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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,PART I,Being All Ears,PART II,Talking Face to Face,PART III,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,PART IV,Trying Your Hand,Unit 1,Live a Good Life,P,ART I,Meeting and Introduction,Being All Ears,W,ords to Know,S,hort Conversations,S,ituational Dialogues,P,assage Listening,W,ords to Know,1. colleague n.,同事,2. pleasure n.,快乐,3. professor n.,教授,4. introduce,vt,.,介绍,5. overseas adj.,海外的,adv.,到海外,6. technician n.,专家,技术人员,7. chief n.,领袖,领导,adj.,最高的,最大的,8. editor n.,编辑,W,ords to Know,9.,journalist,n.,记者,10.,flight,n.,飞行,11.,smoothly,a.,流畅的,12.,application,n.,申请,13.,electronic,a.,电子的,,,电子工程的,14.,engineering,n.,工程学,15.,fiance,n.,未婚妻,16.,advice,n.,建议,S,hort Conversations,Directions:,Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.,A: Hi, Lucy! Id like you to meet one of my, Mike.,B: Hi, Mike. Its a,to meet you.,A: Oh,Damon, may I introduce you Miss Gilbert?,B: How do you do, Miss Gilbert? Im,to meet you.,A: John, Id like to introduce Bob to you. He is the new member of our,office.,B: Nice meeting you, Bob. I am the,here.,A: I dont think youve met our chief,Bill Stewart.,B: I am so glad to meet you, Mr. Stewart. I am a new,here. I am happy to work here.,A: This is John Patterson from the,.,B: Good afternoon, Mr. Patterson. How was you,?,S,ituational Dialogues,Dialogue 1,You will hear a dialogue between Li Ping and Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun is interviewing Li Ping,.,1. Where did Li Ping get the job information?,A. TV B. Friend C. Newspaper D. Internet,2. What college did Li Ping attend?,A. Shanghai Light Industry College,B. Shanghai Industry College,C. Shanghai College,D. Shanghai Light College,3. What is Li,Pings,major?,Chemical engineering B. mechanical engineering,C. Electronic Engineering D. Biological Engineering,Dialogue 1,4. How would Mr. Smith inform Li Ping about the result?,Letter B. Phone call. C. Text message D. Email.,5. How long will Li Ping get the result?,A. In two days. B. In a week. C. In ten days. D. In fifteen days.,Dialogue 2,Directions,:,In this dialogue,,,Peter is introducing Joe his fianc June.,1. Why is Joe late?,A. He met with traffic jam. B. He got to finish some work.,C. A friend came to him. D. He was sleeping.,2. Who is June?,A. Peters classmate. B. Joes classmate.,C. Peters fiance. D. Joes fiance.,3. What is Joe studying?,A. Physics. B. Chemistry.,C.,Maths,. D. Computer.,Dialogue 2,4. How many years has Joe been studying there?,A. One year. B. Two years.,C. Three years. D. Four years.,5. How much money does Peter want to spent?,A.,1100. B.,1200. C.,1300.D.,1400.,P,assage Listening,1.,Directions:,Listen to the passage and fill in blanks with the exact words you have heard.,Bill Johansson is English and his wife Cherry is,. They live in, where Bill works for a large,company. When they got married, just over six months ago, Bill was very busy and they didnt have time to take a,. They decided to wait until early summer, and then go to,for a whole month. Cherry has never been to Europe, and Bill is looking,to showing her the sights.,P,assage Listening,They,the trip with their travel,in Tokyo, and he gave them a lot of,about the best ways to travel and the best places to stay. Now, with only five days left before their holidays begins, Bill and Cherry,the travel agent to go over the final,of the trip.,2. Directions:,Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions in brief.,(1),Whats Bills nationality?,_,(2),Where does Bill work?,_,(3),Why didnt they take a holiday six months ago when they got married?,_,(4),How long are they going to stay for the trip?,_,(5),From whom did they get a lot of information about the trip?,_,P,ART,II,Talking Face to Face,Meeting and Introduction,Follow the samples,U,seful