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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The passive voice,1,A recorder,is used,in our English class every day.,2,use for,play,often,Football,is played,all over the world.,A camera,is used,for taking photos.,3,must plant,cover with,in a few years time,The tree,must be planted,on the ground.,The ground,will be covered,with trees in a few years time.,4,rob yesterday,send up,last year,A man-made satellite,was sent up,into space last year.,A bank,was robbed,yesterday.,5,send to,right now,a talk give soon,They,will be sent to,the hospital right now.,A talk,will be given,soon.,6,dig,The earth,is being dug,now.,eat up,already,The food,has been eaten up,already.,7,Football,is played,all over the world.,A camera,is used,for taking photos.,A bank,was robbed,yesterday.,A man-made satellite,was sent up,into space last year.,Look and find out the similarities (相同点):,8,The tree,must be planted,on the ground.,The ground,will be covered,with trees in a few years time.,They,will be sent to,the hospital right now.,A talk,will be given,soon.,The earth,is being dug,now.,The food,has been eaten up,already.,9,当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时, 或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态,。,被动语态:,主语,是动作的,承受者,。,被动语态的构成:,be +vt.p.p.,Conclusion: (1),10,一般现在时, amis are + vt.p.p.,一般过去时 waswere +vt.p.p.,情态动词 aux.v. (mustcancouldmay+ be + vt.p.p.),现在进行时, be(am、is、are)+being +vt.p.p.,一般将来时 will bebe going to be + vt.p.p.,现在完成时 havehas +been+ vt.p.p.,11,Turn the following sentences into the passive voice:,1. Many people speak English. ,2. He bought me a new bike yesterday. ,English,is spoken,by many people.,I,was bought,a new bike yesterday.,A new bike,was bought,for,me yesterday.,12,3. The boss made him do the heavy work in the old days. ,4. Tom must hand in the composition after class. ,5. The rain stopped.,6. The soup tastes delicious.,He,was made,to,do the heavy work in the old days.,The composition,must be handed in,after class.,13,主动语态如何改成被动语态?,1. 主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语。,2. 主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词。,dobe done(,be动词随着时态的变化而变化,),3. 注意保持时态、人称和数的一致。,Conclusion: (2),14,4. 带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法。当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词:,to for,.,如: givebe given to 此类动词还有: pass show send,再如: buybe bought,for,此类动词还有,: make draw cook mend,15,5. 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语, 改成被动语态时,to必须还原,。,注意: 不用被动的情况,1. 不及物动词(vi.),不用被动语态,。如:happen、take place 、appear、disappear,e.g. A traffic accident _ (happen) just now.,happened,16,2. 连系动词(Link.v.),不用被动语态,。如,: be、look、seem、feel、sound、smell、taste、get、turn、become e.g. Peking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.,3. 当此动词表示事物的自然属性的时候,,不用被动语态,。,e.g. The pen _ (write) very fast.,This kind of sweater _ (sell) well.,sounds,writes,sells,17,Multiple Choice:,1. If the work _, you can go and play games.,A. finished B. has finished,C. will be finished D. is finished,2. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _ in the classroom.,A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed,D,B,18,3. Kate _ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.,A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing,4. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ into the river.,A. neednt be thrown,B. mustnt be thrown,C. cant throw,D. may not throw,B,C,19,5. I like my bike. It _ very well.,A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden,6. I wont come to the party unless Tom _, too.,You mean if Tom comes, youll come.,A. will invite B. invites,C. invited D. is invited,A,D,20,7. Everyone who heard Mr. Greens story _ it.,A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at,8. The children must _.,A. look after B. be taken good care,C. look the same D. be taken good care of,D,A,21,9. The woman still doesnt know what _ in her hometown while he was away.,A. happens B. happened C. will happen D. was happened,10. I saw you were on foot this morning.,Yes. My bike _.,A. is mending B. is being mended,C. is mended D. is being mending,B,B,22,Fill in the blanks using right forms:,1. All the students _ (ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.,2. Are many ways _ (try) to stop people from cutting down so many trees?,3. What are on show in the museum?,Some photos _ (take) by American children.,were asked,tried,taken,23,4. This coat _ (wash) well.,5. Must the old people _ (speak) to politely?,6. Im often _ (警告)not to copy others homework.,7. