确实是善良的。,Whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery.,-Anne Frank,快乐的人会使别人快乐。有勇气和信心的人永远不会死于不幸。,7,Idealism,has no place in modern society.,A trip to Paris is,an ideal opportunity,to pick up some French.,It is difficult to live up to his high,ideals,.,flee,the hometown,to,the neighboring country,flee from,the responsibility,The managers are,analysing the,international market,situation,to make a plan for the next years production.,He was so angry that he,smash,ed the radio,to,pieces,.,8,The great majority of the people in the world,cherish peace,and dont want to see any war break out.,She still,cherish,ed,the memory,of those days in Paris.,Mr Smith was reading newspapers when suddenly the window was,shatter,ed by a football.,The silence was,shatter,ed by the sudden breaking of a bottle.,Are these sticks strong enough to,uphold,the board?,The lawyer devoted himself to,uphold,ing the law.,9,go into (hiding ),(of a vehicle) to hit sth violently,The car skidded and,went into a tree,.,join an organization, take up a job,go into,teaching / the Army,begin to do sth or behave in a particular way,He,went into,a long explanation of the affair.,(of money, time, effort, etc) to be spent on,More government finance needs to,go into,the project.,10,in fear of,Situated so closed to the border, they lived,in a constant fear of,being attacked by the enemy.,The doctors report,confirm,ed our worst,fears,.,They spoke quietly,for fear of,waking the guards.,Shut the windows,for fear (that),it might rain.,fear v. be frightened of (doing) sth,fear death / the unknown,You have,nothing to fear from,us.,It is feared that,he may have been kidnapped.,He,feared for,(be worried about) his mother, left alone on the farm.,11,refugee n.,a steady flow of,refugees from,the war zone,从战区不断涌出的难民,political refugees; a refugee camp,refuge n.,shelter or protection from danger,take refuge in / seek refuge from,As the situation at home got worse, he increasingly,took/sought refuge in,his work.,The lonely child regarded his room as,a refuge from,the outside world.,12,analyse (analyze) v.analysis n. (pl. analyses)analyst n.,化验员,分析者(家),analytical adj.,The job involves gathering and,analysing,data.,We need to,analyse,what went wrong.,The blood samples are sent to the laboratory,for analysis,.,The essay is,an analysis of,poverty and its causes.,in the final/last analysis,总之,归根结底,She has a clear,analytical,mind.,13,adaptation n.,It is,a,screen,adaptation of,Shakespeares,Macbeth,.,She was able to,make a good adaptation to,new customs.,The playwright,adapt,ed another novel,for,television (the stage).,The young children soon,adapt,ed,their way of living,to,the new surroundings.,adaptable adj. be highly to ,adaptor n.,多功能插头;适配器,14,waver v.,-,颤抖;动摇,His voice,waver,ed with emotion.,She never,waver,ed in her determination to succeed.,-,犹豫不决,举棋不定,She is,waver,ing,between,settling down here,and,moving away.,Jenny is still,waver,ing,on/over,taking the job.,15,weigh down,The branches,are weighed down,by the thick fruit.,Dont overwork yourself, otherwise youll,be weighed down,.,be weighed down with guilt,因内疚而心神不定,weight n.,put on/gain weight; lose weight; watch ones weight,(控制体重),Telling the truth was,a great weight off my mind,(shoulders).,Your opinion,carries weight,with the boss.,(有影响力),16,thrust ( upon ),猛推;刺,We will never,thrust,our opinions,upon,others.,She doesnt want to,impose,her values on / upon her family.,He,thrust,his way,through,the crowd in order to have a close look at the singer.,All our objections were,thrust aside,.,Jack pushed the desk heavily and,thrust,it,against,the wall.,17,reduce, sth (from ) (to ) / sth (by ),雇员人数从,50,人减少到了,25,人。,The number of employees was reduced from 50 to 25.,在过去的一年中,费用已经减少了,20%,。,Over the past year, the costs have been reduced by 20%.,We can,reduce,the report,to,three main issues.,She,was reduced to tears,by their criticisms.,Although I tried to uphold my ideals, the reality has,reduced them to nothing,.,18,Impossible,as (though),it seems, ,-,Though / Although / While,it seems impossible,Child,as he is, he had to make a living on his own.,The time,will come,when,-,The days,are gone,when,定语从句,Gone are the days when,he depended on his parents for everything.,-,Word,came,that,同位语从句,19,Grammar,The Absolute Construction,When Mary came back, they discussed it together.,-,Mary coming back, they discussed it together.,If weather permits, we will go there on foot.,-,Weather permitting, we will go there on foot.,When the moon had risen, they took a walk in the field.,-,The moon having risen, they took a walk in the field.,Because so much money has been wasted, he will be punished.,-,So much money having been wasted, he will be punished.,20,从各方面考虑,他的计划似乎更可行。,Everything,considered,(taken into account), his plan seems to be more feasible.,他走了进来,手里拿着一本字典。,He came in, dictionary,in,hand.,暴风雨过去了,一切又恢复平静。,The storm,over, everything was in peace again.,他静静地坐在窗前,两眼满含泪水。,He sat quietly by the window, his eyes,full,of tears.,犯人被带了进来,双手绑在背后。,The murderer was brought in, with his hands,tied,behind his back.,21,


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