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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 Fashion Show,Reading II,1,1,.,Welcome to,our fashion show.,欢迎到中国来。,欢迎到我家。,欢迎来参加我的生日晚会。,欢迎加入我们。,欢迎和我们一起旅游。,Welcome to China.,Welcome to my home.,Welcome to my birthday party.,Welcome to join us.,Welcome to go on a trip with us.,Welcome to 地点,Welcome to do sth.,2,2. Today we are going to,show you different styles of clothes,.,他给我看他的收音机。,He shows me his radio.,He shows his radio to me.,这是你的钢笔。你能给他看看吗?,This is your pen. Can you show it to him?,show sth. to sb. (=show sb. sth.),,意为“把某物给某人看”,若某物是代词,则只能用前一结构。,3,3. She,looks,modern and beautiful.,请看黑板。,Please look at the blackboard.,她看着窗外,却什么也没看见。,She looks out of the window, but sees nothing.,Amy看起来很酷。,Amy looks very cool.,他的奶奶看起来很伤心。,His grandma looks very sad.,look: 看 look at sth.,看起来 look + adj.,另外,如:sound, feel, taste, smell, get, become,keep等词,后面也加形容词。,4,4. Amy is wearing,a yellow cotton blouse,.,Sandy is wearing,a black wool skirt,long red leather boots,and,a red silk blouse,.,长短+颜色+质地+,物品,一件棕色棉外套,a brown cotton coat,两条深蓝色真丝围巾,two dark blue silk scarves,一条紫色长羊毛裙,a long purple wool dress,5,5. Thats all for,todays fashion show.,今天的课就讲到这里.,Thats all for today.,今天关于为贫困地区的孩子募集钱的讲话就到这里.,Thats all for todays talk on raising money for children in poor areas.,今天的电影就放到这.,Thats all for todays film.,thats all for ,就(讲)到这里。,6,6. Think about doing sth,考虑做某事,我在想我的未来.,Im thinking about my future,我们正在考虑搬到加拿大去。,We are thinking about moving to Canada.,7,7. Ten more minutes,再给我十分钟,=another ten minutes,再给我10个苹果。,Give me ten more apples,=give me another ten apples.,你还要一个鸡蛋吗?,Would you like one more egg?,我们还要两把椅子。,Wed like another two chairs.,8,8. So lazy,如此懒惰,我们的老师工作的如此辛苦。,Our teachers work so hard.,9,9. lend sth to sb,=lend sb sth,把某物借给某人,把你的车子借给我,Lend me your car,=lend your car to me,请借给我100元,Please lend me a hundred yuan,= please lend a hundred yuan to me,borrow sth from sb/sp,向某人某地借东西,他像我借了一本书。,He borrowed a book from me.,10,10. here comes Simon.,倒装句,There/here, come/go,都可以用于倒装句。,公共汽车来了,Here comes the bus.,现在报道新闻,Here is the news.,2.,如果主语是代词,任然用自然语序,。,There he comes.,他来了,11,Thank you for doing sth,Thank you very much for doing sth,Thanks for doing sth,Thanks very much for doing sth,Thank sb for doing sth,Thank sb for sth,11. 用下列词组造句:,12,12. bothand,“和” “即又”,你和我都是错的,Both you and I are wrong,他英语和法语都会说,He can speak both English and French,both of ”,两者都”,他们两个都,Both of them,我的两个朋友,Both of my friends,两朵花都漂亮,Both of the flowers are beautiful.,13,13. be made of,“由制成” (看得出原料),这些衣服是由羊毛制成的,The clothes are made of wool,这张椅子是由木头制成的,The chair is made of wood.,be made from,“由制成(看不出原料),纸是由木头制成的,Paper is made of wood,be made in在,(某地)制造,这把刀是上海制造的,The knife is made in Shanghai,14,14. think of,1. 想到(点子,建议)。,你能想到做这件事的其他方法吗?,Can you think of other ways to do it?,2. 想起,记得(某事),这张照片使我想起我的老朋友。,The photos makes me think of my old friend,3. 关心(某人),考虑,他总是考虑别人。,He is always thinking of other people,.,我们正在考虑搬到加拿大去。,We are thinking of moving to Canada.,15,


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