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I have t,ea, too.,/- /i/,例词:,p,i,n sh,i,p h,i,ll ch,i,cks,短语:,a b,i,g sh,i,p f,i,fty p,i,ctures,M,i,ss Sm,i,th,i,nter,e,st,i,ng f,i,lms,例句:,A:,I,s L,i,l,y,i,n?,B: L,i,l,y,i,s,i,ll,i,n bed.,C: Oh, Im sorr,y,.,/e/-/,例词:,p,e,n h,e,ad l,e,g w,e,ll,短语:,t,e,n p,e,nce v,e,ry w,e,ll,exp,e,nsive cigar,e,ttes w,e,nt to Am,e,rica,例句:,A: How did you sp,e,nd your holiday?,B: I w,e,nt to Beijing.,A: Was it exp,e,nsive?,B: Y,e,s ,v,e,ry.,/,例词:,a,pple l,a,ntern h,a,nd p,a,rachute,短语,:,bl,a,ck c,a,t m,a,d m,a,n,tr,a,veling b,a,g m,a,tter-of f,a,ct,例句:,A:,A,nn is tr,a,veling to Jap,a,n.,B: How h,a,ppy she is !,A: She is very h,a,ppy.,Vowels,(元音),-pure vowels,(单元音),中元音:,/:/,/,/,/,/:/- /:/,例词:,g,ir,l b,ir,d w,or,k t,ur,n,短语:,ear,ly b,ir,d sup,er,b w,or,k,th,ir,sty p,er,son p,er,fect s,ear,ch,例句:,A: He always arrives w,or,k,ear,ly.,B: But he wasnt,ear,ly this morning.,A: You w,ere,nt,ear,ly either.,/,例词:,teach,er,pict,ure,breakf,a,st welc,o,me,短语:,a,glass of wat,er,a,quart,er,to seven,broth,er,s and sist,e,rs,a,book about Chin,a,例句:,A: look at the clock,!,B: whats the time?,A: its a quart,er,to seven,/,例词:,c,u,p r,u,n j,u,mp fl,oo,d,短语:,h,u,rry,u,p! tr,u,st,u,s!,r,u,bbish d,u,mp m,u,stnt w,o,rry,例句:,A: Its s,u,nny today.,B: Yes, isnt it.,A: My,u,ncle will go to L,o,ndon next,M,o,nday.,B: How l,u,cky he is!,Vowels,(元音),-pure vowels,(单元音),后元音:,/u:/, /, /:/, /,/,:/,/u:/,例词:,z,oo,wh,o,f,oo,d bl,u,e,短语:,a t,oo,th for a t,oo,th S,u,e and L,u,cy,fr,u,it j,u,ice tw,o,sh,o,es,例句:,A: Look at my new sh,o,es?,B: Oh, they are beautiful.,A: Your b,oo,ts are beautiful, t,oo,.,/-/v/,例词:,f,oo,t w,oo,d b,oo,k p,u,sh,短语:,g,oo,d c,oo,k g,oo,d b,oo,k,c,ou,ldnt l,oo,k p,u,dding without s,u,gar,例句:,A: Where did you p,u,t the b,oo,k?,B: Which b,oo,k?,A: The b,oo,k you bought yesterday.,/:/,例词:,f,or,k b,a,ll m,o,rning airp,o,rt,短语:,f,our,b,a,lls sc,ore,b,oar,d,m,o,rning gl,o,ry sp,or,ts rep,or,ter,例句:,A: I see two children on the blackb,oar,d.,B: He is sh,or,t.,A: She is sh,or,ter.,/- /,例词:,c,o,ck sh,o,p j,o,b h,o,spital,短语:,h,o,t c,o,ffee l,o,ng j,o,b,o,n the b,o,x dr,o,p the p,o,t,例句:,A: I have a bad c,ou,gh.,B: You must see a d,o,ctor.,A: Yes, I must go to the h,o,spital.,/:/,例词:,c,a,r,g,ar,den st,ar,guit,ar,短语:,f,a,st c,ar,h,a,lf mast,h,ear,t transpl,a,nt st,ar,s and b,ar,s,例句:,A: You look very sm,ar,t today.,B: Thank you.,C: What a m,ar,velous d,a,ncer you are.,Let me take a photogr,a,ph of you.,Vowels,(元音),-diphthongs,(双元音),/e/, /a/, /, /, /a/, /, /e/, /,/e/-/ei/,例词:,f,a,ce r,ai,n c,a,ke w,ai,t,短语:,ei,ght c,a,kes w,a,ste p,a,per,r,ai,lw,ay,st,a,tion w,ai,t for the m,ai,l,例句:,A: Its my birthd,ay,tod,ay,.,B: Happy birthd,ay,A: