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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 8,Protecting our environment,Contents,ReadingListeningLanguageSpeakingWriting,If I plant this seed in the ground, will it become a pear tree, Hi?,Yes.,Thats strange. Its an apple seed.,Reading,Do you think that we have a beautiful world now?,the sea,the forest,air pollution,industrial pollution,smog = smoke + fog,water pollution,water pollution,environment pollution,noise pollution,Are trees important to us?,A What do you know about,Brain storming:,Trees are very important in our daily life. What can we get from trees?,use-,eat-,drink-,wear-,A What do you know about,Brain storming:,Trees are very important in our daily life. What can we get from trees?,use-,eat-,drink-,wear-,pencils, chopsticks, tables, chairs, paper,fruit, nuts,tea(leaves,),coffee(beans,),flowers,shoes(rubber,),Before you read the interview on the next page, try this quiz about trees.,A B,a mice i 70 years,b,pine trees,ii 150 years,c tortoises iii 40100 years,d dolphins iv 1,200 years,e people v 2 years,1 How long do they live? Match the items on the left with the,average ages,on the right.,2 Pollution means making things dirty and unhealthy. Which type of pollution do trees help,fight,?,A air pollution,B noise pollution,C water pollution,D all of the above,2 Pollution means making things dirty and unhealthy. Which type of pollution do trees help,fight,?,Air pollution:,The leaves of trees remove dangerous chemicals and dirt from the air and produce oxygen.,2 Pollution means making things dirty and unhealthy. Which type of pollution do trees help,fight,?,Water pollution:,Trees around reservoirs help keep the water clean by removing dust and dirt from the air, and their roots prevent the soil from being washed into the water.,2 Pollution means making things dirty and unhealthy. Which type of pollution do trees help,fight,?,Noise pollution:,Trees reduce noise from vehicles.,3 Which of the following come from trees?,a apple,b beans,c cotton,d oil,e tea,f rubber,4 The best-known plants in Shenzhen are,azaleas,. These sweet-smelling flowers are known as the flowers of Shenzhen city. Which picture shows azaleas?,banana trees,palm trees,azaleas,B look and think,Before you read the interview, look at the title, introduction and pictures. Then say whether the following sentences are T or F.,1 The pollution fighters are probably scientists.,2 Few useful products come from trees.,3 Trees produce harmful gases.,4 Trees can pass information to one another.,F,F,F,T,I.,英汉互译,:,关于污染的课题,采访某人,3.,对,感兴趣,4.,在地球上,5.,对,有用,6.,在,尾部,7.,喜欢呼吸纯净空气,8.,因为某事感谢某人,a project on pollution,be interested in,on Earth,be useful for,the end of,interview,sb,.,thank,sb,. for,sth,.,enjoy breathing fresh air,I.,英汉互译,:,9.,使得,凉爽,10.,例如,11.,昆虫,12.,袭击,/,攻击某人,13.,警告某人,14.,保护自己,15.,尝起来很难吃,16.,和某人交流,17.,处于危险中,cool the air,insect,attack,sb,.,warn,sb,.,protect oneself,for example,be in (great) danger,taste bad,communicate with,sb,.,I.,英汉互译,:,18.,把根连在一起,19.,砍下,20.,毁灭,21.,抵抗污染,cut down,destroy,fight against pollution,join the roots together,C1 Find these words in the interview on page 17, read the words around them, choose the best meanings.,1.,collecting,a. picking someone up,b. bringing things together,c. buying,C Find the meanings,2.,join,a. take park in,b. put away,c. make two or more thing together,3.,communicating with,attacking,b. sending messages to,c. joining,4.,in danger,a. not dangerous,b. safe,c. not safe,5.,burn,a. save,b. damage something by fire,c. make