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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master subtitle style,Second level,Third level,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,*,Assembly Design Advanced,CATIA Training,Foils for Instructor,Version 5 Release 10December 2002,EDU-CAT-E-ASM-AI-V5R10,1,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Table of Contents (1/3),Creating and Using Scenes5,Editing Scenes6,Applying Scenes to an Assembly7,Creating a Drafting View Based on a Scene8,Synchronizing Scenes9,Deleting a Scene10,Generating Reports 11,Bill of Material Reports12,Assembly Listing Reports13Product Structure Numbering14,Generating Annotations15Weld Planner Annotations16,Text Annotations17Flag Note18,4.Positioning Components without Constraints19,Reasons for Positioning Components without Constraints20,Translating and Rotating using Snap21Translating and Rotating using the Compass22,Positioning Components Using Smart Move23,2,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Table of Contents (2/3),5.Working with Large Assemblies24Hiding Components25,Deactivating Representations26Product Init27Using Visualization Mode28Differences between Modes29,6.Designing & Managing Contextual Parts30,Creating Contextual Parts31Sketch and Design in Context32,Knowledgeware,and Design in Context33Editing Contextually-related Parts34Analyzing Contextual Parts36Isolating Contextual Parts37Saving Contextually-related Documents38Deleting Contextually-related Components39,7.Assembly Features40What are Assembly Features41Assembly Split42Assembly Hole43Assembly Pocket44Adding a Body to an Assembly45Removing a Body from an Assembly46,3,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Table of Contents (3/3),8.Creating and Using Published Geometry47,Creating Published Geometry48,Availability of Geometry Publication49Using Published Geometry50Usefulness of Published Geometry51,4,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Creating and Using Scenes,You will learn how to create Scenes that capture various states of an assembly,Editing Scenes,Applying Scenes to an Assembly,Creating Drafting Views based on Scenes,Synchronizing Scenes to an Assembly,Deleting Scenes,5,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Scenes enable capturing and restoring the state of components in an assembly. They are useful for creating assembly drawings and designing with the assembly in various states.,Scenes can control:,- Hide state of components,- Color of Components,- Position of components,- Activation of representations,Scenes are stored in an assemblys CATProduct file,Use Scene icon to create scene from the current state of the Assembly,When a scene already exists in the CATProduct , you can:- Copy and Paste it using Assembly Design Workbench - Edit it directly from Assembly Design Workbench by double clicking on it,Editing Scenes,6,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,It can be useful to design while having the assembly in various states. Scenes can be used to capture and restore the state of components in an assembly.,Here the assembly is set to the state as defined by the “Shaft Scene”,Here the assembly is restored to its original state as defined by the “Complete Scene”,List of components that will change when applying the scene,Applying Scenes to an Assembly,7,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Only selected node of the Scene and its child components will appear in the view.,Creating a Drafting View Based on a Scene,Scenes make it possible to have drafting views where components are in different states than the assembly.,8,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,New components are automatically added to Scenes, but they are inactivated,Deleted components are automatically removed from Scenes,Moved components are automatically moved in Scenes if they were not repositioned in the Scene,Before,After,Synchronizing Scenes,In some cases Scenes are automatically synchronized with changes to an assembly. In other cases, manual intervention is required.,9,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Deleted Scenes are removed from the assemblys CATProduct file,Keep in mind that deleting a Scene will effect drafting views that reference the Scene,Scenes can simply be deleted by selection of them and press on key,Deleting a Scene,Deleting a Scene removes the Scene from the assemblys CATProduct file.,10,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,You will learn how to generate Bill of Material and Assembly Listing Reports and how to make Product Structure Numbering,Bill of Material Reports,Assembly Listing Reports,Product Structure Numbering,Generating Reports,11,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Bill of Material Reports,BOM with the components of the active assembly,One BOM for each sub-assembly,Recap of leaf components from the active assembly and all sub-assemblies,Interesting property of the component,12,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Assembly Listing Reports,Hierarchy showing every component from the active assembly and all sub-assemblies,Specify properties to be displayed and their order,Interesting property of the component,13,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Created Number,Created Number appearing in a balloon,Product Structure Numbering,14,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Generating Annotations,You will learn how to generate three kind of annotations in 3D assemblies,Weld Planner