Sentences and Expressions,Sample 1,Hu,Bin is Professor Wangs secretary. He is meeting Professor Smith at the airport.,Hu,:,Excuse me,,,but I think youre Professor Smith.,Smith,:,Yes. Are you Professor Wangs secretary?,Hu,:,Yes,,,nice to meet you. Professor Wang asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. My name is,Hu,Bin.,Smith,:,Thank you very much.,Hu,:,Do you need to get your luggage?,Smith,:,No,,,I dont. Ive only brought a suitcase here.,Hu,:,Let me help you with this suitcase,,,Professor Smith. Our car is out in the parking lot.,Smith,:,Oh,,,thank you.,Hu,:,My pleasure. Did you have a pleasant trip?,Smith,:,Yes,,,I did.,Follow the samples,Sample 2,Miss Huang meets Mr. West and introduces him Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen then introduces his friend David to them.,Miss Huang,:,I think we havent met each other before,,,have we,?,Mr. West,:,Oh yes. Arent you Miss Huang? We met the other night at a dinner.,Miss Huang,:,Im very glad to see you again. Have you met Mr. Chen,,,our manager?,Mr. West,:,No. I havent had the pleasure.,Miss Huang,:,Let me introduce Mr. Chen to you. This is Mr. Chen,,,our manager.,Mr. West,:,Its a pleasure to meet you,,,Mr. Chen.,Mr. Chen,:,Pleasure to meet you too,,,Mr. West?,Mr. West,:,I dont think you have met David,,,a friend of mine. This is David.,Miss Huang & Mr. Chen,:,Glad to know you,,,David.,David,:,Glad to know you both too.,Useful Sentences and Expressions,* I think we have/havent met each other before.,* Arent you Miss Huang?,* Have you met Mr. Chen,,,our manager?,* Let me introduce Mr. Chen to you.,* This is Mr. Chen,,,our manager.,* I dont think you have met David.,* Jane,,,do you know Lucy?,Useful Sentences and Expressions,* May I introduce you our headmaster,,,Mr. Liu.,* Its a great pleasure for me to introduce Robert Allen.,* Pleased to meet you.,* Im very pleased to meet you.,* Its a great pleasure to meet you.,P,ART,III,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,A Well-Balanced Life,Text A,Detailed Study of the Text (A),Detailed Study of the Text (A),1. Along with reading to relax, listening to music is very important to me.,除了读书放松,听音乐对我来说也非常重要。,along with,是与,一起,除,以外的意思,She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.,工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。,2. It,can relate to the soul, or in fact I think it is the soul of feelings.,这可以和灵魂相联系,或者实际上我认为这就是感觉的灵魂。,relate to,是与某人,/,某物有关的意思,We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.,我们应针对我们的具体情况来讨论这个问题。,3.,It can lead to depression and unhappiness.,这会导致消沉和痛苦。,lead to,是导致,通向,达到的意思,Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.,食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。,Detailed Study of Text A,Detailed Study of the Text (A),4. But when it happens, you can do something other than wait, like talking to your friends or listening to music.,但当事情发生时,你可以做些什么而不是等待,比如和你的朋友聊聊或是听听音乐。,other than,是除了,而不是的意思,I dont know any French people other than you.,除了你,我不认识别的法国人。,Without some sort of balance it is hard to get by in everyday life.,没有一定的平衡,很难设法维持每一天的生活。,get by,是(考某物)勉强维生,设法维持,对付的意思,How does she get by on such a small salary?,她靠这点微薄的工资怎么过活?,Detailed Study of Text A,P,ART,III,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,The Best Time of My Life,Text B,Detailed Study of the Text (B),Detailed Study of the Text (A),1. I was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.,我对进入我人生一个新的十年没有把握,感到我最美好的人生已经离我远去。,be insecure about,是对,无把握的意思,He is very insecure about his appearance.,他对自己的长相没有信心。,2. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty.,我告诉他我对进入三十岁感到担忧。,be anxious about,是对,担忧的意思,He seemed anxious about the meeting.,他似乎对这次会议忧心忡忡。,3. I wonder how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas age.,我想知道当我进入尼古拉斯的年纪是,我会如何回忆我的人生。,look back on,是回忆,回顾的意思,I often look back on my childhood.,我时常回忆我的童年。