Greek_ Mythology

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Greek Mytholog,y,希腊神话,Greek Mythology is a,group of traditional tales told by the,ancient,Greeks,about the d,eed,s,of,gods,her,o,es and their,relations,with,human,beings.,希腊神话讲了很多古希腊的故事,有神、英雄的故事以及他们和普通人类之间的关系。,The Greek mythology is an important part of the ancient culture which has,vast and deep influence on the whole western culture.,希腊神话是古文化重要的一部分,与整个西方文化有着广泛而又紧密的联系。,Its great influence upon the English language and literature is beyond description. A great number of words and idioms in the English,laguage,come,from the Greek mythology.,它在英语和文学作品方面的巨大影响力是无法形容的。英语中的很多单词和语言表达方式都是来自希腊神话。,In the beginning, the universe is a cosmos,evolving from,Chaos. Chaos and Gaea (the earth) generate everything that,exists, including seas,mountions, gods and monsters. Then,Gaea,s,mating with her son,Uranus(the,sky), which produces,12 Titans with,Gronus,as their leader.,宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯(即,“,混沌,”,),。卡俄斯和盖亚创造了大,海、大山、神还有妖怪,并赋予他们生命。后来盖亚与她的儿子乌,拉诺斯结婚,由此产生了以克罗诺斯为首的,12,泰坦。,Advised by his mother,Grouns,beats Uranus, severs the,link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the,cosmos.,Gronus,copulates with his sister, Rhea to bring about,Zeus and siblings, the future of older Olympians.,克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。克罗诺斯与他的姐姐,瑞亚结婚,诞生了宙斯以及他的兄弟姐妹,翻开了古奥林匹亚崭新,的一页。,Gods,the old,theogony,: the,Tians,(,旧神谱,:,奥林匹斯十二泰坦),the old,theogony,:,the Gods,(,新神谱奥林匹斯十二主神),Heroes,Perseus,(,珀尔修斯,),Jason (,伊阿宋,),Heracles (,赫拉克勒斯,),Theseus,(,忒修斯,),Monsters,Medusa(,美杜莎,),Minotaurus,(,米诺陶洛斯,),Cerberus (,刻耳柏洛斯,),PART1,:,The Olympian Gods and other Deities,PART2,:,Heroes,PART3,:,Monsters,PART1,:,The Olympian Gods and other Deities,1,、,the Titans,2,、,the Gods,3,、,other Deities,(,神明),The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods.,Greek gods can,be,divided into several groups.The earliest,group was Titans,led,by Cronus,.,The most powerful group,was,the Olympians,.,The,Olympians are a group of,gods who,ruled after,the overthrow,of the Titans.,All the,Olympians,are,related in some way,.,They,are,named after,their,dwelling,(,住宅,住所),place,Mount Olympus,.,古希腊崇拜很多神,古希腊的神被分为几组,最古老一组的被称为泰坦,由克罗诺斯领导。最强大的一组被称为奥林匹斯山神。奥林匹斯山神由个神组成 ,他们颠覆了泰坦时期的规律。所有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的联系。他们的名字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。,the,Tians,(十二泰坦),Cronus,(,克罗诺斯,) :,天空之神。,Rhea,(,瑞亚,) :,时光女神。,Oceanus(,俄刻阿诺斯,) :,水之神,。,Tethys(,泰西斯,) :,沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。,Crius,(,克瑞斯,) :,生长之神。,Lapetus,(,伊阿佩托斯,) :,灵魂,之神 。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、厄庇米,修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。,Phoebe,(,福柏,) :,月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。,Coeus,(,科俄斯,) :,智力之神。,Themis,(,忒弥斯,) :,秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子,时序三女神母 。,Mnemosyne(,谟涅摩叙涅,) :,记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子,九缪斯之母 。,Hyperion(,许配利翁,) :,光之神,Thea,(,忒亚,) :,许配利翁,之妻。