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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 4,Whats the best movie theater ?,Section B,Period,4,(1a-,1,e),Who is the most talented person you know? What can he / she do? Tell your partner about this person.,A:,Who is the most talented person ?,B: I think is the most talented,person.,Because he /she can,Free Talk,quiet,loud,funny,good,bad,boring,serious,creative,quiet,est,loud,est,funn,i,est,best,worst,most,boring,most,serious,most,creative,Give the,superlative,forms of the words.,most,boring,most,creative,loud,est,worst,most,serious,quiet,est,best,funn,iest,1a,Write these words and phrases next to their opposites,(反义词),in the chart.,funn,iest,most,creative,quiet,est,best,Negative words,Positive words,A:,Who do you think is the,funniest,person you know?,B:,I think m,y cousin Li Jing is the,funniest,person I know.,1b,Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a.,most boring,most,creative,loud,est,quietest,worst,best,most serious,funniest,talent show,performer,s,Listen to people talking about a school talent show,and answer :,How many,performers,were in the,school talent show,?,A,.,Three performers .,B,. Four performers .,C,.,Five performers .,Listening 1,1c,Listen,again and m,atch the pictures with the performers.,Eliza _,_,Vera _,Steve _,_ Dennis _,The Math Teachers _,d,a,e,c,b,upside down,kept dropping,the balls,Listening 2,1d,Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the,adjectives,you hear.,Names,What people say,Eliza,best,Steve,Vera,Dennis,The Math Teachers,excellent, great,funniest,creative,the most creative,worst, terrible,loudest,Listening 3,1d,Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the,adjectives,you hear.,Names,What people say,Eliza,the,best,Steve,Vera,Dennis,The Math Teachers,excellent, great,the,funniest,creative,the most creative,the,worst, terrible,the,loudest,Listening 3,1e,Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation.,A:,Who was,the best,performer?,B:,Eliza,was,the best,performer.,Names,What people say,Eliza,the,best,Steve,the funniest,Vera,the most creative,Dennis,the worst,The Math Teachers,the loudest,Groupwork,First do,a survey,and then make a report.,Report:,In our group,we think is the best singer in our class because he,/she,can sing fast songs very well,and the most clearly,. We think ,is the fastest runner,in our class because.,Talents(,才华,),in our class,Names,Why,The,best,singer,The fastest runner,The best basketball player,The best English speaker,The most creative writer,Eliza _ Vera _,Steve _ Dennis _,The Math Teachers _,Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers.,a,e,d,b,c,Task 2,1c,1c,Listen,again and m,atch the pictures with the performers.,Eliza _,_,Vera _,Steve _,_ Dennis _,The Math Teachers _,d,a,e,c,b,upside down,kept dropping,the balls,Listening 2,


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