warm,6.,destroying,protecting,b. helping,c. damaging badly,7.,against,a.for,b saying no to,c.saying,yes to,C Find the meanings,A B,project a talking to someone and asking them questions,interviewing b say that something bad or dangerous may happen,breathing c a careful study of a subject by school or student,nature d a life-giving gas found in air,warn e taking in air,a chemical f something produced by or used in chemistry,cut down g cut something to make it fall down,C2 Find the words in Column A in the interview and match them with the meanings in Column B.,Fill in the blanks with correct words.,The old man is so weak. He can _stand.,I must _you not to go out. There is a storm coming.,This country has few _ resources.,The farmer used a _ to kill the insects in their fields.,hardly,warn,natural,chemical,Fill in the blanks with correct words.,7. These days we can _with pen-friends by e-mails.,8. The TV progr,a,m _ a famous film director about his latest film.,9. The water in the stream was not polluted. It was _.,10. He forgot to turn off the air conditioner, so it was _ all night.,communicate,interviewed,pure,running,D Find the facts,These are some of the notes that Judy made from her interview with Doctor Ray. However, she made four mistakes. Read through the interview and correct Judys mistakes.,Trees:,1 Live much longer than people;,2 produce wood, rubber, paper, etc;,3 heat the air;,4 can,t clean the air;,5 are like air conditioners;,6 cannot protect themselves against insects;,7 can share food and water with one another;,8 are in danger, mainly from insects.,heat-cool,can,t-can,people/ humans,cant-can,E Read and think,Rita is asking May questions about trees. May is giving Yes or No answers .Read Ritas questions and complete Mays answers with one or more words.,E Read and think,1 We get many useful things from trees,don,t we?,Yes.,Two examples are,wood and rubber.,2 Trees do two main things,to the air,Is that true,?,Yes.,They,cool it and clean it.,3 One tree has the power of,15 air conditioners. Is that right?,No.,One,tree has the power of,five air conditioners.,E Read and think,4 Do scientists know a lot about trees?,No.,They are,only now beginning,to understand them.,5 Can trees communicate with,one another?,Yes.,For example, if insects,attack a tree,it can warn its,neighbours,.,6 And can they protect themselves,from insects?,Yes.,They can produce,a chemical to,make their leaves taste nasty.,E Read and think,7 Can trees help one another?,Yes.,For example, they can,join their,roots together underground and pass,food and water around.,8 Every year, there are fewer and fewer trees in the world. Is that true?,Yes.,People,cut down millions of trees, but replace hardly any of them.,Listening,A quiz about numbers,Completing a notice,Rita is,taking part in,a tree-planting campaign. She is writing a,poster,(海报,),to attract people to join. Judy is helping her. Listen to them talking, and complete the poster by putting one word in each blank.,参加,Completing a notice,Eight reasons for helping to plant trees:,1 Trees make streets more _.,2 Trees make streets less _.,3 Trees make our air _.,4 Trees make our air _.,5 Trees make _ to keep us alive and _.,6 Trees provide us with _ things like _ and _.,7 Trees help us fight _.,8 Trees are in _.,beautiful,noisy,purer,cooler,oxygen,healthy,useful,fruit,paper,pollution,danger,Tapescript,J:Hi, Rita. What are you doing?,R:Hi, Judy. I,m just writing a,poster,about tree-planting.,J:Oh, that,s interesting. Can I help you?,R:Yes, please! why we