,Detailed Study of Text B,Detailed Study of the Text (A),4. Without hesitation, Nicolas replied, “Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical question.”,毫不犹豫地,尼古拉斯回应:“那么,乔,这就是我对你哲学问题的哲学的回答。”,without hesitation,是毫不犹豫地,立即的意思,She agreed without hesitation.,她毫不犹豫地同意了。,5. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, that was the best time of my life.,当我们一起安全地在船上,驶向南美,那是我人生最美好的时光。,bound for,是驶往的意思,I am now on a plane bound for Dublin.,我正在一架驶往都柏林的飞机上。,Detailed Study of Text B,P,ART,III,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Potluck,Text C,Detailed Study of the Text (C),Detailed Study of the Text (A),Potluck. Pot,的意思是锅子, luck,是运气。可是,我们现在讲的,potluck,是一个字。,Potluck,作为一个字,它指的是美国一种经常举行的聚会形式。也就是在某一个人,或几个人的提议下举行一个午餐会或晚餐会,但是参加聚会的每个人都要带一个菜或者带一种饭后甜食。 主人除了为聚会提供场地外,也只要准备一个菜,或买一些饮料就行了。这就叫作,: Potluck lunch or potluck supper.,可以想象,举行,Potluck,的时候,大家能够尝到许多不同的食品。可是,要是你运气不好,好几个人带的东西你都不爱吃的话,那你就只好回家去那个,greasy spoon,吃点儿什么了。,Potluck,还有另外一个意思。那就是,:,有什么就要什么。用在吃的方面就成了,:,有什么吃什么的意思。,Detailed Study of Text C,PART,Trying Your Hand,Applied Writing,Grammar,A Short Letter on Campus Life,Xiao Ming is a freshman in,Xinhua,Technical School. He has written a short letter to his high school classmate on how he feels about his present life on campus. Now read the letter.,Sample,Dear Li,Qiang,,,Im busy with my new life on campus,,,and Im very excited. Since this is my first time away from my parents,,,I have to learn to live an independent life. We have so much free time,,,so I also have to learn how to use this freedom wisely.,National Day is coming. Im looking forward to seeing you soon.,Yours,,,Xiao Ming,Applied Writing,Writing for Specific Purposes,Write a Note to Ask for Leave,A note is a simple and short form of letter. Brief in content,,,a note usually can be a kind of inquiry,,,message,,,notice and the like. Generally speaking,,,a note to ask for sick leave is less formal than a note to ask for business leave.,Applied Writing,Sample 1 Asking for Sick Leave,Thursday,Professor Smith,,,My absence from your Math class on Thursday was caused by a heart attack. I am staying at the School Clinic for treatment. I am writing to ask for sick leave for a week.,Encl,:,Doctors Certificate for Sick Leave,Your Student,,,Wang Dong,Applied Writing,Sample 2 Asking for Business Leave,Oct. 14,To Department Office,Secretary Wang,,,I wish to apply for one weeks leave of absence from the l5th to the 21st instant,,,both days inclusive,,,in order to return home to see my father who is now dangerously ill.,To support my application,,,I herewith submit a telegram received from my family.,I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.,Yours respectfully,,,Peng,Ping,Applied Writing,句子成分(一),一般说来, 句子由主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语等成分组成。其中主语和谓语是大部分句子都具备的, 是句子的主要部分, 即主干。,一、主语,句子的主语(Subject)表示人、物或者说话人要谈到的地点等, 主要由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词、从句等充当。名词有单数和复数的变化, 代词要用其主格代词形式。主语通常位于句首。,1. 名词或名词词组,(1)The teacher always helps his students whenever they need. 每当学生需要的时候, 这位老师总是伸出援助之手。,(2)Some experts suggest that we slow down the economic growth in the country. 一些专家建议我们降低国内经济增长的速度。,(3)My boss said that he was badly in need of my assistance. 老板表示他特别需要我的帮助。,(4)Quality matters more than quantity. 质量之重要性胜于数量。,Grammar,句子成分(一),2.代词或代词词组,(1)She didnt know how to express her ideas clearly when she was invited to,speak at a meeting. 当受邀在会上发言时, 她不知该如何把她的想法表达清楚。,(2)He has been working in this company since he graduated from Andong Technical,College five years ago. 五年前从安东技术学院毕业后, 他就一直供职于这家公司。,(3)No one is able to control the situation. 没有人能够控制这种局面。,3 数词或数词词组,(1)Threefourths of the employees are women. 四分之三的员工是女工。,(2)One will be enough. 一个就够了。,4. 动词不定式或动词不定式短语,(1)To learn English well is very important. 学好英语非常重要。,(2)To eat is to live but to live is not to eat. 