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失).,washes,be spoken,warned,disappeared,24,8. Ill have my bike _ (修理) tomorrow.,9. Have you found your necklace _ (偷) last week?,10. The PRC was _ (成立) on October 1, 1949.,mended/repaired,stolen,founded,25,Make dialogues or short passages accroding to the following information(using the passive voice as much as possible):,what when where,1. dialogue,Topic:,26,2. passage,To make our school more beautiful, what things,must /mustnt be done?,must: pick up throw collect plant grow ,mustnt: throw draw use spit cut down ,27,Reading comprehension:,Now scientists are trying to turn deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food there. However, more and more land is becoming the deserts. Why is this happening? There are two reasonsland and wood. In many places the trees have been cut down because the land was needed for people.,28,In other parts, the trees are cut down because their wood is wanted. But many people dont know that in most places the trees wont be replaced(取代). The soil in the forests is very thin, but it is protected by the trees. When the trees are cut down, the soil is washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Soon nothing can grow on it. The land becomes a desert.,29,Who is to blame(应负责、责备)for this? The answer is easy: all of us. There are just too many people in the world. The worlds population is now six billion. You might say: We dont cut down trees. Yes, but just look around. Youre probably using its products(产品)right now.,30,( ) 1. Scientists are trying to bring _ to the deserts.,A. food B. planes,C. water D. animals,( ) 2. The _ are important to protect the soil.,A. rain B. trees,C. land D. wood,C,B,31,( ) 3. In most places after the trees are cut down, _.,A. they can grow again,B. they will disappear forever,C. new trees can grow better D. new forests will appear,B,32,( ) 4. The reason for the bad cycle(循环) is that _.,A. people need more land to grow food,B. wood is needed for building houses,C. there are too many rich people on the land,D. there are too many people on the earth,D,33,A great deal of water is needed in large cities. Some cities pump(抽水)water from wells. Some cities g_ water from lakes or rivers n_.,But some cities have to bring water from lakes or rivers many miles away.,Complete the passage:,et,earby,34,Water is usually b_ to a city from a place higher than the city itself. When water is f_ only in the lower place, it must be pumped up to the city. Then it is s_ to each home.,Dams(水坝) are often b_ in a river to keep the water from flowing away.,rought,ound,ent,uilt,35,Then a new lake is formed. The city knows how much water will be n_ and allows the extra(额外的) water to flow below the dam. I _ this way, the city stores water for its use.,There is usually a b_ near the dam. Much important work is d_ there. For example, the water is tasted before it is piped to the city.,eeded,n,uilding,one,36,Fill in the blanks with the verbs using right tenses and voices:,1. Large numbers of plastic bags _ (use) in the supermarkets every day.,2. _ our country _(send) up another man-made satellite last year?,3. Must the old people _ (speak) to politely?,are used,Did,send,be spoken,37,4. Her grandma was still alive when he _(take) to the hospital.,5. English _ (speak) in many counties, but the Chinese _ (speak) their own language.,6. Three quarters of the worlds books _ (write) in English.,was taken,is spoken,speak,are written,38,7. This kind of sweater _ (sell) well.,8. _ Lesson 50 _ (teach) next week?,sells,Will,be taught,39,你们学校附近有一个大图书馆,馆内有各种各样的书,请你将这个图书馆的要求向你的同学作一介绍,以便他们去那儿看书时能遵守规则。,Homework (writing):,40,1. 不要把包带进图书馆。,2. 看书时保持安静。,3. 一次可借四本书, 不能将书转借给别人, 要按时还书。,4. 图书馆每天早晨8:00开门, 必须在下午6:00前离开图书馆。,要求: 用英文写一篇6080词左右的短文。,41,


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