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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,建立业务关系,实际上就是确定贸易的对象,而贸易对象选择合适与否,决定着交易的成败。因此,必须慎重对待。,一般情况下,买卖双方通过毛遂自荐或第三者介绍,首先调查清楚贸易伙伴的资信状况、经营能力和业务范围等重要情况,再进行实质性的业务探讨。,Chapter Two,Establishment of Business Relations,WHY,?,1,HOW?,Web,Banks,Commercial Counselors Office,商务参赞处,Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries,商会,Trade Directory,贸易名录,Advertisements,Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad,参加国内外的商品交易会和博览会,Mutual visits by trade delegations and groups,商务代表团互访,Merchants may be approached through the following channels:,2,Key Words & Expressions,establish business relations,建立业务关系,establish/ enter into/ build/ open up,business relations with,如:,We would like to enter into business relations with you.,2.business scope,业务范围,3. import v.& n.,进口,export v.& n.,出口,4. importer,进口商,exporter,出口商,3,mercial counselors office,商务参赞处,chamber of commerce 商会,6. credit standing 资信状况,三C:,conduct/character:品行,公司的可靠性、商业信誉,capacity:能力,经营技能与力量,capital: 资本,清偿贷款的具体保障,判定对方的购买力,推断最高 购买额,4,Letter 1,Self-introduction,自我介绍,5,Language Points,owe v.,应该把,归功于,(后接介词,to,),He owes his success to the open-policy.,他把他的成功归功于开放政策。,to owe your name and address to,承蒙,告知贵公司行名和地址(获悉贵公司行名和地址要感激,),得知贵公司行名和地址要感谢您瑞士大使馆商务参赞处。,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of the Swiss.,6,You are informed that the goods under your Order No.616 have been ready for shipment.,兹通知你方第616号订单项下的货物已备妥待运。,2. inform v. 通知,inform,sb,of,sth,.,通知某人某事,inform,sb,. that,通知某人某事,be informed that,兹通知,Please inform us of the name of steamer and date of shipment.,请告知船名和装运期。,7,We are in the market for Groundnuts.,我们想要购买花生,3. be in the market for,欲购;想买,4. avail oneself of v. 利用 make use of,We,avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks for your close cooperation.,借此机会对你方的密切合作表示感谢。,8,a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation,a private corporation,私有公司,/,企业,5. a government-owned corporation(enterprise),国有公司/企业,6. handle v. 经营,从事(某种或某类商品),to trade in,to specialize in,专营,to deal in,be in line,9,7. acquaint v. 熟悉;了解,to acquaint,sb,. with,sth,.,使某人了解某事,be/get well acquainted with,sth,.,熟悉(了如指掌),We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of crude oil in your country.,我们想了解贵国的原油供应情况。,We are well acquainted with the market condition in your neighboring countries.,我们对你们邻国的市场情况了如指掌。,10,9.,Look forward to ph.,期待你方早日答复。,We look forward to receiving your early reply.,We look forward to your early reply.,8. on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and,exchange of needed goods,在平等互利、互通有无的基础上,11,Chinese version of the letter,敬启者:,得知贵公司行名和地址我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买牛仔裤。,借此机会致信你方寄希望与贵公司建立业务关系。,我公司是国营公司,从事服装的进出口业务。为使你们对我们的业务范围有所了解,随函附上目前有关你方所询购商品的我方出口价格表一份。,我们的贸易政策是在平等互利互通有无的基础上同各国做生意。希望通过共同努力,既促进贸易又增进友谊。,期待早日收到你方的询盘。,谨上,,12,Letter 2,Transferring business relations,传递业务关系,13,Language Points,address v,写信给;接介词,to,pass on to v . ph.,转交,This letter is addressed to the President Dai of Dalian Vocational & Technical College.,此信是写给大连职业技术学院戴院长的。,Dalian,Branch Office,大连分公司,也可以说:,Dalian,Branch /,Dalian,Office,Head Office,总公司、总部,总店,14,for attention and reply,研究答复;办理答复,attention n.,注意;办理,Your application will have attention.,你的申请会得到考虑。,We hope you will give this letter prompt attention.,希望你方能对此信予以迅速办理。,15,fall within the scope of ones business activities,lie within the scope of ones business activities,5. come under/within the range of ones business activities,属于某人经营范围,the captioned goods /,标题项下的货物,the subject goods /,标题项下的货物,4. captioned adj.,标题的,16,6.regret v. n. 抱歉;遗憾,regret,作动词用时,后接名词、动名词、不定式或,that,从句,We very much regret that we are unable to supply what you require so far.,抱歉目前我方不能供应你所要求的货物。