吃是为了活着, 但活着并不是为了吃。,(3)To translate this ideal into reality needs hard work. 要把理想变为现实还要靠我们的辛勤劳动。,Grammar,句子成分(一),5. 动名词或动名词短语,(1)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。,(2)Working in these conditions is no easy job. 在这样的条件下工作是不容易的。,(3)Smoking may result in cancer. 吸烟可能导致癌症。,6. 从句,(1)What has happened proves that our economic policy is fight. 发生的情况证明我们的经济政策是对的。,(2)When the conference will be held has not been decided yet. 会议什么时候开还没有定下来。,(3)Whether we will go out for a picnic depends on the weather. 我们是否去野炊要看天气。,Grammar,句子成分(一),二、谓语,谓语(Predicate)通常表示主语发出的动作或主语所处的一种状态。它通常位于主语的后面, 有时态、语态和语气的变化, 在人称和数上要与主语一致。谓语大体上可分为两类: 简单谓语(Simple Predicate)和复合谓语(Compound Predicate)。,1. 简单谓语,简单谓语是指谓语由一个动词(包括动词短语)组成, 可以带助动词。例如:,(1)Chinese peoples standards of living are going up steadily. 中国人民的生活水平在稳步上升。,(2)The children were well looked after while their parents were in America. 父母在美国期间, 孩子们得到了很好的照顾。,(3)We have long been looking forward to visiting your country. 很久以来我们一直盼望着访问你们国家。,Grammar,句子成分(一),2. 复合谓语,复合谓语分为名词性复合谓语(The Compound Nominal Predicate)和动词性复合谓语(The Compound Verbal Predicate)两类。,1) 名词性复合谓语,名词性复合谓语由系表结构组成, 表示主语的状态、地位、性质等, 其形式为: 系动词+表语。最常用的系动词如:be, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem, appear, become, go, turn, grow, get, fall, come, run, keep, continue, remain, stay, rest, prove, turn out。例如:,(1)The boy is good student. 这个男孩是个好学生。,(2)It continued hot this summer. 今年夏天持续炎热。,(3)His dream has come true. 他的梦想成为现实了。,(4)This sentence doesnt sound right. 这个句子听起来不对。,(5)He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。,(6)The leaves have turned yellow. 树叶已变黄了。,Grammar,PART I,Being All Ears,PART II,Talking Face to Face,PART III,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,PART IV,Trying Your Hand,Unit 2,Food and Eating,P,ART I,Eating at Restaurant,Being All Ears,W,ords to Know,S,hort Conversations,S,ituational Dialogues,P,assage Listening,W,ords to Know,1. spirits,n.,酒精饮料,,,尤指,非发酵的烈酒,2. appetite,n.,胃口,3. crispy,a.,脆的;易碎的,4. flavor,n.,气味;风味;滋味;香料,5. pepper,n.,胡椒粉,6. roast,v.,烤;烘,W,ords to Know,7. cucumber,n.,黄瓜,8. shrimp,n.,小虾,9. steward,n. (,轮船、飞机等的)乘务员,10. strawberry,n.,草莓,11. tender,a.,嫩的;温柔的;软弱的,S,hort Conversations,Directions:,Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.,A,:,What can I do for you?,B,:,Id like to,for five.,A,:,Help yourself to,.,B,:,Thank you. Its,!,A,:,Whats your,?,B,:,,,of course.,A,:,How do you,?,B,:,With,,,please.,A,:,Could I pay by,?,B,:,Sorry,,,we only,.,S,ituational Dialogues,Dialogue 1,You will hear a dialogue between Zhou,,,a Chinese scholar who studies in America and Rob,,,who is an American.,1. Where is the conversation taking place?,A. In a restaurant. B. In a dining room.,C. At a hotel. D. At Robs home.,2. What does Zhou use to have his meal?,A. Chopsticks. B. Knife. C. Fork. D. Both B and C.,3. What can we know about Zhou from the dialogue?,A. He is a businessman in America.,B. He is working in America.,C. He has graduated from the university.,D. He is good at using knife and. fork while having the meal.,Dialogue 1,4. What food is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?,A. Beer. B. Roast chicken.,C. Sea cucumber. D. Roast duck.,5. What beverage does Zhou drink?,A. Coca cola. B. Wine. C. Beer. D. Tea.,Dialogue 2,Directions,:,You will hear a dialogue between Cathy,,,who is studying Chinese in Peking University,,,and Wang Fang,,,who is Cathys roommate.,1. Why do they need a rest?,A. Because they are ill.,B. Because they have had examinations for a week.,C. Because they dont like school.,D. Because they have trouble.,2. What day is today?,A. Sunday. B. Friday. C. Saturday. D. Monday.,3. Why doesnt Cathy like roast duck?,A. Its too expensive and greasy. B. Its too cheap and heavy.,C. Its too hot and greasy. D. Its too heavy and greasy.,Dialogue 2,4. What will they do after dinner?,A. Go dancing. B. Go