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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,N H C E,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,4,8,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,BOOK4,Unit8,Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose,Unit 8 Section A,Background Information,Text Study,Summary,Writing,Lead-in,Lead-in,Back,Our topic today is “,American Slavery,”. Slavery, as defined in the Longman Dictionary, refers to the system of having slaves; in other words, it is the system in which the wealthy are entitled to have absolute control over other human beings as slaves. But instead of the general understanding that racial discrimination is one of the social problems in the States, the writer, a black girl, offers a very different point of view from personal experience.,Answer the following questions.,Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Question 1,Key words,tourists, on horses or in automobiles,watch, pleasure,How did I feel about the whites,as a child?,(Para. 1),Question 2,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key words,How did I respond to the whites as a child?,enjoy, watch, wave, say, follow,(Para. 2),Question 3,Key words,What does the word “show” mean?,Who were the “actors”?,a stage, travelers, as actors,Question 4,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key words,only different, the white, like to hear, speak, sing, dance, money,Whats my impressions of the whites as a child? (,general point,),(Para. 3),Question 5,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key words,want, so much, discouragement,rather than, encouragement,Why did I feel it strange to be given money when I was singing,and dancing?,(Para. 3),Question 6,Key words,Text StudyUnderstanding,Whats the huge change I experienced when I was,thirteen?,school, exclusively, black town, aware, black,(Para. 4),Question 7,Key words,Text StudyUnderstanding,How do I look at the slavery problem?,something in the past not register depression nothing to lose, a world,to win,(Para. 5),Text StudyUnderstanding,(Para. 5),Question 8,Key words,What do I mean by saying that “it fails to register depression with me?”,attitude, not disturbed,Question 9,Key words,Why do I think its “The world to be won and nothing to be lost”?,good bet, win everything,lose nothing,Question 10,Key words,Text StudyUnderstanding,How do I feel to be a black as an adult?,not feel colored, white man,chat calmly,not make any difference,(,Paras,. 6-7),Question 11,Key words,Text StudyUnderstanding,I compare myself to a brown bag. Whats my purpose in describing the contents of the bags?,contents, common objects, white or black, share, in common,(Para. 7),When I was young living in the Negro town of Eatonville, I enjoyed watching and contacting the white people. To me, the difference between black and white was that the white rode through town and never lived there. When I moved to a school in Jacksonville, I was taken as a black girl. It didnt depress me, though. Rather, I regarded as an advantage the history that my forefathers had been slaves. In my view, people of different colors are just the differently colored bags with almost the same contents in them.,What is the text mainly about?,Back,I. Structure Analysis,Specific Details to a General Statement,One of the basic structures of writing that we are familiar with is going from something general to something more specific, yet this time we have the other way round. The writer starts from details and then comes to a general statement,or a conclusion.