人教版高一必修1 unit2 English around the world[双语报版]

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,策划:学生双语报,*,Module 1,策划,:,学生双语报,制作:广东英语教学,E-classroom,课件创作中心,人教版(,NSEFC,),项目组,人教版,高中英语,1,策划:学生双语报,前 言,2004,年秋国家开始普通高中新课程实验。新课程、新理念、新教材给英语教育发展带来机遇和挑战;新型的自主、合作和探究的学习方式给英语课堂注入生机和活力。英语教学回归生活、回归时代、还语言教学本来面目,正在成为广大英语教师的共识和教学行为。为配合新课程的实施、服务课堂教学,我们组织制作了新课程,高中英语课堂教学课件,,它根据各版别高中英语教材的必修模块而制作,课件内容与教材相对应、与课堂教学整个流程同步。每个单元分别由三大板块构成:,English Song,这一板块提供,1,2,首英文歌曲。歌曲的内容与教学主题密切相关,以,MTV,或自娱自乐的,Karaoke,的形式制作。充分利用此板块资源,以营造英语学习氛围、陶冶情操和激发学习英语的兴趣。,2,策划:学生双语报,English Class,这一板块是用于课堂教学的课件,是,高中英语课堂教学课件,的主体。课件的制作是以必修模块的单元为单位,每单元按,5,6,个课时(,Period,),安排设计。本课件提供的是编写人员的最优化设计,在实际教学中,可依据实际情况进行调整或整合。实际上,我们的教学课件是在经历了一年实践与探索的基础上制作而成的。在课堂教学策划上,我们依据新课程的理念,遵循共鸣、共为、共行和共享的,“,四共,”,原则,努力实践三个教学层面的探索:合作学习、课堂生活化以及引导学生经历问题的解决;突出,“,发现型,”,、,“,探究型,”,、,“,任务型,”,和,“,项目型,”,四种课型的设计与创新,力争为广大教师提供理念先进、教学实用、质量上乘的英语课件教学资源。,Video Data,这一板块从语言文化的层面,剪辑精彩的影像片段,介绍与单元主题相关的背景信息,影像与字幕配合,中英文对照方便教学。用好用足这个板块的资源有助于学生更好地理解该单元的内容,了解不同国家的文化、风土人情,达成开阔视野、学会使用地道得体英语的目的。,3,策划:学生双语报,高中英语课堂教学课件,由,学生双语报,全程策划。,学生双语报,是中国教育学会外语专业委员会会报,是目前英语课改旗帜性的报刊;它以,英语课程标准,为指导,充分体现课改的理念,强调跨文化、跨学科的教学内涵,全方位全流程配合课堂教学。策划本套教学课件资源包,目的是更好地为教师服务、为教学服务。,高中英语课堂教学课件,的设计与制作由广东英语教学,E-classroom,课件创作中心组织实施。参加课件设计与制作的人员主要由一线中、青年英语教师和英语教研员组成,,主编:黄自成,henryhzc,副主编,:,王会玲 、谭华琼和姚康林。高中英语教材各版别教学课件制作项目组的执行主编和编写人员如下:,4,策划:学生双语报,人教版(,NSEFC,),项目组,执行主编:王会玲,gcy325,编写人员:王会玲 李淑芬 聂文彦 傅彩华等,外研版(,NSE,),项目组,执行主编:谭华琼,easyjanet,编写人员:谭华琼王锦霞严志兴等,北师大版(,BNUP,),项目组,执行主编:姚康林,softroy,编写人员:徐燕芳 李雪玲 曾爱芬 虞东霞 卢锦萍等,由于编制的时间仓促,恐有疏漏之处,敬请老师和同学们批评指正。反馈意见可发电子邮件给我们主编和各位执行主编。衷心祝愿我们广大师生在新课程实施中共同发展,共创美好明天。,学生双语报,广东英语教学,E-classroom,课件创作中心,2005,年,7,月,5,策划:学生双语报,Unit 2 English around the world,策划,:,学生双语报,制作:广东英语教学,E-classroom,课件创作中心,人教,版(,NSEFC,),项目组,人教版高中英语模块一,6,策划:学生双语报,English Song,English Class,Language Data,Video Data,7,策划:学生双语报,澳大利亚英语,a,澳大利亚英语,b,澳大利亚人讲解英国英语美国英语和澳大利亚英语的区别,请老师自己选用,8,策划:学生双语报,课时分配,课时,板块结合范例,Periods 12,Warming up and Reading I,Period,3,Learning about language,Period,4,Reading II,Period 5,Listening,Period,6,Speaking and Writing,9,策划:学生双语报,Period 12 Warming up and Reading I,Unit 2 English around the world,Period 1&2:,幻灯片,9-26,页,10,策划:学生双语报,Do you like learning English? Why?,Warming up I ( 1m ),11,策划:学生双语报,1.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken?,Warming up II ( 9m),Read the passage in warming up, and answer the following questions?,12,策划:学生双语报,English Around the World,the,USA,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,South Africa,the United Kingdom,Ireland,13,策划:学生双语报,3.Do you know how many people use English as their native language, second language, or foreign language?,2. Are the English in those countries the same?,14,策划:学生双语报,number of speakers,example countries,working situation,the native language,the foreign language,the second language,375 million,750 million,375 million,USA,Canada,Australia,south Africa, Ireland, New Zealand,China and many other countries,India, Pakistan,Nigeria,Philippines.,government,schools, newspapers,TV,15,策划:学生双语报,Pre-reading I (3m),Watch the video, then tell the difference between the,Englishes,the man speaks and the woman speaks.,(One is in British English, the other one is in American English.),16,策划:学生双语报,British English,American English,&,Pre-reading II ( 5m ),Do you know the differences between American English and British English?,17,策划:学生双语报,British English,American English,spelling,pronunciation,words,colour,color,favourite,favorite,theatre,theater,centre,center,travelled,traveled,metre,meter,ask,dance,wheel,not,box,post,mail,film,movie,shop,store,I think,I guess,18,策划:学生双语报,British English,American English,words,lift (,电梯,),elevator,petrol (,汽油,),gas,flat (,公寓,),apartment,autumn,fall,underground(,地铁,),subway,university(,大学,),college,rubbish(,垃圾,),garbage,dustbin(,垃圾箱,),trash can,holiday,vacation,fortnight(,两星期,),two weeks,19,策划:学生双语报,Reading I ( 3m ),Fast reading:,Read the text and find out the answers to the questions of Ex. 1 on page 10.,20,策划:学生双语报,1. Read the text and try to find the main idea of each paragraph. (Work in pairs),Reading II ( 10m ),Pair work:,2. Check the answers.,Ask some students to tell their answers, after giving the answers, they should also tell how they find the answers, then give the suggested answer.,21,策划:学生双语报,Paragraph 1: describes the extension of English in the world.,Paragraph 2: tells us native speakers can understand each other but not everything.,Paragraph 3: tells the development of English as native language.,Paragraph 4: tells us English is spoken as a foreign or second,language in many countries.,22,策划:学生双语报,Reading III ( 5m ),Group work:,What can you learn from this passage?(discuss in group of four, then ask the students to show their ideas.),The aim of this step is to help the students realize the importance of English.,23,策划:学生双语报,Post-reading ( 5m ),1. Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn, why?,2. Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?,3. Will Chinese English become one of the World English?,(Students give their own answers.),24,策划:学生双语报,Language points for Reading I,25,策划:学生双语报,Assignment,1. Try to remember the English meaning of the new words in Reading I.,2. Prepare for the next class.,3. Finish the exercises on WB.,26,策划:学生双语报,Take a break!,27,策划:学生双语报,Period 3 Learning about language,Unit 2 English around the world,Period 3:,幻灯片,27-48,页,28,策划:学生双语报,Revision ( 3m ),Match:,(,Reivew,the new words),e up,2.culture,3.actually,4.present,evidence of intellectual development of (arts, science,etc.) in human society.,reach;close to,Being in the place in question;existing now.,In actual fact;really,29,策划:学生双语报,E,. for example,F.,govern;have authority (over).,G.,who,sb,is; what,sth,is,H.,way of using,sth,; treatment.,5.rule,6.usage,7.identity,8.such as,30,策划:学生双语报,Checking answer I (1m),Answer keys for Ex.1 on Page 11:,1 C,2D,3E,4F,5A,6B,7J,8G,9I,10H,31,策划:学生双语报,Database,Database,Database,It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a,_,_,. This is,_,because the,_,and usage are different in different parts of the English speaking world. If you say “flat instead of “_, people in America will not think you speak good English. If you use the word,_,instead of “lift in Britain, they will look at you a little strangely! It seems you cannot win!,Checking answer II (2m),Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page11:,native English,speaker,actually,vocabulary,apartment,elevator,32,策划:学生双语报,Checking answer III (2m),Answer keys for Ex. 3 on page 11:,includes,cultures,present,Actually,usage,6. gas,7. international,8. Rapidly,9. However,10. government,33,策划:学生双语报,Learning useful structure I ( 2m ),Say the following sentences to three students:,S1: Open the window.,S2: Pass on the book to your,deskmate,.,S3: Will you please close the door.,Then ask:,What is the difference among the sentences I spoke to them just now?,Help the students understand what is a command or a request.,34,策划:学生双语报,Learning useful structure II ( 2m ),Make clear the difference between commands and requests and finish the following exercises:,Go and collect the wood right now.,Could you go and get the shopping bags, please?,Shut the door at once.,Go and get my coat.,Would you please get that book for me?,(C),(R),(C),(C),(R),35,策划:学生双语报,Learning useful structure III ( 2m ),Find the rules:,Ask the students to finish the following exercises, and try to find the rules.,“Make sure the door is open.” the teacher said to me.,The teacher told me to make sure the door is open.,“Dont play games in the classroom.” the monitor said to us.,The monitor told us not to play games in the classroom.,“Will you please not smoke here?” she added.,She asked me not to smoke here.,36,策划:学生双语报,Learning useful structure IV (10 m ),Rules and practice of direct and indirect speech,当直接引语为祈使句时,转换为间接引语要用一个带动词不定式的简单句表示:,37,策划:学生双语报,祈使句,直引:主语,+,动词,+“,祈使句”,间引:主语,+,动词,+to Verb,e,g,The teacher said to me, “Come in .”,The teacher told me to go in,。