should plant trees. Can you give me some ideas?,J:Well, trees are very beautiful.,R:Yes,. They make our streets more beautiful.,J:And,they help to reduce the noise on our streets.,Tapescript,R:That,s,true. Trees make our streets less noisy. What else?,J:Well, they help make the air purer.,R:Good,. Number3. Trees make our air purer.,J:And,they make it cooler, too.,R:Right,. Trees make our air cooler.,J:And,don,t forget- that trees makes oxygen. We need that to,breathe,!,R:That,s,a good point,. Number 5. Trees make oxygen to keep us alive and healthy.,J:And,we get things from trees,don,t we?,Tapescript,R: You mean like fruit?,J: Yes, and paper.,R: Right. Trees,produce useful things,like fruit and paper.,J: And they help us,fight pollution,.,R: That,s important. Trees help us fight pollution. Anything else?,J: Well, people cut down so many trees.,R: Yes. Trees are in danger. There , that,s eight reasons. Thanks for your help, Judy.,J: You,re welcome.,Language,现在进行时:表示现在正在发生的事情,构成:,be +,动词的现在分词,肯定句:,I am reading.,否定句:,He is not working.,一般疑问句:,Are they planting trees?,Yes, they are./No, they arent,特殊疑问句:,What are you doing now?,A1 Work in pairs. S1 is Bob and S2 is,Ada,.,Ada,is,on holiday,with friends. Bob is phoning her and asking her what all their friends are doing.,Ada,is telling him.,dive fish play sunbathe eat,hang-glide,practise,windsurf,S1: What is Ted doing?,S2: Hes playing volleyball with Carol.,For example:,dive fish play sunbathe eat,hang-glide,practise,windsurf,For example:,Pair work 2,S1: Is Ted playing volleyball?,S2: Yes, he is.,No, he isnt. Hes_.,有一些动词是不用于现在进行时中的,它们用一般现在时表示现在进行的动作。,For example:,hear contain,hate smell,believe love,belong think(=believe),see mean,like taste,know understand,听,包含,憎恨,闻,相信,热爱,属于,相信,认为,看,意思是,喜欢,品尝,知道,理解,明白,For example:,S1 : Alan is singing.(,现在进行时),S2 : I know. I hear him.,(一般现在时),Exercises:,Mary is whistling.(,吹口哨,),I _. I _ her.,2. Tom is dancing.,I _. I _him.,3. Dinner is ready.,(准备好了),I _. I _ it.,know,hear,know,see,know,smell,Theres sugar in your tea.,I _. I _ it.,5. Youre not eating any nuts.,I _. I _ them.,Youre eating a lot of chocolates.,I _. I _ them.,7. Youre playing that CD a lot.,I _. I _ it.,know,taste,know,hate,know,like,know,love,Danny: The doorbell _.,May: I _. I _ it .,May: Your dinner is on the table.,Danny: I _. I _ it. It _ good.,Danny: These cars _ to me.,Rita: I _ you.,is ringing,know,hear,know,see,smells,belong,dont believe,4 Rita:,I_her,.,What_?,May: I _ that she _ Be quiet!,5 Rita: Look! The baby _.,May: Yes, she _ that youre her friend.,6. Danny: Why is your case so heavy?,May: It _ books.,dont understand,does she mean,think,means,is smiling,knows,contains,反意疑问句,(tag question),又叫附加疑问句,是在陈述句后,对陈述句所叙述的事提出的疑问。,其基本结构有两种,:,一 “肯定陈述句,+,简略否定问句”;,二 “否定陈述句,+,简略肯定问句”。,反意疑问句的前后两部分在,时态,人称和数上,都要保持一致。,It looks like rain, doesnt it?,He doesnt need to work so late, does he?,1 The boy is Japanese, _he?,2 The book isnt interesting, _ it?,3 He knows a lot about English names, _ he?,4 The girl doesnt like apples, _ she?,5 There are two birds in the tree, _ there?,6The man came to China last month, _ he?,isnt,is,doesnt,does,arent,didnt,完成下列反意疑问句,1.,陈述部分的主语是,this, that,时,疑问部分的主语多用,it,;,陈述部分的主语是,these, those,时,疑问部分的主语多用,they,。,This is a dictionary, isnt,it,?,Those are shelves, arent,they?,2.,陈述部分是,there be,结构的,疑问部分用,there,省略主语代词。