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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,情态动词的用法,Modal verb,1,may / might / can / could,can / could,与,be able to,的比较,.,1) be able to,时态较多,2) can,强调能力,或与表示感觉或心理状态的动词连用,.,eg. My sister can cook very nice French dishes.,I can hear the birds singing./ I could see the path winding.,3) be able to,表示“,设法已做成某事,”,相当于,manage to do,或,succeed in dong.,eg.,昨天四平路发生了一起交通事故,但司机设法从车里爬了出来,.,如果出事故,司机能很快离开他的车,.,4),在否定句中两者没有区别,.,There was a traffic accident on Siping Road yesterday, but the driver was able to get out of the car.,If there was an accident, the driver could get out of his car.,2,2. may / might / can / could,表示许可,1),肯定句,-,给予许可,eg. You can / may sit here.,2),否定句,-,不许可,eg. You may not / cant /,shall not / are not to / mustnt smoke here.,3),疑问句,-,请求许可,Can / May / Could / Might I smoke here?,应答时,应说,Of course,you can / may,.,或,No, you cant / may not (,不用,could,或,might,).,eg.-,我可以要你的电话号码吗,?,当然可以,让我们保持联系,.,-,对不起,不行,.,这是我的隐私,.,May I have your telephone number?,Of course, you may. Lets keep in contact.,Sorry, you may not. Its my privacy.,3,3. may / might / can / could,表示可能,.,may / might not,表示“,可能不,”, can / could not,表示“,不可能,”,eg.,他可能不是老师,.,他不可能是老师,.,He may not be a teacher.,He cant be a teacher.,疑问句中用,Can / Could / Might .?,eg. Can / could / Might he have the key to the drawer?,一般不用,may,因为,may,用于疑问句中只表示允许,eg. May I sit here? May I come in?,4. might, could,表示轻微责备的语气,.,eg. You might / could work harder.,He could have given you more help, even if he was busy.,5.,在让步状语从句中常用,may,表示“无论”,不用,will, can,等等,.,Whatever may come/Come what may, we should be confident.,However much they may desire it, they cannot get it.,eg. Your information may / might / can / could be valuable to our research,4,1. must, will / would, should / ought to,表猜测,eg. The light is on. They must be in the room.,She doesnt want to eat anything. She will/ would be ill.,He left at five in the morning. He ought to / should be,home now.,All men must die,.,人固有一死,.,Every morning, the man,would sit,at his desk, reading,and writing.,2. must / should / ought to,1),肯定句,.,表示义务, “,必须,应该”,.,eg.,在城市里开车,我们必须遵守交通规则,.,We must obey the traffic rules when driving in the city.,你们不准在这随地吐痰,.,You mustnt spit here.,你现在应该离开了,如果你不想误火车,.,You ought to / should leave now, if you dont want to miss the train.,5,2),否定句,没有必要做,You neednt / dont have to / dont need to tell me the answer.,3),疑问句,是否有必要做,?,-,Must,I wait until they come?,-,Yes, you must. / No, you neednt / dont have to / dont,need to,.,3. must,对与愿望相反的事的不耐烦的口气,表示“,偏偏,偏要,”,eg. The telephone must ring when I was busy in the kitchen.,Why must you interrupt me now and then while I am speaking?,4. should “,竟然会,”,表示惊奇,遗憾的语气,.,Im surprised that anyone of your intelligence,should,be so,foolish as to believe this.,Im sorry that this,should have,happened.,It was a pity that he,shouldnt have,realized the complication,of the matter.,6,shall, will, would,1.,表示意愿,We shall / will have a party to celebrate Mothers birthday.,Shall I put the desk near the window?,If you need money badly, I will lend you some.,eg.,我们要办个,party,来庆祝妈妈的生日,.,我把书桌放在窗户边上好吗,?,如果你急需要钱,我愿意借一点给你,.,2,.,询问对方意愿,eg. Will / would