Thank you. Come to my birthd,ay,party.,And dont be l,a,te.,/a/-/ai/,例词:,sk,y,k,i,te wr,i,te b,i,cycle,短语,:,wh,i,te l,i,e h,i,gh t,i,de,eye,for,eye,s,i,lent n,i,ght,例句:,A: Its a f,i,ne day today. The sun is sh,i,ning,br,i,ghtly.,B: Yes, I feel hot. I l,i,ke an,i,ce-cream now.,A: Yes, I do, too.,/-/i/,例词:,b,oy,b,oi,l n,oi,se c,oi,n,短语:,a sp,oi,lt b,oy,a n,oi,sy t,oy,an ann,oy,ing v,oi,ce J,oy,ces b,oy,friend,例句:,A: Look at my t,oy,gun.,B: Oh, what a good t,oy,!,A: Shall we j,oi,n our friends in the garden?,B: Yes, lets go.,/-/v/,例词:,c,oa,st,thr,ow,b,oa,t,t,oe,短语:,J,oe,s c,oa,t g,o,to the wind,ow,l,oa,d and unl,oa,d,thr,ow,a sn,ow,ball,例句:,A: Look! He has a b,oa,t.,B: Is he g,o,ing to r,ow,?,A: I think s,o,.,/a/-/av/,例词:,c,ow,h,ou,se m,ou,th tr,ou,sers,短语:,sh,ou,t,ou,t br,ow,n m,ou,se,d,ow,n t,ow,n r,ou,nd l,ou,nge,例句:,A: Is she milking the c,ow,?,B: Yes, she is.,A: Is the c,ow,in he h,ou,se?,B: No. She is on the dairy farm.,/-/i/,例词:,ear,qu,eer,z,e,ro b,ear,d,短语:,the atmosph,ere,h,ere,qu,eer,skier,w,ea,ry mountain,eer,exp,e,r,ie,nced engin,eer,例句:,A: Lets have some b,eer,h,ere,.,B: What a good id,ea,!,A: What shall we do after having b,eer,?,B: We shall go to the th,ea,tre.,/e/-/,例词:,h,air,b,are,p,ear,ch,air,短语:,million,air,es h,eir,m,ayor,s p,a,rents,squ,are,ch,air,s c,are,ful libr,a,rian,例句:,A: Wh,ere,is my pen?,B: Its over th,ere,on the ch,air,.,A: Thank you. Its really th,ere,.,/-/v/,例词:,t,our,p,oor,j,u,ry g,our,d,短语:,p,oor,tourists t,our,from China,furious j,u,ry E,u,ropean g,our,d,例句:,A: I received a letter from my uncle. Hes,sick with influenza.,B: Im sorry. Is he still in E,u,rope.,A: Yes. Hes still working in London.,B: He must speak fluent English.,Consonants,(辅音),-plosives,(爆破音),/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/,/p/,例词:,p,ig,p,ot,p,ond,p,lan,短语:,p,ick up a,p,epper,p,ot,a,p,iece of,p,ork a,p,en and a,p,encil,例句:,A: Do you collect stam,p,s?,B: Yes, I do.,A: Will you show me your stam,p,album?,B: Yes, they are u,p,stairs. Let me go and,fetch them.,/b/,例词:,b,us,b,ed,b,ench,b,rush,短语:,B,ig,B,en a,b,ig,b,ottle,b,eautiful,b,louses,b,lue,b,utterflies,例句:,A: Is this your hand,b,ag?,B: No, it isnt my hand,b,ag is not,b,rown.,A: What color is you hand,b,ag?,B: Its,b,lack.,/t/,例词:,t,ie,t,axi,t,ap,t,elephone,短语:,t,i,t,for,t,a,t,t,ip of the,t,ongue,fla,t,foo,t,t,ale-,t,eller,例句:,A: Im hungry. I wan,t,something,t,o ea,t,.,B: Wha,t,abou,t,some s,t,eak? Lets go,t,o the,res,t,auran,t,!,A: Yes, lets go.,/d/,例词:,d,oor,d,octor hea,d,win,d,短语:,d,arling,d,aughter,d,ark re,d,play,ed,cards listen,ed,to the ra,d,io,例句:,A: What,d,i,d,you,d,o last night,?,B: I stu,d,i,ed,last night.,A:,D,i,d,you stu,d,y all night?,B: No, I,d,i,d,nt. I