,There is something wrong with your watch,isnt there?,There will not be any trouble,will there?,3.,陈述句中含有,not, no, hardly, neither, never, nothing, no one, nobody, few, little, seldom, tooto,等否定词或具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如:,Few people knew the news, did they?,Tom has never been to England, has he?,4.,如果陈述句的主语是,something, nothing, anything, everything,等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用,it,。,5.,如果主语是,lm,,后反意部分用,arent l.,l m late , arent l?,7 Youre a farmer, _ _?,8 The weather isnt fine, _ _?,9 Kate came here last month, _ _?,10 I dont think Tom is at home, _ _?,11 There werent enough nuts, _ _?,12 Theres a pen in the pencil-box, _ _?,13 The man had bread for lunch, _ _?,14 Mary can speak little English , _ _?,15 Nothing is wrong with the watch, _ _?,完成下列反意疑问句,arent you,is it,didnt she,is he,were there,isnt there,didnt he,can she,is it,You are from Hong Kong, _?,Youve done your homework, _?,Jane can speak four languages, _?,They didnt work all night,_?,He has never seen such a wonderful film,_?,Bob seldom goes to the cinema, _?,Few people knew her, _?,Speak louder, _?,It cost 15 dollars, _?,Lets go for a walk ,_?,arent you,havent you,cant she,did they,has he,does he,did they,will you,didnt it,shall we,完成下列反意疑问句,Attention:,1.,简短问句的否定形式,要用缩写形式,不能出现,not,,主语要用人称代词不能用名词,.,Her mother is a doctor , isnt she?,There is a book on the desk, isnt there?,2.,对反意疑问句的回答,是根据事实,而不是根据问题的提法。,He isnt a doctor, is he ? (,他不是医生,是吗?,),Yes, he is . (,不,他是医生。,),No, he isnt.,(是的,他不是医生。),11. It will clear up, _?,12. Everybody had a good time at the party, _?,13. Miss White had lunch at 12 oclock, _?,14. We cant cross the street when the red light,is on,_?,15. There is nobody in the classroom, _?,16. Its good for you to do some sports, _?,17. Let us watch TV for a while, _?,18. He can have another try, _?,wont it,didnt they,didnt she,can we,is there,isnt it,will you,cant he,19,.,Hes,an English teacher, _?,2,0,. Dont be late next time,_?,21,. Let us,go out to play, _?,22,. He never goes there, _?,23.Lets finish some sentences, _?,24.Martin is bad at fishing, _?,25.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard,_?,26.The sick man is allowed to take a walk in the,garden every day, _?,27.You havent changed your mind, _?,28.Your fathers gone to Guangzhou, _?,isnt he,will you,will you,does he,shall we,isnt he,could he,isnt he,have you,hasnt he,B Debbie and Simon have taken their seats at the lecture and are waiting for it to start. The,usher,(引导员,门房),speaks to them. Read the conversation below and on page 103, and put in suitable question tags. The first is done as an example.,U: Can you show me your tickets, please?,D: But you,ve already seen them once,haven,t you?,U: But I,m asking to see them again,aren,t I,?,D: My friend has them. Simon, show the usher,our tickets,will you,?,U: Mm. I,m afraid these tickets are,for tomorrow.,D: Oh, you,re not going to tell us to leave,are you,?,U: I,m afraid so. These people have tickets,for today.,D: They wouldn,t like to change tickets with us,would they?,U: I,m afraid not.,D: Then we,ll have to leave,won,t we?,U: That,s right, but you can come back,tomorrow,can,t you?,D: No. Tomorrow,s Tuesday,isn,t it?,Every Tuesday Simon and I go to choir practice,don,t we, Simon?,S: That,s right. It wouldn,t be possible for us to get,our money back,would it,?,U: I,ll see what I can do. Let,s go to the office,shall we,?,S:I thought you didn,t make silly mistakes, Debbie. Well, you made one over the tickets,didn,t you,?,有一些动词可以接两个宾语:,直接宾语和间接宾语,间接宾语 直接宾语,My friend sent me an e-mail.,The mother bought her son a teddy bear.,Can you hand me your book?,注意,:直接宾语一般是物,间接宾语一般是人。