英语Unit 3《Let’s celebrate》Reading课件(译林牛津七年级上)

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,牛津初中英语,7A Unit 3 Let,s celebrate!,Do you like Chinese New Year?,How many different festivals do you know in China or in the world?,the Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival,元宵节,April Fool,s Day,愚人节,April,1,the Dragon Boat Festival,龙舟节,Children,s Day,中秋节,the Mid-Autumn Festival,Thanksgiving Day,感恩节,the Lantern Festival,April Fool,s Day,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival,Halloween,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,Women,s Day,May Day,Mother,s Day,Fathers Day,National Day,the Spring Festival,Teachers,Day,Children,s Day,Getting ready for,Reading,From,Wendy,To,Millie,Task 1 Listen & mark,celebrate,vi.,庆祝,special,adj.,特别的,特殊的,trick or treat,不招待就使坏,knock,vi.,敲;击打,play a trick on,耍弄,捉弄,dress up,装扮成,costume,n.,服装,mask,n.,面具;面罩,pumpkin lantern,南瓜灯笼,sharp,adj.,尖的;锋利的,万圣节前夜,孩子们可以挨家挨户索要糖果,如果得不到就威胁耍恶作剧,1.,People in the USA _ Halloween every year.,2.,He often wears traditional Chinese _ for the party.,3.,You can make a _ out of a pumpkin.,4.,Our monitor often _ as Father Christmas at the party.,celebrate,costume,lantern,dresses up,Complete the following sentences,5.,Be careful. The cat has _ teeth.,6.,Wendy wears a _ costume at Halloween.,7.,You should _ the door if you want somebody to open it.,8.,Don,t _ that small boy.,sharp,special,play a trick on,knock on,Complete the following sentences,Task 2 Reading & Questions, Paragraph 1 & 2,1.,What is Wendy,s favourite festival?,2.,When do people usually have a special party for Halloween?,3.,What game do children play for Halloween?,4.,How to play the game,trick or treat,?,knock, shout, give, not give, play,Halloween.,On October 31st.,Trick or treat, Paragraph 3 & 4,1.,What costume will Wendy wear for Halloween this year?,2.,What do Wendy and her friends make for Halloween?,3.,How do they make special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween?,Reading & Questions,A tiger costume.,Pumpkin lanterns.,cut out, eyes, nose & sharp teeth, Paragraph 5,When do Wendy,s family have a party?,What do people usually eat at a party for Halloween?,Reading & Questions,On the evening of October 31st.,a lot of special Halloween chocolates and candies, hot drinks and hot food,Task 3 Main idea,Paragraph,1,2,3,4,5,Heading,Halloween parties,Dressing up,When is Halloween?,Pumpkin lanterns,Trick or treat,How many activities do people usually have at Halloween?,Four.,play,trick or treat,wear special costumes,make pumpkin lanterns,have a party,1.,People in the USA also celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.,2.,People usually have a party on October 30th to celebrate Halloween.,3.,Wendy often plays,trick or treat,at Halloween.,4.,If people don,t give a treat, they can play a trick on them.,Task 4 True or False,T,F,F,T,True or False,5.,Wendy and her friends always paint their faces at Halloween.,6.,This year, Wendy will wear a tiger costume at Halloween.,7.,People in the USA make lanterns out of oranges.,8.,People eat special Halloween chocolates and candies on that day.,F,T,F,T,Task 5 Cloze,Halloween is on _. People in the West _ it. People celebrate Halloween in many ways. Children wear special _ and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called _. They knock on their neighbours,doors and shout _.,October 31st,celebrate,costumes,trick or treat,trick or treat,Their neighbours usually give them a _ of some candy. If the children do not get any candy, they can play a _ on the neighbour.,Some people also make _ out of big orange _. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put _ in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.,Cloze,treat,trick,lanterns,pumpkins,candles,Task 6 Talking about Halloween,play,trick or treat, knock, shout, give, treat, give, trick,dress up, wear, costumes, masks, paint, tiger coustume,pumpkin lanterns, cut out, eyes, nose, teeth, candles,have a party, Oct. 31st, starts, eat, chocolates, candies, drinks, food,Homework,1.,Look for more information about Halloween in the library or on the Internet.,2.,Make a post card about Halloween.,Thats all. Thank you!,


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