Annotations,Text notes with leader,Flag Notes with Leader,15,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Weld Planner annotations,Weld Planner feature,3D views,16,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Text Annotations,Capability to attach a text to a geometric element of a component,Selection,FD & T View,Text,17,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Flag Note,Capability to attach an hyperlink to a geometric element of a component,FD & T View,Flag Note,18,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Positioning Components without Constraints,In this lesson you will learn how to position components in cases where it is not convenient to use constraints,Reasons for positioning components without constraints,Translating and Rotating using Snap,Translating and Rotating using the Compass,Positioning Components Using,SmartMove,19,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Reasons for Positioning Components without Constraints,Positioning Relative to Components outside the rigid Sub-Assembly,Positioning with Convenience,20,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Translating and Rotating using Snap,Snap components to be parallel if necessary,Snap elements into alignment,Orientation arrow,21,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Translating and Rotating using the Compass,absolute position and orientation,Translation tools,Rotation tools,22,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Positioning Components Using,SmartMove,23,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Working with Large Assemblies,You will learn how to work with large assemblies,Hiding Components,Deactivating Representations,Product Init,Using Visualization Mode,Differences between Modes,24,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Hiding Components,Hide/Show state is stored in CATProduct files so that the state is maintained when the assembly is opened.,The components icon is dimmed in the tree.,Here an assembly is hidden.,Here one instance of the Connector Shell is hidden or no-shown.,Hidden components are not visible in “show space” or in drafting views.,25,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Deactivating Representations,Here one instance of the Connector Shell is deactivated. More precisely, the geometric representation is deactivated.,Deactivated representations are not visible in “show space” or “no-show space”.,This symbol means the geometric representation is deactivated,26,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Loaded component,Loaded and hidden component,Product Init dialog Box,Product Init,Required setting,Unloaded component,27,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Using Visualization Mode,Part in Visualization Mode (no on the node to access the definition),Part in Design Mode,When parts and models are in Visualization Mode, just a subset of the data is loaded in memory. The remaining data is loaded when needed.,Required settings,28,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Differences between Modes,This table highlights some key reasons for using Visualization Mode, Deactivation, and Hide.,29,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Designing & Managing Contextual Parts,In this lesson you will learn how to design and manage contextual parts,Creating Contextual Parts,Sketch and Contextual Design,Knowledgeware,and Contextual Design,Editing Contextually-related Parts,Analyzing Contextual Parts,Isolating Contextual Parts,Saving Contextually-related Documents,Deleting Contextually-related Components,30,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Creating Contextual Parts,Contextual parts have geometry that is driven by other components,green gear (contextual part in its context),Brown Gear (contextual part out of its context),Linked copy of geometry,Required Setting,(1),This rounded edge and the hole are,contextually,concentric with the pin in the green component. The sketch of the rounded edge and hole are explicitly constrained to be concentric with the pin.,(2),This bottom face of the brown part,contextually,rests on the top face of the green component. The brown face was sketched on the green face.,(3),The width of the brown “rib” is,contextually,controlled by the edges of the “slot” in the green component. The sketch of the brown “rib” was projected from the edges of the “slot” ,31,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Sketch and Contextual Design,It can be much more useful to select same sketch to define two different parts than using projections of edges of one part to define the other .,32,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Knowledgeware,and Contextual Design,It can be interesting to have parameters of a part driven by parameters of another part of the assembly or by parameters of the assembly itself .,In this case, we would like this parameter concerning,FixtureCoverForKWE,component to be equal to ,this other parameter concerning Holder component,Linked copy of Parameter,33,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Editing Contextually-related Parts (1/2),With regard to editing parts, there are two notions to consider : editing contextual parts that have external references and are therefore driven, and editing parts that drive contextual parts.,You can edit contextual part: the original instance or another one.You can also edit it outside the context of the Assembly,You can edit driving part and then contextual Parts will have to be