,如果把间接宾语放于直接宾语之后,间接宾,前需要加上,to,或,for,,,意思不变!,My friend sent me an e-mail.,My friend sent an e-mail,to,me.,请思考, 哪些动词后用,to,?,哪些动词后用,for,?,跟,to,的词:,give , hand(,把,递给,), lend(,借给,), read, report,(报告), sell, send, show, take, teach, tell, write,等。,跟,for,的词:,cook, buy, get,(得到), keep,(保留), leave,(离开), make,(做), order,(预定,订购), pick,(挑选), save,(节省)等。(,P27,),e.g. I,hand,the math book,to,my classmate.,Can you,cook,a wonderful meal,for,me?,B1.,根据所给的词填空,并加上,to,或,for,。,DAD,Could you please (1)._ todays newspaper(2)_me, Judy,?(,pass,),JUDY,Look, Dad! It has some news about how a man prevented a stream in his village from becoming polluted.,Ill (3)._ it (4)_ you. (read),DAD,OK. What does it say?,read,to,T o,pass,JUDY,Let me see. The man built a house near the stream and lived there. The local government (5)_ him money. It meant he did it for a living . He (6)_ everything (7)_ the government. The government would send an official to deal with problems when necessary(give, report),DAD,Thanks, Judy. Can you (8)_ me the newspaper and(9)_ a bottle of orange juice (10)_ me from the fridge? (pass, get),give,report,to,pass,get,for,Paraphrase:,2. My parents buy me a digital camera.,My parents buy a digital camera for me.,3. I am going to show the pictures to the whole class.,I am going to show the whole class the pictures.,4. I am planning to give both good and bad examples to our classmates.,I am planning to give our classmates both good and bad examples.,5. I am going to sing a song to everyone.,I am going to sing everyone a song.,6. I will pass the lyrics to the class .,I will pass the class the lyrics.,7.I will teach the meaning of the song to them.,I will teach them the meaning of the song.,8. I will bake a pie for you.,I will bake you a pie.,9. Im telling you the truth.,Im telling the truth to you.,Speaking,A Talk time /,i/,/i,:/,A1 Say these words.,a sh,i,p a h,i,ll a b,i,n to l,i,ve,a sh,ee,p a h,ee,l a b,ea,n to l,ea,ve,sh,i,p sh,ee,p,h,i,ll h,ee,l,b,i,n b,ea,n,l,i,ve l,ea,ve,A Talk time /,i/,/i,:/,A2 Say these sentences.,I plant,e,d thr,ee,tr,ee,s.,They b,i,t m,e,and b,ea,t m,e,.,Th,e,se shoes don,t f,i,t my f,ee,t.,Th,i,s,i,s a sh,ee,p and that,i,s a sh,i,p.,I don,t want to l,ea,ve the place where I l,i,ve.,A Talk time /,i/,/i,:/,A2 Say this dialogue.,RITA What do you want from the,supermarket, Lily?,LILY Get me some meat and peas, please, some fish and chips, and some Indian tea.,RITA Meat, peas, fish, chips and Indian tea. Right, I,ll be back in a minute.,Writing,The Housing Estate Administration has just built a new sitting-out area near your home. Last week, the workers finished it. Write a short article about this for your school newspaper, using the pictures and the outline below.,Near my home, there is a,new sitting-out area.,Some workers finished it last week. I watched them from my flat.,First,the workers arrived in a lorry,. On the back of the lorry there,were some trees and bushes,. The workers,dug holes in the ground,. Second, they,planted the trees in the holes,. Next, they brought some large containers. They,put earth in the containers,. Then they,planted bushes in the containers.,Next, they,picked up all the rubbish,and,swept the area neatly,. After that, they,watered the plants with a hose,. Then the area was finished. Now it looks,very beautiful,.,Lets learn,1. pollute v. - pollution n.,污染,The air,was polluted by,factory smoke.,空气被工厂冒的烟污染了。,People in big cities have to fight against,different kinds of pollution,.,大城市的居民不得不与各种各样的污染斗争。,2. On / about,a class project,on,pollution,关于污染的课题,This is a book,on,


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