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,How I responded to white people,as a child. (Para. 2),My impressions about the white people and the townspeoples attitude toward them when I was little. (Para. 1),General statement:,Though I was a black, I felt little difference from,the white. (Para. 3),Text StudyStructure Analysis,I do not always feel colored. (Para. 6),It doesnt depress me, and Im ready to win the world. (Para. 5),General statement:,Being colored does not make any difference to me. I feel to be the same as people of other colors.,(Para. 7),A transitional paragraph,:,It was when I was thirteen that I had a keen sense that I was a black girl. (Para. 4),1.,But the Northerners were something else again.(L6),1) A name describes what characteristic a person or thing has.,2) The girls parents may expect their daughter to be a beauty. “,卜世仁”,may suggest “not human” or “cruel” in Chinesethe readers must hate him.,但是(小镇上的人)看到北方人则又是另一回事了。,(,When the people in the town saw)the Northerners, (their reactions) would be quite different (from those toward,the Southerners).,Translation,2.,Not only did I enjoy,the show, but I didnt mind,the actors,knowing that I liked it. (L10),1) A name describes what characteristic a person or thing has.,我喜欢在那儿看人们,来来往往,,也不在乎让那些人知道我喜欢看。,I enjoyed watching,travelers coming and going,and I did not mind those,peoples,knowing about that.,Translation,plan to / on business leave,I am planning to visit an old friend in passing on business leave.,3. in passing,Back,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,顺便;附带地,逆,译,练,习,我计划在出差的时候顺便去看望一个老朋友。,尽管他不是靠盗窃为生,但他经常干些顺手牵羊的事。,Although he does not make a living by stealing, he often takes something in passing.,4,. . after a,strange,exchange of greetings . (L13),1) A name describes what characteristic a person or thing has.,我们不可思议地互打招呼之后,People in the South and people from the North spoke with different accents, or maybe the replies were not what was expected,so the greetings sounded strange.,Translation,我中断了交谈,接起了电话。,他开始讲话,但被过来上咖啡的服务生打断了。,I broke off the conversation and answered the phone.,He started to speak, but was broken off when the waiter served us coffee.,Key,Translation,5. break off,suddenly stop talking,我们对所有那些捐出钱款的人深表谢意。,We thanked all the people who have given of their money.,Key,Translation,6. give of,to give (money, time, etc.), esp. in a way that seems generous,be generous in doing,sth,. / help those in need,He is generous in giving of time and money to help those in need.,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,逆,译,练,习,他不惜花费时间和金钱去帮助困难的人们。,Back,7.,I became a,permanent,brownlike the best shoe,polish,guaranteed not to rub nor run,. (L34),我变成了永远不黑不白的棕色人,就像那最好的鞋油,不会被抹掉,也永不褪色。,The writer is saying that her color is,fast or fixed,and,will not come off, as the best brown shoe polish might do.,What she intends to say is that she is now a person,mature enough to stand between the white and,the black.,Translation,8. register,v.,to,show or express a feeling,听到她失踪的消息,欧文脸上流露出诧异和震惊的表情。,When Owen heard that shes missing, surprise and shock registered on his face.,Key,Translation,one failure after another / urge sb. to continue doing,sth,.,One failure after another didnt register any depression with this scientist, but urged him to continue experimenting, instead.,to register depression with sb.,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,使某人沮丧,:,逆,译,练,习,一次次的失败非但没有使这位科学家感到沮丧,反而激励他继续进行实验。