,John said to me , “Please shut the window,。”,John asked me to shut the window,。,The teacher said to me, “ Dont be late again.”,- The teacher advised me not to be late again.,38,策划:学生双语报,特别提醒,1.,祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式。,2.,谓语动词要做一定变化。,表示命令,用,tell,,,order,,,command,等。,表示请求,用,ask,,,beg,,,request,等。,表示忠告,用,advise,。,39,策划:学生双语报,Open the window,.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,Miss,Hu,told * to,open the window.,Will you please,open the window?,Miss,Hu,asked * to,open the window.,told,to,asked,to,Dont open,the window.,Miss,Hu,told * not,to open the window.,not,40,策划:学生双语报,“Write a letter to your parents.”,“Dont play games in the classroom.”,“Can you pass on the book to Tom?”,“Will you please not smoke here?”,The teacher told me to write a letter .,The teacher ordered me not to play games,.,The teacher asked me to pass on ,The teacher asked me not to smoke there.,Try to do this:,41,策划:学生双语报,“It is a fine day. Lets go to the country,for a picnic.” Peter said to me.,Peter said that it was a fine day and,asked me to go to the country for a,picnic with him.,Peter told me that it was a fine,day and let us go to the country,for a picnic.,42,策划:学生双语报,感叹句,直引:主语,+,动词,+“,感叹句”,间引:主语,+,动词,+,陈述句,e.g. He said, “ what a fine day it is !”,He said , “ How fine the day is !”,He said what a fine day it was . He said how fine the day was . He exclaimed that it was a fine day.,43,策划:学生双语报,特别提醒,1.,间接感叹句的动词应该是,cry,或,exclaim,。,2.,可以仍用,what,,,how,等词,语序不变,也可以用,that,从句,把动词,say,改为,cry,,,shout,,,exclaim,等。,44,策划:学生双语报,1.He said to Tom, “Dont do the work any more.”,He told Tom not to do the work any more,.,Practice,2.Mrs. Green said, “Please sing us a song, Miss White.”,3. “Be quiet, children.” said Mrs. Wilson.,Mrs. Green asked Miss White to sing them a song,.,Mrs. Wilson told the children to be quiet,.,4. All the people cried, “What magnificent clothes,these are!”,All the people cried what magnificent clothes these were.,45,策划:学生双语报,高考链接:,We wont give up _ we should fail 10 times.,( 1993,年上海 ),A. even if B. since C. whether D. until,2. I dont have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?( 2000,年上海),- _ .,A. Thats fine B. Nothing serious,C. Never mind D. No problem,3. - Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?,- _ .(2000,上海),A. Id rather you didnt, actually,B. Of course not, its not allowed here,C. Great! I love pets D. No, you cant,46,策划:学生双语报,4. The teacher asked us _ so much noise.(2003,年北京),A. dont make B. not make,C. not making D. not to make,5. Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.,(NMET2001),A. will request B. request,C. are requesting D. are requested,47,策划:学生双语报,Assignment,1. Try to remember the rules of direct and indirect speech.,2. Finish the exercises on WB.,3. Prepare for the next class.,48,策划:学生双语报,Take a break!,49,策划:学生双语报,Period 4 Reading II,Unit 2 English around the world,Period 4:,幻灯片,49-70,页,50,策划:学生双语报,?,Warming up I ( 3m ),How many dialects are there in China ?,51,策划:学生双语报,dialects family in China,北方方言,吴语,闽南语,客家话,湘语,赣语,粤语,Chinese,52,策划:学生双语报,dialects in,Guangdong province,粤方言,客方言,闽方言,代表地区,梅州,地区,广州代表,代表地区,潮汕地区,53,策划:学生双语报,Warming up II ( 