sightseeing.,C. Go boating. D. Go shopping.,5. Where is the conversation most likely to take place?,A. In the dormitory. B. In the school.,C. In the restaurant. D. In the guesthouse.,P,assage Listening,1.,Directions:,Listen to the passage and fill in blanks with the exact words you have heard.,Mr.,Phanourakis,was eighty-five years old when he said good-bye to his Greek mountain village and took an American ship for,. His sons had done well in the restaurant business there and wanted him to spend his,years with them.,The old man knew no language,his own. He,his way easily about the foreign ship. When it was lunch time on his first day he found the,of his table on the passenger-list outside the dining room and went,to it. Together with other passengers,,,he waited for the chief steward to tell him where to sit.,P,assage Listening,It was a small table for two. After a few moments his table companion arrived and murmured,, “,Bon appetite.” Then he took the other chair. Mr.,Phanourakis,looked at him quickly and smiled. “,Phanourakis,,”,he said,,,carefully,the Greek syllables.,In the afternoon,,,one of the ships officers,,,who spoke some Greek,,,asked the old man if he had found anyone he knew. Mr.,Phanourakis,his head and said,, “,No,,,the only person Ive met So far is my table companion. He must be French. His name is,Bonappetite,or,like that.” The officer said gently,“,That is not his name. It is a French,that means Good appetite.”,2. Directions:,Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions in brief.,(1),Where did the old mans sons work?,_,(2),Why did,Phanourakis,go to the United States?,_,(3),How did,Phanourakis,find his table?,_,(4),What did the Frenchman do before he sat down at the table?,_,(5),Why did Mr.,Phanourakis,tell his table companion his name?,_,P,ART,II,Talking Face to Face,Eating at Restaurant,Follow the samples,U,seful Sentences and Expressions,Sample 1,John is in the restaurant to celebrate his graduation from the university with his classmates.,Waiter,:,Good evening. Welcome to Grand Hotel.,John,:,Weve got a reservation for four people. The name is John.,Waiter,:,This way,,,please. This is your table.,John,:,Thanks. Can I have the menu,,,please?,Waiter,:,Just a minute,,,please. Here you are.,John,:,Well have hot and sour soup,,,and sweet sour pork. Mary,,,what do you want?,Mary,:,Give us salmon in orange sauce,,,lobster and beef with pepper as well as two bottles of beer. How long do we have to wait?,Waiter,:,It wont take long. About 20 minutes. (20minutes later),John,:,Now lets drink to our graduation from University. Cheers!,Mary,:,To our new job! Well,,,the dishes are very delicious.,John,:,Oh,,,look at the time. Its too late. Waiter,,,the check,,,please.,Mary,:,Lets go Dutch.,John,:,OK.,Follow the samples,Sample 2,Max is at the counter of a fast food restaurant getting his order to go.,Waiter,:,Yes, sir. Whatll it be for you?,Max: A hamburger and French fries.,Waiter: What would you like to drink?,Max: A milk shake, please.,Waiter: What flavor?,Max: Strawberry.,Waiter: What would you like on it?,Max: Chocolate pieces.,Waiter: Anything else?,Max: No, tha,t,s all.,Waiter: Is this to go or to eat here?,Max: To go.,Waiter: That comes to 18.,Max: Here you are. Thats twenty dollars.,Waiter: Heres your change.,Max: Thanks.,Sample 3,Ross is in a restaurant. Ross orders her meal after she takes a minute to decide what she wants.,Waitress,:,Good evening, Madam. Heres your menu.,Ross: OK. Give me a minute to look it over please.,Waitress: Take your time. Ill,be with you in a minute.,(A few minutes later),Ross: Id like to start with all appetizer of oysters, and the Chefs Salad.,Waitress: What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?,Ross: What kinds do you have?,Waitress: Italian, French, and Blue


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