listen,ed,to the ra,d,io for,some time.,/k/,例词:,c,ar duc,k,c,loc,k,par,k,短语:,the bac,k,of the,c,ar as,k,question,a quarter to si,x,c,ool as,c,u,c,umber,例句:,A: I li,k,e cho,c,olate,c,a,k,es.,B: You do? Do you often have cho,c,olate,c,a,k,es?,A: Yes, I do.,B: If you want to,k,eep fit, dont eat too many,cho,c,olate,c,a,k,es.,/g/,例词:,ba,g,do,g,g,oat,g,rape,短语:,g,ood,g,irl,g,o to the,g,rocers,as,g,ood as,g,old,g,et an,g,ry,例句:,A: Can you play the,g,uitar?,B: Yes, I played my,g,uitar in the,g,arden and,song a,g,ain and a,g,ain with my friends last,night.,A: You must have had a,g,ood time last night.,Consonants,(辅音),-fricatives,(摩擦音),/f/, /v/, /, /, /s/, /z/, /, /, /h/, /, /, /r/,/f/,例词:,lau,gh,f,at,f,ish,f,amily,短语:,f,resh,f,ruit,f,ast,f,ood,so,f,t so,f,a,f,eel,f,ine,例句:,A: Look at,F,reda! She is,f,ashionable.,B: Her hat is,f,unny.,A: Look at her,f,ur coat. Its,f,abulous.,/v/,例词,:,v,et,v,illage,v,olcano tele,v,ision,短语:,lo,v,ely,v,iew,v,illage,v,et,lea,v,ing arri,v,ing lea,v,es of the,v,ine,例句:,A: Whos dri,v,ing the,v,an?,B: I think,v,ictor is.,A: Who is,v,ictor?,B: He is my new neighbor, he has li,v,ed,here for only a few months.,/,例词,:,too,th,mon,th,th,in,th,irsty,短语:,th,ree,th,ousand Mar,th,as bir,th,day,heal,th,y au,th,or,th,irty ma,th,ematicians,例句:,A: My father is a ma,th,ematician.,B: No wonder you are good at ma,th,ematics.,A: To tell you the tru,th, my father never,teaches me ma,th,.,/,例词,:,fa,th,er brea,th,e,th,at fea,th,er,短语:,smooth lea,th,er get toge,th,er,better,th,an o,th,ers ano,th,er bro,th,er,例句:,A: Lily is taller,th,an Mary.,B: But Mary is slimmer,th,an Lily.,A: Look at,th,em.,Th,eyre doing physical,exercise toge,th,er.,/s/,例词:,s,un,s,mall hor,s,e bi,c,ycle,短语:,s,leep,s,oundly expen,s,ive,c,igarettes,s,ome book,s,s,it in the,s,un,例句:,A: These are cup,s,.,B: Those are,s,au,c,er,s,.,A: Theyre ni,c,e cup,s,and,s,au,c,er,s,.,/z/,例词:,z,oo pri,z,e bee,s,no,s,e,短语:,ja,zz,mu,s,ic clo,s,e the window,s,the,s,e day,s,z,ero animal,例句:,A: Lets go to the,z,oo.,B: Good. I like looking at the,z,ebra,s,.,C: I like the monkeys there. Lets go.,/,例词:,fi,sh,s,ugar,sh,oe,sh,op,短语:,fa,sh,ion,sh,ops friend,sh,ip associa,t,ion,Briti,sh,sh,oes wa,sh,ing ma,ch,ine,例句:,A: This,sh,op sells wa,sh,ing-ma,ch,ines.,B: Do they sell air-condi,t,ioners, too.,A:,S,ure.,/,例词:,gara,g,e plea,s,ure mea,s,ure colli,s,ion,短语:,an unu,s,ual colli,s,ion mea,s,ure a gara,g,e,a great deci,s,ion my plea,s,ure,例句:,A: Lily likes clothes for ca,s,ual wear.,B: Clothes for ca,s,ual wear are comfortable,A: I like to wear them in my lei,s,ure time.,/h/,例词:,h,at,h,ard,h,en,h,igh,短语:,h,eart and,h,and,h,igh,h,eels,h,ead-to-,h,ead,h,appy,h,oneymoon,例句:,A: There was a car accident,h,ere last