,We regret being unable to make you offers for this article.,我们无法给你方这种货物的报盘,甚歉。,We regret that the business has fallen through.,十分抱歉,没能做成这笔买卖。,17,7. Line,1)business scope 业务(范围),如:Their line of business is light industrial products.,他们的业务范围是轻工业品。,他们经营轻工业品业务。,2)信,信件,Please give us a line.请来信。,3)线:,A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.,两点之间直线最短。,18,强调能做某事的关键因素是所处的地位,在其“位”谋其“政”而不是靠主观努力所能达到的,因此不能接条件从句。,We are not in a position to accept your order as the goods you required are out of stock.,我们无法接受你方订单,因为你所要求的货物已没有库存。,8. be in a position to do sth,能够做某事,19,9.,approach v. 接洽, 联系;临近,approach sb. for sth 为某事与某人接洽,联系,销售季节日益临近,许多客户与我方接洽索要报盘。,The selling season is approaching, many clients approach us for offers.,20,10.,interested adj. 感兴趣的,to be interested in,sth,:对,感兴趣,be of interest to,sb,(某物)使某人感兴趣,我们的学生对新型计算机很感兴趣。,The new type of computer is of great interest to our students.,Our students are very interested in the new type of computers.,21,We are sorry to inform you that we are fully represented at this time.,抱歉地通知你方,在这一行业我们现在已有了全权代表,We are very happy to appoint you as our representative and look forward to a mutually beneficial association.,我们高兴地任命你为我方的业务代表并期待彼此互利的贸易关系。,Our representation in Southeast Asia has become vacant recently. We could appoint you for this position.,近来我公司在东南亚地区的代理空缺,可任命你来担当此任。,11.represent v 代理;代表,representative n.,representation n.,22,Analyzing the Letter,Paragraph One: the opening sentence of this letter (the reason),Paragraph Two: transferring business relations,Paragraph Three: the closing sentence of this letter,Comments:,In the letter,the writer states the reason why the transaction cannot be concluded directly and refers the recipient to the writers representative in U.S.A.,23,Chinese version of the letter,敬启者:,你方3月5日致我大连分公司的函已转交我公司办理答复,因为标题项下的货物属于我们的经营范围。,然而我们非常遗憾地通知你方这一具体业务已委托美国洛杉矶18号大街的公司代理。所以我们不能向你们供应该商品但愿意建议你方与他们直接接洽以满足你们所需。,如对其它任何产品感兴趣,请告知。我们将十分乐意报盘。,谨上,,24,Letter 3,Requesting for establishment of business relations,请求建立业务关系,25,1.recommend v 推荐;建议,Language Points,They recommend that we try the European market.,recommendation n.介绍;推荐,Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.,日本东京商会把贵公司推荐给我们。,他们建议我们试一下欧洲市场。,26,the largest importers,最大的进口商,the leading importers,最大的进口商,3.,accept v. 接受;,acceptance n. 接受,acceptable adj.可接受的,unacceptable adj.不能接受的,Your proposal is quite acceptable to us.,你方的提议对我们来说是可以接受的。,27,4. requirement n 要求;需要;,specific requirements 具体的要求,detailed requirements 详细的要求,to meet ones requirements 满足某人的要求,to meet ones need 满足某人的需求,We can meet your requirements for 3 tons of walnut meat.,我们能满足你方所需要的三吨核桃仁。,28,5. custom n. 习惯;惯例,customary a. 通常的;惯例的;习惯的,It is our custom to trade on the basis of L/C.,在信用证的基础上做生意是我们的惯例。,6. basis n 基础,on the basis of 在基础上,our price is on the basis of international market.,我们的价格是以国际市场价格为基础。,7.an irrevocable letter of credit,不可撤销的信用证,29,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生:,贵市商会以最大的各种各样款式规格童装进口商的身份将贵公司介绍给我们。所以,我们现写信给你方殷切期望与贵公司建立贸易关系。,你们将了解到我们的上述产品已被海内外的客户所接受达20多年之久,并享有良好的声誉。由于我们的产品质量优异,可以说如果你方能将具体需求告知我们,我方就能以具有竞争性的价格向你方提供一等产品。,关于支付条件,我们做生意的惯例是以不可撤销的信用证为基础。,谨上,,30,Letter 4,The first touch,第一次接洽,31,1.,as per: prep. according to,按照,根据,如所示,Please make shipping arrangements as per our order sheet.,请按照我方定单来安排装运事宜。,Will you please pack those machines as per our packing instructions?,能否按照我方包装指示包装这些机器?,Language Points,32,2. inquiry n. 询问,询价,调查,make an inquiry to,sb,向,某人询问,make an inquiry about,sth,询问某种商品的价格,make an inquiry into,sth,调查某事,inquiry-office,问事处,inquiry-desk,询问台,问事处,Inquiry Note = Inquiry Sheet,询价单,3. attach: v. 随附上,封入,表示附在某封信内时,用介词,to,或,hereto,he brochure attached will give you details of the varied service we can render.,随函附上小册子一本,向你方详细介绍我们所能提供的多种服务项目。