synchronized,34,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Editing Contextually-related Parts (2/2),When you modify driving Part, Contextual parts have to be synchronized,Manual Synchronization,Automatic,Synchronization,35,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Analyzing Contextual Parts,Dependencies,Parent/Children,36,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Isolating Contextual Parts,Whole Part,Individual Element,37,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Saving Contextually-related Documents,After saving a Component under another name you will need to save all documents that refers it. So updated links will be saved.,After saving a contextual component under another name, You need to save,CATroducts,that refers it,After saving a driving component under another name,You need to save,CATparts,and,CATroducts,that refers it,You often have this kind of message,38,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Deleting Contextually-related Components,Additional options are available for managing data when deleting components that drive contextual parts or when deleting contextual components.,Deleting a contextual component,Deleting a driving component,39,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Assembly Features,You will learn a few things about Assembly Features,What are Assembly Features,Assembly Split,Assembly Hole,Assembly Pocket,Adding a Body to an assembly,Removing a Body from an Assembly,40,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,What are Assembly Features?,Assembly features are features that involve not only a simple part but a set of parts in the assembly.,Creation and edition at the level of the assembly,Affected parts become contextually linked,Linked feature is created in affected part,41,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,You need a surface to create an assembly split, this surface can belong to an impacted part or not but a part is required to contain it.,Assembly Split,Linked copy of the splitting surface,Linked feature,Only the assembly feature can be edited,List of affected parts and linked features,An existing Part Design split can be selected to define your assembly split,42,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Assembly hole,The part on which you will put the hole will contains its reference sketch and wont become linked to the assembly,Linked copy of the sketch,Linked feature,Only the assembly feature can be edited,List of affected parts and linked features,An existing Part Design hole can be selected to define your assembly hole (unlinked values of parameters),43,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,The Part containing the reference sketch wont become linked to the assembly,Assembly Pocket,List of affected parts and linked features,An existing Part Design pocket can be selected to define your assembly pocket (unlinked values of parameters),Linked copy of the Sketch,Linked feature,Only the assembly feature can be edited,44,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Adding a Body to an Assembly,The Whole body is added to the,partbody,of each impacted part, and the part containing the body wont become linked to the assembly,Linked feature,Linked copy of the body,List of affected parts and linked features,An existing Part Design add can be selected to define your assembly add,Only the assembly feature can be edited,45,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Removing a Body from an Assembly,The Whole body is removed from the,partbody,of each impacted part, and the part containing the body wont become linked to the assembly,Linked feature,Linked copy of the body,List of affected parts and linked features,An existing Part Design remove can be selected to define your assembly remove,Only the assembly feature can be edited,46,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Creating and Using Published Geometry,In this lesson you will learn what is published geometry and in which conditions it can be used,Creating Published Geometry,Using Published Geometry,Usefulness of Published Geometry,47,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Creating Published Geometry,Publishing geometry of a component is associating a name to it so it will be recognized by other documents.,There the name “Sketch_MB1” has been affected to “Sketch11” feature,Capability to rename published features,Capability to select a sub-element,48,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Availability of Geometry Publication,You can access geometry publication as well in Part Design Workbench as in Assembly Design Workbench,You can see published geometry as well in Part Design Workbench as in Assembly Design Workbench,In Assembly Design Workbench,In Part Design Workbench,Published geometry visibility in tree,Published geometry visibility in tree,Access to the command,Access to the command,49,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Using Published Geometry,Published geometry can be used in any command that requires geometric elements. It means in assembly constraint edition and design in context,Assembly Constraints,Contextual Design,50,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,Usefulness of Published Geometry,Same Publications,Different Publications,Same Publications,Different Publications,Replacement of a component involved in constraints,Replacement of a component driving contextual components,51,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,


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