2m ),Do you think there are some dialects in English?,54,策划:学生双语报,English dialects in different countries,Britain,The U.S.A,Canada,Australia,India,New Zealand,55,策划:学生双语报,Reading I (1m ),Fast reading:,Read the text on page 13 for 1 minute and answer the following question.,Is there standard English?,56,策划:学生双语报,Reading II ( 5m ),Detailed Reading,Read the text for 3 minutes and answer the following question.,1.,How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text?,2.Why do people from both Northeastern and Southeastern of U.S. speak with almost the same dialect? And what kind of dialect is it?,3.Why are there so many dialect in American English?,57,策划:学生双语报,1.How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text?,midwestern, southern, African American, Spanish,58,策划:学生双语报,2.Why do people from both Northeastern and Southeastern of U.S. speak with almost the same dialect?,Because when Americans moved from one place to anther, they took their dialects with them.,59,策划:学生双语报,3.Why are there so many dialect in American English?,Thats because people come from all over the world. And geography plays a part in making dialects.,60,策划:学生双语报,Reading III ( 10m ) Reading Task on page 52,Read the passage on Page 51 & 52, then fill in the following form:,Country,Education,Job,Most important task,Who worked on it?,Date of completion,Other information,a,61,策划:学生双语报,Country,Education,Job,Most important task,Who worked on it?,Date of completion,Other information,Scotland,62,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Most important task,Who worked on it?,Date of completion,Other information,63,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Work in a bank, teacher.,Most important task,Who worked on it?,Date of completion,Other information,64,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Work in a bank, teacher.,Most important task,Its difficulties: the biggest dictionary, work in a place where it is too hot or cold, work alone at first, only used pen and paper. Qualities needed: hard work, interest in the job, patience.,Who worked on it?,Date of completion,Other information,65,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Work in a bank, teacher.,Most important task,Its difficulties: the biggest dictionary, work in a place where it is too hot or cold, work alone at first, only used pen and paper. Qualities needed: hard work, interest in the job, patience.,Who worked on it?,Murray, his two daughters and other editors.,Date of completion,Other information,66,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Work in a bank, teacher.,Most important task,Its difficulties: the biggest dictionary, work in a place where it is too hot or cold, work alone at first, only used pen and paper. Qualities needed: hard work, interest in the job, patience.,Who worked on it?,Murray, his two daughters and other editors.,Date of completion,1982,Other information,67,策划:学生双语报,Country,Scotland,Education,Village school then taught himself.,Job,Work in a bank, teacher.,Most important task,Its difficulties: the biggest dictionary, work in a place where it is too hot or cold, work alone at first, only used pen and paper. Qualities needed: hard work, interest in the job, patience.,Who worked on it?,Murray, his two daughters and other editors.,Date of completion,1982,Other information,Ideas for this dictionary from a meeting in Britain in 1857. Begin to do it in 1895. Hoped to finish it in ten years.,68,策划:学生双语报,Language points for Reading II,69,策划:学生双语报,Assignment,Review all the new words and expressions.,Finish the exercises on the exercise books.,3. Prepare for the next class.,70,策划:学生双语报,Take a break!,71,策划:学生双语报,Period 5 Listening,Unit 