,the,Gods,(十二主神),Zeus,(,宙斯,):,the,god of the,sky,.,Hera(,赫拉,):,the,goddess of marriage and childbirth.,Poseidon,(,波塞冬,):,the,g,od,of,the,sea,protector,.,Hades(,哈迪斯,):,the god the dead,andwealth,.,Hestia(,赫斯提亚,):,the goddess of the Hearth(,灶台,).,Ares(,阿瑞斯,):,the god of war.,Hermes(,赫尔墨斯,):,the god of thieves and commerce.,Hephaestus(,赫斯菲托斯,):,the god of fire and the forge(,熔炉,).,Apollo(,阿波罗,):,the god of light.,Artemis(,阿尔忒弥斯,):,the goddess of,chastity,virginity,the,hunt,the,moon,and,the natural environment.,Athena(,雅典娜,):,the Greek virgin goddess of reason,intelligent,activity,arts,and literature.,Aphrodite(,阿弗洛狄德,):,the goddess of,love,desire,and beauty.,King of the sky and the,earth.,R,uler of the,Olympiangods.,He was the rain god,and,the,cloud,gatherer,who,h,olds,t,he,terribl,e,thunderbolt,.,H,is bird the eagle,his,tree,is,the,oak,.,Zeus,宙斯,He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many affairs,.,He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths,.,Zeus,wife,and sister.,Queen of the gods.,Goddess of marriage,and childbirth and takes,special care of married,women.,Hera,赫拉,Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for(,为。复仇),Zeus,s infidelities,(不信神,不忠),.,B,rother,of Zeus,.,God,of,the,sea,protectorof,all,waters.,His weapon is a,trident,(,三叉戟,) ,whichcan shake the,earth,and shatter,A,ny,object.,Poseidon,波塞冬,He is second only to,Zeus in,power amongst,the gods.,He was widely,worshiped,by seamen,.,Brother of Zeus.,God of the dead.,Ruler of the underworld.,God of wealth , due to,the precious metals mined,from the earth.,Hades,哈迪斯,He has a helmet that makes him,invisable,.,He rarely leaves the underworld.,Zeus,sister.,Goddess of the hearth,(灶,台),.,The symbol of the house,around which a new born child,is carried before it is received,into the family.,Hestia,赫斯提亚,Of all the Olympians, she is the mildest, most upright and most charitable,(仁慈的),.,Son of Zeus and Hera.,God of war.,He is considered murderous,(行凶的),and bloodstained,(血污的),but also a coward.,He was disliked by both,parents.,Ares,阿瑞斯,He was the one god who ever had to submit to the power of,his,inferiors.At,one time lack of tact and good,udge,ment,led to,his shame. He was fighting with two giants , and finding himself,no match for the two monstrous creatures , laid down his arms,and was imprisoned in chains.,He was set free in the end by the artful,Hermes,but,not before,he had suffered all the humiliations.,Ares: All that you have, is dead!,阿瑞斯:“你所拥有的,只有死亡!”,Son of Zeus.,God of commerce.,Messenger for all the other,gods.,Guide for the dead to go to,the underworld.,Hermes,赫尔墨斯,He was the cleverest of the,Olympian gods.,He is the fastest of the gods.,He wears winged,sandals,a,winged,hat,and,carries a magic,wand,(棒),.,他是奥林匹斯山上最聪明的神。,他是速度最快的神,他脚生双翼,头上戴有翅膀的帽子,手里拿着,魔杖,。,Son of Zeus and Hera.,God of fire and the,forg,(熔炉),.,Hephaestus,赫菲斯托斯,He is the smith and,armorer,(,兵器制造者),of the gods.,He is kind and peace loving .,He is the only god to be physically ugly.,He is also lame(,瘸的,跛的,).,他是诸神的工匠,具有高超的技巧,制造了许多著名的神兵、神器。传说阿波罗驾驶的日车、厄洛斯的金箭银箭、宙斯的,神盾,都是他铸制的。,Son of Zeus.,God of sun.,God of healing who taught,man medicine.,God of truth , who can not,speak a lie.,Apollo,阿波罗,The archer, far shooting with a silver bow (,弓箭,).,Apollo also was the god of music and,poetry.He,could stir up all,feelings.These,feelings are expressed in lofty,songs.With,his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of,his godlike voice held the choir of the,Musesat,Olympus.,阿波罗也是音乐神和诗神。他可以唤起人们各种情感并表达,于圣歌中的。在奥林匹斯山上,他拿着金里拉,用优美的音调来,指挥缪斯合唱。