李云霞 Book2 Unit1 Cultural Relics (revision)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Cultural Relics,an ancient vase,Mogao,Caves,Taj,Mahal,the Great Wall,Terra Cotta Warriors of Qin Dynasty,an ivory dragon boat,The Classical Gardens of Suzhou,Do they have anything in common ?,survived for,a long time,precious,ancient,valuable,rare,cultural relics,in_ &price_,valuable,less,In Search of the _Room,Amber,The Amber Room,is still missing.,Time :,Event:,during the 2nd World War,Russia,(the Russians),Nazi Germany,(the Nazis),The two countries,_.,were at war,words,1,、文化,(n.) _(a.)_ 2,、奇特的,_ 3,、奇迹,_ 4,、照亮,点燃,(,原形、过去式、过去分词,),_ 5,、证据,_ 6,、怀疑,_ 7,、证明,证实,_ 8,、财富、财宝,_,9,、 移动、搬开,_,10,、幸免于;幸存,(v.) _,11,、设计、图案、构思,_,12,、风格、类型,_,13,、朝代、王朝,_ 14,、木制的,_,15,、意见、看法,_ 16,、海员、水手、船员,_,17,、稀有的,_ 18,、瑰宝、宝石,_ 19,、秘密地,_ 20,、考虑,_ (n.)_,21,、家具,_ 22,、接收、接待,(n.)_ 23,、假装,装扮,_ 24,、除,外,(,还有,) _ 25,、保持;仍是,_ 26,、赠品、礼物,_,culture,cultural,fancy,wonder,light (lit, lit, lighted, lighted),evidence,doubt,prove,treasure,survive,style,dynasty,wooden,opinion,sailor,rare,jewel,secretly,consider,consideration,furniture,reception,pretend,besides,remain,gift,remove,design,Key Words Explanation,Only a few,survived,the great earthquake happened.,All his paintings have,survived,the fire.,3,),Harry,survived,his wife by three years.,(,幸免于难,),(,经历,任然存在,保存下来,),(,比,.,长寿,通常指亲人,),survive,(vi. &,vt,.),他很幸运,能过幸免于这次交通意外。,He is lucky to,survive,the car accident.,remain vi.,停留;留居;留下,;,继续;依然,1) When the others had gone, Mary,remained,and put back the furniture.,2) Peter became a judge but John,remained,a fisherman.,3),It remains to be seen,(remain a mystery),未来将会怎样依然是未知数。,What the future will be remains a mystery.,consider,vt,.,考虑;思考,1.,我在考虑换份工作。,Im considering,changing,my job.,consider doing,sth,.,考虑做,2.,老板认为,Tom,太懒了,不会是个好员工。,The boss considered Tom,(to be),too lazy to be a good worker,.,consider,sb,. (to be/as) + adj./n.,认为某人,常用被动, be considered to be ,3.,中国被认为是世界上最大的发展中国家。,China is considered as the largest developing country.,in,search,of,寻找,search,vt,.,James is,in the habit of,being late, and he always has a busy morning everyday.,When first he dose is to _ the desk _ his watch, which he never finds. Then, he rushed to the bathroom to wash, but before that, he is usually busy in _ his towel. Finally when he is about to leave, he realizes the socks, which he _just now is on his feet. Then, happily, with the,smelly,socks, he hurried to the company, and of course, being late again.,search,for,searching for,searched for,prove,vt,.,证明;证实是,1) It is necessary to,prove your theory (n.,理论,),before you carry it out.,在采取实际行动前,有必要证明你的理论。,2)The final result proves Luke to be right.,最终结果证明,Luke,是正确的。,(prove,sb,to be,证明某人,),vi.,原来是;证明,(,相当于系动词的用法,),Luke,原来是个很聪明的人。,Luke proves a very clever person.,Phrases,1,、调查,_,2,、拆开,_,3,、属于,_,4,、搜寻,_,5,、作为报答,_,6,、处于战乱状态,_,7,、看重、器重,_,8,、毫无疑问,_,9,、少于,_,10,、用,装饰,_,11,、值得做,_,look into,take apart,belong to,be in search of/search for,in return,at war,think highly of,There is no doubt about/that,less than,decorate with,be worth doing,sth,.,1.,只有很少人能幸免于这次大地震。,_,2.,我刚刚才见了他,他不可能出国了。,_,3.,你不应该把这个坏消息告诉她。,_,4.,到底他发生了什么事仍然是个谜。,_,5.,他上个星期就把头发剪了。,_,He had his hair cut last week.,What really happened to him remained a mystery.,You should not have told the bad news to her.,He couldnt have gone abroad, because I saw him just now.,Only a few people survived this big earthquake.,6.,毫无疑问,老师们对同学的表演评价很高。