Sunday.,B: Oh, its,h,orrible!,A: Were you,h,ere when the accident,h,appened?,B: No, I only,h,eard about it.,/,例词:,ch,eek,ch,icken,ch,ur,ch,wat,ch,短语:,Ch,inese,ch,ess whi,ch,but,ch,er,ch,icken and,ch,ips,ch,ange mu,ch,例句:,A: Where are the two,ch,ildren?,B: Theyre having lun,ch,.,A: Here are some,ch,erries for them.,B: Thank you very mu,ch,.,/,例词:,j,eep,j,ug oran,g,e brid,g,e,短语:,a lar,g,e,j,eep in,j,ured passen,g,ers,ad,j,ust the en,g,ine oran,g,e,j,uice,例句:,A: I have an oran,g,e.,B: Oh, your oran,g,e is lar,g,e. Look! Ive,got a lar,g,e sandwich.,A: Yes, it is a very lar,g,e one.,/r/,例词:,r,ose lo,rr,y,r,ubber,r,ocket,短语:,Ame,r,ican waitress a ma,rr,ied secretary,g,r,own up children F,r,ench,r,estau,r,ant,例句:,A:,R,ose works as a secretary at the,r,ailway,station.,B: She does? She is a ve,r,y p,r,etty girl.,A: Yes, ve,r,y.,Consonants,(辅音),-nasals,(鼻音),/m/, /n/, /,/m/,例词:,m,oon ho,m,e,m,edicine,m,ountain,短语:,m,an-,m,ade,m,ake a,m,istake,co,m,e to,m,orrow,m,iddle na,m,e,例句:,A:,M,u,m,has co,m,e back ho,m,e.,B:,M,arvelous.,A:,M,o,m,says well go and see a,m,ovie tonight.,B: Yes, we certainly will.,/n/,例词:,n,eck ti,n,n,ight,n,oise,短语:,n,eat bra,n,dy a,n,egative a,n,swer,telepho,n,e,n,umber harde,n,the,n,eck,例词:,A: What a,n,ice postcard of the Gra,n,d Ca,n,yo,n,!,B: They are wo,n,derful.,A: Who se,n,t it to you?,B: A frie,n,d of mi,n,e.,/,例词:,i,n,k ri,ng,si,ng,mo,n,key,短语:,ri,ng,-di,ng,risi,ng,diphtho,ng,stro,ng,stri,ng,playi,ng,pi,ng,-pa,ng,例句:,A: Do you like dri,n,ki,ng,tea?,B: Yes, I do.,A: We are advised to dri,n,k more tea than coffee.,B: Tea is good for health.,Consonants,(辅音),-lateral,(舌侧音),/l/,例词:,b,l,ack,l,ight je,ll,y,l,emon,短语:,ear,l,y for,l,unch,l,eg of,l,amb,a g,l,ass of,l,emonade ye,ll,ow je,ll,y,例句:,A: Mum, is,l,unch ready? Im hungry.,B: OK,l,unch is ready.,A: Whats for,l,unch, Mum?,B: We,ll,have,l,amb and potato sa,l,ad.,/l/,Consonants,(辅音),-semi-vowels,(半元音),/j/, /w/,/j/,例词:,y,ellow,y,acht,y,olk,y,ear,短语:,y,olk,y,ellow new,y,ears day,new,Y,ork university a tough on,i,on,例句:,A: My brother was a music student.,B: What does he do now?,A: He is now in Europe working as a,business man.,/w/,例词:,w,eek,w,hale,w,in,w,indow,短语:,w,eight,w,atcher,w,eave a,w,eb,w,eeping,w,illow,w,et,w,ind,例句:,A: Dont look out of the,w,indow.,B: Oh, Im sorry, Im thinking of my dog.,Today is a,w,et day.,A: Do you think your dog,w,ill be lost in the,w,oods on a,w,et day?,Consonants,(辅音),-fricatives,(摩擦音),/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr/,/ts/,students coats cats boats,/dz/,heads reads beds hands,/tr/,tree truck train trace,/dr/,dress drink drain dream,Homework,Thank You,学恩英语,教学资源,Angela,


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