,Back,人,要学会控制情绪,做到不以物喜,不以己悲。,One should learn to keep his emotion under such control that external gains cant register thrill with him and personal losses cant register sorrow with him, either.,be recognized by,His hard work failed to be recognized by the boss, which registered disappointment with the young man.,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,使某人吃惊,:,使某人兴奋,:,使某人失望,:,Back,知识链,接,自己的辛勤劳动得不到老板的认可,这使得这位年轻人十分失望。,to register surprise with,to register excitement with,to register disappointment with,9,.,The terrible war that made me an American,instead of a slave said “,On the line,!”. The,period following the Civil War said “,Get set,!”;,and the generation before me said “Go!”. Like a,foot race, I am off to a flying start and I must not,halt,in the middle to look behind and weep. (L37),participate in the “race”,get ready for the race,stop,这场使我从黑奴,变为美国公民的可怕战争对我叫道,“,各就各位!,”,;,内战后的那段时期说,“,预备!,”,;,我的上一代人喊,“,跑!,”,就像一场赛跑一样,我飞速起跑,决不可中途停步,回望伤心。,Translation,These lines summarize the history of the black people in which they struggled for freedom. The writer intends to express the feeling that she will continue the efforts of her forefathers and would not pause to grieve over their fate in the past.,10,.,The world to be won and nothing to be lost. (L42),我们将要获得新的生活,而且我们不会有任何损失。,This is saying that this is a very good bet: if I enter upon this bet I can win everything, the world, and if I lose, I lose nothing (or at least not anything important).,Translation,11,.,It is,thrilling,to think, to know, that for any act of,mine, I shall,get twice as much praise,or twice as,much blame. (L 42),It is very,exciting,to think and understand this fact: if I did something good, I would,get praise from both the,black people and the white people, but once I did something wrong, I would receive blame from both the black world and the white world as well.,不管我做什么,都可能得到双倍的嘉奖,或是双倍的责难。想想这一点,知道这一点都令人激动不已。,Translation,12. in the main,in general; on the whole,Her fellow students were in the main from,wealthy backgrounds.,结果基本上是令人满意的。,她的同学大都来自富有的家庭。,The result is, in the main, satisfactory.,Key,Translation,opinion poll / speak high of,According to the opinion poll, readers, in general, speak highly of the new book.,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,总之;一般说来,:,总的来说,:,总的来说;大体上:,Back,知识链,接,根据民意调查,读者对这部新书的评价总的来说还是很高的。,in general,on the whole,by and large,Back,It is in the main true that mans nature at birth is good. But the differences in education, living environment and personal experiences make the distinction between good people and evil people.,大体上来说,人之初,性本善的说法没错。但是,后天教育、生活环境、个人经历的不同使人有了好坏之分。,13. prop up,to,prevent something from falling down by,putting something else under or against it,He propped up his bike against a tree.,你不能老是指望你的同事们支持你。,他把自行车靠在一棵树上。,You cant always expect your colleagues to,prop you up.,Key,Translation,make greater efforts / raise,sb.s,income,The government needs to make greater efforts to prop up the development of agriculture so as to raise the farmers income.,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,逆,译,练,习,政府要下大力支持农业发展,以提高农民收入。,Back,靠,物质利益维系的友谊是不可能长久的。,The friendship propped up with material benefits finds no way to last.,14.,But,in the main, I feel like a brown bag of mixed,items,propped up against a wall,. Against a wall,in,company with,other bags, white, red and yellow. (L50),In general, I have the feeling that I am like a brown bag full of different items,leaning against a wall,. There are also other bags of different color against the wall,together with,the brown bag. (It suggests that there are different racial groups living in the U.S.A.),但我大体上还是感觉自己像一只靠墙立着装满各种杂物的棕色皮袋子。