,33,4.,quotation: n. 报价,make (send, give, cable,fax)sb,a quotation for,sth,向某人就某种商品报价用介词,for,:,Please make us your lowest quotation for Mens Shirts.,请向我方报男式衬衫的最低价。,买方提及卖方报价时用介词,of,:,Your quotation of Mens Leather Shoes is too high to be,acceptable.,你方男式皮鞋的报价太高难以接受。,34,5. keenest: n,渴望的;热切的;激烈的;低廉的;,keenest price = lowest price,最低价格,克己价格,await with keen interest,殷切地期待,with a keen desire to do,sth,急切地要做某事,One of the clients from Kuwait is keen to purchase Chinese goods.,一位科威特客户渴望购买中国货。,35,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生:,作为本市工艺品最大的进口商,我公司非常高兴与贵公司建立贸易关系。,目前,我们对你方的产品感兴趣,详细情况如随函第618号询价单所示,如能早日收到你方最低报价将十分有幸。,谨呈,,36,Letter 5,Credit inquiry,资信调查,37,Language Points,Reference n.,咨询;查询;参考; 资信证明人,refer,sb,to,使某人向,请教;使某人向,查询(询问),As to our credit standing, you may refer to the Bank of China.,关于我方的资信状况,请向中国银行查询。,You may refer to the Bank of China for todays exchange rate.,你可向中国银行咨询今日汇率情况。,refer v.,咨询;查询;参考,(后接介词,to,),38,2.,credit n. 信用,赊购;贷款;,Your credit will be injured if you dont pay your debt in time.,你若不及时还债务,你的信用将受损。,3.,credit standing 资信状况,39,三C:,conduct/character:品行,公司的可靠性、商业信誉,capacity:能力,经营技能与力量,capital: 资本,清偿贷款的具体保障,判定对方的购买力,推断最高 购买额,Credit Inquiry,资信调查,40,4. confidential adj. 秘密的,机密的,In confidence 私下,秘密地,Your reply will, of course, be kept strictly confidential .,当然,你方的答复将严守秘密。,41,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生:,我方收到新西兰ABC工程公司价值300 000美元的订单,该公司告知贵公司的名称,作为银行资信证明人。在达成这笔交易之前,我方想了解该公司的信誉及资信状况。,对您提供的任何信息,我方将严格保密,贵银行将不负任何责任。,谨呈,,42,Letter 6,Favourable,reply from the Bank,银行的肯定答复,43,Language Points,1.punctual adj. 准时的,2.on ones part = on the part of 某方,without any obligation/responsibility on your part,你方不承担任何责任,The responsibility falls on your part.责任由你方承担。,44,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生:,现乐意答复您方2006年5月12日关于咨询新西兰ABC工程公司资信状况的来信。,上述公司在实业界颇受尊敬,并享有很高的声誉。在所有的交易中,他们都能迅速、准时地付款,对于贵公司所提到的金额,甚至超过贵公司所提及数额,我方会毫不犹豫地给与贷款。以上信息,我方不负任何责任。,我们希望本报高能对贵公司有所帮助。,谨上,,45,Letter 7,Unfavourable,reply from the Bank,银行的否定答复,46,Language Points,2.reserve n. 储备物,备用金,We have a reserve of these goods, but it is rather limited.,这些货物我们有些储存,但很有限。,regarding,:关于,concerning,about, with regard to, in regard to,as regards, respecting,I send you a fax this morning regarding order No.1234.,我今天早晨给你发了一份关于1234号订单的传真。,47,Language Points,3. commit V.使承担义务,使承诺,The contract commits him to playing for the team for the next three years.,合同规定,在以后三年里,他要为该队效力。,4. precarious adj. 不稳定的,不安定的,危险的,48,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生:,您方2006年5月12日有关新西兰ABC工程公司资信状况的来函已收到。,很遗憾地告知,该公司承约过多,交易额超过了其储备资金。许多债主都向他们索债,其地位已岌岌可危。因此奉劝,小心为是。,对本报告,请务必保密。,谨呈,,49,Dear sirs,Your company has been kindly introduced to us by,Mr. Asicott, who has informed us that your are in the market,for cotton piece goods. We therefore, avail ourselves of this,opportunity to write to you in the hope of entering into,business relations with you.,We are one of the leading exporters of cotton piece goods,in Asia, having over 20 years experience in this line.,In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we,enclose a copy of export list covering the goods you required,at present. If you find any of the items interesting, please let,us know and we shall be pleased to make you offers.,We look forward to receiving your early reply.,Yours faithfully,50,Practice Lessons,II.,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,This corporation is,specialized in,handling the import business of textiles.,We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products.,We send you,by separate airmail,a brochure on the various kinds of electronic products now available for export.,本公司,专营,纺织品的进口业务。,兹向你自我介绍,敝公司是国营公司,专营轻工产品。,我方,另航寄,上目前可供出口各类电子产品的小册子一份。,51,Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.,贵公司已由日本东京商会推荐给我公司。