,_,_,There is no doubt that the teachers thought highly of the students performance.,One day a reporter _(,调查,) a country with famous cultural relics .The people think the relics _(,属于,)them. So they protected their relics from the enemy _ _(,战乱时代,).When the invaders came into their palace _(,寻找,)their relics, they fought against the enemy with their flesh and blood. At last they got back their relics _(,回报,).The enemy couldnt _ _(,拆开,)their palace. The nation won the war. The reporter and visitors _ (,高度赞扬,) their bravery and wisdom (,知慧,).,looked into,belong to,at,war,in search of,in,return,take,apart,thought highly of,The Royal Garden of Yuan Ming Yuan,the united army of French and Britain,robbed of it and burnt it down.,the bronze heads12 animals,(,十二生肖铜兽首,),The bronze head of dragon, which is one of the 12 animals heads in Yuan Ming Yuan, is universally c_ as the most v_ one among the 12 heads.,The artistic work was d_ in Qing dynasty. It is a good example of Chinese traditional c_. The dragon head is made of bronze, which is carefully s_ by the best a_ at that that time.,With the other 11 heads, it was once placed in Yuan Ming Yuan, as a part of a f_ fountain(,喷泉,)in Yuan Ming Yuan. Sadly, about 1760s, when Qing dynasty and the united army were_ _, all the p_ treasure in Yuan Ming Yuan were damaged or missing, including the 12 animals heads.,Since then, all the heads havent been found. Recently, Chinese government is considering r_ the 12 heads by studying the old photos of the f_ animals heads.,the bronze head of dragon,considered,valuable,designed,culture,selected,artists,fancy,at war,precious,rebuilding,former,The 12 bronze heads, which _ each animal in the Chinese calendar,,,_ European designs. They _ the palace of Qing emperor in 1760. _, they _ a water clock by pouring out water from each head _,every two hours,.,分别,代表,中国十二生肖的,12,个铜兽首是,依据,欧洲设计风格建造的。他们是于,1760,年,,为,清朝皇帝(乾隆)的宫殿,设计的,。,事实上,,他们被作为水钟 使用,每隔两小时,每个兽首就会,轮流,喷出水。,stood for,were based on,were designed for,As a matter of fact,served,as,in turn,水钟,水钟,Unfortunately, the _ of British and French stole they all by _them _ the human-like body statues when they_ China in 1860. _, those precious relics, which_ China, have,travelled,the world for _ 100 years.,不幸的是,,1860,年,英法联军,军队入侵,中国,他们将这些铜首从其人型底座上,移去,并偷走。,从那时起,,这些,属于,中国的珍贵文物在世界流落了,不少于,百年。,troop,removing,from,invaded,From then on,belonged to,no less than,the state-owned Poly Art Museum of China,(中国保利博物馆),1. 2003,年,中国保利博物馆以,2400,多晚的高价买回了遗失已久的 虎,猴及牛首。,In 2003,,,the state-owned Poly Art Museum of China,spent more than 24 million,yuan,in buying the bronze heads of tiger, monkey as well as ox,2.,毫无疑问,能让中国文物回归,一切可能的方法都是值得的。,There is no doubt that,it is worth bringing,Chinese cultural relics back by all possible means.,How to,persuade,the American to sell the bronze head of swine (pig)?,Why to reason with him!,Tips:,robbed by invaders,a part of Chinese culture,a shared dream, ,The swine (pig) head was bought from a New York collector(,搜藏家,) by Macao businessman,Stanley Ho,for US$900,000. He,donated,it to the state-owned Poly Art Museum.,A year later, he bought and,donated,the bronze head of horse, which is much more expensive than the swine.,(morn than HK$ 60milloin),1. What kind person is Stanley Ho(,何鸿燊,) in your opinion ? How do you think about what he did?,2. How do you think about getting Chinese relics return by buying them? What should we do to protect them well?,useful tips:,1. As far as I am concerned, because,2. In my opinion, ,3. There is a lot we can do ,such as,4. There is no doubt that ,5. I agree/disagree ,6. What I want to say is that,7. As a high school student, I think, ,Homework,Write a shot passage about,what we should do to protect cultural relics,according to your discussion.,(no less than 90words),Thank you,


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