靠墙立着的还有其他颜色的袋子,白色的,红色的,黄色的。,Translation,Summary,English Equivalents of Chinese,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,Further Application of Typical Patterns,N H C E,预习,课文,导入,写作,1.,种族主义,2.,种族歧视,3.,种族隔离,4.,种族平等,5.,有色人种,6.,人权,7.,反种族歧视,1.,r,acism,2. r,acial discrimination,3. r,acial segregation,4. r,acial equality,5. c,olored race/colored people,6. h,uman rights,7. anti-racism,Chinese to English,1.,age,discrimination,2. gender,/sexual discrimination,3. employment,discrimination,4. disability,discrimination,5. job,discrimination,6. r,acial discrimination,7.,religious discrimination,8. unfair treatment,1.,年龄歧视,2.,性别歧视,3.,就业,歧视,4.,生理歧视,5.,职业歧视,6.,种族歧视,7.,宗教歧视,8.,不公平待遇,English to Chinese,Summary,As a young girl in a Negro town,Zora,had no white neighbors, and to her, white people were only _ in that they traveled _ her hometown but didnt live there. However, when she arrived at Jacksonville, she suffered a _. She was no longer,Zora,of Eatonville, but became the granddaughter of _. When she looked in a mirror, she was now looking at a little _ girl. This, however, had no _ effect on her. To her, _ was something in the _. The Civil War had made her a _ American citizen and had given her the opportunity to push ahead and _ in life. She felt she had nothing to _ but everything to _. The insight we can get from the writers perspective is to see things,the confines of our past so as to look,to what the future holds for us because if we dwell,our past, whether glorious or,we will,the golden chance of reaching new peaks of brilliance.,different,through,change,black,ill,slavery,slaves,past,full,succeed,lose,gain,beyond,forward,upon,miserable,lose,Back,从,中获得乐趣,是某人的前排座位,打招呼,正好赶上做某事,打断谈话,区别,慷慨地把某物给某人,不赞成,反对,遭遇了巨大的变化,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,to get pleasure out of,sth,.,to be a front row seat for sb.,an exchange of greetings,(just) in time to do,sth,.,to break off the conversation,to differ from,to give sb. generously of,sth,.,to disapprove of,to suffer a huge change,English Equivalents of Chinese,预习,课文,导入,写作,各就各位,为某事所付的代价,感觉懵懂无知的佐拉,有,共同点,腐朽,被,的重量压弯,on the line,the price one pays for,sth,.,to achieve the unconscious,Zora,to have,sth,. in common,to decay away,English Equivalents of Chinese,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,Back,预习,课文,导入,写作,to bend under the weight of,sth,.,又是另一回事,在(某人)手边,/,近旁,使某人沮丧,基本上;大体上,与,一起,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,Back,预习,课文,导入,写作,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,to be something else again / another thing,at ones elbow,to register depression with sb.,in the main,in company with,有时候我不属于任何人种,我就是我自己。但我大体上还是感觉自己像一只靠墙立着的装满各种杂物的棕色袋子。靠墙立着的还有其他颜色的袋子,白色的,红色的,黄色的。,Back,Sentence pattern,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,At certain times I have no race, I am me. But in the main, I feel like a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wallagainst a wall in company with other bags, white, red and yellow.,At certain times, sb. do / be,sth,. But in the main, sb. do / be,sth,. else.,有时候,某人,,但从整体上讲,某人,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,用于表述,“,某人的主流心态状态,”,。,Back,tell white lies / a person worthy of trust,At certain times, he tells white lies. But in the main, he is a person worthy of trust.,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,有时候他会撒一些善意的谎言,但从整体上讲,他是一个值得信赖的人。