八年级新目标英语UNIT 5 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY 第一课时市优质课课件(共25页)

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八年级新目标英语UNIT 5 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY 第一课时市优质课课件(共25页)_第1页
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八年级新目标英语UNIT 5 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY 第一课时市优质课课件(共25页)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,swim,play basketball,a cake,a birthday party,A: Can you come to my birthday party?,B:,Sure, Id love to.,Work in pairs,A: Can you come to my birthday party?,B: Sure, Id love to.,surf the Internet,A: Can you come to my birthday party?,B: Sorry, I cant. I,have to,have a piano,lesson,/,les,n,/,(=class),A: Can you come to my birthday party?,B: Sorry, I cant. I,have a piano lesson,.,Work in pairs,A: Can you come to my birthday party?,B: Sorry, I cant. I ,自由操练 可参考图片,1a,d,a,c,e,Listen and write the names,(,Tim,Ted,Kay, Anna,and,Wilson,),next to the correct students in the picture.,Ted,25,Listen and write the names,(,Tim,Ted,Kay, Anna,and,Wilson,),next to the correct students in the picture.,Tim,Kay,Anna,Wilson,Ted,25,选择任意图片完成对话,.,A: Can you come to my party?,B: Sure, Id love to .,C: Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.,D: Im sorry ,too. I have to,1C,You cant come to the party. Why?,Oh, I have to,Game,比一比,看谁反应快,!,I,m going to the doctor,.,I have to go to the doctor.,A: Can you come to my party?,B: Sorry, I cant.,I,m,v-ing,Work in pairs,go to the movies,go to the doctor,1.Jeff can /cant come to the party.,2. Mary can/cant come to the party.,3. May can/cant come to the party.,4. Claudia can/cant come to the party.,5.Paul can/cant come to the party.,2a. Listen and Circle “can ” or “cant”,Listening practice,26,2b Number the reasons 1-3,why,people,cant,go to the party,Listening practice,2,3,1,26,A: Can you,go to the concert,with me?,B: Sorry, I cant. I have to,A: Thats too bad. Maybe,another,time.(=next time),B: Sure. Thanks for,asking,.,/,n,(r,),/,/k,ns,rt,/,:,concert,A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time,(下次),.,B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking.,A: Hey, Dave, can you go to the movies on Saturday?,B: Im sorry, I cant. I have too much homework this weekend.,activities,go to the concert,go fishing,play soccer,reasons,have to study for a test,have to help my mom,have to visit my aunt,用下列词组替换:,2c Pairwork,A: Hey, Dave, Can you on Saturday?,B: Im sorry, I cant. I this weekend.,1. Ask your friends to come to your birthday party. Find out who can come, who cant come. Then fill in the chart.,A: Hi, , can you come to my birthday party on Saturday?,B: Im sorry, I cant. I have to help my mom this weekend.,C: Sure, Id love to.,D: Sorry, I cant. I am doing my homework.,Name,Can/Cant,Why,B,cant,help my mom,C,can,D,cant,do my homework,A survey, would love to come to my party. cant come to my party. He has to And cant come to my party. She is,v-ing,Report,2.Write a report and give it to the class.,Today we have learnt how to say “yes” or “no” to someones invitation and give a reason.,1) Can you ?,常用于发出邀请,.,在口语也用,would you like to ? Could you ?,2) Sure , Id love to .,这是对邀请的肯定回答,表示接受邀请,.Sure,用于口语,相当于,Certainly, yes.,3) Sorry, I cant.,是对,邀请的否定回答。,Have to “,不得不,必须”,三单用,has to .,Summary and homework,have a piano lesson Can you come to my party?,another time Sure, Id love to.,go to the concert Sorry, I cant. I have to/ Im,v-ing,.,Thanks for asking.,Unit 5 Can you come to my party?,Homework: invite your friends to come to your party. Make a conversation.,Goodbye!,


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