2 English around the world,Period 5:,幻灯片,71-79,页,72,策划:学生双语报,Ask some students to tell the words that are different in American English & British English,Revision ( 2m ),73,策划:学生双语报,Listening I ( 5m ),Ex. 5 on Page 12.,Listen to these dialogues. Find the British and American words which are different but have the same meaning.,Dialogue 1: candy-sweets,Dialogue 2: truck-lorry,Dialogue 3: fall-autumn,74,策划:学生双语报,Listening II ( 13m ),Listening on Page 14.,1. Listen to the tape for the first time and try your best to get the main idea of what is talking.,2. Listen to the tape for the second time, pay attention to the exercise of page 14. Try your best to find out the answers to these questions.,75,策划:学生双语报,Answer keys for the exercises on page 14,He believes its almost a different country from the US. The listening text tells us it is so.,The boys thought that the catfish was almost the size of a house.,He thought the catfish would eat him.,They laughed because Lester believed the catfish would hurt him.,Jane is the second speaker, Bufords teacher. She is from Britain.,She says “Hello”.,76,策划:学生双语报,Listening III ( 10m ),Listening Task on Page 51.,1. Ask the students to tell the names of the countries where English is spoken,.,2. Finish the listening task.,( Students give their own answers after listening.),77,策划:学生双语报,Conclusion for listening skills (10m),After each step of listening, ask the students who did best to tell how he / she did it, other students can have a discussion or ask him / her some questions.Everyone should try his best to find a good way for himself to improve his listening ability.,78,策划:学生双语报,Assignment,1. Finish the listening task on English Weekly.,2. Make a conclusion of the skills learned in this class.,79,策划:学生双语报,Take a break!,80,策划:学生双语报,Period 6 Speaking and writing,Unit 2 English around the world,Period 6:,幻灯片,80-99,页,81,策划:学生双语报,Speaking I (5m ),Make a dialogue,There are three situations. Please make dialogues using commands or requests with your partner. You are encouraged to imagine interesting dialogues.,82,策划:学生双语报,Situation 1,You need to ask someone to close the door but you cannot do it yourself. There are many people in the room but you cannot tell who are important and who are not. so how do you do it politely?,83,策划:学生双语报,Situation 2,You are standing in the middle of a train carriage and you need to leave. You must not push your way to the door, so how do you do it politely?,84,策划:学生双语报,Situation 3,A bear is about to approach a boy. What do you say to him to make sure that he wont be hurt?,85,策划:学生双语报,Pre-speaking for speaking II ( 3m ),Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),86,策划:学生双语报,Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,87,策划:学生双语报,Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,left,left-hand side,88,策划:学生双语报,Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,left,left-hand side,keep going straight,go straight on,89,策划:学生双语报,Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,left,left-hand side,keep going straight,go straight on,two blocks,two streets,90,策划:学生双语报,Read the dialogue on page 15 and find out the different British and American English words.,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,left,left-hand side,keep going straight,go straight on,two blocks,two streets,right,right-hand side,91,策划:学生双语报,Amy (American),Lady (British),subway,underground,left,left-hand side,keep going straight,go straight on,two blocks,two streets,right,right-hand site,movie,film,bar,pub,the first floor,ground floor,92,策划:学生双语报,Speaking II ( 8m ),G,roup work,Form a group in three , and make a dialogue ac


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