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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,7A Unit5 Lets celebrate,Revision,1,Halloween is a special festival in the USA. It usually comes on,O,_ 31st. People often have a special party on the,e,_ of that day. Wendy and her friends always wear special costumes with,m,_. Sometimes they,p,_ their faces. And they make,p,_ lanterns and eat a lot of,c,_ and,c,_.,They play a game called “trick or treat” at Halloween. They knock on peoples,d,_ and shout “trick or treat”. Usually they can get some candies as a,t,_. If not, they can play a,t,_ on them.,ctober,vening,asks,aint,umpkin,hocolates,andies,oors,reat,rick,2,Important Phrases and sentences,1.告诉.关于,2.在美国,3.戴面具,4.做南瓜灯,5. 敲门,6. 不招待就使坏,7.举行聚会,8.特别的一天,9.用.做灯笼,10.捉弄,tell sb about sth,In the USA,wear masks,make pumpkin lanterns,knock on the door,trick or treat,have a party,a special day,make the lantern out of,play a trick on,3,谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节。,我最喜欢万圣节。,孩子们在那天玩得很高兴。,当夜晚来临时,我们造访每个家庭和里面的人玩游戏。,我们敲他们的门并叫喊“不招待就使坏”。,Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.,I like Halloween best.,Children have a good time on that day.,When the evening comes, we visit houses and play a game with the people inside.,We knock on their doors and shout “trick or treat”.,4,When,Where,Who,Whose,What,Which,Why,谁,什么时候,谁的,什么,哪一个,哪里,为什么,检 测,5,对下列各句的划线部分提问,每空一词,I,do my homework,after supper every night.,_ do you do after supper every night?,2. My mother likes,the blue one,best among the three coats.,_ does your mother like best among the three coats?,3. Miss Yang is our,Maths,teacher.,_ is your,Maths,teacher?,What,Which,Who,6,4.,Sandys,mother is a teacher in our school.,_ mother is a teacher in your school?,5. They will go to the cinema at,4.30 tomorrow afternoon,.,_ will they go to the cinema?,6. They are going to have the party,in the new restaurant,.,_ are they going to have the party?,Whose,When,Where,7,7. Simon was late for school,because he missed the early bus.,8. Jenny goes to school,by bus,every day.,9.These are,my fathers,shoes.,10. David,wants to buy a postcard for his friend,after school.,Why was Simon late for school?,How does Jenny go to school every day?,Whose shoes are these?,What does David do after school?,8,Have a try,A: Which is your favourite festival?,B: I like_best.,A: When is it?,B: It is,_,A: Why do you like it?,B: Because_,A: What do you usually do on that day?,(A: How do we celebrate it?),B: We can,_,9,Unit 5 Revision 当堂反馈,用所给词的适当形式填空。,Thank you for _ (send) me the beautiful cards.,Millie _ (keep) a dog called Eddie.,We can _ (play) a trick on them.,Wendy often _ (play) “ trick or treat “ on October 31st.,September 10th is the _ (teacher) Day.,How many _ ( day) are there in February?,I am ill, so I _ (see) the doctor.,- Whose bag is this?,- Its _ ( Sandy),sending,keeps,play,plays,Teachers,days,see,Sandys,10,二.请根据题后括号内的要求,改写下列句子。,1. The man,in the car,is my uncle. (对画线部分提问),_ _ is your uncle?,2. There is,some,bread on the table. (对画线部分提问),_ _ _ is there on the table?,3. He spends,half an hour,doing his homework every day. (对画线部分提问),_ _ _ he spend doing his homework everyday?,4. I like summer best. ( 改为同义句),Summer is _ _ season.,5. Jim often goes to school on foot. ( 改为同义句),Jim often _ _ school.,Which man,How much bread,How long does,my favourite,walks to,11,三. 根据汉语句子意思,完成英语句子,每空一词,1. 我将在今晚的派对中装扮成美猴王。,I will _ _ _ Monkey King at the party tonight.,2. 谢谢你告诉我们关于中秋节的事情。,_ _ _ _ us something about Mid- Autumn Festival.,3. 这个男孩经常捉弄别人。,This boy often _ _ _ others.,4. 妈妈用水果来招待我的朋友。,My mother gives my friends some fruits _ _ _.,5. 我们应该先敲门。,We should _ _ the door first.,dress up as,Thank you for telling,plays tricks on,as,a treat,knock on,12,


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