,He wore a purple robe.,He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and,madeready,tostart,his daily journey,acrossthe,sky.,One of Apollos more,importaint,daily tasks is to,harness his chariot with four horses and drive the,sun across the sky.,During the day,hed,rove his carriage of gold and,ivory , and brought light , life and love to the great,world below . Late in the afternoon he came to the,end of his journey in the far western sea and got on,his golden boat to return to his eastern home.,Daughter of Zeus.,Her twin brother is Apollo.,Goddess of the hunt , the,moon, chastity, virginity, and,the natural environment.,She is the protector of the,young women.,Artemis,阿尔忒弥斯,She is the master of wild animal.,She is a good archer , the crescent moon is her bow.,Daughter of Zeus.,Goddess of wisdom,victory and war.,She sprang full grown,inarmour,(盔甲),from his,forehead,,,thus has no,mother .,Athena,雅典娜,She is fierce and brave in battle but, only,wars to defined the state and home from outside enemies.,She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and,agriculture. She,invented the bridle(缰绳), the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. She is the embodiment(化身) of wisdom, reason, and purity.,She was Zeuss favorite child and was allowed to use,his weapons including his thunderbolt.,Her favorite city,is,Athens.,Her tree is the olive.,The owl is her bird,.,She is fierce and,brave in,battle,but,only,wars to,defined,the state and,home from outside,enemies,.,Goddess of love,,,desire and,beauty.,She represented sex, affection,and the attraction that binds people,together.,Aphrodite,阿弗洛狄德,In addition to her natural gifts ,she has a magical girdle that compels,(迫使),anyone she wishes to desire,her.,Her tree is myrtle (,桃金娘;爱神,木,) . Dove (,白鸽,) is her bird.,Prometheus,(,普罗米修斯,),Creator of mankind.,人类的创造者,Mans protector and benefactor.,人类的保护者和拯救者,。,He shaped man out of mud.,他用泥捏成人形,创造了人类,。,He stole fire for mankind ,with the result that he was punished form,Zeus. He was chained to Mount Caucasus, and every morning an eagle,would appeared and ate his liver, which grow back at night.,他为人类偷了圣火,所以被宙斯惩罚。他被绑在高加索山,每天早晨都,会有鹰来吃他的肝脏,肝脏会在晚上又长出来。,PART2,:,Heroes,Greek heroes were almost as important as the,gods,in,Greek mythology.,Heroes were,bigger,braver,and,more,beautiful than ordinary men and women.,In,most,cases their,fathers or grandfathers were,gods,but their,mothers,were,mortals,so,they were often called demigods,(half-gods).,在希腊神话中,希腊英雄和希腊神同样重要。英雄们比普通的人,类更强大、更勇敢。他们中大部分人的父亲或者祖父是神,但他们的,母亲是普通人,所以他们经常也被称为,“,半神人,”,。,Perseus,(,珀尔修斯,),The son of Zeus. Got the help form Athena and Hermes, he killed the Gorgon (,蛇发女妖,) Medusa. He fixed his eyes on Medusa,s reflection in the polished,(,光滑的,) surface of his shield (,盾,) and then cut off her,head.,Jason (,伊阿宋,),Leader of the Argonauts in the quest for the,Golden Fleece (,金羊毛,).,寻找金羊毛时阿尔戈号的领导者。,Heracles (,赫拉克勒斯,),The last earthborn son of Zeus. A hero of extraordinary (,非凡的,),strength who won immortality by performing 12 labors demanded by,Hera. He killed the menacing (,险恶的,),Nemean,Lion, overcame the,nine-headed snake (,九头蛇,), got the from the golden-apple tree, and,brought the three-headed watchdog of the Underworld, Cerberus, to,the surface without using any weapons.,Theseus,(,忒修斯,),The son of Poseidon. While having all the qualities of a traditional hero, such as strength and courage, he was also intelligent and wise. He killed,Minotaurus,(,米诺陶洛,斯,) to whom quite a lot of young people had fallen prey,(,捕食,).,PART3,:,Monsters,Medusa(,美杜莎,):,蛇发女妖。,Cerberus(,刻耳柏洛斯,):,三头巨犬。把守冥府的大门。,Minotaurus,(,米诺陶洛斯,):,牛头怪。,Hydra(,许德拉,):,九头蛇。,Medusa (,美杜莎,),A,gorgon,who,turned,into stone anyone be holding her.,Cerberus (,刻耳柏洛斯,),three-headed watchdog,Minotaurus,(,米诺陶洛斯,),Hydra (,许德拉,),nine-headed,snake,Thats all!,


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