,As requested, we are airmailing to you,under separate cover, a sample each of Art. Nos. 2001 and 2002 for your reference.,根据要求,我方,另封,航邮货号2001和2002样品各一份以供参考。,By/under separate cover/post,另寄,另封,For your reference/information,供你方参考,52,Practice Lessons,We can assure you that all your letters will receive our immediate attention.,We thank you for your letter,of,September 2 and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.,我方保证你方所有信件会得到迅速办理。,感谢你方九月二日来函并愿意与你方商讨扩大贸易的可能性。,53,Practice Lessons,It will be greatly appreciated if you will give us your cooperation.,Your letter of August 27 addressed to the Import Company has been passed on to us for attention and reply.,如蒙贵方予以合作,将不胜感激。,你方八月二十七日致进口公司的信已转交我公司办理答复,。,我们相信通过双方的共同努力,贸易往来会朝着互利的方向发展。,We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be developed to our mutual benefit.,54,我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品,有经验的,出口商。,III. Translate the following into English:,我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣。,我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国,红茶,。,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, and that you are,well-experienced,exporters of Household Electrical Appliance,One of our clients is interested in your new product .,One of our Japanese clients is in the market for Chinese Black Tea.,55,如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意。,As you know, it is our foreign trade policy to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,.,我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。,We hope you will do your utmost to promote trade as well as friendship.,谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。,We thank you for your letter offering your services and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding trade between us.,56,我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此,冒味,地写信给你。,我们相信,贵我双方的业务将,随着时间的推移,而得到发展。,We understand that you are on a exporter of Chinese Arts & Crafts. We, therefore, are,taking the liberty of,writing to you.,We are sure that business between us will be promoted,in years to come.,57,我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司。,你方,2,月,15,日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围。,Your letter dated/of 15th February has been passed on to our Shanghai Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired for fall within the scope of their business activities.,We are a trading corporation handling the import and export business around world.,58,IV. Write a letter with the following hints:,1.,经你方商会的介绍,我方欣悉贵公司的行名和地址。,我公司专门经营中国纺织品出口,并愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。,为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解,我方另函寄去一本目录册及一套小册子以供参考。,On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm.,We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.,To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you under separate cover a catalogue together with a set of pamphlets for your reference.,小册子: Brochure, pamphlet, booklet,Catalogue 目录,a general idea,a rough idea,一般的了解、大致概况,For your information/ reference,供你方参考,59,如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方将立即报价。,望尽快答复,。,Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We shall make an offer promptly.,We look forward to your early reply.,60,Dear Sirs,On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.,To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you under separate cover a catalogue together with a set of pamphlets for your reference.,Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We shall make an offer promptly.,We look forward to your early reply.,Faithfully yours,61,


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