you play a part in the play?,Wont you sit down?,Would you like to have a drink with me?,Would you mind my taking a photo of you?,I wonder if you will / would lend me your umbrella.,7,3. wont / wouldnt,用于人表示不愿意,He wouldnt take my advice even if he thought it reasonable.,He wont go with us no matter how hard we try to persuade him to.,用于物,往往表示,失去某项功能,或人的意愿无法实现,.,The door wont open.,The car wont start.,No matter how hard I try, the ink wont come out,of the pen.,Eg.,他不愿意接受我的意见,即使他认为那是合理的,.,无论我们怎样试着说服他,他也不愿意和我们一起去,.,8,4. Shall,用于第二,第三人称表示说话人对于主语的意志,如命令,警告,允诺,.,My order shall be carried out.,You shall get the reply right this afternoon.,比较,He will wait until his teacher returns.,He shall wait until his teacher returns.,dare,与,need,的用法,1. dare,dare,作情态动词,(,过去式为,dared),多用于疑问,否定和条件句,.,He dare / dared not walk alone at night.,Dare he climb the tree?,If you dare (to) go any further in the forest.,dare,也可以作实义动词,但结构不同,.,He doesnt / didnt dare,(to),walk alone at night.,Does he dare,(to),climb the tree?,在一般陈述句中应把,dare,用作实义动词,The little girl,dares to,speak before a large audience.,(,主语的意愿,),(,说话人的意愿,),9,need,的用法与,dare,类似,但用于实义动词在否定句和疑问句中不省去,to .,You neednt do / dont need to do the job if it is too easy.,Need they / Do they need to come again tomorrow?,You,need to,water the flowers every day.,情态动词,+,动词不定式进行式和完成式,might / may / could / should / ought to / would / will / must be +doing,对正在进行中的动作的推测,(,语气由弱到强,).,It is twelve oclock now. They be having lunch now.,2. might / may / could / should / ought to / would /,will / must + have done,He started the job early in the morning. He have,finished it by now.,肯定句中不用,can be doing,和,can have done,.,10,3. Might / Can / Could . ?,表示对可能性的疑问,但,不用,may,.,Might / Can / Could they have received my telegram?,eg.,她现在可能在等着我们吧,?,Might / Can / Could she be expecting us now?,他可能已经收到我的电报了吧,?,4. may / might not be doing / have done,可能不在做,/,没有做过,cant / couldnt be doing / have done,不可能在做,/,做过,They cant / couldnt be having dinner in the restaurant now.,eg.,他们可能现在不在餐馆里吃饭,.,They may / might not be having dinner in the restaurant now.,现在他们不可能在餐馆里吃饭,.,She is always careless. She cant have locked the door.,她可能没锁门,.,你最好去看一看,.,She may not have locked the door. Youd better go and have a look.,她一向很粗心,不可能了锁门,.,11,5. could have done,本来能够,(,能力为得到发挥,),might have done,本来可以,(,由于客观原因未做到,),I could have given you some help. Why didnt you ask me?,I might have finished it earlier, but I couldnt spare more time.,6. should have done, ought to have done,本该做而未做,shouldnt have done, oughtnt to have done,本不该做而做了,You shouldnt / oughtnt to have told him the sad news.,eg.,你本应该每天给花浇水的,.,You should / ought to have watered the flowers every day.,你本不该告诉他这个令人伤心的消息,.,7.mustnt always be doing,表示不满语气, “,不要老是,”,When you are reading, you mustnt always be translating everything into Chinese.,You mustnt always be worrying your teacher with such simple questions.,12,8. neednt have done,过去没有必要做而做了,didnt need to,过去没有必要也没做,He said he would bring a camera with him, so I,didnt need to bring mine.,Eg.,我本来没必要带照相机来的,.,他已经有一个了,.,I neednt have brought a camera. He has got one.,他说他会带个照相机来的,所以我就没必要带我的了,.,13,


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