高中英语 Book2 Unit 3 第三单元 reading:who am I课件 新人教版必修

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高中英语 Book2 Unit 3 第三单元 reading:who am I课件 新人教版必修_第1页
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高中英语 Book2 Unit 3 第三单元 reading:who am I课件 新人教版必修_第3页
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,*,Who am I? Frank Li,*,5,9/10/2024,1,Who am I? Frank Li,4,9/10/2024,2,Who am I? Frank Li,3,9/10/2024,3,Who am I? Frank Li,2,9/10/2024,4,Who am I? Frank Li,1,9/10/2024,5,Who am I? Frank Li,What are they ?,Welcome to my class!,First, lets play a game!,Huge computer,9/10/2024,7,Who am I? Frank Li,PC (personal computer),laptop(notebook computer),9/10/2024,8,Who am I? Frank Li,PDA (personal digital assistant),robot,9/10/2024,9,Who am I? Frank Li,Similarity?,Theyre computers in different stages.,Whats next?,9/10/2024,10,Who am I? Frank Li,i- robot (intelligent robot),9/10/2024,11,Who am I? Frank Li,WHO AM I ?,Unit 3 ComputersReading,Unit 3 Computers reading,Just have a fast reading,Find out topic sentences of each paragraph.,Over time I have changed quite a lot.,These changes only became possible as my memory improved.,Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.,9/10/2024,13,Who am I? Frank Li,Lets have a more detailed reading!,Read Para. 1 in 2,mins,and find out the development,histoty,of computers. Ill give you some clues.,9/10/2024,14,Who am I? Frank Li,1936,(1822),1642,1940s,Latter,And latter,a calculating machine, in 1642,an analytical machine, (in 1822), Charles Babbage,a universal machine, in 1936, Alan Turing,a huge computer, as large as a room, in 1940s,a personal computer and a laptop, and used in offices and homes since the 1970s,9/10/2024,15,Who am I? Frank Li,a calculating machine,in 1642,帕斯卡计算器是由,布莱斯,帕斯卡,(,Blaise,Pascal),发明的,帕斯卡计算器可以把一长串数字相加,在他的计算器中有一些互相联锁的齿轮,一个转过十位的齿轮会使另一个齿轮转过一位,人们可以像拨电话号码盘那样,把数字拨进去,计算结果就会出现在另一个窗口中。,9/10/2024,16,Who am I? Frank Li,an analytical machine, (in 1822),分析机是由英国数学家,查尔斯,巴贝奇,设计的一种机械式通用计算机。它的设计逻辑却非常的先进,是大约,100,年后电子通用计算机的先驱。,9/10/2024,17,Who am I? Frank Li,a “universal machine”, in 1936,(not a real machine, but just a mathematical model),9/10/2024,18,Who am I? Frank Li,a huge computer, as large as a room, in the 1940s,尺寸(英尺),3050,电容,(,个,),10000,重量(吨),30,开关,(,个,),6000,真空管,(,个,),18800,耗电(,W,),150000,电阻,(,个,),70000,成本(,1940,年),$,40,万,ENIAC,9/10/2024,19,Who am I? Frank Li,Para. 2,9/10/2024,20,Who am I? Frank Li,technical words,Memory: storage or storage capacity as of a computer, disk, etc.,chip,transistor,tube,9/10/2024,21,Who am I? Frank Li,network,The World Wide Web,9/10/2024,22,Who am I? Frank Li,Para. 2,Read it by yourselves in 1 min and use another minute to put forward a question for your classmates.,9/10/2024,23,Who am I? Frank Li,Show time,Raise your question and win one score for your group!,And of course you can also win one score for your group by answering questions.,One person, one chance!,9/10/2024,24,Who am I? Frank Li,Show time,Well-done!,9/10/2024,25,Who am I? Frank Li,These changes only became possible as my memory improved.,tubes,transistors,small chips,network,World Wide Web,more and more powerful!,9/10/2024,26,Who am I? Frank Li,Para.3,Find some supporting details for the topic sentence.1 minute.,Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.,9/10/2024,27,Who am I? Frank Li,Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.,communications,finance,trade,robots,mobile phones,medical operations,space rockets,exploring the Moon and Mars,Anyhow, my goal is to,provide,humans,with,a life of good quality.,9/10/2024,28,Who am I? Frank Li,Name :,computer,Born : (time)_ (place),_,My real father: _,My size: 1._( in the past),2._(modern),My history: 1. 1642 _machine,2. 1822_machine,3. 1936 _machine,4. 1940s,_,5. 1970s,_,and _,My memory: _,_,_,My applications: _; _;,_; _;,_; _;,_.,Who am I?,1642,France,Alan Turing,huge,smaller and smaller,analytical,calculating,universal,laptop,PC,tubes,transistors,chips,communication,finance,robot,mobile phone,space rocket,medical operation,trade,huge computer,9/10/2024,29,Who am I? Frank Li,Writing skills,personification,(拟人),narrative perspective: first-person narrative,(叙述角度:第一人称角度),chronological order(,时间顺序,),main ideas and supporting details,(主旨,+,支撑细节),9/10/2024,30,Who am I? Frank Li,How do we use computers in daily life?,Computers,B,E,C,D,A,communication,entertainment,information,work and job,commerce/,finance online,9/10/2024,31,Who am I? Frank Li,communication,chatting,sending E-mails,expressing ideas online,making new friends,9/10/2024,32,Who am I? Frank Li,entertainment,playing games,watching movies,listening to music,9/10/2024,33,Who am I? Frank Li,information,reading news,searching for useful information, such as price information, job information and so on,asking questions and seeking for help,9/10/2024,34,Who am I? Frank Li,commerce/finance online,shopping online,transferring accounts,paying all kinds of bills, such as water & electricity fees, cell phone fees and so on,speculating in stocks online,9/10/2024,35,Who am I? Frank Li,work and job,using computers to do jobs,applying for jobs online,doing research,9/10/2024,36,Who am I? Frank Li,Homework,The movie,Wall E,More information about the development of computers.,9/10/2024,37,Who am I? Frank Li,Thank You !,Thank You All!,You and You !,9/10/2024,38,Who am I? Frank Li,


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