,Back,become famous overnight / extraordinary effort / outstanding achievement,At certain times I dream of becoming famous overnight. But in the main I believe there is no outstanding achievement without extraordinary effort.,Back,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,逆,译,练,习,我有时梦想一夜成名。但我总体上认为没有超常的付出不会有非凡的成就。,beach villa / relax oneself,At certain times, he spends a holiday in the beach villa to relax himself. But in the main, he is busy in his office most of the year.,N H C E,活 用 例 句,意 群 提 示,有时候,他会到海边别墅度个假放松放松,但总体上讲,他一年到头大部分时间都忙碌在自己的办公室里。,Back,有时候,我也渴望纵情地生活,尽情享受现代生活带来的一切快乐,。,但从整体上讲,我还是感到自己是一个清心寡欲的人。,At certain times, I also aspire to live with abandon, enjoying to the fullest every pleasure modern life brings about. But in the main, I feel like a person who controls his passions and has few desires.,从我内心里讲,我渴望像百合花那样无忧无虑地生活。但在我脑海里我还是觉得有必要为家庭、为社会、为民族担负起自己的责任。这也正是我所有的牵挂。,In my heart, I desire to be like lilies, living a care-free life. But in my head, I feel a need to bear my responsibility for my family, my society and my nation, which is what all my concern is with.,新视野,大学英语,奴隶身份并没有让我失去什么,Para. 1a,我清楚地记得我成为黑人的那一天。,13,岁之前我一直住在佛罗里达州的一个黑人小镇伊 顿维尔。小镇的居民全是黑人。我所认识的白人都是来自佛罗里达的奥兰多或是去往奥兰多的过路人。本地的白人骑着风尘仆仆的马匹,而北方来的旅游者则驾着汽车沿着乡下的沙土路一 路驶来。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 1b,小镇的人见惯了南方人,因此他们经过时小镇的人照旧大嚼甘蔗。但是看到北方人则 是另一回事。胆怯的人躲在窗帘后小心翼翼地偷看他们,胆大的则会走到屋外看着他们经过,感到很有趣,就像这些旅游者看到这村庄也感到很有趣一样。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 2a,门前平台可能是镇上其他人不敢去的地方,但对我来说,那儿就像前排座位一样。我最爱坐在门柱上。我喜欢在那儿看人们来来往往,也不在乎让那些人知道我喜欢看他们,通常还与他们搭几句话。我向他们挥手,如果他们也向我挥手,我还会与他们打招呼。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 2b,骑马或驾车的人通常会停下来,我们不可思议地互打招呼之后,我可能会随着他们 “颠儿几步” ,这是我们佛罗里达最南边的说法,意思是跟着他们走上一小段路。如果正巧赶上家里人来到房前看见我,他们就会毫不客气地打断我们的交谈。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 3a,那段日子里,在我看来,白人和黑人的区别只不过是他们路过小镇,但从不住在这里。他们喜欢听我 “说几句” ,喜欢听我唱歌,看我跳舞,并为此大方地给我小银币。这倒使我感到意外,因为我太愿意跟他们 “说上几句” ,太愿意为他们唱歌跳舞了,他们给我钱时我才会停下来。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 3b,只是他们不知道这一点。黑人不会给我钱,对我表现出的任何一点欢乐的苗头,他们都不赞同。但我仍然是他们的佐拉,我是属于他们,属于周围的旅馆,属于那个地方,属于每一个人的佐拉。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 4,但我,13,岁时,家里发生了变故,我被送到杰克逊维尔的学校去了。离开伊顿维尔时我还是我,佐拉。可在杰克逊维尔下了船后,原来的佐拉不复存在了。我似乎发生了巨大的变化,我再也不是伊顿维尔的佐拉了,我现在成了个小黑妞,在好些方面都是。在镜中,在内心深处,我变成了永远不黑不白的棕色人,就像最好的鞋油,抹不掉,不褪色。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 5a,身边总有人提醒我自己是奴隶的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。奴隶制是,60,年前的事了。解放黑奴的这场手术很成功,病人的情况也不错,谢谢。这场使我从黑奴变为美国公民的可怕战争喊道 “各就位,! ”,新视野,大学英语,Para. 5b,内战后的那段时期说 “预备,! ”,我的上一代人则喊 “跑,! ”,就像一场赛跑一样,我飞速起跑,决不可中途停步,伤心回望。身为黑奴是我为文明生活所付出的代价,而作出这一选择的并不是我。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 5c,世界上再没有什么人有过比这更大的争取荣耀的机会了。想想将要获得的新生活,而且我们不会有任何损失。不管我做什么,都可能得到双倍的嘉奖,或是双份的责难。想想这一点,知道这一点都令人激动不已。占据国内舞台的中心可真刺激,而台下的观众则不知是喜是忧。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 6,我没有总是感到自己是有色人种。甚至现在我还常常感觉自己还是伊顿维尔小镇上懵懂无知的佐拉。比如, 我可以在餐馆和一位白人坐在一起。我们闲谈一些都经历过的平常琐事,白人会安静地坐着,兴味盎然地听我讲。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 7a,有时候我不属于任何人种,我就是我自己。但我大体上还是感觉自己像一只靠墙立着的装满各种杂物的棕色袋子。靠墙立着的还有其他颜色的袋子,白色的,红色的,黄色的。倒出袋中的物品,可以发现一堆或有用或无用的小杂物:,新视野,大学英语,Para. 7b,碎玻璃块,小线头儿,一扇早已朽坏的门上的钥匙,一把锈蚀的刀,一双为某条从来没有、将来也不会有的路而准备的旧鞋,一根弯曲的钉子(它所承受过的重量足以弄折任何钉子),一两支仍散发出几许花香的干花。你手中拿的是棕色的袋子。,新视野,大学英语,Para. 7c,面前的地上则是袋中所装的那堆东西,与其他袋子中所倒出的东西几乎一模一样,如果把它们混成一大堆,再分装到各自的袋中,也不会有多大的不同。多少有点有色玻璃片也没有什么关系。也许当初上帝这个装袋者往我们各自的袋中填塞时正是这么做的,谁知道呢,?,


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